No wonder Ding Shanwei was able to display such fighting power in less than a month. With such a saber technique as his reliance, how could there be any reason not to kill all directions?

"Is this your handwriting again?" Tang Xinyi couldn't help turning her head to look at Wan Dong, wishing she could split his head open and see what's inside.

After practicing Gui Yi Qi, not only did Tang Xinyi's cultivation skyrocket, but her vision was much sharper than before.Going forward is not just as simple as domineering, the trajectory of its moves is clearly and darkly consistent with the way of heaven. If you focus on practice and add a little understanding, it is not impossible to achieve perfection with this saber technique.This kind of saber technique is already comparable to high-quality martial arts. No matter how many people ask for it, it has become Ding Shanwei's popular martial arts. The word "luxury" is not enough to describe it.

Wan Dong smiled but didn't answer, "Sister Tang, if Feng Xiangwei doesn't make a real statement, I'm afraid Feng Xiangwei will take care of him instead."

Tang Xinyi's face froze, and she looked anxiously. Feng Xiangwei's current situation was really not optimistic.

Losing to Ding Shanwei is nothing, but losing to Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi is ten thousand and ten thousand unwilling!

"Hmph! Kid, don't rush to be happy. Although your Dingshanwei is strong in battle, you don't know how to cooperate with each other. You are like a group of green forests and grass. It is not suitable for large-scale army battles at all!"

Wan Dong's face was immediately covered with a bright smile, and he gave Tang Xinyi a thumbs up, praising Tang Xinyi for her extraordinary insight!

Tang Xinyi smiled slightly, raised the command flag, and shouted, "Eight-door Golden Lock Formation!"

As soon as the shout fell, Feng Xiangwei immediately moved, and the nearby people quickly gathered into a group, and the eight-door golden lock formation with different numbers of people and different sizes formed at an astonishing speed.Tang Xinyi wasn't bragging at all, the Fengxiang Guards had really practiced the eight-door golden lock array to an incomparably proficient level.

Proficient and precise, quick and orderly movement, that is called a hair sao.In Ding Shanwei's eyes, all Feng Xiangwei seemed to have suddenly turned into spinning tops, spinning and erratic.The iron and wooden knife held up high had a feeling that it couldn't find the target and couldn't fall down.

But just when Dingshanwei was confused and at a loss because of this, Fengxiangwei swung the long sword still in its sheath in pieces.When Dingshanwei reacted, the few had already suffered five or six heavy blows. Although they couldn't die, the pain pierced their hearts and lungs.

And when Dingshanwei roared and wanted to rush up to take revenge, the person who beat them just now was already more than ten steps away, and what stood in front of him was a long sword like a forest, as if separated by thousands of mountains It's as far away as water.

This is the wonderful use of formations, with infinite changes, it can instantly transform one person into five or ten!The combat power has doubled!

Relying on the advantages accumulated by 'going forward', Dingshenwei collapsed in an instant.The eight-door golden lock formations of different sizes, but equally miraculous and fierce, began to show their power in the entire battle situation.Ding Shanwei had no choice but to start backing away.

What's worse is that the small eight-door golden lock formations that are independent of each other are still constantly merging.And with the continuation of this fusion, a giant-level eight-door locked formation is taking shape.And it is conceivable that once it is formed, it will be like a super-large rolling machine, completely 'crushing' Dingshanwei.

Wu Yang, Wu Yue, and Hu Yue hurried back to the stern-faced Luo Xiao.

"Brother Luo, what formation is the other party using?" Wu Yang asked in shock.

"Eight Gates Golden Lock Array!"

"Can it be broken?"

"But any formation will definitely be broken!"

"Since it can be broken, then Brother Luo, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and give the order! If you delay any longer, I don't think everyone can stand it anymore. At that time, the boss will really lose face, and we might as well hit him to death." !” Hu Yue said with fire-breathing eyes.

Luo Xiao shook his head, let out a sigh, and said faintly, "It's useless! The formations all restrain each other. If we want to break the opponent's formation, we have to form an formation ourselves. But we Dingshan Since the establishment of Wei, he has never practiced formations. It is too late to say anything at this time!"

"That's unreasonable! It's simply despicable!" Hu Yue clenched his fists angrily.

Luo Xiao frowned, and asked, "Huyue, who are you calling despicable?"

"Of course it's Feng Xiangwei! When two armies are fighting, they should go straight and use these shameless methods. What kind of hero is this?"

"Go straight? There are always intrigues on the battlefield. Who will go straight to you? If you say this, I don't know how many people will laugh!" Fa Yiyi saw it so lightly, Luo Xiao couldn't help being a little angry, and the words he said were also hard.

Although Hu Yue was not convinced, he also knew that what he said was a bit naive, and he was sulking by himself.

Wu Yang accompanied Xu Yaoting to hang out in the Formation Academy at the beginning, although he didn't learn much skills, but he is clear about the great role of Formation.

He patted Hu Yue's shoulder lightly, and said, "Brother Luo is right! Fighting a war is different from a duel, what you need is the tacit cooperation with your comrades in arms, and the bravery alone cannot determine the outcome of a battle. And this This kind of cooperation is where the magical effect of formations lies!"

"But I still think that everything else is heresy, and only combat power is the kingly way!" Hu Yue pondered for a moment, and argued unwillingly.

"Isn't the customary formation a manifestation of combat power? Look for yourself. In terms of individual combat power, the Fengxiang Guard is weaker than our Dingshan Guard, but after they use the eight-door golden lock formation, their combat power instantly increases. , This is the proof!" Luo Xiao raised his voice.

"What eight-door golden lock formation? Let me break him!" Hu Yue suddenly let out a roar, and flew to Feng Xiangwei's formation with his sword.

"No, little tiger!" Seeing this situation, Wu Yang was very anxious, and when he was about to stop him, Hu Yue had already left.

"Hey!" Wu Yang sighed, turned his head and glanced at Zong Yang, and then the two jumped up and chased them together, with a tacit understanding.

Ba Ling'er, Wu Yue and Zong Qinghe also wanted to follow, but Luo Xiao stopped them.Let the men do the work of being beaten!

Huyue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang, like a ferocious tiger, directly poured into the center of Feng Xiangwei's large formation, wanting to have a center to bloom.

If these three people's cultivation bases are almost the same as Wan Dong's, maybe they can do it.But it was obvious that these three people were far from Wan Dong. It was simply whimsical to break through a super eight-door golden lock formation formed by thousands of people from the center.

As the three of them broke in, the eight-door Golden Lock Formation changed immediately, separating the three gates, trapping the three in one place, and at the same time, as the formation moved, the distance between the three became wider and wider. further away.Soon, the three of them changed from fighting together to not fighting each other!

Hu Yue knew exactly what Feng Xiangwei's intentions were, but there was nothing he could do about it!Every attack he launches, although extremely fierce and domineering, will always be shared by dozens or even hundreds of Fengxiang Guards at the same time. In this way, no matter how powerful the move is, it will become too weak.Hu Yue roared again and again, and came up with clever moves one after another, but he didn't even touch the corner of Feng Xiangwei's clothes.

After entering the formation, Hu Yue realized that the power of the eight-door golden lock formation was much stronger than he had imagined!

In just a moment, Huyue and the three fell into a bitter fight.

Seeing this, Tang Xinyi smiled at Wan Dong, "These three boys are quite courageous!"

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Give me a hard lesson for them, let them learn to be good, and have a long memory!"

"Okay! I'm so happy!" Tang Xinyi smiled, and with a wave of the flag in her hand, the eight-door Golden Lock Formation moved like the wind.The front line that was difficult to move forward before, now seemed to be in an uninhabited land, and more and more Dingshanwei were knocked to the ground.

Ding Shanwei's failure had already been expected by Wan Dong.But the defeat turned out to be so ugly that even the three leading generals were trapped in the enemy's formation, unable to extricate themselves, which made Wan Dong's expression somewhat ugly.However, he was relieved that the soldiers of Dingshanwei had strong bones.From the beginning to the end, no one fled without a fight, and no one knelt and surrendered.

"Brother Yao Ting, do you want to fight again?" Tang Xinyi looked at Wan Dong contentedly, her eyes were full of complacency and provocation.

Although this was Wan Dong's request from the beginning to the end, it was also very enjoyable for Tang Xinyi to be able to defeat him so happily!

"Oh! Your group of idiots are so careless, I'm so embarrassed to take your money. Could it be that you really answered that sentence, a raging army, a raging litter?"

Wan Dong snorted softly, took out a 1000 million tael gold ticket from his bosom, handed it to her, and said, "You better accept it! If you don't accept it, how can I have the nerve to ask you to get back the place in the future?" ?”

"Ah? You still want to challenge our Fengxiangwei? I said brother, although they are idiots, they are still your soldiers. Aren't you abusing them, hehe... It's a pity that you didn't enter the arena, otherwise, you can I will beat you up solidly, and I will be happier today."

"Just relying on you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, if you want to beat me up, I'm afraid you can't do it."

Leaving this sentence, Wan Dong's figure suddenly lifted up, turning into a golden ray of light, piercing through Feng Xiangwei's eight-door golden lock formation.

Few of the soldiers of the Dingshan Guard could stand up, only Huyue, Wu Yang and Zong Yang were still struggling to support themselves.But judging by the bruises and swollen faces of the three of them, I'm afraid they won't last long.

Feng Xiangwei didn't care if Wan Dong was their God of Wealth or not, he was in high spirits right now, when he saw Wan Dong rushing towards him, he swung his sword and slashed at him without any hesitation.

The long sword is like a forest, covering the sky and the sun, if someone else had this momentum, they might be frightened to death.But in Wan Dong's eyes, it was insignificant.Standing in the air, with both arms outstretched, large expanses of golden light shot out one after another.In a short while, thousands of Fengxiang Guards fell to the ground.

The eight-door Golden Lock Formation, which was originally operating extremely flexibly, immediately had a huge flaw and completely stagnated.

After violently cracking the eight-door golden lock formation, Wan Dong made a move with both hands, and the three figures of Hu Leap, Wu Yang, and Zong Yang jumped up one after another, and Wan Dong was directly thrown out of Feng Xiangwei's encirclement!

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