"Bastard! Is it the first day you Qiu Wanli became a courtier? Where did the talk of elders and juniors come from between monarchs and ministers?" Xu Wenchuan glared, and his aura was even more shocking!

Qiu Wanli chuckled, and said flatly, "The prince also said that there is no such thing as a seniority between a monarch and his ministers, and Her Royal Highness is not a monarch."

"Even if Her Royal Highness is not the emperor, she is still the heir! Qiu Wanli, you have no heir, you deserve death!"

"Oh? When did Your Highness the Princess become the crown prince? Why didn't I know? Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor issued a letter of invitation? If so, please bring it out, so that the civil and military officials of the court can take a closer look!"

"Her Royal Highness is the only heir of His Majesty the Emperor, so naturally he is the Crown Prince. Why do you need an edict? Since today is an auspicious day for civil and military officials to gather together, why not simply hold a coronation ceremony for Her Royal Highness to establish legitimacy!"

"I think it's possible! A country can't live without a king! Presumably the master of the country will not object, right?" Hu Jingqi and Xu Wenchuan cooperated very tacitly, and immediately agreed.

"I disagree!" As soon as Hu Jingqi finished speaking, a middle-aged man came out from behind Qiu Wanli.She was dressed in a fiery red official robe, embroidered with flying phoenixes, and one could tell at a glance that her grade was not low.

"Big Situ?" Hu Jingqi frowned when he saw this person.

Da Situ He Zhen, an important member of the first rank in the dynasty.Qiu Wanli's best friend, his words must not be good words, no wonder Hu Jingqi frowned frequently.

Sure enough, Da Situ gave Hu Jingqi a cold look, and said bluntly, "I don't agree with the princess inheriting the throne! The princess is only 20 years old this year and has not yet grown up. How can you be a good king of a country without any experience in governing a country? It is irresponsible to Qingyun Empire and hundreds of millions of people to let Her Royal Highness be enthroned!"

"What Da Situ said is true!"

"His Royal Highness has no virtue and incompetence, not enough to make the world submit!"

Speaking of which, Qiu Wanli was powerful, but as soon as He Zhen's words fell, there was a tsunami of approving and echoing voices.Hu Jingqi shouted several times, but he couldn't suppress the crowd's voice.

"Well, you are so bold! How dare you slander and insult Her Royal Highness in public, how many brains do you have!?" Seeing that Hu Jingqi was getting more and more unable to hold back, Xu Wenchuan suddenly let out an angry shout, pouring a bit of true energy, and the general returned Well, those civil servants were unlucky, their eardrums were buzzing, their headaches were splitting, and they had to stop making noise.

This He Zhen was determined to stand with Qiu Wanli, even though he was shocked by Xu Wenchuan's power, he still refused to back down.

With a cold snort, he said, "It's not that I really slandered and insulted Her Royal Highness, but everything I said is true! Could it be that just because Her Royal Highness is the emperor's flesh and blood, we will destroy the land that countless soldiers have laid down with their lives?" , hand over to bury it?"

"He Zhen, don't exaggerate and scare your words here! Your Royal Highness, you really don't have much experience in governing a country, but there are still us civil and military ministers! As long as we wholeheartedly assist, Qingyun Empire will not be ruined. Are there still few examples of becoming a holy emperor in the future? If one day in the future, our Qingyun Empire really perishes, it will be because of our lack of assistance as courtiers, and we have nothing to do with the emperor!"

"Hmph! Lord Dingshan is foolish and loyal, please forgive me for not agreeing!"

"He Zhen! Don't be so shameless! Back in the day, you were proud of your talents, acted perversely, offended the examiners, and failed to pass the test! It was the emperor who personally reviewed your test papers, and then rejected everyone's opinions and hired you as an exception. If not, how could you become a first-rank official and stand tall in this court? I am afraid that you would have died of poverty and depression! His Majesty the Emperor has so much kindness to you, and today you want to betray him, how dare you? Is it a person?"

Hu Jingqi looked at He Zhen with contempt in his eyes, and felt that Bai Zhenshan's painstaking efforts back then were not worth it!

Hu Jingqi originally thought that such words would make He Zhenxiu feel ashamed.Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, He Zhen suddenly knelt down towards Dongfang with tears streaming down his face, and said in a painful voice, "Master Hu is absolutely right! Without the support of His Majesty, He Zhen would have Not today! It is precisely because of this that He Zhen is willing to risk his life to keep the country that the emperor has built up through untold hardships! Even if people later scold me that He Zhenen will avenge his revenge, it is not a thing, as long as the country is permanent, I am really Can smile at Jiuquan!"

"Master He, please hurry up! His Majesty the Emperor will be able to understand Master He's icy heart!"

He Zhen is obviously hypocritical, but his acting skills are very skilled.Kneeling and crying, Baiguanzhong immediately rushed out several people, and they all helped He Zhen up from the ground.

"Thank you, my colleagues! He felt grateful for the emperor's kindness. He couldn't help himself for a while and lost his composure. Please don't blame your colleagues."

Seeing the calm He Zhen, Xu Wenchuan and Hu Jingqi couldn't help but glance at each other, it seems that the other party really came prepared!

"Everyone! Now, in my Qingyun Empire, the emperor is critically ill inside and has been unable to govern for many days! Outside, there are powerful enemies around, and war is imminent! It is a time when internal and external difficulties. Under such an urgent situation, we must elect a He is brave and wise, and at the same time can deter people from all over the world to rule the throne. Only in this way can we resolve internal and external crises and preserve the country and society of the empire! This official feels that there is no one more suitable than the national teacher in the whole court. What do you colleagues think?"

"Master He is so right!"

"My lord, please ascend the throne and lead us, strengthen the country inside, defend against powerful enemies outside!"

As if rehearsed in advance, as soon as He Zhen finished speaking, all civil and military officials shouted loudly together, creating an illusion that everyone expected it!

"It's unreasonable! You are clearly trying to usurp the throne!" Hu Jingqi was furious and furious. To put it bluntly, he really had a heart for eating alive.

"Tiger Jingqi! Even now, don't you understand? The National Teacher's honor as a great treasure is what everyone expects. And Princess Baidie's ascension to the throne is the attempt to usurp the throne! Let me ask you, do you want to do that? The traitor who plotted to usurp the throne?"

After all, ignoring Hu Jingqi, who was ashen-faced, He Zhen directly stepped forward, glared at Princess Baidie, and said, "Your Highness, the emperor can't afford to be sick, why don't you please call on behalf of His Majesty and pass on the throne to you?" Master Yu Guoshi."

"You..." He Zhen was so aggressive that he didn't even take a breath, and Bai Die trembled wildly from the angry flowers.

"Your Highness, for the sake of the country, the country, and the hundreds of millions of people, don't hesitate any longer!" He Zhen took a few steps forward, almost face to face with Princess Baidie.

"Bold He Zhen, you want to assassinate the princess, can't you?" Tang Xinyi was furious when she saw this scene, pulled out the sword from her waist, and slashed at He Zhen.

"Hmph! What an arrogant girl, is it possible that she wants to kill the first-rank ministers in this political hall?"

He Zhen didn't know martial arts, his expression changed on the spot when he was startled, Qiu Wanli said coldly when he saw this, he flicked his fingers repeatedly, two fingers hit the wind, one hit Tang Xinyi's sword edge, and the other shot Tang Xinyi's throat.It seems that it is not just as simple as saving He Zhen.

Qiu Wanli usually doesn't show the mountains or dew the water, but his cultivation is really solid.The wind of these two fingers was very domineering and swift, and they arrived in front of Tang Xinyi in the blink of an eye, so that Tang Xinyi almost didn't even have a chance to respond.

This surprised Tang Xinyi!After cultivating Gui Yi Qi, her cultivation had soared to the seventh level of true qi, but she couldn't even deal with the two finger winds that Qiu Wanli popped out at random. This Qiu Wanli's cultivation was too terrifying.


The first finger pointed to the wind, and it hit Tang Xinyi's sword with incomparable accuracy.Tang Xinyi only felt that half of her body was numb from the shock, and she could no longer hold the long sword in her hand, and the long sword fell directly to the ground.But Tang Xinyi didn't bother to pick it up at all, because Qiu Wanli's deadly second finger was about to pierce her throat.

"Master, it's too much!"

At the critical moment, thanks to Xu Wenchuan's move, the same finger wind came later, Kan Kan offset Qiu Wanli's finger wind and saved Tang Xinyi.

"My lord, Tang Xinyi wanted to kill the first-rank minister of the dynasty, but you said I was going too far?" Qiu Wanli turned to look at Xu Wenchuan solemnly, and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Wenchuan snorted coldly, and curled his lips, "I didn't see Tang Xinyi beheading a first-rank minister, I only saw her going to kill an assassin who was not good for Her Royal Highness!"

"Ah? My lord, you...you can't say that. How dare you be unfavorable to Her Royal Highness?" He Zhen immediately called out to Qu.

Xu Wenchuan glared at him, and said in a cold voice, "Since you are not detrimental to Her Highness, what are you doing so close to Her Highness? The place you are standing now is where you should stand, can you stand?"

"This... the lower official is indeed overstepping!" Although He Zhen was full of dissatisfaction, he was caught by Xu Wenchuan and had to admit it. He didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly leaned back.

Qiu Wanli waved his hands and said, "Let's talk about the business! Your Highness, please issue the invitation letter right now."

"Qiu Wanli, why are you in such a hurry? His Majesty the Emperor is only critically ill, but he hasn't yet Yulong Bintian! You are so impatient, if His Majesty finds out, wouldn't it be cold to his heart?"

"Your Majesty, the country and the people have been the most important thing in his life! Although he is lying on the couch and can't speak, I can guarantee that he must still think about the country and the people! He must not bear to see I realized that because of his serious illness, he brought disaster and bad luck to this country. It is precisely because of my understanding and respect for His Majesty the Emperor that I can bear the burden of this country without avoiding suspicion!"

"Tsk tsk! Qiu Wanli, what kind of miraculous skill are you cultivating? How can you make such a thick face? This king really admires you! It is obvious that you are plotting something wrong yourself, but you still pretend to be so righteous. Do you want to laugh it off? This king's big tooth?"

Qiu Wanli shook his head, showing a very disappointed expression, and said slowly, "Manchurian civil and military, what I admire most in Qiu Wanli is you, the prince. But I didn't expect that you would be so unreasonable. , actually put the country, the country, and hundreds of millions of people in disregard."

"Qiu Wanli, even if you can break a hole in the sky, it's useless! Your heart of tiger and wolf is clear to me! Listen carefully to me, as long as I still have breath, your The conspiracy will not succeed!" Xu Wenchuan shouted sharply.

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