Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 431 Emphasis on love and righteousness!

But just a few breaths after Wu Qiujun opened his eyes, Xu Wenchuan let out a long breath of foul air and opened his eyes.The color of surprise in his eyes was stronger than Wu Qiujun's!

"Yao Ting, is this Lei Beng Jue an immortal spell? Why did a trace of new true energy generate in my Yuan Mansion after practicing it? On the contrary, the original qi in my body showed faint signs of being assimilated. What's going on here?"

As soon as Xu Wenchuan opened his eyes, he couldn't wait to ask.And this is exactly where the confusion in Wu Qiujun's heart lies, his eyes are the same as Xu Wenchuan's, looking at Wan Dong eagerly, expecting him to answer his questions.

Wan Dong glanced back at Duan Lengyan, put his finger on his lips, and made a silent gesture, indicating to the elders that they would wait for Duan Lengyan to wake up from the trance.

When Wan Dong said this, Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun had to endure it for a while no matter how curious they were.If it disturbs Duan Lengyan, it will be very bad.

Duan Lengyan's comprehension is even higher than that of Wu Qiujun, but her realm is too low compared to the two elders, and her cultivation base is also shallow, so it takes longer to enter meditation for the first time than the two elders.However, shallow cultivation also has its advantages, which later made Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun very envious!

About half a cup of tea later, Duan Lengyan's palms closed suddenly, and the dense energy hovering above her head immediately lost its restraint, dissipated quickly, and returned to the space between heaven and earth !

"Master, I... I feel like I've changed into a different person, and my whole body is extremely light!"

As soon as Duan Lengyan opened her eyes, she couldn't wait, and shouted loudly full of excitement.

It is not necessary for Duan Lengyan to say, everyone has eyes, and they are all sharp-eyed, so how can they not see the changes in Duan Lengyan?

how to say?If you use reborn, it would be a bit exaggerated.However, this samadhi did add to Duan Lengyan's ethereal, ethereal, hazy aura. At first glance, she looks like an angel who has fallen into the mortal world, and she is even more beautiful!

"Yao Ting, why do I feel that Leng Yan's progress is even higher than ours?" Wu Qiujun asked Wan Dong curiously.

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head, Duan Lengyan's change in temperament was indeed greater than that of Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun, but Duan Lengyan's progress may not be greater than theirs.

Wu Qiujun, Xu Wenchuan, and Duan Lengyan are different from Wan Dong.When Wan Dong first practiced Xuantian Enlightenment Art, because of Tang Xinyi's relationship, Xu Yaoting's cultivation was completely abolished, and he no longer had even a trace of true energy.All the essence of heaven and earth that was introduced into Wan Dong's body by the Xuantian Enlightenment Art, under the operation of the Divine Art, was transformed into Dao Qi.

But Wu Qiujun and the others are different. Not only do they have true energy in their bodies, but they are also very vigorous.Under such circumstances, Lei Beng Jue introduced the essence of heaven and earth into their bodies, and at the same time it transformed into Dao Qi, it added another task, which was to continuously temper the true energy in their bodies. The true qi in their bodies will eventually be transformed into dao qi, which will naturally consume a considerable part, or even most of the essence of heaven and earth.This is why, after Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan entered the samadhi, the Dao Qi in the body only produced such a subtle trace, which is very limited!

However, Duan Lengyan took advantage of this aspect.The true qi in her body is far less vigorous than Xu Wu's, which also means that the essence of heaven and earth pouring into her body consumes less, and in turn converts more into dao qi.This made Duan Lengyan's temperament change far greater than that of Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan!

But this cheapness is only temporary.Once the True Qi in Xu Wu's body is completely transformed into Dao Qi, then to them, it will be like unsealing a huge fortune, making Duan Lengyan only hopeful and sigh.However, this requires a process, and it will not be too short.

Wan Dong once had a lot of trouble thinking about how to transform true qi into dao qi, but he didn't expect that this process was so natural that he didn't need to bother at all.For Wan Dong, this was definitely a surprise.This means that before entering the Dao Sect Great World, Wan Dong was able to create a force capable of fighting in the Dao Sect Great World!

Of course, the mundane small world is no better than the Daoist big world, the essence of heaven and earth is thin, and it lacks the best natural materials and treasures. It is not enough to rely on these superior magic formulas.However, we have to find a way slowly, there is no rush.

"Grandpa, Uncle Martial, have your cultivations reached the peak of the Ninth Layer?" Wan Dong asked, looking at the two with a smile.

Wu Qiujun couldn't help being a little proud, and said with a smile, "Yao Ting, your eyes are so poisonous that you can see right down to your bones. That's right, the peak of the Nine Layers! I think with this magic formula, it won't be long before you can reach perfection Realm!"

The same goes for Xu Wenchuan, who nodded heavily, full of confidence!

"Leng Yan, you should have reached the level of the seventh-level middle-level by now, right?"

Duan Lengyan's original cultivation base was only the middle level of the sixth level, but now she has crossed the peak level of the sixth level, the elementary level of the seventh level, and reached the intermediate level of the seventh level in one breath, a real triple jump.Duan Lengyan had obviously never experienced such a terrifying rapid improvement, her pretty face was flushed with excitement.

Both Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan looked overjoyed and satisfied, but Wan Dong frowned.This improvement was still slower than he expected.

His best idea is that Wu Qiujun can directly advance to the Consummation Realm. You must know that the Nine Layer Peak sounds scary, but it is only comparable to Jin Xidao.As for the master and the second master of the Jin family, it is rumored that they have all reached the realm of consummation.In front of them, the Ninth Layer Peak was a bit thin.

As for Duan Lengyan, it is best to reach the eighth level of true qi.Because only at the eighth level of true qi can one be regarded as a master, at least there is a lot more room for escape.

It's just that haste makes waste in cultivation, and Wan Dong couldn't help it no matter how anxious he was.

Seeing Wan Dong's frown, Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan are both smart people, so they can naturally guess what he is thinking.

Both the master and the apprentice were very moved. It is really rare to have a friend who really cares about you these days.

Wu Qiujun smiled and said, "Yaoting, you don't have to worry about us. Although the Jin family is very powerful, our master and apprentice are not vegetarians. My Tianbao Pavilion is full of talents, and Leng Yan is even more precious as a princess. If you really want to harm us, you have to weigh it. Besides, as long as the two old things of the Jin family don't take action, we won't be in great danger!"

"What Master said is true! And this Thunder Beng Jue is so miraculous, I think Master will be able to consummate it in a short time. As long as we get through this most difficult period, we will be able to feel proud!"

Fearing that Wan Dong could not let go of his worries, Wu Qiujun, Duan Lengyan and his apprentice took turns to relieve Wan Dong.

The more relaxed the tone of the master and apprentice, the more dignified Wan Dong's mood became.I'm afraid that all of this may not develop as they said.You know, fate tricks people!

"After going back this time, you must keep a low profile and endure. At least until the uncle's promotion is complete, you should not act rashly. Even if you suffer some grievances, it is better than losing your life. As long as you are still there, you don't have to worry about not being able to make a comeback! But if people If it's gone, then it's really over."

Seeing Wan Dong's earnest expression, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, Yao Ting, you treat your uncle as a child! Do you need to tell me these things? Whether it's your uncle or Leng Yan , those are all scheming people, they know what to do!"

It's not that Wan Dong didn't understand what Xu Wenchuan said, but he just couldn't let it go and wanted to give some advice.But this is also the embodiment of Wan Dong's emphasis on love and righteousness.

A strong person like Wu Qiujun couldn't help being moved at this moment, his eyes were slightly moist.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe I'm rambling. But Master, Leng Yan, if you are really in danger in the Tie Zhan Dynasty, you must send someone to deliver a letter to me! At that time, even if the world falls apart, I will definitely I will save you from trouble!"

"Okay! Yao Ting, with you... with your words, my master and apprentice are enough!" Wu Qiujun's voice was a little choked at this moment.

Duan Lengyan couldn't help but sobbed softly.

"What's the matter? It's alright, why did you start crying?" Ning Shan who was on the side hurriedly embraced Duan Lengyan in her arms, comforting her softly.

Although Xu Wenchuan didn't make a sound, he was also pleased and contented to have such a loving grandson!

Under Ning Shan's comfort, it took a while for them to calm down.Because Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun decided to leave the next day.Taking advantage of the time, Wan Dong asked the master and apprentice to perform the Lei Beng Jue again.First, let their cultivation continue to improve. Second, if the two have any questions, Wan Dong can still answer them if they have any questions. Mountains and rivers are difficult.

Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan naturally understood that under Wan Dong's urging, they fell into meditation for the second time!

This time, Xu Wenchuan did not go into samadhi with them, but acted as a guardian.The remaining day is very important to Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan, there is no room for loss!

"What a rich heaven and earth essence!"

Not long after Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan settled down, a soft exclamation mixed with the sound of footsteps sounded from behind Xu Wenchuan.

Xu Wenchuan hurriedly looked back vigilantly, seeing that it was Leng Shuangrong, Leng Yuecui, and Leng Yongsi's grandfather and grandson, he relaxed a little.

However, in order not to disturb Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan by the grandparents and grandchildren, Xu Wenchuan hastily walked up to them.

The faces of the grandparents and grandchildren of the Leng family were full of shock at this time, and Leng Shuangrong was the most among them.Those who are ignorant are fearless, those who know much are always worried!It is precisely because Leng Shuangrong's cultivation base and realm are much higher than those of the Leng family sisters, so she can better understand what the two bucket-like spirits of heaven and earth above the heads of Wu Qiujun's master and apprentice mean, and how rare they are. Naturally, I was even more shocked...

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