At the beginning, Guo Yi didn't think about going to inform Qiu Wanli, but Wu Jinhun's shout reminded him, looking at Wan Dong, he laughed, "Are you young after all? Sure enough, you are still young! You know that I am with the country. The master and his gang actually revealed such shocking secrets in front of my face, isn’t it just asking for their own death?”

"Self-seeking death? Yao Ting, do you want to..." Guo Yi's words fell to the ground, before Wan Dong could say anything, Wu Jinhun's complexion suddenly changed, and he almost exclaimed and took the words.

Wu Jinhun's complexion changed, like some kind of chain reaction, Guo Yi's complexion also changed suddenly.The smile on his face became solidified in the blink of an eye, and he involuntarily took a few steps back, his eyes full of vigilance, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Are you trying to kill someone to silence you?" ?”

When Guo Yi blurted out these words, he couldn't help being shocked.With Wan Dong's superb cultivation, trying to silence him is effortless.Undoubtedly, it was precisely because of this that Wan Dong would unscrupulously reveal Qu Sanping's shocking secret of betraying Qiu Wanli in front of him.

Wu Jinhun and Guo Yi obviously wanted to go together, and their sword eyebrows couldn't be more tightly locked.

Although he and Guo Yi have political disagreements, and there are many quarrels today, as if they are incompatible, but Wu Jinhun is an upright person, deep down in his heart, he appreciates Guo Yi very much, Wan Dong wants to kill him, Wu Jinhun is It's really a bit of a shame, and it's a pity.

It's just that since Guo Yi already knows the secret that he shouldn't know, he can't let him go easily.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Jinhun raised his head and said to Wan Dong, "Yao Ting, Guo Yi is a general in the court. , let him go."

Wan Dong shook his head, and was about to speak, but Guo Yi grabbed the front, withdrew his sword from his waist, pointed at Wan Dong and Wu Jinhun, and shouted sharply, "I want Guo Yi to be your subordinate!" Prisoner, it's a joke! Guo's life is here, come and take it if you want!"

"Guo Yi! Don't give a toast and don't eat fine wine! Haven't you learned enough about Yao Ting's methods?" Guo Yi was so stubborn that Wu Jinhun was very angry, and couldn't help yelling loudly.

"Even if his cultivation is as high as the sky, so what? At worst, he will die!" Guo Yi is really a strong man, and he has already embraced the heart of death at this time.

Wu Jinhun was greatly troubled, and his brows were furrowed again.

"Boy, this is all caused by you, you can clean it up yourself!" Wu Jinhun gave Wan Dong a fierce look, with a lot of blame in his eyes.

Wan Dong didn't take it seriously, and looked confident.He smiled and asked Guo Yi, "General Guo, you are upright and loyal. You enjoy a high reputation in our Qingyun Empire. You should cherish your feathers very much. Why are you willing to die generously for a treacherous minister who usurped power at this time?" Aren't you afraid that your bad name will be recorded in the history and be reviled by future generations?"

"Of course I, Guo Yi, cherish feathers, but I am more responsible for the hundreds of millions of people in the Qingyun Empire! Bai Die is young and has no experience in governing the world. Just because she was born in the royal family, the huge empire and hundreds of millions of people will be handed over to her This is irresponsible to the common people in the world, and I, Guo Yi, will never allow it!"

Wan Dong nodded, with a very agreeable expression, and said, "General Guo is absolutely right. The current Princess Baidie doesn't have all the virtues and talents, and she really can't be an emperor!" "

"Yao Ting, you... what are you talking about?" Wu Jin Hun originally hoped that Wan Dong could persuade Guo Yi, but he didn't expect that after a few words between the two sides, Wan Dong was first "instigated" by Guo Yi and stood up to him. Going to the other side, Wu Jinhun was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Guo Yi was very happy, and went on to say, "Since you agree with me, you should support the national teacher in turn. The national teacher's character may be slightly flawed, but he has decades of experience in governing the world , and only if he succeeds to the throne, will the smooth transition of imperial power be realized."

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "Qiu Wanli is a treacherous and evil person. It is absolutely impossible for me to support him."

" don't support Princess Baidie, and you don't want to support the national teacher. What do you want?" Guo Yi was almost confused by Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Of course I support His Majesty the Emperor! Don't you forget that our Majesty the Emperor doesn't have Yulong Bintian yet!"

Guo Yi frowned, his expression became a little sad, and he said quietly, "Although it is disrespectful to say so, the life of His Majesty the Emperor is indeed a matter of a moment..."

"Is this what Qiu Wanli told you?"

"Isn't it true?"

"Of course not! I might as well tell you that the medical sage Sun Daobai has found a way to cure His Majesty's persistent illness. In just a few days, His Majesty will be completely cured."

"Is this true!?" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Wu Jinhun and Guo Yi exclaimed almost at the same time.The eyes of the two were full of surprise and disbelief, and at the same time they were faintly worried, worried that Wan Dong was just trying to make them happy.

"Yao Ting, if you dare to lie to me about this, even if I can't beat you, I will beat you up!" Wu Jinhun said in a rough voice, his voice was not as calm as before.

"This is a matter of losing your head. Do I dare to lie to you with this?" Sun Yisheng is currently treating His Majesty in the palace. If you don't believe me, you can ask him in person.You don’t want to believe my words, but you should believe the words of the medical sage, right? "

"But Master Guoshi clearly said..."

Wan Dong raised his hand, interrupted Guo Yi's words, and said with a smile, "I am very clear about what Master Guoshi told you! If he didn't say that, how could you give up your loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor and give up your allegiance?" support him?"

Guo Yi thought it made sense, nodded slightly, and said, "But since the medical sage has found a way to cure His Majesty the Emperor, why didn't he announce the good news to the world?"

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "This may be good news for General Guo, but it was a bolt from the blue for those treacherous officials like Qiu Wanli who wanted to usurp the throne. Once they know that His Majesty the Emperor is about to recover, wouldn't that force them to act early? In addition, although the Doctor of Medicine has found a way to heal the Emperor, it will take time to completely heal the Emperor."

Wan Dong's explanation was reasonable, and Guo Yi couldn't tolerate any doubts.After a while, Guo Yi stared at Wan Dong suddenly, and said in a very stern tone, "I can trust you! But, if you let me know that you lied to me, even if you die at the ninth stage, I will never let you go !"

Wan Dong laughed haha, and said, "Don't worry! Even if I, Wan Dong, deceived all the people in the world, I would not deceive you, General Guo. Besides, I also expected that General Guo would be fooled by Qiu Wanli before he made such a move." Wrong decision, that's why I will tell you all about Qu Sanping's betrayal of Chou Wanli and other shocking secrets in front of you. This is also an expression of my sincerity!"

"Good boy! It's a plan!" Seeing Guo Yi nodding repeatedly, obviously having heard Wan Dong's words in his heart, Wu Jinhun was very happy, and gave Wan Dong a thumbs up.

Thinking that he thought that Wan Dong was going to kill Guo Yi, Wu Jinhun was even more embarrassed, his face was square and flushed.

Wan Dong nodded, accepted Wu Jinhun's praise with a smile, and said, "Uncle Wu, why don't you hurry up and return the tiger charm to General Guo? This general lost the tiger charm, and that is a capital offense. Do you want to kill General Guo?"

The current result is a thousand times better than holding Guo Yi's Tiger Talisman in his hands.Of course, Wu Jinhun would not object, and immediately put the Tiger Talisman back into Guo Yi's hand, and said with a smile, "Guo Yi, remember it in the future, don't bet with this kid again. As far as I know, anyone with He bet, there is nothing he can't lose."

Wu Jinhun's words probably reached Guo Yi's heart, and he nodded repeatedly.

"General Guo, in order not to arouse Qiu Wanli's suspicion, after you go back, you will continue to fight with Xuan Youxu."

Guo Yilang laughed and said, "I still know this, Yao Ting, don't worry!"

Wan Dong hummed, and said, "Xuanyou has only over a hundred thousand troops under his command, so it's nothing to worry about. The key is the ten generals who came to Beijing from the border towns. Some of them, like General Guo, were bewitched by Qiu Wanli, but There are still a few of them, but they are Qiu Wanli's best friends. The soldiers and horses they brought will never be few. Uncle Uncle, you and all the troops under your command should prepare early."

Wu Jinhun nodded heavily, and said confidently, "Don't worry, Yaoting! This cloud city is my territory. If I can't even win in my territory, what face do I have to live on?"

Wan Dong laughed and said, "If this is the case, it's fine if Qiu Wanli doesn't do anything, but if he does, he will die without a place to bury him!"


"Not bad, not bad! Entering the country is very fast!" Wan Dong looked at the radiant Tang Xinyi with a smile, and praised repeatedly.

When Tang Xinyi heard this, she couldn't help giggling, and she said with joy on her brows, "Isn't this all the magic of oneness? You don't need to beat around the bush in front of your sister, I will definitely remember this love." In my heart. And Her Royal Highness, she asked me to say sorry to you on her behalf, and then thank you!"

Wan Dong pouted, noncommittal.He turned his head and looked at the neatly arrayed Feng Xiangwei behind Tang Xinyi.

"Ten thousand Fengxiang Guards, I left two thousand to be responsible for the safety of the palace, here is eight thousand." Tang Xinyi said.

Wan Dong nodded, and asked, "Have they practiced the eight-door golden lock array?"

Tang Xinyi said proudly, "This is the key to Fengxiangwei's combat effectiveness, so naturally they will not slack off! They have long been familiar with the various changes of the eight-door golden lock formation, and they have practiced countless times. Even with their eyes closed, they will not make mistakes. "

"That's great! Then I'll take them away."

"Wait, you haven't said what you want my Feng Xiangwei to do?"

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you, I will never take them to kill and set fire."

"You are so secretive, I don't worry, I want to go with you!" Tang Xinyi rolled her eyes and said softly.

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