Seeing the Tiger Leaping people were caught off guard, retreating step by step, and the situation reversed bit by bit, Wu Yang's dignified complexion suddenly relaxed, and he smiled and said, "Aren't you only allowed to fish in troubled waters and defeat each other? Don't we allow us to work together and attack with everyone?" Widow?"

"Okay, you two boys, you guys are kind! It's not that easy to make me admit defeat! Brothers, kill me!" Hu Yue roared loudly, jumped off his horse in the air, grabbed a wooden stick, and directly He entered the enemy line.

Hu Yue participated in the battle himself, taking the lead. The soldiers under his command immediately cheered up, and amidst the roar of the tiger, he insisted on resisting the opponent's impact.

"Hahaha... bastards, come on!" Hu Leaped among the enemy group, slashing and turning, rushing from left to right, extremely fierce.Wherever they went, the opponent's soldiers fell down in pieces like cut wheat.He is really a fierce general who can't be met, a tiger general!

"Hmph!" Wu Yang and Zong Yang were not to be outdone, they both snorted coldly and jumped up at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, without any other consideration, and went straight to Huyue.

Hu Yue had expected that the two of them would also join the battle, he laughed maniacally, threw off those shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and suddenly flied himself up, facing Zong Yang and Wu Yang in the air.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals!Huyue is one against two, showing off its glory!

If Wu Yang and Zong Yang were to fight alone, neither of them would be Hu Yue's opponent.But the two of them are self-aware and know how to cooperate with each other, one attack and one defense, very lawful, Hu Yue wants to take them down immediately, but it is impossible.

"That's okay?" Wan Dong glanced at Liu Ke'er, surprised.I thought it was just a public drill among the soldiers, but I didn't expect that Hu Yue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang also started fighting. It's really not ordinary seriousness!

Liu Ke'er still had a familiar expression, curled her lips and said, "So these three boys are the most boring!"

It seems that this is not the first time such a thing has happened. The three girls, Ba Ling'er, Wu Yue, and Zong Qinghe, are all sitting firmly on their horses at this time. Look at it with a smile, don't worry!

"Boss!" Everyone focused on the battle situation, only Luo Xiao saw Wan Dong's arrival.Immediately came on horseback, then got off the horse, with a respectful face, and called out meticulously.

Wan Dong was taken aback for a moment, the former Luo Xiao was rarely so serious, let alone treated him so respectfully.But after thinking about it, Wan Dong understood that this was Luo Xiao's intention to uphold his majesty.Although he is the commander-in-chief of this team, Wan Dong is the real master of this team!Military discipline is strict, if there is no respect, wouldn't it be messed up?

Understanding Luo Xiao's painstaking efforts and sincerity, Wan Dong smiled and said in a low voice, "Brother Luo doesn't have to be like this! It is enough to have you as a commander in this army, and if you want to build up your prestige, you must also have your prestige! I don't often Walking around in the army, no matter how great the majesty is erected, it is in vain, and it will cause you a drag! You must know that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there is no two commanders in one army!"

"But..." Luo Xiao hesitated.

Wan Dong raised his voice and laughed, "What's so good? I can trust you, Luo Xiao, but you can't trust me?"

Luo Xiao didn't say any more, just nodded emphatically at Wan Dong.

At this time Wang Yangde, Ba Linger, Zong Qinghe, Wu Yue and others also saw Wan Dong one after another, they were greatly surprised and came forward to greet him.

After greeting them one by one, Wan Dong looked back and saw that the battle was in full swing. He was afraid that there would be no winner for a while, so he waved his hand and said, "Let them continue to practice, and we will talk in the tent!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Xiao waved his hand and personally led Wan Dong to his handsome tent!It is said that it is Luo Xiao's handsome tent, but in fact it is not any different except that it is a little bigger than ordinary tents, and there are more tables, chairs, maps and the like.Very simple, no luxury!

Wan Dong nodded, he did not follow Luo Xiao's invitation to take the handsome position, but insisted on pushing Luo Xiao to sit on the handsome position.It is also to tell everyone that in this army, no matter how big Luo Xiao is, he will always be there.This is his great trust and respect for Luo Xiao!

Naturally, Luo Xiao could understand, secretly inscribed Wu Nei, and was very moved!

"Boss, why are you free to come over today?" Balinger's temper was carefree, far less delicate than Luo Xiao's, but this was just right, making Wan Dong feel close and comfortable.

"My grandpa is full of praise for Brother Luo and you, of course I want to come and see!"

"What do you think, Boss? We didn't disappoint you, did we?"

Wan Dong hummed, without concealing his admiration and praise for everyone in his heart, and said loudly, "It's not just that I'm not disappointed, it's that I'm surprised! Brother Luo, I now understand a little bit why the national teacher wants to recruit you. It took so much effort."

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Luo Xiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, probably he was more eager to get Wan Dong's affirmation than Balinger!As the commander-in-chief of the first army at the beginning, and gained such great trust from Wan Dong, it is naturally impossible to say that Luo Xiao has no pressure at all.

"Boss is overwhelmed! Boss has been here for a long time and has been watching for a long time. If you find any shortcomings in what we have done, please correct me!" Luo Xiao said.

Wan Dong laughed out loud, and said, "Brother Luo, you are testing me."

"No, no, I really don't mean that. I'm really asking for advice!"

Seeing Luo Xiao's sincere face without any affectation, Wan Dong frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay! Then I will talk about my feelings about what I watched today."

Luo Xiao subconsciously sat upright, pretending to be listening attentively.

Wan Dong sorted out his thoughts, and opened his mouth and said, "I think our soldiers seem to be brave enough, but not cooperative enough!"

Just this one sentence made Luo Xiao frowned, Liu Ke'er, Ba Ling'er and the other four girls looked at each other in shock.You know, Luo Xiao had mentioned this issue to them a long time ago, and it really bothered Luo Xiao.Unexpectedly, Wan Dong opened his mouth and brought it up. It really is a hero who sees the same thing!

Luo Xiao has long realized that Wan Dong's talent is not only in cultivation, he is also good at managing the army, that's why he sincerely asked for advice as before.At this time, seeing that Wan Dong really hit the point, he refused to let it go, and hurriedly said, "Boss, keep talking!"

Wan Dong hummed, and continued, "A war, especially a war of equal strength, has never been a confrontation between two people, but a contest between two teams. From ancient times to the present, one person can reverse the It cannot be said that there are no fighters in the war situation, but they are very few and not fundamental! Only the close cooperation between soldiers can be invincible! Individuals only care about themselves, and sooner or later they will be defeated one by one, which is really the way to death!"

"Oh my god, it's amazing! Boss, what you said is almost word for word what General Luo said!" Balinger shouted with a strange expression on her face.

"Oh?" Wan Dong was also taken aback, looking at Luo Xiao with surprise.

Luo Xiao smiled, and said, "I have already said that the boss's ability to govern the army is by no means inferior to mine!"

"Okay Brother Luo, you really are testing me. Fortunately, I barely passed the answer, otherwise I will lose face, hehe..."

Luo Xiao quickly shook his head, and said, "I'm not testing the boss, I really want to ask the boss for a good idea! Our army is composed entirely of youth gang disciples. If we talk about the strength of individual soldiers, there is absolutely nothing to say , but at the same time, there is also a troublesome shortcoming, that is, the gang disciples are too independent and like to solve everything with their own strength. I have told them many times to cooperate with each other and rely on each other, but the effect is not very good Wei. I did a lot of practice today, and you saw it too, boss. You picked them up one by one. They are all dragons, but if they are strung together, they are not even as good as a worm. I have also taught them a lot of formations, and they are usually Cao has practiced many times, but when he gets to the battlefield, he forgets everything, it's like a mess."

Luo Xiao didn't seem to have any headaches because of this matter. Speaking of this, it was like complaining to Wan Dong, chattering endlessly.

"Boss, since you're here, hurry up and think of a good solution for Big Brother Luo. I'm afraid that if this goes on like this, Big Brother Luo Xiao will rip off all his black hair before long." Liu Ke'er He has always respected Luo Xiao as his eldest brother, seeing him worrying so much makes his heart ache.

Wan Dong pondered for a moment, and was about to speak when Hu Yue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang came in from outside the tent noisily.

Seeing that the three of them looked like pigs with bruised noses and swollen faces, the girls immediately couldn't help laughing.Even Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, these three live treasures really went for it.

The three of them were going to pester Luo Xiao to comment on the outcome of today's battle, but when they saw Wan Dong, they were overwhelmed with surprise and forgot everything, and immediately the boss came forward and shouted non-stop.

Wan Dong couldn't help scolding, "The three of you are now generals of the first army. Are you not afraid of losing your prestige by making yourself so bruised and swollen?"

"Boss, you can't blame me for this. Speaking of it, it's these two brats who play dirty when they can't beat them. It's really shameless!" Hu Yue roared angrily.

"Bah! What is shameless? It's called being a soldier!" Wu Yang immediately opened his mouth to refute.

Seeing that the three of them were talking to each other, and they were about to quarrel again, Wan Dong shouted, "Okay! Shut up! I see you, so you dare to bully your brother in the nest, and be cruel to your brother." Hand! If it were someone else, they would have been beaten to pieces long ago."

"Who said that? We are not in the nest, but we can't find opponents outside the nest! Wu Yang, Zong Yang, are you right?"

The three brothers are quite interesting, they were tit-for-tat a moment ago, and they were making a fuss, but after being reprimanded by Wan Dong, they immediately formed a united front.Without waiting for Hu Yue's words to fall to the ground, Wu Yang and Zong Yang nodded their heads in agreement.

"Can't find an opponent? It's okay, I'll find it for you! But, I found an opponent for you, are you sure you can win? You won't lose in a mess by then, and you will be ashamed with me, right?"

Wan Dong did not show any signs of performing a provocative stunt, Hu Leap, Wu Yang, and Zong Yang immediately became agitated as if they had been pumped with chicken blood.

"Boss! Don't worry, no matter who the other party is, as long as they dare to come, we can beat them down! We will never embarrass you!" Hu Yue patted his chest loudly, Wan Dong watched It's better not to show internal injuries in the photo.

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