Hit the horse on the imperial street and enter the palace in a sedan chair!Xu Wenchuan and the others looked at each other in amazement.Such a situation, even in the memory of Xu Wenchuan's life, has never happened before.What kind of urgent matter is it that makes Princess Baidie ignore these royal courtesies?

"Old prince, this..." Hu Jingqi and the others were momentarily at a loss.

Xu Wenchuan waved his hand and said, "Since it is the order of Her Royal Highness, everyone, don't hesitate, let's go!" After finishing speaking, he took the lead in getting on the horse, slapped the horse's buttocks, and jumped directly into the royal palace.

Xu Wenchuan took the lead. Those who could ride horses got on their horses one after another, and those who couldn't ride a horse got into sedan chairs one after another. A group of people went straight to the Palace of Political Affairs.

At this time, in the Palace of Political Affairs, Princess Baidie was like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth non-stop.The exquisite breakfast brought by the maids was put aside, and there was not even a trace of heat left.Shocked by the bad news, where can Princess Baidie still eat!At this time, she can really be described as Liushen Wuzhu.

"His Royal Highness, King Dingshan and several adults have arrived!"

"Quick! Please!" Bai Die asked Feng Xiangwei to invite her, but she herself was faster than Feng Xiangwei, and came out first.

"My lord, my lords, you've come." Seeing Xu Wenchuan and the others, Bai Die's expression was like that of a drowning man seeing a straw, tightly holding Xu Wenchuan's arm, and would never let go .

If it hadn't been for a big event, Princess Baidie would never have messed up like this.Xu Wenchuan also talked nonsense, not to mention politeness, and hurriedly asked, "Your Highness, what happened?"

Bai Die'e frowned and said, "At dawn today, the eyeliner I arranged beside Qiu Wanli risked his life to report to me that Qiu Wanli...he is coming to the palace today!"

"Bi Gong!? Doesn't Qiu Wanli want to rebel?" As soon as Baidie finished speaking, Hu Jingqi immediately reprimanded him angrily.

Xu Wenchuan sneered, curled his lips and said: "Everyone knows Qiu Wanli's wolf ambitions. He wants to rebel, so it's not surprising at all. Princess, don't panic, we are not vegetarians. If he comes to the palace today, see if the old minister is okay." Call him eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"The old prince doesn't know that this time is different from the past. In order to usurp the throne, Qiu Wanli entangled ten generals guarding the frontier and ordered them to lead troops into the capital. I'm afraid they will come to the city soon!"

"What? Such an important matter, how come we didn't even hear about it?" When Princess Baidie said this, Xu Wenchuan was really surprised.

Princess Baidie nodded bitterly and said, "Qiu Wanli's actions are extremely secretive. If it hadn't been for my eyeliner who risked his life to report it, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark! I have ordered General Tang to go out of the city to investigate, and it should be soon. There is news coming back."

Sure enough, as soon as Princess Baidie's words fell, Tang Xinyi rushed into the palace in a hurry.

"Xinyi, how is the situation?" Baidie asked hastily.

Tang Xinyi's complexion was unprecedentedly serious, and she said in a deep voice, "What the eyeliner said is true, the top ten generals and ten troops have gathered in one place, about [-] people, and it is less than [-] miles away from Yunzhong City."

"No...less than thirty miles?"

Hearing this, Baidie felt as if she had been hit on the head, her frail body couldn't help shaking a few times, and her small face instantly turned pale.Yunzhong City is located in the middle of the Qingyun Empire, surrounded by countless satellite-sized cities as the gateways. Since the city was first built, it has never thought of building a guard wall. It can be said that it is a completely undefended city!How can it withstand the iron cavalry of an army of 50?

Not only Baidie, but all the civil servants also panicked at this moment, and their complexions changed suddenly.

Xu Wenchuan furrowed his brows tightly and said, "Don't worry! The three armies defending the capital have a total of 60 troops. The top ten generals have only 50 troops. If there is a real fight, the outcome is still unknown."

Bai Die said with a pessimistic expression, "Xuanyou has always been in close contact with Qiu Wanli. Recently, Guo Yi seems to be on Qiu Wanli's side. There is only General Wu left. ..."

Xu Wenchuan didn't wait for Bai Die to finish speaking, and shouted sharply, "These are all conjectures of Her Majesty the Princess, and there is no proof! Right now, no matter what, I must first order people to send the three generals Xuanyou, Guo Yi, and Wu Jinhun Please come. It's one thing if they come, it's another if we invite you or not."

"What the old prince said is true! I will order someone to pass it on!" Bai Die was already in a mess at this time, so she could only follow the good advice.

"Hey! Qiu Wanli has been silent for a while, and I knew he must be planning some terrifying conspiracy, but I didn't pay enough attention to it, and it finally led to today's disaster. Damn it!" Xu Wenchuan He patted the back of the chair, his face full of remorse.

Hu Jingqi hurriedly said, "Qiu Wanli is very careful, and his actions are very vigilant. No matter how careful you are, my lord, it won't help. Besides, this is not the time for remorse. Let's find ways to resolve the current crisis first."

Xu Wenchuan nodded emphatically, and said through gritted teeth, "As long as I, Xu Wenchuan, have breath, I will never let Qiu Wanli's plot succeed!"

"By the way, my lord, where did Xu Yaoting go, didn't he come with you?" Tang Xinyi glanced around, but couldn't find Xu Yaoting's figure, and felt a little uneasy.

Xu Wenchuan frowned, and said, "Yao Ting said last night that he was going to a banquet, and he was not staying at home overnight, so he is not in the mansion! I don't know where this kid is now."

Tang Xinyi immediately felt very regretful, and complained angrily, "Really, but I couldn't find anyone at the critical moment, this kid really deserves a beating!"

After hearing this, Hu Jingqi couldn't help feeling sorry for Wan Dong, and said, "General Tang, it's too much for you to say that. Yao Ting is not a god, let alone a roundworm in Qiu Wanli's stomach. How could he know?" Qiu Wanli wants to rebel today?"

He does not mean that!As soon as Hu Jingqi's words fell, Xu Wenchuan's eyes widened, his face was flushed and he choked out a sentence, "Maybe... this kid still knows this."


"What!?" As soon as Xu Wenchuan said this, there was an exclamation immediately.

"My lord, what... what did you say?" Princess Baidie became even more inexplicably excited, as if she had been groping in the dark for a long time and suddenly saw a ray of sunshine.

Xu Wenchuan glanced at everyone, and asked without answering, "Do you know whose banquet that kid went to last night?"

"Who? My lord, what time is this, you should stop being a fool!" Hu Jingqi urged impatiently.

Xu Wenchuan didn't torture everyone for too long, he smiled and said, "It's Guo Yi!"

"Guo Yi? My lord, I really don't think I've heard of it. What kind of friendship does Yao Ting have with Guo Yi?" Hu Jingqi asked with a confused expression.

"I've never heard of it! This little bastard is getting more and more serious. He hides everything from me. I don't know if this kid still has my grandfather in his eyes!" Xu Wenchuan seemed to be She was very angry, but deep in her eyes, she was full of pride and relief.What is getting cheap and selling well?This is!

The people present were all human beings, so they could naturally hear Xu Wenchuan's 'insincere words'. Of course, no one would foolishly agree with him, and besides, everyone was not in that mood at this time.

Hu Jingqi frowned and said, "At this time, Yao Ting and Guo Yi are getting entangled together. I'm afraid it's not a pure coincidence."

"So, even if this kid doesn't know that Qiu Wanli is going to rebel today, he must know more than us!"

"This goddamn Xu Yaoting, he didn't tell us about such an important matter, what the hell is he going to do?" Tang Xinyi was really mad.It is entirely conceivable that if Wan Dong was right in front of her at this time, she would definitely have her grabbing holes all over her body.

Xu Wenchuan turned his head to look at the silent Wu Daozi, and said, "Brother Wu, you are Yao Ting's master, tell me, what is he planning?"

Wu Daozi couldn't be fooled by Xu Wenchuan. He glanced at him and said, "You're still his grandfather! Why don't you say it?"

Xu Wenchuan gave Wu Daozi a hard look, and cursed, "What the hell! I really can't see through this kid!"

"His Royal Highness, the National Teacher has led a large group of ministers to break in!"

A Fengxiang Guard soldier flew into the palace to report, and everyone's already tense heartstrings tightened again.

"It came so fast!" Xu Wenchuan smiled coldly, and said in a deep voice, "I want to see what kind of monster Qiu Wanli is going to do today!"

With the support of Xu Wenchuan, Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi and others, Princess Baidie's uneasy mood calmed down a little.He turned around and sat upright on the front seat, waiting for Qiu Wanli and others to come to see him.

Qiu Wanli's tricks are very good, so many years of painstaking management, either intimidation or lure, two-thirds of the civil and military courts have become his disciples.At this time, they are so mighty, surrounded by crowds in front and behind, it is really not an ordinary ostentation!

To be able to reach such a level as a minister is already a remarkable achievement, but this Qiu Wanli is not satisfied. In other words, it just corresponds to the saying that the heart is not enough to swallow the elephant!

"Ha! King Dingshan is here too? What a coincidence, I am about to send someone to invite you!" As soon as Qiu Wanli entered the Palace of Political Affairs, his eyes fell on Xu Wenchuan. Princess, but turned a blind eye.

Qiu Wanli snorted slightly, raised his gaze, and glanced at the civil and military officials behind Qiu Wanli.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!King Dingshan's prestige has been prominent for a long time, and all these civil and military officials were not afraid, and they buried their heads in a hurry, not daring to look at Xu Wenchuan.

Xu Wenchuan glanced around, and set his sights on Qiu Wanli. His face was stern, and he suddenly opened his mouth and yelled, "Qiu Wanli, you are so brave! Your Highness is here, why don't you worship?"

In the end it is King Dingshan, Megatron Huayu!As soon as he came up, he and Qiu Wanli directly went up against Niu'er.

Naturally, Qiu Wanli would not be frightened by Xu Wenchuan's power, and even the smile on his face did not change at all, and he said calmly, "King Dingshan, in this world, where is the reason for the elders to worship the younger? Princess Butterfly has to call me uncle, she is the one who worships me, isn't she?"

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