Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 435: Rare Talents for Running the Army!

It is said that there are many people who are polite, but it is really not a pleasant experience to see a white-haired old man bowing and saluting to himself continuously.Wan Dong smiled wryly, feeling a little helpless.

Seeing the power of the Huo Zu Jue, Liu Yunxi could no longer be calm, and impatiently asked Wan Dong to teach him and his two sons the Huo Zu Jue.Wan Dong naturally had no objection, but Liu Ke'er also clamored to learn, but Wan Dong couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Liu Ke'er felt aggrieved, hugged Wan Dong's arm, and begged, "Boss, you won't be so black-hearted, won't you teach me?"

Seeing Liu Ke'er hugging Wan Dong and acting coquettishly, Liu Yunxi was very worried that he would offend Wan Dong, and immediately opened his mouth and said, "Ke'er, don't mess around! I think Yao Ting must have his reasons for doing this!"

"What's the point? He's partial, it's not fair!" Liu Ke'er pouted, not listening to Liu Yunxi at all.

Liu Yunxi smiled bitterly at Wan Dong, and said, "I have spoiled this girl, Yao Ting, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Wan Dong smiled, and said to Liu Ke'er, "This Huowu Jue is good, but it's too domineering and fierce! Moreover, fire belongs to Yang, and the Dao Qi gained from practicing Huo Ju Jue is even more yang. Feminine physiques are in direct opposition! If you want to become a thick-armed, hairy female man, then I will teach you this fire tactic!"

"What!?" After listening to Wan Dong's explanation, Liu Ke'er's almond eyes immediately widened.

Which woman in the world does not love beauty?Especially a beauty like Liu Ke'er, who is originally as beautiful as a flower, is extremely concerned about her appearance.No matter how good the Huowu tactic is, if she is asked to give up her beauty at the price, she will never do it.

One moment Liu Ke'er was still thirsty for the Huowu Jue, but the next moment she was as fearful as a tiger, and waved her slender hands and said, "Then I don't want to learn it anymore, don't learn it anymore."

"Hahaha..." Seeing Liu Ke'er's cute and nervous face, Liu Yunxi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Liu Yunxi smiling so happily, it was obvious that he did not entrust Liu Ke'er with the Liu family's great sword-making career.A woman is not very suitable for the job of making swords!In the future, Liu Ke'er might become a well-known sword master!

Although Liu Ke'er had given up the idea of ​​practicing Huo Zu Jue, it was obvious that she felt a little lonely in her heart.After all, such a superior mental method as Huo Zu Jue is definitely something you can't come across, and it would be a pity for anyone to miss it.

Wan Dong taught Liu Yunxi, Liu Fanwei and Liu Fanxin the formulas of the Huoju Jue word by word, and also taught Xuantian Daming God together with his own perception and understanding.With Wan Dong's careful teaching, the three of Liu's family, father and son, have become attached to fire all their lives, with no distractions, and with all their concentration, it is not difficult to master the Huowu formula.

However, they still have a long way to go in order to reach the realm of 'casting swords with air'.But no matter what, today is definitely a special and epoch-making day for the Liu family.Even the sword-making history of the entire Dongxuan Continent has to be written down today.

The three of Liu Yunxi, father and son, were all focused on the Huoju Jue, and at noon, they even forgot about arranging Wan Dong's meal.But with Wu Qiujun, Leng Shuangrong and the others' lessons learned from the past, Wan Dong has already gotten used to it.

The Liu family father and son were asked to practice by themselves, and Wan Dong and Liu Ke'er left the Liu family together.

"Why, you don't seem very happy." Walking on the road, Wan Dong glanced at Liu Ke'er, who was silent and depressed, and asked with a smile.

Liu Ke'er sighed before saying anything, and said depressedly, "Can you be happy? Such a good mentality, but you can't practice it. Thinking about it, I feel aggrieved!"

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "There's nothing to be aggrieved about, you should know that it's a blessing in disguise!"

As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Liu Ke'er seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "You mean..."

"Stop talking! Let's go, let's go to the garrison to have a look. I heard from my grandfather that Luo Xiao governs the army well. I have to go and see."

"Hmph! Just keep it up! But you'd better satisfy me, otherwise I'll tell Luo Xiao, Ba Linger and the others, let's see if they will rebel against you!"

Wan Dong smiled without saying a word, flew all the way, and soon arrived at the military camp outside the city.

I haven't been here for more than ten days, and the station has undergone a lot of changes.Along the perimeter of the garrison, two-person-high picket piles have been erected, which are very dense, and it is very difficult to sneak in.There is a mountain gate in the middle, with a group of heavily armed soldiers on the left and right guarding it day and night, and there are more than ten patrol teams, patrolling 24 hours a day.Not to mention anything else, just this tightly fortified posture can be called a powerful force.

"Who is it? Password!" As soon as Wan Dong approached, the two teams of soldiers who were in charge of guarding sentry immediately separated into a team to surround Wan Dong.

Although these soldiers were all selected from the Qinglong Gang, not all the disciples of the Qinglong Gang knew Wan Dong. Wan Dong was not surprised by this situation.It's just that they don't know him, Liu Ke'er and the others should know each other, right?After all, Liu Ke'er is here every day to help Wang Yangde practice, and she is also a super beautiful woman, wherever she goes, she is always the focus!

It's strange, the attitude of these soldiers towards Liu Ke'er is the same as towards Wan Dong, they are not polite at all.

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Liu Ke'er in surprise, Liu Ke'er smiled wryly, and said, "This is Luo Xiao's order, only recognize the password but not the person!"

After finishing speaking, he walked forward and said to his little commander-looking humane "Long Tengtian!"

"Tiger Roaring Forest!" The little commander responded, then waved his hand, led his subordinates, and returned to their posts.Without squinting, it was as if Wan Dong and Liu Keer were air.

"Amazing, really amazing!" Seeing this situation, Wan Dong couldn't help applauding again and again.

For a truly powerful team, the word discipline is particularly important!Luo Xiao was able to train these usually loose gang members to be so disciplined within a period of ten or twenty days, not to mention other things, this alone is not easy.

"What's so great? Everyone is as stubborn as a log, and they are so mad!" Liu Ke'er seemed to disapprove, pouted with a look of annoyance.

Wan Dong smiled, sometimes discipline is synonymous with stubbornness!

Walking into the barracks, Wan Dong immediately heard the sound of fighting, rolling in like the waves of the sea.After listening to it, people can't help but feel excited and excited!Wan Dong turned his head eagerly, and saw a large group of people, vaguely divided into three camps, engaged in a chaotic battle.

Naturally, you can't use real knives when fighting among yourself. Everyone is holding a stick as thick as a baby's arm, but they are clearly using the method of 'going forward'.When the wooden stick broke through the air, the sound of the wind was heard, and countless sand, dust and mud were rolled up, and the momentum was really astonishing.

Luo Xiao was right about Wang Yangde as a general.As the head coach, he is not ordinary capable!Otherwise, it is impossible for these soldiers to have such a thorough grasp of the sword technique of 'going forward', and many of them even curled up layers of cold light when they swung the wooden sticks. This is undoubtedly the practice of 'going forward' From signs of imminent breakthrough, they are all materials that can be made!

"Hahaha... Wu Yang, your people are dying so soon? It's really useless!" Hu Yue's loud laughter attracted Wan Dong's attention.

I saw Hu Yue wearing a pure black armor, standing proudly on top of a steed, with a bold smile on his face.Hu Yue was already tall and burly, but at this time he looked even more majestic, with the air of a general.Standing beside her was Ba Ling'er, who was also on horseback, she looked so unsuitable.

Not far from them, siblings Wu Yang and Wu Yue stood side by side.It's just that compared to the bright smile on Hu Yue's face, Wu Yang's expression looked a little dignified and annoyed.He stared closely at his own part of the chaotic crowd, and remained silent.

"Huyue, it's too early for you to laugh. It's still unknown who will die!"

It was Zong Yang who spoke, and Zong Qinghe stood beside him.Zong Yang was full of energy, and Zong Qinghe had a smile on his face. This pair of sisters and sisters, Wu Yang and Wu Yue, complemented each other perfectly!

"Hey... Zong Yang, you don't have to be crazy! I'll clean up you after I clean up Wu Yang!"

"Wow! Let's see who cleans up who!"

The three teams fought fiercely, and the bickering between the three pairs of young people became increasingly fierce.It's no wonder that these children are nesting here, but they don't want to go back to Dingshan Palace, this place is much more lively than Dingshan Palace.

"These three boys are fighting again, it's really boring!" Liu Ke'er pouted, but she was used to the situation in front of her.

Seeing Wan Dong's puzzled face, Liu Ke'er explained, "Luo Xiao divided the 1 people into three divisions, with three thousand as one, led by Huyue, Wu Yang, Zong Yang, Ba Ling'er, Wu Yue and Zong Qinghe were the assistants, and they built their own. The remaining 1000 people were all selected elite soldiers and strong generals, and Luo Xiao personally commanded them. The three guys, Hu Yue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang, were the most boring. In order to compete for the title of the first main force, fighting back and forth all day is really annoying!"

bother?A smile immediately appeared on Wan Dong's face, not only did he not find it annoying, but he was amazed by Luo Xiao's brilliant methods.

Dividing the army into three and delegating powers will not only reduce his own pressure, but also keep the three armies in a competitive situation and urge them to make continuous progress.In addition, Hu Yue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang have also been trained. It is estimated that they will become independent generals and be used by Luo Xiao in a short time!Although this Luo Xiao is young, he is so proficient in the way of running an army. Wan Dong really feels that he has found a treasure!

"Damn it! Wu Yang, Zong Yang, you two boys are so shameless, you actually joined forces to deal with me!" Hu Yue let out a strange cry, and the situation suddenly changed.Wu Yang and Zong Yang somehow reached a tacit understanding, and the two men belonging to them gathered together in one place, and made concerted efforts to attack Huyue's men and horses.The original three-party melee situation immediately turned into two against one!

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