"Okay! That's what you said, don't hit yourself in the face when the time comes." Wan Dong suddenly slapped the table and shouted loudly, Hu Yue was taken aback by that expression, faintly feeling like he was falling into a trap Feel.

"Boss, who is the opponent you are talking about?" Hu Yue asked involuntarily.

Luo Xiao and the others also looked at Wan Dong curiously, waiting for him to reveal the answer.

Wan Dong didn't intend to hide anything, he opened his mouth and replied, "Feng Xiangwei!"

"Huh~~~ Boss, so you are talking about Feng Xiangwei, you scared me!" Wan Dong gave the answer, and Hu Yue let out a long breath of foul air immediately, his expression relaxed a lot.

Wan Dong frowned, looked at Hu Yue with a smile and asked, "Looking at you, it seems that you don't like Feng Xiangwei."

Hu Yue smiled, and said, "Boss, don't tell me, I don't like this Fengxiang Guard. The whole thing is just a show, and it's useless! If it's the black armor guard of the Qiu family, I might still feel A little pressure. Feng Xiangwei, you just keep your eyes open and wait to see how I abuse them!"

The Black Armored Guard is the strongest private soldier in the entire Qingyun Empire!It was the Qiu family father and son who piled up countless gold and silver.Not only is the equipment excellent, but the combat effectiveness is even more extraordinary.Especially in these years, being brought by Qiu Yunchong's side to experience countless wars, he is an extraordinary elite.

However, Hu Yue looked down on Feng Xiangwei so much, which surprised Wan Dong.Zhangkou asked, "Have you seen Feng Xiangwei's training?"

"Of course I have! Otherwise, how could I say such a thing?" Hu Yue replied immediately.

Wan Dong smiled, and asked again, "When is that?"

Hu Yue frowned, pondered for a moment, and then replied, "It should be more than half a year ago! I watched Feng Xiangwei's training together with my father and a large number of court officials. At that time, it seemed that Directed by Her Royal Highness the Princess herself."

"More than half a year ago?" Wan Dong turned his head and glanced at Luo Xiao, Luo Xiao shook his head slightly with a faint smile on his lips.

"Wow! Since you are so confident, I'll wait to drink your celebration wine!"

Hu Yue, Wu Yang, and Zong Yang nodded in unison, with confident expressions on their faces. It looked like they didn't take Feng Xiangwei seriously at all.

This is not surprising either!The elite disciples of the Azure Dragon Clan are already exceptional in martial arts, and Wan Dong has newly taught him the 'go forward' sword technique, which is even more powerful.As far as the matter is concerned, if you only talk about the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers, even the black armored guards will have to suffer obediently.

But this is also good, Huyue, Wu Yang, and Zong Yang are more arrogant now, and after being repaired by Feng Xiangwei, they will be more introspective, so that they will be more aware of the importance of formation, cooperation, and unity, and the benefits to them Naturally it will be bigger.

Luo Xiao had already understood this from Wan Dong's words, the melancholy on his face had long since disappeared, and his eyes were sparkling with excitement.He kept muttering in his heart, why didn't he think of such a good idea?Some experiences and lessons are not enough to rely on precepts and deeds. Sometimes, a serious stumble is more useful than precepts and deeds!

It's just that this method, even if Luo Xiao thought of it, Tang Xinyi might not be willing to buy it.Thinking of Tang Xinyi, Luo Xiao's expression was both bitter and sweet.

After solving a big worry in his heart, Luo Xiao was in a good mood, and smiled at Wan Dong, "Boss, it's rare to come here today, so I'll stay and try the food in our army?"

"Brother Luo, are you showing off again? Now who doesn't know that our Dingshanwei is a rich man, and the food is good, please, can you keep a low profile? I'm jealous now, but there are many people around, be careful Being envied by everyone!" Liu Ke'er rolled her eyes a few times and said helplessly.

Liu Ke'er's words were not false at all. Wan Dong gave Luo Xiao 2000 million taels as soon as he waved his hands, and each soldier had 2000 taels of gold.And 2000 taels of gold, placed in Yunzhong City, is enough for a family of three to live a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing, isn't it just rich?

"Not to be envied by others, that's a mediocrity! I wish everyone would know, so that if we want to expand our army in the future, we won't have to worry about not having enough soldiers!"

Luo Xiao's words lifted Wan Dong's expression, this really reminded him.The entire Dongxuan Continent is majestic and majestic, with numerous countries spanning tens of thousands of miles, and a mere [-] soldiers and horses, but a drop in the ocean, a grain of sand in the vast ocean, what can be done?Wan Dong is not a petty person, let alone a short-sighted person. His heart can accommodate heaven and earth, and his pattern will naturally not be inferior to Luo Xiao.

"Ding Shanwei?" Wan Dong asked quietly.

Luo Xiao hurriedly said, "I came up with this name. Dingshanwei, it not only shows that we are the old prince's private army, and does not conflict with the laws of the empire, but also implies the meaning of pacifying the country. I didn't come to ask for the opinion of the boss. , I will make my own decision, and please don’t blame the boss!"

Wan Dong muttered for a while, then waved his hands violently, and laughed loudly, "What's the matter? Ding Shanwei, both domineering and loud, very good, I like it!"

Luo Xiao couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, anyone could tell that he really respected Wan Dong!

"Okay, okay, don't bother talking about these things anymore. Boss, should we get down to business?" Liu Ke'er said impatiently.

"Business?" Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and the others were taken aback, and turned their heads to look at Wan Dong.Everything they said just now seemed to be a serious matter, and I don't know what the serious matter Liu Ke'er said was.

Wan Dong smiled wryly and pointed at Liu Ke'er. This girl was clearly trying to drive ducks to the shelves.

Liu Ke'er turned a blind eye to Wan Dong's wry smile, and said to everyone with a smile, "You probably don't know yet, just before we came here, the boss personally came to my house and taught a door that can cultivate Dao Qi, that is, Xianli The supreme mental method, passed on to my grandfather."

"Xianli?" Everyone didn't react for a moment.

Liu Ke'er coughed, and said anxiously, "How stupid! It is the power possessed by the gods in the legendary Taoist world, which is n times stronger than the true energy we cultivate!"

"What!?" As soon as Liu Ke'er said those words, it was as if a huge boulder had been dropped on a calm lake, causing ripples.

"Boss, what Ke'er said is true?" A person as calm as Luo Xiao couldn't help but change his face at this moment, and his voice trembled even more.

Daomen Great World, that is the magical world that every ordinary person yearns for!In the past, the great world of Taoism only existed in legends.

Wan Dong nodded, and said, "That's right, what Ke'er said is indeed true! The main purpose of my coming today is to teach you this supreme mental method. But before that, I want to remind you that Daoist masters The world is far from as good as you imagined. Once you enter it, endless danger and killing are likely to await you! Even so, do you still want to practice this mental method?"

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