Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 441 Bai Zhenshan's life is at stake!

Qu Sanping's eyes quickly flashed a few flashes of splendor, and immediately calmed down, leaning over and said, "Thank you, Young Master Xu, for your kindness, but the reason why Qu did this was definitely not for the sake of rewards and wealth, but just to make progress for the common people of the country." With some meager strength, I can atone for Qu's past sins!"

Wan Dong smiled, knowing that Qu Sanping took his words as a temptation to him.He didn't point it out at the moment, and he would understand it when the time came.

"Master Qu, I want you to do something for me!"

Qu Sanping hurriedly said, "Master Xu, please do not invite me, you can just order me for anything!"

Wan Dong nodded and said, "I think, since Qiu Yunchong and his black armor guards are going to attack General Wu's garrison by surprise, they will definitely not enter the city with great fanfare. Most of them will dress up in disguise, disperse into the city, and then choose a secret place to assemble. I want you to find out where they are gathering and report to me!"

Qu Sanping was startled suddenly, and said, "Master Xu wants to wipe out all the black armored guards?"

Wan Dong sneered and said, "I'm just obeying the fate!"

This is a big matter, Wan Dong dare not neglect, after sending Qu Sanping back to Yunzhong City, he wanted to go back to Dingshan Prince's Mansion immediately to report the whole matter to Xu Wenchuan, but after arriving at the gate, Wan Dong gave up this idea again .Xu Wenchuan's temperament is like a raging fire. Once he learns the truth of the matter, it is hard to guarantee that he will not rush to Qiu Wanli's residence immediately to seek accountability.

However, now, Qiu Wanli has not completed all the layouts, and all the top ten generals are on the way, and no troops have come to the city yet.Once Xu Wenchuan came to the door, he would be able to clean up all the prevarications.Even if he took a step back and said that Qiu Wanli pleaded guilty, so what?And Qiu Yunchong!Qiu Yunchong is stationed in Fenghuo City, with hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, that is the biggest reliance of the Qiu family!

If the sky wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy!Since Qiu Wanli is going crazy, let him go crazy!

Back at Dingshan Palace, Xu Wenchuan and Ning Shan were waiting for him, ready to have dinner together.Wan Dong scanned around, but did not see Leng Shuangrong's grandparents and grandchildren, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Senior Leng, have they gone back?"

Xu Wenchuan shook his head, and said with a smile, "No! The three grandparents and grandchildren finished their dinner hastily, and went to meditate again. They are indeed a family, and they are all martial idiots!"

Ning Shan glanced at Xu Wenchuan, and said with a smile, "Father, don't just talk about others, aren't you the same? From just now to now, you don't know how many times you have asked if Yao Ting is back, and you don't want Yao Ting to come back sooner." , hurry up and finish your meal, and then go to practice?"

Xu Wenchuan scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed.

Wan Dong said, "Grandpa, I haven't come back, you can eat by yourself first, you don't have to wait for me."

Xu Wenchuan immediately said, "How can I do that? As a family, of course we have to eat together, that will be delicious!" As he said, he put a large chopstick of roasted mutton with green onions into Wan Dong's dinner.

Needless to say, such a casual move by Xu Wenchuan immediately made Wan Dong feel a kind and warm feeling of home.This made Wan Dong feel emotional and at the same time miss his father even more, who was fighting fiercely in Jin Ge City at this time.

"Ning Shan, the formulas taught by Yao Ting are very profound. After they are completed, they can not only protect themselves, but also heal diseases, beautify their skin, and prolong their lifespan. I think if you have time, you might as well practice it. I know You don't like fighting and killing, but it's also good to cultivate your body."

Xu Wenchuan didn't notice Wan Dong's mood, and suggested to Ning Shan instead.

Ning Shan looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Father, you know I'm really not interested in these things."

Xu Wenchuan shook his head, and was about to persuade him again, Wan Dong said: "Grandpa, since mother doesn't like it, you don't want to force her. The way to prolong life is not just about cultivation. According to legend, in Daomen Great World, There are a lot of elixir and panacea that can prolong life, so I just need to get some more food for my mother."

After hearing Wan Dong's words, instead of showing a smile on Ning Shan's face, she became more serious, saying, "Yao Ting, I heard from you that the Taoist world is far more dangerous than our mortal world. Swallowing the world, possessing supreme supernatural powers. In fact, my mother thinks it’s better not to go.”

"Hey~~ Shan'er, this is your woman's opinion! A man who stands upright, should have experienced more storms! Besides, our Yao family is a dragon among men. No matter how dangerous it is, after we go to Yaoting, we can open up the world and make a name for ourselves!"

Xu Wenchuan trusted Wan Dong more and more, and he didn't blush at all when he said such nasty words.

Ning Shan stopped talking.She discovered more and more that her son's heart was higher than the sky!The mere mundane world can no longer satisfy him.

After dinner, Xu Wenchuan really hurried back to his room to practice.

The essence of heaven and earth in the ordinary small world is far from being as rich and vigorous as the Daoist big world. This is a congenital deficiency, and Wan Dong is helpless.However, everyone in Xu Wenchuan worked so hard and worked hard the day after tomorrow, so they should be able to make up for their innate deficiencies to some extent. Their attainments and achievements may not be worse than Taoist monks!

But if it is possible in the future, Wan Dong will definitely bring them all to the Taoist Great World.Daoist Great World is a treasure land, why should Daoist monks monopolize it?

Perhaps because of the influence of the crowd, after chatting with Ning Shan for a few words, Wan Dong also returned to the room, activating the Xuantian Enlightenment Art.

After completing the first level of body training of the Xuantian Enlightenment Technique, a golden vortex formed in Wan Dong's body, which operated automatically all the time.In the center of the vortex, there is a misty, silky white gas. At first glance, it looks like a nebula deep in the universe, very mysterious and magnificent.

Wan Dong could feel that something was being conceived in this nebula-like white gas, but this feeling was not very real, illusory, sometimes very close, sometimes far away.But there is one thing that Wan Dong can be sure of, the thing that is being conceived in this white air must be something very extraordinary.

Because Wan Dong discovered that the very arrogant little Huo Miaoer, who was entrenched in his Yuan Mansion and ignored him, was very afraid of this nebula-like mist.It seems that they dare not approach at all, hiding in a far corner.

This little flame jumped into Sun Daobai's body when Wan Dong got rid of the fire poison that day.Wan Dong studied for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what the origin of this little flame was.However, Wan Dong could feel that this small flame contained a magical and powerful power. As for what kind of power it is, I am afraid that the answer can only be found after waiting in the Daomen Great World.

There was nothing to say all night, but early the next morning, Wan Dong met Leng Shuangrong, Leng Yuecui, and Leng Yongsi's grandfather and grandson face to face.

Before Wan Dong could say a few words of greeting, the three grandparents and grandchildren asked Wan Dong a series of questions, all of which they encountered during their cultivation.After Wan Dong dispelled their doubts one by one, the grandparent and grandson turned around and disappeared.Mostly in a hurry to verify.

Wan Dong and Ning Shan wanted to wait for Xu Wenchuan to have breakfast together, but unexpectedly they waited and waited, and they couldn't wait.He sent someone to ask, and the answer they brought back was that Xu Wenchuan asked them to use it first, so they don't have to wait for him.

The mother and son couldn't help but looked at each other and let out a wry smile. Xu Wenchuan said yesterday that the whole family had to eat together to have a good taste. It just passed the night, did you forget?

Qingyun Empire Palace!

In the past ten days, Bai Die and Tang Xinyi have hardly left Bai Zhenshan's sickbed, and the two women's expressions are obviously much haggard.

But compared to Sun Daobai, the haggardness of the second daughter is nothing.

Sun Daobai promised Wan Dong that day, no matter what, he would extend Bai Zhenshan's life for another month.But later, Sun Daobai discovered that he had oversimplified things.The mysterious power in Bai Zhenshan's body, as if he knew that his time was approaching, started to toss repeatedly.In just over a dozen days, Bai Zhenshan was critically ill dozens of times. Sun Daobai had exhausted all his energy and almost exhausted his whole body's true energy.But this is just a stopgap measure, whether Bai Zhenshan's life can last for a month, Sun Daobai is getting less and less confident.

"Grandpa, His Majesty the Emperor is vomiting blood again!"

Sun Xiaoya shouted urgently, finally finding an opportunity, Sun Daobai, who wanted to adjust his breath for a while, jumped up from the chair in shock, Tang Xinyi and Bai Die beside him changed their expressions wildly.

I saw a stream of purple-black poisonous blood slowly flowing from the corner of Bai Zhenshan's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, Bai Zhenshan's originally pale complexion turned into a purple-black, very frightening.

After more than ten days of tossing, everyone immediately understood that the mysterious power in Bai Zhenshan's body had started to erupt again, and every time it erupted, it meant that Bai Zhenshan had passed through the gate of hell.

Sun Daobai stepped forward quickly, pointing with both hands together, like a gust of wind, in the blink of an eye, he touched more than ten fingers on Bai Zhenshan's body.I don't know if it was because of the severe exhaustion of zhenqi, but when the last finger fell, Sun Daobai's body swayed suddenly. If it wasn't for Sun Xiaoya's quick eyesight and quick hands, Sun Daobai would have fallen to the ground.

Seeing Sun Daobai's pale complexion and patches of cold sweat on his forehead, Sun Xiaoya's heart ached.He wanted to persuade Sun Daobai to rest, but before she could open his mouth, Sun Daobai pulled her aside, and threw himself in front of Bai Zhenshan again.

After tossing and tossing for half an hour, Sun Daobai let out a long breath, and before he even had time to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, he fell down on the grand master's chair with a plop.

"Senior Sun, my royal father..."

Nodding slightly to the worried Bai Die, Sun Daobai whispered in a tired voice, "God has mercy, His Majesty has survived."

"Where is the pity of heaven, it is all thanks to Senior Sun, who gave his life to save you!" This kind of dialogue was repeated dozens of times in more than ten days, and Baidie could no longer feel the slightest joy from it. On the contrary, his heart was full of joy. Instead of worrying, Bai Zhenshan's illnesses became more and more frequent, and the intervals became shorter and shorter.Even though Bai Die doesn't understand medical principles, she understands that this is by no means a good sign!

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