"It's unreasonable! Wu Jinhun, how dare you despise me like this?" Guo Yi seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and stared into Wujin Soul's eyes, as if he was about to spew fire.

Wu Jinhun sneered and said nothing, his contempt remained unchanged.Just when Guo Yi was about to go crazy, Wan Dong suddenly opened his mouth and said, "General Guo, why don't you and I make a bet?"


"Not bad! Just bet on whether you can take my trick!"

"Fart your mother! If I bet with you, wouldn't it be clear that the heroes of the world will laugh at me? At that time, how can I, Guo Yi, have the face to come out to meet people?"

"Hahaha...Guo Yi, you don't need to worry. There are only three of us here. Even if you lose, we will keep our mouths shut and we will never spread the word." He has a very good method, and as soon as he said this, Guo Yi was furious again!

"Wu Jinhun, this kid is crazy, could it be that you are crazy too? No matter how poor my cultivation base is, Guo Yi really can't catch even one of his moves?"

"I'm afraid you really can't handle it." Wu Jinhun smacked his lips, and uttered a word leisurely.

Guo Yi was about to attack again, when Wan Dong suddenly opened his mouth and said with a serious face, "If you catch my move, General Wu will agree to assist the national teacher and abolish the royal family together with you!"

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Guo Yi's anger disappeared immediately, and his face was full of deep astonishment.After being dazed for a long while, Guo Yi suddenly turned his head to look at Wu Jinhun, and saw Wu Jinhun's expression was calm, without any surprise, as if he and Wan Dong had already discussed it.

"Wu Jinhun, don't you join forces with this kid to make fun of me?" Guo Yi asked nana.

"Bah!" Wu Jinhun spat at him fiercely, and snorted, "I, Wujin Hun, are ashamed, making fun of you?"

"So, what this kid said is true?"

"Of course! As long as you can catch his move, my Tiger Talisman will belong to you. My army is at your disposal!" Wu Jinhun shouted loudly without even thinking about it. His confidence in Wan Dong was really overwhelmed. the point.

"A man, once you say something, it's hard to chase! Wu Jinhun, if you suddenly regret it, don't blame my surname Guo for looking down on you from now on!" Guo Yi hurriedly said as if he was afraid that Wu Jinhun would regret it.

Wu Jinhun smiled indifferently, and asked quietly, "Have you decided to gamble? Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the heroes of the world?"

"For the sake of the country, the country, and the hundreds of millions of people, I, Guo Yi, am willing to be a laughing stock!" Guo Yi straightened his body with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Wu Jinhun admired it in his heart, but said with a sneer on his face, "That's good! I just hope that you, the laughingstock, don't laugh off the big teeth of the heroes of the world! But, if you lose, what will happen?"

"Do you even need to ask? Put the Tiger Talisman with both hands, and the army under your command is all at your disposal!"

"Okay!" As soon as Guo Yi said this, Wu Jinhun's eyes immediately burst into light, and he was a little excited.

He never dreamed that in the past few days, he and Guo Yi had debated several times, but they could not convince him. As a result, after Wan Dong came for a while, things suddenly turned around.I admire Wan Dong more and more in my heart!This kid is really a lucky general!

But Wu Jinhun is not completely free from worries, after all, the gamble is really a bit big, it concerns the safety of the entire royal family and hundreds of millions of people, it is not enough to describe it as a gamble.Furthermore, Guo Yi is not an unknown person, as one of the three giants defending the capital, his cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of true energy, which can be said to be on par with Wu Jinhun.If it was said that he couldn't even resist Wan Dong's move, Wu Jinhun himself would not believe it.However, based on his understanding of Wan Dong, Wan Dong has always been used to using tricks, and he thought in his heart that Wan Dong must have already thought up a clever plan, so he set up this gamble.Although he was worried, Wu Jinhun still supported him [-]% out of his trust in Wan Dong!

Guo Yi snorted coldly, and when he came to Wan Dong, Dama Jindao stopped, with a cold and arrogant expression on his face, and said loudly, "Boy, just use whatever you have. This general will never take advantage of you, you With one move, if you can take this general back one step, you will win!"

"Hehe...General Guo, are you a bit overbearing?" Wan Dong laughed.

Guo Yi gouged out Wan Dong's eyes fiercely, wishing he could slap him across the face, and cursed, "Ignorant boy! When it comes to being big, you are the one who is good at it! He even said that this general can't even catch a single move from you. It's talking nonsense, and I don't know how to live or die!"

"That's right, Yao Ting, General Guo is different from ordinary people, his cultivation base is vigorous and profound, you have to be more serious!" Wu Jinhun sarcastically, at the same time, he did not forget to remind Wan Dong secretly.

Naturally, Wan Dong could hear the deep meaning in Wu Jinhun's words, but he didn't take it seriously at all. He just smiled slightly, then fixed his gaze on Guo Yi, and said leisurely, "In that case, then General Guo, please forgive me, junior!" excuse me!"

"Come if you want! There's so much nonsense!" Guo Yi let out a shout impatiently, Wei An's body shook slightly, and an incomparably thick and dignified aura immediately radiated from his body.Apparently, Guo Yi disdained Wan Dong on the surface, but in fact he was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and his cultivation might have been brought to the extreme!

Seeing this scene, Wu Jinhun couldn't help frowning, Guo Yi is very shrewd, it might not be easy to defeat him by tactics.On the one hand, Wu Jinhun was worried, but on the other hand, he was full of curiosity. He didn't know what clever plan Wan Dong had set up to deal with Guo Yi.

Just as Wu Jinhun was contemplating in every possible way, a golden radiance suddenly burst out from Wan Dong's body, soaring straight into the sky, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at him.At the same time, an extremely fierce, frightening power, as if thousands of troops rushed out together, spread and expanded, just like the tide of the Qiantang River, completely unstoppable!

"What!?" When Wu Jinhun was terrified, Guo Yi couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

He faced Wan Dong directly, and felt even more deeply!I just feel that the person standing in front of me at this time is definitely not a stinky brat who has not yet grown up, but is clearly a universe dragon with the ability to swallow the sky and spit out the earth!And this giant dragon was ready to devour him alive at any time with a supremely domineering and mighty posture.

The endless coercion came from nowhere, but it was extremely ferocious. From all directions, it surrounded him like an invisible wall of copper and iron, as if it was going to squeeze him into minced meat in the next moment!

Horror and fear already swept up and down in his heart instinctively, completely uncontrollable by his will!

What kind of bet, faced with this threat of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, only hovered in Guo Yi's mind for less than a second, and then it disappeared.Involuntarily, Guo Yi took a big step back.Moreover, this is just the beginning, and then the second step back, the third step.

Every time he takes a step back, his whole body is covered in sweat. After three steps back, Guo Yi's whole body looks like he has just been fished out of the water.

"When is this kid's cultivation..." Wu Jinhun didn't even have the heart to pay attention to Guo Yi's reaction at this time, all his mind and attention were completely attracted by Wan Dong.Surprise was written all over his face, and since he opened his big mouth, he couldn't close it anymore.

He originally thought that Wan Dong would devise some clever scheme to make Guo Yi admit defeat, but he never expected that Wan Dong would be so direct and domineering!Guo Yi's kick really hit the steel plate firmly!If he doesn't lose, who will lose?

Guo Yi took three big steps back, but he didn't feel the overwhelming coercion weakened.The ubiquitous coercion seemed to follow him like a shadow, making it impossible for him to get rid of it.However, what Guo Yi never expected was that this was just the beginning.

The golden beam of light bursting out from Wan Dong's body suddenly unfolded slowly like a fan, and like a peacock spreading its tail, it was gorgeous and inconceivable.

In the flashing golden light, Wan Dong raised his right palm slowly, and pointed his palm flatly at Guo Yi.

Guo Yi's heart trembled, he had expected that Wan Dong's move would only start now.It's a pity that Guo Yi is clear in his heart, but his body doesn't seem to belong to him anymore. Even though his thoughts are like lightning, he remains motionless and stiff.

Big drops of cold sweat kept falling down Guo Yi's cheeks, but it's a pity that even if Guo Yi wanted to wipe it off, he couldn't do it.

"General Guo, be careful!" Accompanied by a deep hum, Wan Dong's five fingers on his right palm opened slightly, and a golden light surged from his palm, heading straight for Guo Yi.

At that moment, Guo Yi only felt like a piece of light bird feather, but what was coming was a raging fire that swallowed the sky!For a split second, Guo Yi felt that all thoughts were lost, and everything in the world lost its luster at this moment.

At this moment, what flashed through Guo Yi's mind was not failure, but powerlessness!A kind of powerlessness where ants want to fight against the sky!

"Yao Ting is merciful!" With such a powerful palm, even Wu Jinhun, who was watching, couldn't help trembling for it, and blurted out involuntarily.

Wan Dong smiled slightly, but did not change his palm gesture.The bright golden light, galloping boldly, with a sound of swish, enveloped Guo Yi's whole body in it.

Guo Yi thought he was going to die, and even closed his eyes.The expected pain did not come as promised.On the contrary, there is a warm and harmonious breath, which is inextricably moving through his body, making his whole body itchy, and at the same time, there is an inexplicable sense of comfort.

"Could this be the feeling of death? If so, then the feeling of death is pretty good!" Guo Yi muttered in his heart.

"General Guo, I accept it!"

Wan Dong's clear and steady voice made Guo Yi open his eyes.

Wandong is still that Wandong, and the world is still that world.The only difference is that the golden light that covers the sky and competes with the sky has disappeared.

"You...you didn't kill me?" After holding back for a long while, Guo Yi just spit out a sentence quietly.

Wan Dong laughed, "General Guo's imperial command to defend the capital, if I kill you, wouldn't I become a traitor of the Qingyun Empire?"

"But I... I lost..." The word "lose" filled Guo Yi's mouth with extreme fear.As soon as he said it, Guo Yi's whole body seemed to lose his strength, and his body couldn't help shaking for a while.

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