Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 451 Fengxiangwei VS Dingshanwei!

Wan Dong shook his head with an expected expression, "You women, you are really troublesome!"

Seeing that Wan Dong's beard hadn't grown yet, she shook her head and looked old-fashioned, Tang Xinyi couldn't help but giggled.

The eight thousand Fengxiang Guards are mighty and magnificent!Wan Dong and Tang Xinyi sat side by side on horseback and walked in the front of the team. The feeling made Wan Dong's blood boil.Perhaps, leading thousands of troops and galloping on the battlefield is what he yearns for most in his bones.

"Yao Ting, where are you taking us?" Tang Xinyi couldn't help asking curiously after walking out of Yunzhong City.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said, "There is a cottage in front of me, and the creditor offended me. I want you to teach them a good lesson for me, and it's best to beat them all into pigs' heads!"

"What!? You asked my Feng Xiangwei to do this for you?" Tang Xinyi heard, a pair of black eyeballs almost jumped out and shot Wan Dong in the face.

Feng Xiangwei is the royal guard, responsible for the safety of the palace and the entire royal family.What an honor is that?Unexpectedly, today Wan Dong was used as a thug, a tool to vent his anger. It was as if a pearl had fallen into the mud, and the words Feng Xiangwei were even more blasphemy.

Tang Xinyi suddenly reined in the horse and wanted to lead Feng Xiangwei back to the palace.

Wan Dong said quietly, "General Tang, you promised me yesterday, do you want to break your promise?"

"But...but you didn't say yesterday that you want my Feng Xiangwei to do such nasty things for you."

"It's a dirty thing to vent your anger on me? It's as if I, Xu Yaoting, deserve to be bullied."

"Bah! You have always been the only one to bully others. When will it be others' turn to bully you?"

Wan Dong sighed, made a sad look, and said quietly, "Don't you really say that, I'm not as brave as you said. Think about it, in less than a year, I was beaten A heroine killed twice..."

"Okay, okay! It's not a man to turn over old accounts every now and then!" Tang Xinyi felt guilty for a while, and waved her hands in a hurry, not mentioning the matter of going back.

Looking at Tang Xinyi's not-so-good-looking complexion, Wan Dong smiled and said, "General Tang, there is no need to do this. The emperor does not send hungry soldiers, and I will not let Feng Xiangwei's brothers work in vain. If brothers can All the people in the cottage will give me pig heads, and I will take 1000 million taels of gold as a reward!"

Wan Dong deliberately raised his voice by an octave, so that almost every Feng Xiangwei could hear clearly.As expected by Wan Dong, the moment his words hit the ground, Eight Thousand Phoenix Guards almost boiled over.All of them showed ecstasy, feeling very grateful.

The 1000 million taels of gold, evenly shared among everyone, is more than a thousand taels, almost covering their ten-year military pay, no wonder they don't like it.

Not to mention these Fengxiangwei soldiers, even Tang Xinyi was surprised one after another.Never thought that Wan Dong would have such a big hand!Spending 1000 million taels of gold just to express bad breath, the anger of the second generation of officials is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

It is a fool to have money but not make money!Besides, 1000 million taels of gold was enough for Feng Xiangwei to spend for a long time.There is absolutely no reason to reject it!

"Is this a cottage?" When she came to the place, looking at the heavily guarded and large-scale military camp, Tang Xinyi immediately realized that she had probably been tricked by Wan Dong again.

They were all experts in leading soldiers, how could Tang Xinyi fail to see that what was in front of her was not a cottage at all, but an upright military camp.It's just that Tang Xinyi couldn't remember for a moment, which group of people in Yunzhong City was stationed here.

"It doesn't matter if it's a copycat or what, you just have to teach them a hard lesson!" Wan Dong was very domineering, and with a wave of his hand, he seemed to be berating Fang Qiu.

"Commander!" A lieutenant came up behind Tang Xinyi, clasped her fists and said, "The general sees that there are at most ten thousand people in this battalion, so it's nothing to worry about. Give your order!"

Feng Xiangwei practiced the eight-door Golden Lock Formation day and night, and he was quite successful, but he couldn't verify it, and everyone was itchy for a long time.Even if it wasn't for the huge reward of tens of millions of taels of gold, they really wanted to rush forward at this moment and have a big fight!

Tang Xinyi gave Wan Dong a hard look, and said in a low voice, "If you stabbed the basket, you don't want to run away!"

After finishing speaking, he said to the deputy commander, "Go and call!"

The deputy commander was about to take the order to go, Wan Dong suddenly smiled and said, "What is it called? Just charge over there!"

The deputy commander glanced at Tang Xinyi. Tang Xinyi pondered for a moment, then suddenly waved her pink arms and shouted "Attack!"

Immediately, the eight thousand Fengxiang Guards were like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, while letting out an earth-shattering roar, they rushed straight to the station!That kind of power, like the surging tide and the collapse of Mount Tai, is completely unstoppable and daunting.

"Okay, okay! Feng Xiangwei really deserves his reputation!" Wan Dong's eyes lit up, and he kept admiring.

Tang Xinyi was also happy when she heard this, and her pretty face was full of complacency.

Feng Xiangwei came rushing in like a rolling tide, and Ding Shanwei's side immediately heard movement.A dull sound of a trombone spread all over the field, and soon a group of shouts of killing gathered together, and a large number of people, like a torrent that broke a dam, gushed out, and within a moment, they were blocked in a neat array In front of the Fengxiang guards.

Seeing this situation, Tang Xinyi's crescent eyebrows twitched slightly, and a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in her expression.

Such a fast reaction speed is not even comparable to her Feng Xiangwei. This is clearly a well-trained team!

The Fengxiang Guards wanted to launch a sneak attack, rushed into the enemy camp in one go, and won the battle with lightning speed, but Ding Shanwei's reaction speed was obviously far beyond their expectations.The sneak attack had lost its meaning. The deputy commanders of Feng Xiangwei immediately restrained their subordinates, and quickly gathered together, forming a confrontation with Ding Shanwei.

"Who is so bold, dare to attack my Dingshanwei camp!?" With a loud shout, Wu Yang, Zong Yang, and Hu Yue rushed out of the tent at the same time.Wu Yue, Zong Qinghe and Ba Ling'er arrived afterward.

These familiar faces not only surprised Tang Xinyi, but also gave her the answer to the doubts in her heart.

He turned his head and gave Wan Dong a hard look, snorted a few times, and said with an unfriendly expression, "Didn't you say this is a cottage, why did it become the residence of Dingshanwei? Brat, what are you trying to do?" What idea?"

At this time, Wan Dong couldn't hide it anymore, he laughed a few times, and said, "It's nothing. These bastards really need to be dealt with. Let me borrow your Feng Xiangwei, beat them, and let them stop being so crazy!" "

"Hmph! You used my Feng Xiangwei as a sharpening stone, right?"

"Sister Tang, don't say that! This kind of tempering is equally important to Fengxiangwei. Everyone has lived in the capital for a long time, and there is no chance to fight on the real battlefield. It is very important to discuss and practice like this, isn't it?" What's more, the commander of my Dingshan Guard is none other than Luo Xiao! You don't want to beat him up? Hehe..."

"Luo Xiao?" Tang Xinyi's attention was immediately diverted.

It just so happened that Luo Xiao, who is the commander in chief, came slowly on horseback with Wang Yangde.

As soon as she saw Luo Xiao, "new enmity and old enmity" rushed into Tang Xinyi's heart.Not talking nonsense, Dang even let out a loud shout, "Hit me hard!"

Wan Dong had already gotten angry with Luo Xiao and the others before, and everyone knew it well at this time.Seeing that Tang Xinyi gave the order to kill, Luo Xiao didn't hesitate. With a wave of his hand, the Dingshan guards greeted him with open teeth and claws.

The two groups of men and horses, like two raging tides colliding together, immediately set off an earth-shattering sound, which was extremely sensational!

Luo Xiao asked Liu's family to build the first knife with ten thousand handles, but it was not yet finished, and he was worried that Ding Shanwei's use of different weapons would affect the power of 'Indomitable', so he ordered a long time ago that the whole army should use iron and wood knives first!This iron wood is hard and heavy, no different from iron and steel, but it can't be cut, and it can't hurt anyone, but the pain is still extremely painful.

Tens of thousands of iron and wood knives swung at the same time. Although they did not have the sharpness of the knives that could cover the sky, they were still very fierce and domineering.

Feng Xiangwei all wore swords, but Wan Dong had explained before that he could only beat the opponent hard, but could not hurt the opponent's life, so all the long swords were never drawn out of their sheaths.Sweeping the sword with its scabbard, although it lost a bit of flexibility due to the increased weight, it was also heavy enough to resist the iron wooden knife in Ding Shanwei's hand.

There was almost no foreplay between the two sides, and they directly entered a heated stage, like enemies meeting each other!

The guards of Dingshan have practiced the sword technique of "going forward" for a long time, and they have been suffering from no one to test their swords. Feng Xiangwei's visit here is simply "sending charcoal in the snow".Under the instructions of Luo Xiao and Wu Yang, the Dingshan guards were not polite, and the whistling sound made by the wooden knives piercing the wind was connected into pieces, flying sand and rolling stones, that was a mighty one!

In this way, Ding Shanwei's superb individual combat ability was immediately and vividly reflected.

Although Feng Xiangwei's combat effectiveness is not bad, compared to Dingshanwei who has practiced 'going forward', it is obviously inferior to fighting alone.

Tang Xinyi didn't take Dingshanwei seriously at first, she just thought, how strong could an army that has only been formed for less than a month be so strong?But the scene in front of her just made her break out in a cold sweat.Feng Xiangwei's swift and violent attack like a raging fire was abruptly stopped after only advancing less than tens of meters!And Tang Xinyi's thought of crushing Ding Shanwei in one fell swoop was torn to pieces in an instant.

"Huh? What kind of saber technique are they using?" Tang Xinyi asked in a startled voice when she noticed something was wrong.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I call it 'Go Forward', what do you think?"

"Fight forward?" Tang Xinyi repeated several times in her mouth, and when she looked around, she really tasted an unstoppable, invincible and fierce momentum from the saber's momentum rising from the sky!

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