"Don't lose Lei Bengjue? Kid, are you trying to make me happy?" Leng Shuangrong asked with her eyes wide open.

It's no wonder she had such a reaction. Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan looked at each other, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

Only those who have personally practiced the Lei Beng Jue know more about the mystery and value of the Lei Beng Jue.Even if one gets one of such heart formulas, it is already a great blessing. Who would dare to think otherwise, who would have the nerve to think otherwise?

"Yao Ting, this kind of thing is not a joke! You must know that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment." Xu Wenchuan's expression was serious.In front of Leng Shuangrong, he couldn't speak too bluntly.If Wan Dong gave Leng Shuangrong too much hope and failed to realize it, it would not only disappoint Leng Shuangrong, but also leave an indelible shadow in her heart forever.This is really terrifying for a martial artist.It must be known that inner demons are the number one taboo for martial practitioners!

In the face of everyone's doubts, Wan Dong did not defend himself. In the current situation, the only thing to do is to speak with facts!

Smiling slightly, Wan Dong's hands and ten fingers suddenly jumped up. At first glance, it seemed that he was playing a silent piece of music. The ten fingers moved according to the rhythm, fluttering like butterflies in the flowers. At the same time, it was dazzling. A very special and mysterious aura, continuously released from it, immediately fascinated everyone.

At first, Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan had some doubts about Wan Dong's words, but at this moment, all doubts disappeared, and there was only a shock in their hearts, which kept gushing out.

Perhaps it was because of the practice of Lei Beng Jue and Dao Qi, Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan's feelings were much sharper than before.You don't need to look too much, just take a look or two, and you can be sure that Wan Dong is not exaggerating. The formula he is using is definitely a level of existence of Lei Beng Jue!

Could it be that this extremely superior formula is really as Wan Dong said, there are more than ten million?

In the blink of an eye, Wan Dong's hands and ten fingers completed more than ten 'knot seals'.At this moment, bursts of thunder suddenly came from midair, which startled everyone.Looking up with a bit of bewilderment, everyone immediately froze.

I don't know when, a large cloud has gathered in the sky.At a glance, it looks like clouds, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that it is the essence of heaven and earth that is so dense that it gathers together.When Wan Dong slapped a strange fingerprint into the air, it was like thunder stirring the fire on the ground, and the clouds of essence energy suddenly spun and galloped rapidly, and the essence energy of heaven and earth poured down like a torrential rain. In the blink of an eye, Wan Dong was completely wrapped in the 'Rain Curtain', and traces of heaven and earth essence flowed into Wan Dong's body at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye. Qi Guangzhu, even worse than that!

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned! Until Wan Dong received the formula and all the gathered energy of heaven and earth dispersed, everyone still couldn't regain their senses for a long time.

"This... this method is really not inferior to Lei Bengjue!" After a long while, Wu Qiujun was the first to wake up and exclaimed.

There is no need for Wu Qiujun to say more, there is not a single blind person present, how can they not see it?Leng Shuangrong, in particular, looked at Wan Dong with eagerness and longing, and asked in a trembling voice, "Yao Ting, what is the name of this technique?"

Wan Dong smiled, and spit out the three words "Consonance Seal!"

"Consonance Seal?" Leng Shuangrong muttered, recalling in her heart the scene when she cast the Consonance Seal just now, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this Consonance Seal was really just as Wan Dong said, it was tailor-made for her.

"Yao Ting, why don't you just teach us the seal of consonance!" Wu Qiujun finally couldn't hold back, and said with a blushing face.

Wan Dong shook his head, and said, "Uncle, you must know that you can't eat too much! Moreover, Lei Beng Jue and Lingxi Seal belong to two completely different mental methods. If you practice at the same time, they will only cancel each other out, which is not good!"

Wu Qiujun is not a great god of Xuantian, if he wants to practice Lei Beng Jue and Lingxi Seal at the same time, he can only end up with nothing in the end.

When Wan Dong said this, Wu Qiujun's face became even redder, and he said with a sneer, "Hey! It's true that I'm greedy. But in the face of this superior heart formula, how many people in the world can't be tempted?"

Duan Lengyan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Yes, master, just now my uncle was not tempted."

Xu Wenchuan let out a wry smile after hearing this, and said, "I'm not a god, how can I not be tempted? It's just that Qiu Jun took a step ahead, hehe..."

After all, he is King Dingshan, open and aboveboard, with a magnanimous mind, even if it is embarrassing, he will never hide it, it is really admirable!

When Xu Wenchuan said this, Wu Qiujun was relieved, he was no longer so embarrassed, and his expression was much calmer.

"I'm not satisfied with the Lei Beng Jue, I still want my Lingxi Seal, beware of being struck by lightning!" Leng Shuangrong shouted with dissatisfaction.

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun looked at each other and smiled. It seems that this Dzogchen powerhouse is not very disciplined!Wherever it went, the seal of consonance became hers.

"Yao Ting, since this seal of consonance is prepared for our grandchildren, don't be dumbfounded, and teach us quickly!" Leng Shuangrong was originally impatient, and now she was even more impatient.

"Now?" Wan Dong looked at the already dark sky, frowning slightly.

"Ah! It's now, what's the matter?" Leng Shuangrong asked in confusion.

Wan Dong gave a wry smile before speaking, Ning Shan walked over and stuck between Leng Shuangrong and Wan Dong, saying, "Grandma Leng, everyone hasn't eaten all day, and they should be hungry too. I think it's better to eat first." Let's eat."

Even though Ning Shan was gentle by nature, she couldn't help complaining at this moment.When she greeted everyone for dinner at noon, no one responded to her, and it was still the same at night, she couldn't stop talking.All of you are delighted to see Liexin, and you have the superior formula, so you don't have to eat, but her precious son has to eat.Bai pointed out to you, not letting you eat, where in the world is there such a reason?

It didn't matter whether Leng Shuangrong was happy or not, after saying this, Ning Shan took Wan Dong and left, and her own child had to be hurt by herself!

This Ning Shan has no temper, but the more temperless a person is, the more terrifying she will be if she gets serious.Even Xu Wenchuan couldn't say anything more, and said to everyone with a smile, "Ning Shan is right, people are like iron and rice are like steel, everyone should eat first!"

Leng Shuangrong must not be in the mood to eat right now, but after thinking about it, what Ning Shan said really makes sense.Even though her heart felt like a hundred claws were scratching her heart, she could only endure it for the time being.

A meal is tasteless, and everyone's interest is generally not high.But Ning Shan doesn't care about that much, as long as her precious son eats well and eats well, that's enough!

After dinner, seeing that Ning Shan's face looked much better, Leng Shuangrong clung to Wan Dong again.It's hard to imagine that such an old man, an old woman, is so obsessed with martial arts.

Duan Lengyan will leave the Qingyun Empire tomorrow and return to the Tie Zhan Dynasty. Wan Dong originally wanted to use this night to chat with her more carefully and give her some advice, but she really couldn't bear to refute Leng Shuangrong's face, so she had to give up .

Wan Dong was somewhat regretful, but Duan Lengyan's face was full of resentment.Especially the look she gave Wan Dong when she returned to the room made Wan Dong feel a little distressed.

Duan Lengyan and Leng Yuecui, besides Mu Lian, these are the two women who attracted Wan Dong the most.Although Wan Dong has been restraining his feelings, he finds more and more that such restraint seems more and more difficult.

It wasn't until Dongfang Fangxiao, Leng Shuangrong, Leng Yuecui, and Leng Yongsi took advantage of the most intense heaven and earth energy in the early morning to concentrate on running the Lingxi Seal that Wan Dong finally escaped.

Hurriedly came to Duan Lengyan's room, but found that the room was empty.

Looking at the empty room, smelling the faint fragrance of virginity left in the air, Wan Dong's heart felt as if a hole had been shot through by an arrow, full of pain of loss!

"Hey! You are a step late, Leng Yan and your uncle have already left." Xu Wenchuan appeared behind Wan Dong with a sigh.

"Oh..." Wan Dong wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter a single word, as if his throat was blocked by something.

"You obviously like Leng Yan, but you are always stubborn and unwilling to admit it, and even more obstructed in every possible way, unwilling to let her come to your heart. You seem to have built a dam in your heart, guarding against any woman. As your Grandpa, I don't know why you did this, and I can't help you, I feel guilty!"

Xu Wenchuan's face is full of guilt and frustration. It seems that this matter has troubled him for a long time.

"Grandpa, don't say that, this has nothing to do with you, it's my own problem." Wan Dong said hastily.

Xu Wenchuan sighed again, took out a snow-white silk handkerchief from his bosom, handed it to Wan Dong, and said, "Leng Yan entrusted me to give it to you before she left, take a look!"

Wan Dong took the silk scarf over, and wisps of fragrance penetrated into his heart through the tip of his nose.Caressing Sipa is like stroking Duan Lengyan's flawless white cheeks, soft and warm.

Unfolding the silk handkerchief, a poem was embroidered thinly with gold thread in the middle, the handwriting was beautiful and beautiful, it was written by Duan Lengyan at first glance.

"Falling flowers are like a dream, and the musk smoke is faint. It's evening return and sneaked down to the west of the small building. I'm so worried, I'm thin, who knows? I'm teaching the jade cage parrot to read Lang's poems."

Reading each word carefully, Wan Dong's eyes slowly condensed into a cloud of water vapor, and in the center of the water vapor, a beautiful shadow of Duan Lengyan's hibiscus appeared vaguely, gradually drifting away, and finally disappeared into the sky the end.

"Hey! Leng Yan, this girl, has a deep affection for you. The poem she left behind can be said to be like tears! Yao Ting, as a person who has experienced it, Grandpa has to remind you, don't wait until you lose it. Only then did I know how to cherish it, at that time, it would be too late!"

Patting Wan Dong on the shoulder, Xu Wenchuan walked away slowly.Wan Dong was left alone, standing under the peach blossoms, holding a fragrant silk handkerchief in his hand, slowly becoming infatuated.

"Lian'er, tell me, what should I do?" After a long time, Wan Dong suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky, and cried out in a low voice, tears streaming down his face...

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