The only thing in the world is emotion, which hurts and hurts!Even though Wan Dong has great wisdom, he can't escape from it for a while.Standing under the peach blossom tree, smelling the fragrance of the peach blossoms, Wan Dong's face is sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes sad and lonely, sometimes feeling ashamed, what a idiot...

Xu Wenchuan didn't go far away, he stood in the corner and watched quietly, his eyes and brows were full of pity and helplessness.Since ancient times, when a hero is sad and emotional, whether he can overcome this hurdle depends only on Wan Dong himself, and no one else can help him.

After thinking for a long time, Wan Dong only came up with four words—let nature take its course!It sounds a bit self-deceiving, but this is the best way Wan Dong can think of right now.

After breakfast, Leng Shuangrong, Leng Yuecui, and Leng Yongsi's grandfather and grandson couldn't wait to practice Lingxiyin again.Wan Dong originally wanted to warn them that haste makes waste, but after thinking about it, Leng Shuangrong is an expert in cultivation, and he understands this truth better than him, so it seems that he doesn't need to repeat it.So they let them go, and Wan Dong just took the opportunity to go to Liu's house!

Not only did he want to pass the 'Huo Zu Jue' to the Liu family, Wan Dong was also thinking about the weapons of the [-] guards of the Xu family.Wan Dong had a vague feeling that at this moment, the Yunzhong City was full of wind and rain, and maybe the ten thousand guards would soon face a big battle. How could they do without weapons?

Although the Qinglong gang is very powerful, they cannot privately forge weapons after all. The weapons used by the [-] guards are of various types. If they fight alone, there may be no problem. Seriously affect combat power.

Wan Dong wants to build these 1 people into an invincible force, so naturally he must keep improving!

Liu Yunxi said at the beginning that the door of the Liu family is always open to Wan Dong.This statement is indeed true, as soon as Wan Dong came to the gate of Liu's residence, the two sentry posts in charge of guarding immediately recognized him at a glance, and did not go in to report, and immediately retreated respectfully to both sides to get out of the way .

This Liu family is worthy of being a sword-making family, with profound heritage and majestic grandeur, even if it is just the furnishings and buildings in the mansion, it is already awe-inspiring.Compared with it, Dingshan Prince's Mansion looks much shabby.This is also impossible.Up to Xu Wenchuan, down to Xu Tianlong, they all uphold themselves with integrity, relying only on the little salary of the imperial court every year, it is naturally stretched.But the Liu family is different, they are honest craftsmen!The forged weapons are not only in short supply in the Qingyun Empire, but even the entire Dongxuan Continent is desperate for it.It's really making money every day, rich as an enemy!

"Boss?" Wan Dong, led by the servants of the Liu family, was about to walk to Liu Yunxi's study when he ran into Liu Ke'er.

Liu Ke'er was also influenced by Huyue, Wu Yang and the others, and treated Wan Dong as the boss.It's not very elegant, but it's really kind.

Wan Dong retreated for ten days, but Liu Ke'er didn't know that he had left the retreat, and seeing Wan Dong at her own home again, her face was full of surprise.

Wan Dong saw Liu Ke'er, smiled slightly, then straightened his face, feigned anger and said, "You are not at the station, assisting Yangde Cao in training soldiers and horses, what are you doing here? If you leave your post without authorization, I will punish you severely!"

Liu Ke'er was not afraid of Wan Dong's questioning, so she giggled and said, "Could it be that the boss wants to use me to gain power? If so, then you will be disappointed! I came back this time with a mission and a mission. It’s not AWOL!”


Liu Ke'er didn't hide anything, and said with a smile, "Yangde asked me to come back, and asked my grandfather to make ten thousand ring-shoulders with thin blades, thick backs and thin fronts, and equip the entire army!"

After hearing this, Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, but Wang Yangde walked in front of him.But this is also within common sense, seeing the power of 'going forward', it is natural for Wang Yangde to order the whole army to abandon swords and use knives.

Smiling, Wan Dong asked, "Did Grandpa Liu agree?"

Liu Ke'er's smile was so bright, and her brows were full of pride, she said, "Of course! My grandpa has no reason for my grandpa's refusal to go out with this lady? Hee hee... Boss, I have made such a great contribution, what should you do?" Reward me? You must know that when leading an army to rule an army, rewards and punishments should be clearly defined, and it is not acceptable to have punishments without rewards."

Wan Dong was in a good mood, he let out a burst of laughter, and said, "It's simple, I will reward you with Wang Yangde!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Who...who cares about that broken ass, I don't want it!" Liu Ke'er blushed hotly, spit a few times, rolled her eyes, and said repeatedly.

It is said that this woman is the most involuntary, and she has to listen to what she says, this is really true!

"Hahaha... honored guest, honored guest!"

When Liu Ke'er was in embarrassment, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded. Wan Dong looked back and saw Liu Yunxi personally leading Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin, two brothers, walking quickly with smiles on their faces.

Liu Yunxi is a senior, Wan Dong didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly went up to meet him, paid his respects and greeted Liu Yunxi.

"This junior interrupts you so rashly, please don't blame Grandpa Liu."

Liu Yunxi waved his hands again and again, saying, "What did Yao Ting say? We are looking forward to your coming! Hahaha..."

If someone who doesn't know what's going on, they might be shocked to see Liu Yunxi say such a thing.You know, even Xu Wenchuan might not be worthy of Liu Yunxi's enthusiasm.

Inviting Wan Dong to sit in the study, Liu Yunxi ordered Liu Fanwei to personally drink the tea that he had treasured for many years, and then returned to the subject, saying, "Yao Ting, you came today for the ten thousand ring-shoulders, right? It's nothing , Ke’er has already told me that the two dogs and I will arrange the casting separately tomorrow. I guarantee that it will be complete within three days, and the quality will be absolutely top-notch, I guarantee your satisfaction!”

Seeing Liu Yunxi's confident appearance, Wan Dong couldn't help but sigh in his heart.This Liu family is really capable.A total of [-] ring-shou knives of high quality can be cast within three days.Looking at the entire Dongxuan Continent, I am afraid that there is no other family that can be so capable.

Wan Dong immediately expressed his gratitude and said, "In this way, Grandpa Liu and the two uncles will be troubled."

"Hahaha... some small things, nothing to worry about! But..." Liu Yunxi hesitated, and seemed to be embarrassed.

Wan Dong was the most considerate, he understood immediately when he saw the situation, smiled, and said, "Actually, this junior came here today not only to make knives, but also to fulfill his promise."

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Liu Yunxi quickly stood up from the grand master's chair, and Liu Fanwei was not calm enough, and accidentally knocked over the teacup in his hand.Although Liu Fanxin didn't move, his body was obviously trembling non-stop, and his face quickly turned red, and the color of surprise was beyond words.

"Yao Ting, what do you mean..." Liu Yunxi's excited lips trembled so much that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Wan Dong nodded heavily, and said with a smile, "This junior retreated for ten days, and he was lucky enough to realize a secret art, which may help Grandpa Liu reach the realm of forging a sword with qi!"

Wan Dong's words made him blush somewhat.But saying this, the advantage is that it can save a lot of explanations.

"Follow me!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Liu Yunxi suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Wan Dong's wrist, and walked quickly to the back hall without any explanation.

There is no need for Liu Yunxi to remind, brothers Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin immediately ordered people to enter the back hall, and strictly ordered no one to enter the back hall without their summons.Then, together with Liu Ke'er, they hurriedly followed the back hall of the Liu Mansion.

After confirming that there were no walls around the ears, Liu Yunxi bowed deeply to Wan Dong with a serious expression.

Wan Dong was taken aback. He couldn't afford such courtesy, so he hurriedly helped Liu Yunxi up, and said repeatedly, "Grandpa Liu, you are going to break the younger generation's birthday!"

Liu Yunxi shook his head vigorously, and said in a voice full of excitement: "Yao Ting, you are wrong, I am not only thanking you on behalf of myself, but also on behalf of the ancestors of my Liu family!"

The Liu family has forged swords all year round and worked with fire. Over time, they have the same temperament as fire, strong and upright, open and upright!Passing on to them the heart method of Huo Zu Jue would not disgrace Xuantian Damingshen.

Without further ado, Wan Dong immediately used the Huo Zu Jue.Flame-like rays of light rose from Wan Dong's body and gradually enveloped him. Slowly, Wan Dong almost turned into a burning man, constantly exuding a scorching hot breath, which almost made him feel sick. People dare not approach.

Forging a sword, the most inseparable thing is fire.The Liu family's understanding of fire is more than simple familiarity.But when the rays of light that seemed to be fire but not fire rose from Wan Dong's body, they immediately overturned the Liu family's entire understanding of fire.

Including Liu Yunxi, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked!

When the flame-like light enveloped Wan Dong, the world began to change.There were bursts of thunder in the air, resounding in all directions, and countless heaven and earth energy gathered here.It's just that the gathered heaven and earth energy seems to be different, showing a flame-like orange-yellow and dark red. At first glance, the sky seems to be on fire!

The wonderful thing about this fire tactic is that when it is used, it will only arouse the essence of the fire attribute in the world, pick them out, gather them in one place, and absorb them specially.In this way, the Dao Qi formed will be extremely pure, stronger than ordinary Dao Qi.Naturally, the improvement of this kind of cultivation method will also be slower.But for the Liu family who focus on making swords, this flaw is completely fine!

Such a strange scene made Liu Yunxi, who had been dealing with Huo all his life, couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement, and his straight body like pine and cypress was trembling constantly.

Brothers Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin, let alone brothers, were already foolish at this time, and they didn't know where they were.

On the contrary, Liu Ke'er can still maintain a bit of composure, but it's mostly because of getting used to it!

"Yao Ting, this... this mental technique is so magical and domineering, what's its name?" Liu Yunxi finally came to his senses after a long time, held Wan Dong's hand tightly, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Fire tactic!"

"What a fire tactic! With such heavenly fire, why worry about not being able to forge a magic weapon?" Liu Yunxi muttered to himself while pacing back and forth excitedly.

After walking around for a few rounds, Liu Yunxi suddenly bowed deeply to Wan Dong again...

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