"Ah? Sun Yisheng, you... what did you say?" Princess Baidie was startled, and asked blankly with astonishment.

Sun Daobai didn't say much, just smiled and went to take care of Bai Zhenshan on his own.Princess Baidie immediately scratched her heart like a hundred claws, wishing she could pull Sun Daobai over and give him a hard hammer.

Seeing this, Tang Xinyi couldn't help giggling, walked forward, grabbed Baidie's shoulder and said, "Alright princess, while the emperor is safe now, I will pass on the Immortal Gui Yi Qi to you at the end."

"What? You want to tell me to be one? But Xu Yaoting..." Bai Die's face was both surprised and happy, and at the same time, there was a trace of worry that couldn't be concealed.

Tang Xinyi smiled even more happily, and said, "Xu Yaoting is not as stingy as His Royal Highness thinks. He has promised me to pass on Gui Yi Qi to you!"

"Really!?" Happiness came so suddenly, Baidie never thought of it, and almost jumped up happily.

Seeing that Princess Baidie was so happy, Sun Daobai frowned, and said, "Princess, please forgive me for talking too much. Don't act so impulsively in the future. Otherwise, you will only mistake yourself and others!"

Princess Baidie's expression froze, she nodded at Sun Daobai full of embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Baidie has remembered the teachings of the medical sage."

Unable to bear Baidie's embarrassment, Tang Xinyi took Baidie's hand and said, "Princess, shall we start now?"

"En!" Bai Die nodded heavily, her face full of hope and joy.

Wan Dong left the palace and went straight to Wu Jinhun's General's Mansion.Qiu Yunchong and his black armored guards wanted to sneak attack Wujinhun's garrison camp and take Wujinhun's head. Wan Dong had to remind Wujinhun of this matter in advance so that he could take precautions.

Wan Dong is the savior of the Wu family, and he is already a guest of the Wu family at this time.Who doesn't know the guards in the mansion?As soon as Wan Dong showed up, someone from the Wu Mansion recognized him, and hurriedly returned to the mansion to report. When Wan Dong came to the Zhumen of the Wu Mansion, the butler, Uncle Jiang, greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Xu came here, and it's a sin to miss him!"

Although Uncle Jiang is a servant of the Wu family, Wan Dong knows that in the eyes of Wu Yang and Wu Yue, Uncle Jiang is like their uncle, so Wan Dong will not be rude.After the worship of the younger generation, he just said, "If you take the liberty to beg for mercy, I hope Uncle Jiang will not blame you."

Seeing Wan Dong being so courteous, Uncle Jiang smiled even wider. He came forward to hold Wan Dong's hand, and while tugging towards the mansion, he said, "What are you talking about, Mr. Xu! You are a distinguished guest, we can't even invite you here!" , why talk about begging for mercy? By the way, you came today to find my master, right?"

Wan Dong nodded, "Exactly!"

Uncle Jiang frowned, and said in a bit of distress, "It's really a coincidence that my master is talking to General Guo Yi Guo right now. I'm afraid you will have to wait for a while."

Wait, it's nothing to Wan Dong, but he is a little curious.Didn't Guo Yi already take refuge in the side of the national teacher? How did he come to Wujinhun's house?

"Hahaha... It's okay, it's okay, General Wu's business is important!" Wan Dong responded with a laugh, and followed Uncle Jiang to a secluded living room, where his servants prepared high-quality tea for Wan Dong to enjoy.

Uncle Jiang never walked away, and sat down to talk with Wan Dong, lest Wan Dong wait alone and be bored.

And just when Wan Dong and Uncle Jiang were talking happily, he suddenly heard a roar, which suddenly came from not far away, "Wu Jinhun, you are foolish and loyal! Could it be that in your eyes, there is only the royal family, but not the Qingyun Empire?" Hundreds of millions of people?"

This voice is loud and vigorous, full of righteousness, and also has the power of "breasting the world", which made Wan Dong's eyebrows raised.

But Uncle Jiang seemed to understand the strangeness, he gave Wan Dong a wry smile, shook his head and said, "As expected, there will be another quarrel!"

"Again?" Wan Dong couldn't help being taken aback, could it be that Guo Yi often came to quarrel with Wu Jinhun?

Before Uncle Jiang could explain Wan Dong's doubts, Wu Jinhun's loud voice rang out, "Wrong! It is because I have hundreds of millions of people in the Qingyun Empire in my heart that I will never allow the enemy to win the country! Guo Yi, you are the same as me!" , lived in Yunzhong City for a long time, don't you know the character of Qiu Wanli? When he ascends to the throne of God, hundreds of millions of people will fall into dire straits and cannot extricate themselves!"

Wu Jinhun's outburst of temper really matched Guo Yi's!That roar was also earth-shattering and eye-catching.

"Uncle Jiang, let's go over and have a look!" Before Wan Dong finished his sentence, his figure followed the sound and flew over.

The place where Wu Jinhun and Guo Yi were talking was right next to the living room where Wan Dong was sitting. Wan Dong passed over a wall, and immediately saw two men who looked like iron towers. They were all dressed in mighty and extraordinary military uniforms. Niu Ling's tiger eyes were staring at the other party, as if the tip of a needle met a wheat awn. It seemed that no one was willing to take even half a step back.

This was the first time Wan Dong met Guo Yi, and in Xu Wenchuan's memory, he and Guo Yi had only met each other at a few palace banquets, but Guo Yi, as the general guarding the capital, naturally couldn't have a relationship with Xu Yaoting, who was notorious. The famous dandy talks a lot, and Xu Yaoting doesn't make fun of himself, so there is no communication between the two.

At first, I heard from Qu Sanping that Guo Yi and Xuanyou and others came together, and Wan Dong's sensory impression of him was not very good.But when I saw him today, I found that Guo Yi was not what he thought. Instead, he was upright, majestic and burly, with an indomitable masculinity, extraordinary.

"No one is perfect, and it is inevitable that there will be some small flaws. The national teacher is a man of great wisdom, literary and martial arts, and it is difficult to find a match for him in the world. If such a virtuous man can not occupy the throne, he will hand over the country to a In the hands of a hairy girl who doesn't understand worldly affairs, this is trapping hundreds of millions of people!"

"Qiu Wanli is clearly a treacherous and evil person, but you regard him as a virtuous person, it is simply ridiculous! Could it be that you also took Qiu Wanli's gold and silver?"

"Fart your mother! Who do you think I am?" Guo Yi was furious, clenched his fists and shouted sharply.

Wu Jinhun snorted coldly, and curled his lips and said, "I don't know who you were before, but now it seems that you, Guo Yi, are a fool! And you are so foolish!"


"What are you? Don't forget His Majesty's kindness to you!"

"Because I am grateful for His Majesty's kindness to me, I can't just sit and watch the country he conquered with one hand, just ruined in the hands of a hairy girl!"

"Hmph! It's nonsense, Li Zi is not enough to conspire with it!" Wu Jin Hun raised his head and waved his hands in disdain.

"Well, you black gold soul! If that's the case, let's see you on the battlefield tomorrow!" Guo Yi left this sentence, and was about to turn around to leave, but when he turned around, he found Wan Dong standing beside him.

Guessing that Guo Yi recognized Wan Dong, he gave him a vicious look with disgust in his eyes.Wan Dong couldn't help thinking, this is thanks to being in Wu Jinhun's mansion, if it was changed to another place, it's hard to guarantee that General Guo wouldn't kill him with a knife.

"Hmph! Well, you black gold soul, I really think highly of you. Unexpectedly, even this little bastard who commits crimes and commits all kinds of crimes has become your guest of honor."

Wan Dong immediately frowned when he heard this.If Guo Yi scolded him for something else, Wan Dong would bear it, but he couldn't bear this little bastard!If Xu Yaoting has become a little bastard, then what is Xu Wenchuan?Even if Wan Dong could not care about Xu Yaoting's face, he still had to fight for Xu Wenchuan.

"General Guo, I don't know you before, why do you speak so harshly?" Wan Dong took a step across and stood in front of Guo Yi.

"Go away!" Guo Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense with Wan Dong at all, waved his big hand, and yelled loudly, as if chasing flies away.

Wan Dong sneered coldly, and his body didn't move at all.He simply didn't say anything, just waited to see what Guo Yi could do to him.

"Little bastard, don't think that your grandfather is King Dingshan, and this general dare not do anything to you. This general is no one else, and the name of King Dingshan can't scare me."

"Since you can't scare you, why do you bother to talk so much?"

"Hahaha... You're right! Guo Yi, stop slapping your face and pretending to be fat. If you're really not afraid of King Dingshan, just knock this kid to the ground. Why do you say so much?" Wu Jinhun Fearing that the world would not be chaotic, he laughed loudly and chimed in.

Being so excited by Wan Dong and Wu Jinhun, Guo Yi, even a Buddha, couldn't hold it anymore. With a loud roar, he waved his palm and slashed at Wan Dong.But don't look at Guo Yi's ferocious appearance, in fact, he kept his sense of proportion, but he used 10,000% of his strength.It can be seen that this Guo Yi is a person who is thick on the outside and thin on the inside!This is natural, without a bit of mind, how can you lead an army of [-]+ and take on the important position of defending Gyeonggi?

It's just that Guo Yi wanted to use five successes to repel Wan Dong, but it was whimsical.

With a muffled bang, Guo Yi's palm landed on Wan Dong's chest.Really solid, tight fit.

But what Guo Yi couldn't believe was that Wan Dong's body was still motionless, and the expression on his face was the same as usual, as if his palm didn't even land on Wan Dong's body at all.

"What's going on?" Guo Yi was puzzled and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Wu Jinhun had already expected such a result, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Guo Yi, didn't you eat today? Hahaha..."

"It is rumored that General Guo is a great martial artist, but seeing him today, it seems that his reputation is well-deserved!" Wan Dong shook his body slightly, shaking Guo Yi's palm off his chest, and then patted it lightly before being caught by Guo Yi. Hit the chest, said coldly.

"Do you dare to look down on this general?" Guo Yi would be blown up with anger even if his whole body was full of lungs if he was scorned by a mischievous dude.

Wan Dong chuckled lightly, and said, "Don't dare! But with General Guo's cultivation level, I'm afraid he can't even catch Xu's move."

"You... what did you say?" Guo Yi couldn't believe what he heard at this moment, the anger on his face had accumulated to an unbearable level in a blink of an eye.

"What are you talking about? Guo Yi, your cultivation base is not good, don't you even have a good ear? People say that with your little knowledge, they can defeat you with one move. I think Yao Ting is being modest, Half a trick of your tickling is enough!"

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