Sure enough, Sun Daobai gasped for a moment, looked at Bai Die with a dignified expression and a bit of guilt, and said slowly, "Your Highness, you need to be mentally prepared. Your Majesty the Emperor may not last for three days."

"Shouldn' able to last for three days? But now there are still more than ten days before the one-month period we agreed with Xu Yaoting! This...what can we do?" Anxiety and worry were written all over his face, and he seemed to be about to cry.

Tang Xinyi was also flustered at this time, of course she knew what it meant that Bai Zhenshan could not survive for three days, and to Baidie, it was like a catastrophe.

"Senior Sun, can't you think of a way anymore? Please!" Tang Xinyi knelt down to Sun Daobai in desperation.

Seeing this, Sun Xiaoya hurriedly stepped forward to help, and said repeatedly, "Sister Tang, what are you doing, get up quickly!"

Tang Xinyi didn't listen, but held Sun Xiaoya's arm tightly, and said to her, "Xiaoya, please help me and the princess too, please grandpa, no matter what, His Majesty the Emperor must not die!"

Sun Xiaoya looked bitter, shook her head, and murmured, "Sister Tang, if my grandpa had a way, how could he refuse to save him? You have also seen it in the past ten days. In order to save His Majesty, my grandpa was He really risked his life. The reason why he said this must be because there is really no other way."

"No! Senior Sun is a famous medical sage, there must be no way, absolutely not!" Bai Die shook her head like a rattle, and kept shouting in her mouth.At this time, I'm afraid they won't listen to what they say.

"Grandpa, look..." Sun Xiaoya's repeated persuasion was useless, and she turned to look at Sun Daobai with a troubled expression.

Sun Daobai sighed again and again, not knowing what to do, he looked ashamed and shook his head in silence.

"His Royal Highness, Young Master Xu, I beg to see you!" Just as there was a mess, a heroic Feng Xiangwei young general rushed to report.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xu, I'm all gone, let him go!"

At this time, Baidie put all her thoughts on Bai Zhenshan, didn't hear the young general's words clearly, so she waved her hands indiscriminately and reprimanded him.

Thanks to Sun Daobai's quick reaction, he hastily stopped the young general, and asked anxiously, "Is it Mr. Xu Yaoting?"


"Yao Ting came at this time, most likely because of His Majesty's illness, I think..."

"That's right! I... I really lost my head! Hurry up, invite Mr. Xu in, hurry up!" Before Sun Daobai could finish speaking, Baidie came to his senses, just like a drowning man caught A life-saving straw.Tang Xinyi was even more anxious, before Baidie finished speaking, and before the young general made a move, she had already rushed out like the wind.

Outside the hall, Wan Dong was thinking about how he should ask Tang Xinyi for Feng Xiangwei and Ding Shanwei to have a duel, when suddenly a fragrant wind swept in front of him, and Tang Xinyi stood in front of him immediately.

Wan Dong couldn't help smiling, and said, "How dare you bother General Tang to come and greet you in person?"

"Small smelly and poor! His Majesty's condition has changed, come with me!" Tang Xinyi didn't have the heart to joke with Wan Dong, and rushed forward, ignoring the defense of men and women, and quickly grabbed Wan Dong's hand.What's more, Wan Dong came back to his senses and almost dragged himself into the hall.

"Oh! Yao Ting, you came just in time!" When the two arrived in the hall, Sun Daobai hurried up to greet them regardless of his fatigue.

Seeing Sun Daobai's exhausted appearance, Wan Dong was really surprised, and quickly asked, "Grandpa Sun, I haven't seen you for more than ten days, why are you so tired?"

Sun Daobai waved his hands, and was about to speak, but Bai Die came to Wan Dong first, and said anxiously, "Mr. Xu, please cure my father no matter what! Please!"

Wan Dong's heart sank suddenly, remembering that Tang Xinyi said just now that His Majesty's condition had changed, and when he heard Bai Die begging so disregarding his status, he immediately realized that something was wrong.Although he is sure to heal Bai Zhenshan's injury, the premise is that Bai Zhenshan is still alive.If the life has been cut off, then Wan Dong is helpless unless he invites the Judge of Hades to re-edit the book of life and death.

Regardless of talking to Bai Die, Wan Dong rushed to Bai Zhenshan's sick bed, first checked Bai Zhenshan's breathing, and seeing that his breath was still there, his heart immediately calmed down a lot.Afterwards, Dao Qi was mobilized and poured into Bai Zhenshan's body, and he began to examine it carefully.

After all this investigation, Wan Dong couldn't help saying that he was lucky.The last time he treated Bai Zhenshan's illness, he unexpectedly disturbed the mysterious power in Bai Zhenshan's body, which made this power break out frequently for more than ten days.If it weren't for Sun Daobai's constant observation and waiting in front of the bed day and night, Bai Zhenshan wouldn't be able to support him at all.Thinking about it now, this was all due to Wan Dong's lack of thoughtfulness before, and he felt a little guilty.

Especially when he saw the exhausted Sun Daobai, his guilt grew stronger.

Seeing Wan Dong's expression of shame, Sun Daobai and the others thought that Bai Zhenshan was dying, and even he was helpless, and their thoughts immediately came to their throats.

"Yao Ting, I see that His Majesty's illness won't last for three days, so don't you have anything to do?" Sun Daobai asked in a serious voice.

"I..." Wan Dong was about to speak, when he turned around, he suddenly saw a few servant girls and eunuchs hiding in a far corner, looking here from time to time.Suddenly, he thought of what Qu Sanping had said to him. In the palace, there were Qu Sanping's eyeliner everywhere, and he was very clear about the situation of His Majesty the Emperor.

Wan Dong couldn't help thinking in his heart, if Bai Zhenshan's illness was cured at this time, once Qiu Wanli got the news, he suddenly died down and stopped all plans, what should he do?Didn't he miss an excellent opportunity to bring down Qiu Wanli?Furthermore, what if Qiu Wanli went mad and sent masters to sneak into the palace and simply assassinate Bai Zhenshan?Could it be that he still stands in front of Bai Zhenshan every day to protect him?Even if it can be saved for a while, it cannot be saved for a lifetime!

After much deliberation, Wan Dong still felt that it would be safer to wait for the moment when Qiu Wanli showed his fangs, and then heal Bai Zhenshan, turn the tide and tidy up the rivers and mountains!

"Yao Ting, you are talking!" Sun Daobai said anxiously when he saw Wan Dong was silent for a long time.

Wan Dong let out a long sigh, and said slowly, "Grandpa Sun is right, His Majesty the Emperor really won't last for three days."

"No! Why do you say that? Didn't you say that there is a way to completely cure my father's illness?" Bai Die pinned her last hope on Wan Dong, how could she give up so easily?Said hurriedly.

"That's right! Yao Ting, you should know that a man can keep his promises!" Tang Xinyi also hurriedly said.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and sighed, "I did, but what I said was that after one month, I will be able to treat His Majesty the emperor's illness. Now there are still more than ten days before the one-month period. So, I didn't There is a way."

"I don't understand, why do we have to wait until a month later?" Baidie shook her head and said with great dissatisfaction.

Sun Daobai opened his mouth and said, "Your Highness, why did you forget? Yaoting made it clear that day that he could not heal His Majesty's illness because his cultivation level was not enough. It will take a month to practice, and only if the cultivation level is raised enough Realm, only then can we have a complete grasp."

"Yes! It is true that the one-month period has not yet arrived, but it is only ten days away. How much cultivation can be improved in just ten days? Besides, who can say that there is absolute certainty in curing diseases and saving lives? Sixty to seventy percent is enough!"

"Princess Baidie is wrong! You don't need to be sure about common diseases, but if you want to cure His Majesty's illness, you must be sure. Because if there is a slight mistake, not only His Majesty will die on the spot, but even as a rescue Yao Ting, who is the leader, cannot escape death!" Sun Daobai hastily explained to Bai Die on Wan Dong's behalf.

"So, you don't want to treat my father now, because you are worried about being implicated by my father, because you are afraid of death?"

Bai Die ignored Sun Daobai, stared straight at Wan Dong, said with a cold expression and an imposing manner.

Wan Dong frowned when he heard this.Could it be that this white butterfly has lost her mind in a hurry?Can you say that?

Sun Daobai was also taken aback, his expression kept changing.

Wan Dong touched his nose, coughed and said, "I'm not afraid of death, it's just..."

"Okay! Since you are not afraid of death, then you will treat my father's illness now!" Without giving Wan Dong a chance to finish his sentence, Princess Baidie immediately shouted softly, resolutely!

"Impossible!" Wan Dong was slightly taken aback, but Sun Daobai had already opened his mouth to shout.He waved his hands and said, "Your Highness, please don't force it! Since Yao Ting is not fully sure, if he proceeds rashly, the risk is too great, and he may harm himself and others!"

"Hmph! My father can't survive for three days, but Xu Yaoting has to wait for more than ten days before he is willing to treat his illness. In this way, my father must die! Since it is survival from death, take a little risk , is also worth it!"

"Then... what about Yao Ting? In case of failure, he will also risk his life." Sun Daobai asked anxiously.

Bai Die was domineering, waved his hand, and said decisively, "I die as a king, and I deserve to die! If Mr. Xu died because he treated my father's illness, I will personally issue an edict, canonizing Mr. Xu as the King of the Iron Hat, hereditary In the future, shine on the lintel to show his loyalty!"

"What... what?" Sun Daobai was dumbfounded after hearing Princess Baidie's words.Both Sun Xiaoya and Tang Xinyi couldn't help being stunned.

Princess Baidie acted like this, she was going to die in Bi Wandong!

Wan Dong frowned, suddenly let out a wild laugh, and said coldly, "Hearing what Her Royal Highness said, I have no other choice today?"

Bai Die's face was cold and haughty, and her tone was incontrovertible, "If you think so, there is nothing I can do about it. In short, if you cure my father today, you will have endless glory and wealth in this life! But if you can't Good my father, then I can only trouble you, go to the underworld to fight for my father."

"Your Highness, don't you think it's too much for you to do this?"

Hearing this, Sun Daobai couldn't listen anymore, and couldn't help but yelled at the princess sharply.

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