Qiu Wanli's complexion was slightly ugly. It's not that he was afraid of Lei Beng Jue, but this Lei Beng Jue was clearly extraordinary.When it is activated, it can trigger such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth, even with Qiu Wanli's knowledge, it is unheard of.

With such a terrifying heart formula, it's no wonder that Xu Wenchuan is only at the peak of the Ninth Layer of True Qi, but he can shake his perfection.If it was really a life-and-death duel with Xu Wenchuan, even if the odds of winning were [-]%, it would not be a good deal for Qiu Wanli.After all, Qiu Wanli has the complete initiative now, and there is no need to fight with his life at all.

For a moment, Qiu Wanli hesitated.

Seeing Qiu Wanli's consummation, Xu Wenchuan restrained him. Tang Xinyi was surprised and happy, her confidence soared, and she yelled at Qiu Wanli, "Qiu Wanli, you'd better surrender obediently! Shangfeng Xiangwei, even if it is two perfect realms, so what?"

"Stinky girl, you're so serious that you want me to surrender?" Qiu Wanli narrowed his eyes, and sent Tang Xinyi a few cold telegrams that made her heart skip a beat.

"If you don't invest, do you still want to resist?" Tang Xinyi forced her composure and shouted.

"Are you the ones who are stubborn?"

Qiu Wanli sneered, and just as he finished speaking, a series of earth-shattering killing sounds suddenly came from a place not far from the Palace of Political Affairs, which made Tang Xinyi's expression change.

"what happened?"

"What's going on? Hehe... I can tell you! This is the voice of my son Qiu Yunchong leading his black armored guards to attack the palace and strangle Feng Xiangwei!"

"What are you talking about, Black Armored Guard!?" Tang Xinyi's face, which had already changed, was even more ugly now.She is the clearest about the combat effectiveness of the black armored guards, and Feng Xiangwei is probably no match.

Sure enough, a young commander of the Fengxiang Guard rushed in bloody, his face was full of unshakable panic, he went straight to Tang Xinyi, and said in a trembling voice, "Commander, something is wrong. Qiu Yunchong led the black armored guards and charged in." , Brothers can't resist it at all."

"What do you mean being completely irresistible?" Tang Xinyi couldn't help but angrily asked when she heard this.

Feng Xiangwei's combat effectiveness was indeed far inferior to that of the Black Armored Guards before, but since he obtained the eight-door Golden Lock Formation, Feng Xiangwei's combat effectiveness has skyrocketed, and now if he is still unable to defeat the Black Armored Guards, he should be able to resist for a while. Time, how could it be completely irresistible?

"Commander Qi, there are too many people in the Black Armored Guards, twice as many as us, that's why brothers..."

"Twice? How is it possible? Isn't the Black Armor Guard only 1 people? How could it be twice as many as us? Wait, could it be..." Tang Xinyi shuddered involuntarily, and turned her head full of horror. Qiu Wanli looked over.

Qiu Wanli smiled lightly, and said proudly, "My son's black armor guards have already expanded from 1 people to 3 people. You haven't even grasped this information. I have to say, you are really incompetent!"

"Qiu Wanli! On the one hand, you keep embezzling my Fengxiang Guard's military expenses, and on the other hand, you wantonly expand the size of the Black Armor Guard. You are simply shameless!" Princess Baidie was about to be overwhelmed by Qiu Wanli's shamelessness. , gritted his teeth and cursed.

Qiu Wanli sneered and didn't even bother to answer the question!Winner takes all, loser for Kou!Whoever is shameless and whoever is noble has always been put down by the victors.

"You said there were 3 black armored guards in total, but now there are only 2 people besieging the palace, so where are the remaining 1 people?" Xu Wenchuan waved his hand to stop her, and asked Qiu Wanli in a deep voice.

Qiu Wanli immediately burst out laughing, and praised Xu Wenchuan repeatedly, "As expected of King Dingshan, his mind is really quick! Now, it's okay to tell you! Those 1 people were assigned by me to sneak into the Wujin Soul Camp and take His head is gone!"

"What!?" As soon as Qiu Wanli said this, Xu Wenchuan, Baidie, Tang Xinyi, Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi and others all opened their mouths in shock.

They are still counting on Wujin Soul and his army to resolve all the crisis in front of them!If Wu Jinhun was beheaded by the black armored guards like this, wouldn't they have no hope anymore?

"Qiu Wanli, you are really poisonous!" Even Xu Wenchuan couldn't calm down at this time, staring at Qiu Wanli, wishing he could rush forward and tear him apart.

"Hehe... If this is your praise for me, then I will accept it."

"Hmph! People are doing it, but the sky is watching! Qiu Wanli, if you act so perversely and don't speak justice, sooner or later you will suffer the consequences!"

"Instead of wasting time talking about these nonsense, I advise you to think about it quickly. There is still time to bow your head and admit defeat and surrender!"

"Go and live your spring and autumn dream!" Xu Wenchuan gave Qiu Wanli a fierce look, then turned to look at Tang Xinyi, and said in a deep voice, "Xinyi, you go out immediately and lead the soldiers of Fengxiang Guard to block the black armor no matter what." Wei, we must not let them rush in and hurt Her Highness the Princess!"

Tang Xinyi gritted her teeth, clasped her fists at Xu Wenchuan and said, "Don't worry, my lord! Even if Tang Xinyi is heartbroken, she will never let the black armored guards step into the Palace of Political Affairs!"

Looking at Tang Xinyi's resolute eyes, Princess Baidie suddenly felt sad, and a wet mist immediately filled her phoenix eyes.Whether Tang Xinyi can come back alive after going there, I'm afraid that even Xu Wenchuan is not sure.Everyone knows how powerful the Black Armored Guard is.Moreover, the number of Feng Xiangwei is at a disadvantage, no matter how you look at it, it is a battle that cannot be won!

"Your Royal Highness! Please...please take care!" Tang Xinyi suddenly turned around and bowed deeply to Princess Baidie.

Princess Baidie finally couldn't help it, the wet mist in her eyes instantly turned into teardrops, rolling down.

I wanted to say a few farewell words to Tang Xinyi, but Tang Xinyi flew out of the hall without any hesitation.

Qiu Wanli shook his head, made a regretful expression, and said, "Although this Tang Xinyi is a girl, she is indeed a general! It's a pity that Mingzhu secretly voted!"

"Pearl secret casting? Wrong! This is called loyalty! Of course, you will never understand these two words." Xu Wenchuan scolded Qiu Wanli with an expression of resentment.

"Hmph... You guys understand these two words, but what's the use? You can only die with your master at the end." After finishing speaking, Qiu Wanli turned around and sat on a grand master's chair. Sit down firmly.From what it looked like, he just waited for the Black Armored Guard to finish off Feng Xiangwei, and then he waved his hand and watched Princess Baidie, Xu Wenchuan and others vanish in ashes.

Qiu Wanli's appearance made Xu Wenchuan's teeth itch, but there was nothing he could do about it.In case Qiu Wanli became anxious and moved his hands, even if he could entangle Qiu Wanli, there would still be no guarantee that Princess Baidie would not die in the hands of others.

"My lord, what should we do?" Hu Jingqi was upright, but he was a civil servant after all. Faced with such a situation, he suddenly lost his mind.

Xu Wenchuan frowned and said, "Now we can only pray for God's blessing, and hope that General Wu will be safe and escape the catastrophe, and send troops to rescue us!"

"But General Wu still has to deal with the top ten generals, so I'm afraid he won't be able to divide his troops to save us." Wu Daozi also came over, his expression very serious.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help sighing, why didn't he think about what Wu Daozi said?But besides Wujin Soul, who can solve this crisis?

"My lord, it really doesn't work. When the time comes, I'll ask you to take Her Royal Highness to rush out. As long as you keep a trace of blood, you will have a chance to make a comeback in the future!" Hu Jingqi's face hardened, and he said to Xu Wenchuan.

Although Qiu Wanli was in a state of perfection, Xu Wenchuan thought to himself that if he tried his best to activate Lei Bengjue and escape with Princess Baidie, he would not be unsure.But in this way, Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi and the others are all finished.

"Then what should you do?"

Hu Jingqi and Wu Daozi looked at each other, Hu Jingqi shook his head and said, "Of course we die for our country!"

"That's right! Brother Xu doesn't need to care about us. It's our honor to be able to die for the country!" Wu Daozi immediately echoed.

Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi, these two people are all great talents that Qingyun Empire can't find, and they are very suitable for Xu Wenchuan's temper, so they are regarded as close friends.If Xu Wenchuan really wanted to abandon them, it would be like cutting out his heart with a knife. The pain is indescribable.

"Stinky boy, where the hell did you die!"

Wu Daozi and Hu Jingqi were waiting for Xu Wenchuan's reply, but Xu Wenchuan suddenly cursed out of nowhere, causing them to look at each other in dismay.

Xu Wenchuan patted them on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you two, God has eyes and will definitely not let the villain succeed. Let's look down first and then talk."

Xu Wenchuan comforted Wu Daozi and Hu Jingqi, but kept saying in his heart, "Stinky boy, don't let me down!"


The shouts outside the political hall suddenly became louder and more violent.It seems that someone has launched a charge, and the battle is about to reach the final moment of the winner.

Qiu Wanli, who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly opened a gap at this moment, with a smug sneer rippling from the corner of his mouth, looking at Xu Wenchuan, Princess Baidie and the others, said faintly, "Look!" Come on, Feng Xiangwei can no longer resist, and is about to be destroyed. If you don't make a decision, there will be no time."

"Bah! This is exactly what I want to say to you! If you have time to rein in the precipice now, you will have no chance at all when the dust settles!" Xu Wenchuan spat fiercely and shouted at Qiu Wanli .

"Good job Xu Wenchuan! Sure enough, you are stubborn! You wait, when I ascend the throne, I will behead you first, and use your blood to pave the way for me!"

"Ascension to the throne? You'd better not do this spring and autumn dream! How could Jiangshan Sheji fall into the hands of a virtuous person like you?"

"My lord is absolutely right! The laws of heaven are so obvious, how can you hide traitors?" Hu Jingqi shouted sharply.

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