Who said this Xuanyou is an idiot?Obviously very witty!It only took a while, and he came up with a brilliant idea, although it was a bit presumptuous.

Guo Yi was angry and funny, he clasped his fists at Xuanyou, and said, "Where can Guo be as talented as General Xuan? It's no wonder that the National Teacher will rely on General Xuan as a minister of the humerus."

The smile on Xuanyou's face was even bigger, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said, "General Guo, there is no need to be humble. In the future, we brothers will be united, and under the command of Master Guoshi, we will surely achieve something astoundingly great!"

"In that case, Guo must rely more on General Xuan."

Seeing Xuanyou being so shameless, clearly trying to usurp the throne, but claiming to accomplish something astounding, Guo Yi's complexion changed immediately, as if covered with a layer of frost.

It's ridiculous that Xuanyou is still immersed in the illusory dream of the future, but he didn't notice it at all. He laughed even more happily, and nodded repeatedly, "It's easy to say..."

"Xuanyou!" Guo Yi was originally a man of integrity, and it was certainly not his forte to flirt with villains.At this time, he was already extremely angry, so he didn't care about that much, he shouted loudly, and suddenly blurted out, making Xuan You tremble a few times in shock.

"Guo...Brother Guo, you..."

When Xuanyou calmed down and looked at Guo Yi, he realized that Guo Yi's complexion was already ashen.The cold lightning in his eyes flickered non-stop, and there was a faint murderous aura in the depths of his eyes, rolling and relaxing from time to time, which made Xuan You's heart thump wildly.

"My surname is Xuan! Do you really think that I, Guo Yi, will join forces with rebels like you who seek to usurp the throne?" , It's really like a nine-story iron tower, majestic and majestic!

"Guo, do you want to turn your face?" Xuanyou narrowed his eyes suddenly, and asked coldly.

Guo Yi snorted angrily, and shouted, "You are right! Xuanyou, to tell you the truth, the Japanese general invited you here today to borrow two things from you. One is your tiger talisman, and the other is your head!"

"No wonder the Xu family boy is here. It turns out that...so you betrayed the national teacher and took refuge in King Dingshan!?"

Xuanyou's expression was immediately filled with unconcealable anger, pointing at Guo Yi, and roaring repeatedly.

Guo Yi smiled coldly, curled his lips and said, "I have never taken refuge in Qiu Wanli, so why do you say betrayal?"

"You...you have really let down the high expectations of the National Teacher! Today I will capture you in front of the National Teacher and let him personally send you down! Dong Chengdong Xu, Guo Yi and this kid surnamed Xu Take it together!" Xuan You was straightforward, seeing that his face had been torn apart, without any nonsense, he waved his hand, and the two old men behind him immediately walked out slowly.

Looking at the two old men with steady figures and stern faces, Guo Yi couldn't help sneering, "You Xuanyou came to my house for a banquet, but you brought such two expert bodyguards with you. It can be seen that you and Qiu Wanli doesn't trust me at all."

"You're right! In this world, who can trust anyone? If I don't take the two of them with me, wouldn't it really fall into your hands today? Hahaha... the surname is Guo, this is not as good as others God knows! God wants to become a national teacher, what can you do?"

"Joke! God's eyes are open! Kid, what are you doing there, not ready to make a move?" Guo Yi turned his head and glared at Xu Yaoting, and shouted.

Xu Yaoting couldn't help but let out a wry smile when he heard the words, and said, "General Guo, I dare you to invite me here today because you want me to be your thug."

"Nonsense! Is it possible that I really invite you to drink?" Guo Yi didn't show the slightest embarrassment.This person, once he has been an official for a long time, it is inevitable that he will be infected with this 'bad habit'.

"Hahaha... Guo Yi, are you crazy? This kid is a scumbag, but you let him do it. Do you hate him so much? Hahaha..." Xuanyou was like It was like seeing a big joke, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Rotten wood? It's unreasonable! The young master is so bad, any cat or dog dare to look down on me?"

The smile on Wan Dong's face suddenly withdrew, replaced by a strange coldness, his figure paused slightly, like a piece of weightless feather, it floated in front of Dong Cheng and Dong Xu with the wind.

"You two, you two are quite old. Instead of cultivating your mind and nature at home, you want to come out to help tigers? I think you are already old people buried up to your neck in the loess, and you don't want to make a big fight with you, so you should leave as soon as possible."

"Ignorance child!"

Wan Dong's old-fashioned appearance immediately enraged Dong Cheng and Dong Xu, Dong Cheng shouted loudly, and slapped Wan Dong with a wave of his palm.

It can be seen that although Dong Cheng's temper is hot, his actions are not very heavy.Of course it wasn't because he was soft-hearted, but because he didn't regard Wan Dong as the No. [-] person at all, and his face was full of contempt and disdain.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

Facing Dong Cheng's palm, Wan Dong's figure was like a majestic mountain, standing still.It was only when Dong Cheng's palm was only an arm's length away from him that he raised his palm like lightning.Wan Dong's speed was so fast, it was like a gust of wind blowing by. Dong Cheng didn't even see Wan Dong's palm at all, and suddenly felt his arm go numb, followed by a terrifying wave like a mountain roar and a tsunami. With strength, he rushed forward.

Dong Cheng couldn't resist at all, his figure was as if being pushed by a bulldozer, and he retreated more than ten steps violently, before he stood still in embarrassment.

"What's going on?" It is said that the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear!But this round, Dong Xu, who was on the sidelines, was even more confused than Dong Cheng.Everything was clearly planned, seeing Dong Cheng's palm was about to hit Wan Dong's body, but Dong Cheng didn't know why Dong Cheng was so excited, he suddenly backed away.

"This kid is weird, it's tricky!" Dong Cheng looked at Wan Dong again after suffering a loss, his eyes were already full of vigilance.Especially the numb arm that had almost completely lost consciousness made Dong Cheng even more frightened.

"Huh?" Xuan You never believed that with Dong Cheng's cultivation, he would be no match for a 'notorious' dude.But he suddenly caught a glimpse of the faint sneer on Guo Yi's face, and immediately felt something was wrong.

"Don't waste time! Dong Cheng and Dong Xu, you all go all out together! Kill this kid first, then take Guo Yi!"

Dong Cheng and Dong Xu obeyed Xuan You's words.As soon as Xuanyou finished speaking, the two jumped up at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right, like two eagles, they turned sharply down in the air, and grabbed Wan Dong's arms respectively. It's like tearing apart.

"Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, and the cold light in his eyes flashed sharply. Before he saw any movement, a bright golden light suddenly burst out from his body, tearing up the darkness with a radius of [-] meters, and the whole world was immediately illuminated. Every detail is revealed.

"Ah!" Dong Cheng and Dong Xu, who were in the air, immediately exclaimed.Have the two of them seen such power before?Under the golden light, his figure seemed to be stiff, unable to soar into the sky anymore, and fell heavily to the ground like two torn sacks.

"Big... Great Perfection!" Dong Cheng's old face instantly became uglier than that pork loin.Looking at Wan Dong, it was like seeing a ghost in daylight, full of panic and fear.

Dong Xu was even worse than Dong Cheng. At this moment, he was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, trembling unceasingly, and he couldn't even speak.

For the sake of their old age, Wan Dong didn't kill them, he just touched them with his fingers, abolishing their cultivation.

Xuanyou never dreamed that Dong Cheng and Dong Xu, whom he relied on, were so useless that Wan Dong knocked him down in the blink of an eye.It never occurred to him that Wan Dong, whom he looked down upon, was already the appalling Dzogchen.At this moment, Xuanyou seemed to be in a dream, with a dull expression on his face.

"Hehe...General Xuan, can we continue to talk about the tiger talisman and the head on your neck?" After subduing Dong Cheng and Dong Xu, Guo Yi was at ease.There is only one Xuanyou left, even if Wan Dong is not needed, he can take care of it himself.

"Guo... General Guo, I..." At this time, Guo Yi's smiling face fell into Xuan You's eyes, like a reminder, it made his soul feel a little cold.

"What else do you want to say? This is the end, what else can you say? Where is the tiger talisman? Hand it over!"

Guo Yi unfolded his power, which instantly made Xuanyou break out in cold sweat.

"The tiger amulet is in Xuan's bosom, and Xuan will give it to him. I just ask General Guo to spare his next life because of his past love..." Xuan You stretched his hand into his bosom while begging for mercy in a hurry. inside.

Guo Yi sneered, shook his head and said, "If I knew today, why bother? I think His Majesty the Emperor treats you well, but you are good, but you want to help Qiu Wanli usurp the throne instead. You are simply an ungrateful beast!"

"General Guo's lesson is, General Guo...you go to hell!" Xuanyou's hand was groping in his bosom for a long time, and he suddenly pulled it out with a wave, and a glistening cold light immediately shot towards Guo Yi in pieces. and go.Regardless of whether he hit Guo Yi or not, the moment he released the hidden weapon, Xuan You stood up and rushed towards the outside of Guo's mansion.

It's just that Xuanyou obviously overestimated his ability. With his little knowledge, how easy is it to escape from the hands of Dzogchen?

Xuan You only heard a sneer from behind him, followed by an unstoppable sharp wind rushing from behind him.Xuan You shuddered, and looked back, this look made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

The densely packed hidden weapons he swung were surrounded by a golden light, they turned their spears and came towards him, the speed and power were many times higher than when he swung it.

Xuan You was so terrified that his heart and gallbladder were splitting apart. Before he could react, a wave of heart-piercing, bone-piercing pain instantly submerged his whole body.After the figure moved forward several feet inertially, Xuanyou's figure fell to the ground with a thud...

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