Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 454 The Guo Mansion is a Guest!

Wan Dongxie laughed a few times, grabbed Luo Xiao's shoulders, and said, "Brother Luo, this woman is different from women. Some women like gentleness, while others like brutality. I think Tang Xinyi belongs to the latter!" If you really want to win her heart, just listen to me, and convince her once you see her in the future. Keep her in your arms obediently!"

"Yao Ting, you... Is what you said true? Why do I feel a little unreliable?" Luo Xiao scratched his head, his face full of suspicion.

"Brother Luo, what the boss said is absolutely correct. A woman like Tang Xinyi, to put it nicely, worships the strong, but to put it bluntly, she commits a crime and deserves to be beaten!" Hu Yue chimed in.

Wu Yang and Zong Yang nodded one after another, which immediately reduced the suspicion on Luo Xiao's face.

Seeing that Luo Xiao had heard his words in his heart, Wan Dong was very proud.From now on, I don't have to worry about not having Tang Xinyi's fun watching.

"Okay Brother Luo, I still have something to talk to you about." Chong Huyue greeted them, and Wan Dong pulled Luo Xiao into the handsome tent.

When everyone gathered in the tent, Wan Dong opened his mouth and said, "Although today's battle is a shame, everyone must have found out the weakness of our Dingshanwei."

Huyue was never ambiguous about admitting his mistakes. He was the first to stand up and said, "That's right! We Dingshanwei don't know enough about the formation, and we have never practiced it before. On the battlefield, it looks like an army. In fact, it is a game of disunity. If you encounter an opponent who is equally inexperienced in formation, you may win, but if you encounter a well-trained team like Feng Xiangwei, you will definitely be defeated. I think we will be single-minded in the future. Study formation tactics hard! Don't let others say that we Dingshanwei, single out one is a dragon, and a group is a worm!"

After hearing this, Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "You have finished all what I want to say. Why haven't you guys been able to speak so well before? But, if you know each other like this, at least we are not ashamed today. Diu. Wu Yang, Zong Yang, do you think so too?"

"Yes, boss! It's nothing to fail once, and it's crucial to learn from failure!" Wu Yang and Zong Yang nodded quickly.

"Okay! Brother Luo, look!" Wan Dong gave a big praise, took out a piece of yellow brocade silk cloth from his bosom, and handed it to Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao took it over, unfolded it gently, stared at it, then looked at Wan Dong with some surprise, and asked, "Is it the formation map?"

Wan Dong nodded and said, "This array is called 'Nine Palaces and Nine Songs Array', which I got by accident. Take a look, how about this array?"

Luo Xiao hummed, and turned to examine it carefully.

Luo Xiao had seen quite a few formation diagrams before, relying on Qiu Wanli's financial resources, Luo Xiao had the opportunity to study some famous formation diagrams handed down from ancient times, his vision can be described as tricky.

Compared with those famous ancient formations, the formation diagram of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves is very simple at first glance, and it seems to be far inferior to the lines.But when Luo Xiao concentrated on it, he immediately realized that this was just an appearance.Although the formation arrangement of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation is simple, the changes in it are extremely complicated, as if they are endless.

Just like a simple circle, it is clear at a glance, but it can cover everything!

This can no longer be described by just using the four words 'simplify the complex'.The wisdom contained in it is almost even higher than the way of heaven.

"Yao Ting, where did you get this map?" Luo Xiao couldn't hide the excitement between his brows, his eyes were wide open, and even his breathing seemed to become short of breath.

Seeing Luo Xiao's expression was different, Hu Yue, Zong Yang and others also joined together, Hu Yue asked, "Brother Luo, how is this formation compared to Feng Xiangwei's eight-door golden lock formation? Can it break them?"

It can be seen from this that Hu Yue is still brooding about losing to Feng Xiangwei.

"Of course it can be broken! Compared with this formation, the eight-door golden lock formation is simply child's play! Yao Ting, I suspect that this formation diagram was handed down from ancient times, and it is definitely not something that people can create today! Are you Where did you find this map, maybe there are other array maps hidden there."

Although Luo Xiao didn't guess correctly, he was half right.This Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Array is indeed not a product of blocking, or in other words, it is not a product of the current mundane small world.Like Gui Yi Qi, Holy Sword Dao and other superior formulas, this formation is also from the memory of Xuantian Damingshen.

It's just that Wan Dong doesn't understand, there is no country in the Taoist world, there is no such thing as an army, and there is no confrontation between the two armies. What do they want these formations for?

Wan Dong didn't explain, but only asked Luo Xiao, "Do you think this array is usable?"

"Of course it's usable! With this formation, even if our Dingshanwei's combat power is increased by ten times, it will be easy!" Luo Xiao hastily grasped the formation diagram of the Jiugong Jiuqu formation, as if Wan Dong would come from the formation at any time. He snatched it back in his hand.

"Then... how long will it take for everyone to practice proficiently?"

"The basic formation of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation is not complicated, but if you want to exhaust its changes and show its [-]% power, I'm afraid it won't be possible within three to five years."

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Three to five years is too long, you only have three to five days now."

"Three or five days?" Luo Xiao was slightly taken aback.

Wan Dong's face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Because in three to five days, our Dingshan Guard will usher in a real fierce battle! An enemy stronger than Feng Xiang Guard!"

"Stronger than Feng Xiangwei?" Just now he lost to Feng Xiangwei, but Wan Dong immediately threw out another enemy stronger than Feng Xiangwei, no wonder everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Could it be the Black Armored Guard?" Luo Xiao blurted out and asked with a thought.

"That's right! In five days, our Dingshan Guard will have a life-and-death battle with the Black Armor Guard!" Wan Dong originally wanted to tell everyone about this matter, so he naturally wouldn't hide it.

"But isn't the black armor guard stationed in Fenghuo City all the time? Could it be that, boss, you want to drag our Ding Shanwei to Fenghuo City? No, even if this is the case, it is impossible to reach Fenghuo City in three to five days... ..." Wu Yang muttered, frowning.

"Could it be that the Black Armored Guards have already returned to Yunzhong City? What do the Qiu family and his son want to do?!" It has to be said that Luo Xiao's political sensitivity is far better than that of Wu Yang and others. After a short pause, he thought of the key point. Zhang's face immediately became extremely stern.

Wan Dong nodded lightly at Luo Xiao, without saying anything more, Luo Xiao already understood everything, and sighed, "Their father and son have finally taken this step."

Sighing, Luo Xiao suddenly raised his head to look at Wan Dong, and said confidently and firmly, "Although five days is not long, I am sure that I can unleash [-]% of the power of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation!"

"What? Only [-]%?" Hu Yue shouted while shaking his head.

Luo Xiao glared at him, curled his lips and said, "What do you know? This Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation is extraordinary, and if it can exert [-]% of its power, it is enough to sweep Feng Xiangwei's eight-door Golden Lock Formation!"

"Really...really so powerful?" Hu Yue asked, smacking his lips again and again.

Luo Xiao was too lazy to talk to him, and turned to look at Wan Dong, waiting for him to make a final decision.

"If you can really play [-]%, it will be a great achievement. Brother Luo, I will leave everything to you!"


After breaking up with Luo Xiao and the others, Wan Dong returned to Dingshan Prince's Mansion and never went out for five days.Every day, when he was not practicing, he was discussing martial arts with Xu Wenchuan, Leng Shuangrong, and the others. He lived a relaxed and comfortable life, as if he didn't know that a huge turmoil that wanted to change the world was secretly surging.

"Grandpa, I won't be eating at home tonight." After Xu Wenchuan woke up from his trance, Wan Dong said with a smile.

"Okay, got it! Come back early tonight!" Now Xu Wenchuan was very relieved of his grandson, and nodded without hesitation.

Leng Yuecui originally wanted to go with Wan Dong, but was rejected by Wan Dong, so she could only pout helplessly and give Wan Dong a supercilious look.

Leaving Dingshan Prince's Mansion, Wan Dong stood up and went straight to Guo Yi's Mansion!

Tomorrow, Qiu Wanli will make a big move in the palace, and tonight is very important for Wandong!Although everything was arranged and prepared, Wan Dong still didn't dare to be careless.

"Hahaha...the aroma of the wine is so strong, it must be a high-quality wine!" Wan Dong laughed loudly while twitching his nose non-stop.

Guo Yi gave him a hard look, and said, "You boy, did you really come here for drinking today?"

Wan Dong turned around and came to the table already filled with delicacies, stretched out his hand to squeeze a white jade wine glass, filled it up, and drank it in one gulp, immediately feeling comfortable all over his body.

"This matter needs to be done, and the wine needs to be drunk, so don't delay the two!"

"I can't see it, but you have the air of a general who is calm and calm. But don't blame me for not reminding you that tomorrow's success or failure depends only on tonight. I'm afraid you and I will die without a place to bury you!"

"General Guo, don't worry, the sky does not hide traitors, we have no reason to fail!"

"Hey! I hope so! But, why Xuanyou hasn't come yet, can't he be aware of something and refuse to come?"

Guo Yi was worried, so the servant came slowly with Xuan You in casual clothes.Xuan You didn't come alone, but was followed by two old men in black, both of whom were in their sixtieth year.Wan Dong took a quick look and found that they were all top experts at the peak of the Ninth Layer of True Qi.

It seems that Xuanyou is really worried about Guo Yi.

"Hahaha... General Guo, I've kept you waiting!" Seeing Guo Yi, Xuan You immediately walked up to him with a smile on his face.Just as he was about to exchange some pleasantries with Guo Yi, he suddenly caught sight of Wan Dong behind Guo Yi, and the smile on Xuan You's face froze immediately.

"Xu Yaoting!? Why are you here?" Xuan You asked in shock.

Wan Dong smiled slightly and said, "Same as General Xuan, he was invited by General Guo to be our guest."

"Okay! Good wow! Hahaha...Brother Guo, it's no wonder that the Master of the State Teacher values ​​you so much. Brother Guo's strategy is really admirable. The Master of the State Teacher is most worried about Xu Wenchuan, the king of Dingshan. Now he Now that our precious grandson is in our hands, we are not afraid that he will not give in! Wonderful, really wonderful!" After being stunned for a moment, Xuanyou suddenly came to his senses and said with a big laugh.

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