When Qu Sanping was in the fog and dizzy, his feet suddenly stiffened, and he stepped on the ground.Looking back, the surrounding scenery has changed drastically. There are lush giant trees and weeds everywhere. The air is fresh, but there is no sound except for the singing of insects, fish and birds.It looks like a remote place away from the city!

Just now the two were talking on the streets of Yunzhong City, and in the blink of an eye, they came here. The scenery changed suddenly, which made Qu Sanping feel like the stars are changing and the world is changing.Looking at Wan Dong, his eyes were filled with even more awe!Who would have known that the ineffective grandson of King Dingshan possessed such supernatural powers?

Seeing Qu Sanping's changing expression, Wan Dong smiled and said, "Master Qu is frightened? In order to be safe, I have to be so cautious."

Qu Sanping hurriedly waved his hands and said, "What did Young Master Xu say? It's just Young Master Xu's miraculous skills, unpredictable and earth-shattering, which really makes Qu extremely admired!"

"Master Qu, let's not talk about polite words, you should talk about how Qiu Wanli is going to change the sky!"

Qu Sanping nodded, frowned and said, "Today, Qiu Wanli called me over and ordered me to raise gold and buy food. Soon, ten generals will lead ten groups of people to gather outside Yunzhong City."

"Ten Generals?" Wan Dong was really surprised by such momentum.

"That's right! These ten generals are all heroes stationed in the border city! There are countless elite soldiers and strong generals under their command. Although it is impossible for them to bring all the horses and horses under their command to guard the border city, each of them only needs to bring two or three elite soldiers. Ten thousand, adding up to hundreds of thousands of troops, once the army destroys the city, the royal family will be in danger!"

Qu Sanping didn't need to say more, Wan Dong naturally knew the danger, but he was a little puzzled, and asked, "How can Qiu Wanli have such a great appeal? Why do the ten generals listen to him like this?"

Qu Sanping said, "Among the ten generals, some of them are Qiu Wanli's retainers, so they naturally obeyed his orders. The others, although they did not serve Qiu Wanli, were all the founding meritorious service of the Qingyun Empire. It is the Qingyun Empire and His Majesty the Emperor, not the princess Baidie. Qiu Wanli lied to them that the emperor will collapse, Princess Baidie will do nothing to usurp the government, and the empire will not be guaranteed. They are specially invited to protect the country in Yunzhong City. The reason? Hey! Speaking of it, Princess Baidie is still too young, and has been suppressed by Qiu Wanli all the year round, her influence is too small, and she is not trusted by these founding heroes, otherwise Qiu Wanli would never have made such a show!"

Wan Dong nodded, deeply agreeing.In fact, even Xu Wenchuan was not very optimistic about Princess Baidie.It's just that he has lived in the capital for a long time, and he is well aware of Qiu Wanli's cunning and cruelty, and he knows in his heart that if the Qingyun Empire is handed over to Qiu Wanli, it is better to hand it over to Princess Baidie.Although Princess Baidie is young, she will always grow up little by little, and once Jiangshan Sheji falls into the hands of Qiu Wanli, the people of Qingyun Empire will fall into darkness forever, and the entire Dongxuan Continent will also set off a bloody rain fishy.Comparing the two, Xu Wenchuan is the only dwarf who can stand out as a general!

"There are ten generals outside, and Xuanyou and Guo Yi are the two major generals who command the defense of the capital. With the cooperation of the inside and the outside, I am afraid that this empire will really fall into the hands of Qiu Wanli like this."

"Guo Yi also turned to Qiu Wanli?" Wan Dong frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky.

The reason why Bai Zhenshan set up Wujinhun, Xuanyou, and Guo Yi to lead the defense of Gyeonggi was to hope that they could check and balance each other, so that the entire royal family could sit back and relax.But now, Guo Yi and Xuanyou formed an alliance, and their combat power immediately surpassed that of Wujin Soul. The balance has been broken, and the situation facing the royal family has immediately become severe.

"That's right! Recently I discovered that Xuanyou and Guo Yi are moving around very frequently. The alliance must be done! Seven days later, when the top ten generals lead their troops outside Yunzhong City, the national teacher will lead a group of civil servants to the palace to bid The princess returns to power, both internally and externally, Qiu Wanli can accomplish great things!"

"Good calculation, really good calculation!" Wan Dong had to sigh, Qiu Wanli's work was really seamless.If it wasn't for Qu Sanping risking his life to tell Qiu Wanli's plan, Wan Dong and the others wouldn't even have the seven-day preparation time.

At that time, Qiu Wanli suddenly launched a disaster, like the sky falling apart, even if Wan Dong has the ability to reach the sky, he can only sigh in vain.

Qu Sanping wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his expression was very panicked!Hearing about Qiu Wanli's plan for the first time, he was so horrified that he almost fainted on the spot, but when he told Wan Dong at this moment, he still couldn't help being terrified!

"What about Qiu Yunchong, he won't be idle?" Wan Dong turned around and asked.

Qu Sanping nodded heavily, and said, "Of course! Qiu Yunchong secretly returned to Fenghuo City more than ten days ago! Qiu Wanli ordered him to bring [-] black armored guards back to Yunzhong City in person, and was responsible for hunting down those who resisted him. And famous people. As far as I know, Young Master Xu and King Ding Shan are both their targets!"

Wan Dong sneered, not surprised at this, and said, "Grandpa and I have been against him everywhere, and I have already been a thorn in his flesh and a thorn in his eye. Of course he will not let us go! It's just that the black armor guards are superior in fighting power, but To be in charge of an assassination is an overkill, right?"

Qu Sanping nodded quickly, and said, "Young Master Xu really knows things like a god! The Black Armored Guard is the elite division that Qiu Wanli relies on the most. Seven days later, he will also take on another important task. It is to sneak into Wujin Soul's army station secretly, and kill him. The head of General Wu Jinhun's head! At that time, the army under General Wu's command will be in a mess and lose their combat power!"

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "This Qiu Yunchong has a big appetite! He actually wants to take the head of General Wu from an army of hundreds of thousands. He regards his black armored guards as heavenly soldiers and generals." right?"

Qu Sanping frowned and said, "The reputation of the Black Armored Guards is well-known in the entire Dongxuan Continent. Back then, [-] Black Armored Guards managed to disperse a hundred thousand Xijue troops, and their combat power was really extraordinary. Master Xu Don't underestimate it!"

Wan Dong laughed a few times, and said, "You're right! The Black Armored Guard has outstanding combat power, and it's indeed an excellent whetstone!"

"Whetstone?" Qu Sanping didn't understand what Wan Dong said for a moment, and was stunned.

Wan Dong didn't explain to him, but just smiled and said, "Master Qu, if you can tell the whole story about such a confidential matter today, for my Xu family, it will be a life-saving grace!"

Qu Sanping sighed, and said: "Master Xu, please don't say that. It was thanks to Master Xu that he was able to rein in Qu from the precipice that day. But it's a pity that Qiu Wanli made great achievements. Not to mention that someone is in a quagmire, the people of the Qingyun Empire are afraid that they will suffer even more. I only hope that Master Xu and King Dingshan can escape from the dangerous situation, and make a comeback in the future to save the people! , it's worth the risk!"

"Hehe... I heard Master Qu meant to let them escape from Yunzhong City immediately?" Wan Dong asked with a smile.

"That's right! Before Qiu Wanli could attack, Young Master Xu and King Dingshan left Yunzhong City tonight, headed north, went straight to the northern border, and joined General Xu Tianlong! The million cavalry under General Xu Tianlong's command, forgive Qiu Wanli Don't dare to act recklessly. At that time, Young Master Xu will be able to protect himself, and even more, he can slowly plot to defeat the enemy and help the community!"

This Qu Sanping even planned Wan Dong's retreat, it was really well-intentioned.Although this person committed himself to Qiu Wanli before and did many bad things for him, his conscience was not broken after all.Moreover, the mind is clear, the work is calm, and it can be reused in the future!

"But Master Qu, once we leave Yunzhong City today, it will be difficult to fight back in the future." Wan Dong said with a smile.

Qu Sanping's expression darkened, and he sighed, "I don't know this. But now that Qiu Wanli has the right time and place, he is [-]% sure that he can achieve great things! Right now, if you don't want to hit a stone with an egg, you have no other choice but to avoid its sharp edge first." !"

"Master Qu said that Qiu Wanli is [-]% sure that he can achieve great things, so what is the remaining [-]%?"

"It's God's will! If God can let His Majesty get rid of the serious illness and heal it quickly, then the great cause of hatred will not be accomplished! But no one in the world knows that His Majesty is actually terminally ill, and his life is dying! I hope for His Majesty all night." Huo Ranyu, it is equivalent to handing over his life to a three-year-old child, isn't it ridiculous?"

"Who did you hear that His Majesty's life is imminent?" Wan Dong opened his mouth and asked.

"Firstly, it's what everyone said, and secondly, Qiu Wanli has countless eyeliners in the palace, and he got the exact news early... Wait, could it be that..."

Seeing Wan Dong's expression relaxed and composed, without any nervousness, and a smile on his brows, Qu Sanping, who is good at observing words and expressions, suddenly thought of something, and his expression was suddenly shocked!

Wan Dong smiled, and sighed in his heart, Qu Sanping was really right, in this life-and-death confrontation, God really took the lead.Although for those who achieve great things, they always feel that God's will is illusory and nonsense, but they don't know that everything in the world is governed by God's will!

If Qiu Wanli can do it one month in advance, great things will be accomplished!Because at that time, Wan Dong didn't have the supernatural powers he has now, even if he knew what happened to Bai Zhenshan's illness, he was powerless to recover.But now, Qiu Wanli's so-called big plan has become his way to death.

Qu Sanping is a smart person, so don't tell him too much about everything.Wan Dong patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Master Qu, don't worry! The sky is still blue, it won't be dark!"

Qu Sanping felt something in his heart, but he was not sure.[-]% understand, [-]% confused, a bit like seeing flowers in a fog, a little uncomfortable.But no matter how uncomfortable it is, Qu Sanping will not break the casserole and ask the end. This is the difference between a smart person and a stupid person.

"I also hope that the principles of heaven will be clear, and no treacherous people will be hidden!"

Wan Dong hummed, and then said, "Master Qu, you must have put a lot of effort into this Juntian pawnshop, right?"

Qu Sanping nodded in confusion.Although Qiu Wanli is behind him, Qu Sanping has spent a lot of effort to develop so smoothly and grow to the scale he is today!

"After Qiu Wanli has played with fire, I will ask His Majesty the Emperor to reward you with Jun Tian's pawnshop. It can be regarded as a reward for your great achievements, how about it?" Wan Dong asked with a smile.

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