It was dark outside the Hall of Political Affairs, and the atmosphere inside the Hall of Political Affairs was not at all relaxed.The two groups of people faced each other tit for tat, wishing they could eat each other alive.Although there was no fighting, the atmosphere seemed to be more solidified and tense than outside the Palace of Political Affairs.

After about a cup of tea, Wu Daozi frowned slightly and said to Xu Wenchuan in a low voice, "My lord, do you feel a little strange. Listening to this movement, the two sides seem to be in a stalemate, and it seems that it is impossible to tell the winner." Wu As Daozi spoke, he pouted his mouth out of the hall calmly.

Xu Wenchuan was also a half-life soldier who had gone through hundreds of battles, so he didn't pay attention at first, but at this time, under Wu Daozi's reminder, he listened carefully, and he really heard something unusual.He nodded at Wu Daozi, agreeing with his analysis.

Xu Wenchuan nodded, and Wu Daozi said with a bit of surprise, "Feng Xiangwei is already at a disadvantage in numbers, and his combat power is even lower than that of the Black Armored Guards. How could they be stuck in a stalemate? This seems unreasonable."

"Xinyi is an amazing child! If she hadn't fought desperately, how could she have fought against the black armored guards to this point?" Xu Wenchuan made no secret of his admiration for Tang Xinyi, nodded and sighed repeatedly.

"That's right! Although Fengxiang Guard has only 1 people, all of them are loyal! It's a pity that such a strong force, in today's battle, I'm afraid... I'm afraid they will be wiped out." Wu Daozi's heart ached. , shaking his head.

Xu Wenchuan didn't answer, his heart was as heavy as Wu Daozi's, as if filled with lead.

"What's going on? Haven't Feng Xiangwei been wiped out yet?" After another cup of tea, it was Qiu Wanli's turn to sit still, and shouted impatiently.

He Zhen hurriedly stepped forward, with a flattering face, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. This dog is in a hurry and wants to jump over the wall, let alone a human being? I think Tang Xinyi and her Feng Xiangwei have been forced into the palace now." In desperation, in order to survive, they have to fight to the death, and it is reasonable that they can't take it down for a while. Please be patient with the emperor!"

Qiu Wanli nodded, and then sat back on the grand teacher's chair again.

After another cup of tea, the shouts outside the Hall of Political Affairs finally slowly began to weaken.The people in the hall are all well-informed and knowledgeable, so they naturally know that the winner has already been drawn outside the Hall of Discussing Political Affairs.For a moment, everyone became nervous, especially Yihu Jingqi, Wu Daozi, and Princess Baidie the most.

Xu Wenchuan was calm on the surface, but his heart was constantly stirring up turbulent waves.

He originally thought that if Tang Xinyi led Feng Xiangwei to withstand the attack of the black armored guards, and delay for some time, Wan Dong would suddenly fall from the sky, turn the tide and completely defeat Qiu Wanli's plot.But now, all of this has come to naught, hope is completely extinguished, how can Xu Wenchuan calm down?

"Stinky boy, are you really going to disappoint me this time?" Xu Wenchuan shook his head and murmured softly, with a bitter taste written all over his face.

Although Xu Wenchuan himself knew that it would be unreliable to pin the hopes of the entire Qingyun Empire on a young man in his twenties, but he couldn't help thinking like this.And whenever he thinks like this, it always makes him feel a little at ease.

"My lord, what did you say?" Hu Jingqi leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

Xu Wenchuan was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, waved his hand with a wry smile, and said, "It's nothing."

Hu Jingqi didn't take it seriously, and said anxiously, "My lord, the winner should have been decided outside. Your Royal Highness, I'll leave it to you!"

"You..." Xu Wenchuan looked up at Hu Jingqi and Wu Daozi, his eyes slightly blurred.

"At this point, is it possible that you still expect to leave alive?" He Zhen looked at Xu Wenchuan and the others with a sneer as if he had a chance to win.

"He Zhen, you are so ungrateful, aren't you afraid of embarrassing your ancestors?" Xu Wenchuan shouted full of hatred.

"Assisting the Master of the National Teacher, enthroning the emperor, and achieving great achievements, that is my true glory! The ancestors of my He family would only be proud of having descendants like me, how could they feel ashamed? It is you who are so obsessed with obsession , but implicated your ancestors!"

"He Zhen, they are all dying people, why talk nonsense with them?" Qiu Wanli said with a sneer.

"What the emperor said is true! It's really boring to talk to them in vain!"

After everyone said a few words, there was no sound of shouting and killing outside the Palace of Political Affairs, which meant that a great battle had come to an end.

Qiu Wanli stood up, looked at Xu Wenchuan and said, "Your Lei Beng Jue is indeed miraculous, but I wonder if it can make you an enemy of ten thousand?"

"Shameless thief! If you are still a man, you will fight me to the death!"

Wan Dong did not appear, and Wu Jinhun and his army remained silent for a long time.Xu Wenchuan was almost completely desperate at this time.He just thought that before he died, if he could fight Qiu Wanli for [-] rounds, and then die together with him, then he would be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Wanli was the most cunning, he could see through Xu Wenchuan's thoughts at the first glance, sneered a few times, and curled his lips and said, "I am honored as the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and you are just a prisoner of the lower class. Are you qualified to fight me to the death?"

"Braveless!" Xu Wenchuan cursed angrily.

Not only was Qiu Wanli not annoyed, but on the contrary, he was full of smiles, and said quietly, "You can scold as much as you want! Anyway, apart from this, you can't do anything else."

"Not necessarily!" As soon as Qiu Wanli's voice fell to the ground, a loud reprimand suddenly came in from outside the hall.

Everyone looked back together, only to see Tang Xinyi, although drenched in blood, held her head high, her figure tall and her face was full of vigor, walking slowly, step by step.

"Xin... Xinyi!?" Seeing Tang Xinyi's figure, Princess Baidie couldn't help herself, she exclaimed, wept with joy, and covered her mouth to sob.

Xu Wenchuan, Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi and the others couldn't help looking at each other, their faces were full of joy and surprise.According to common sense, the person who walked in with his head held high should be Qiu Yunchong, how could it be Tang Xinyi?

Could it be that Feng Xiangwei defeated the many with the few, bullied the strong with the weak, and defeated the black armored guards led by Qiu Yunchong?Of course Xu Wenchuan hopes so, but deep in his heart he understands very well that this possibility is so small that it tends to zero almost infinitely.

Xu Wenchuan stared blankly at Tang Xinyi who walked in, opened his mouth several times, wanted to say something, but never said it.In Xu Wenchuan's life, it was really the first time that he experienced such an experience.

"How could it be you?" Qiu Wanli's astonishment was not at all weaker than that of Princess Baidie and Xu Wenchuan, or even worse.I couldn't help pointing at Tang Xinyi, and let out a cry, her voice visibly trembling.Obviously, Qiu Wanli was not only surprised, but also confused.

Tang Xinyi sneered at Qiu Wanli, but said nothing.He came directly in front of Princess Baidie, put the helmet under his arm, knelt down on one knee, and said in a clear and sweet voice, "Princess Qi, the leader of the thief, Qiu Yunchong, led the rebellious black armored guards. There are more than [-] people in total. , have all been put to death outside the palace!"

"What!?" As soon as Tang Xinyi said this, Princess Baidie couldn't help being in a trance, feeling unbelievable, as if in a dream.

Tang Xinyi showed an extremely bright smile at Princess Baidie, and by the way she blinked playfully, which convinced Princess Baidie that what Tang Xinyi said was true and she was not in a dream.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Princess Baidie was about to help Tang Xinyi up herself, when Qiu Wanli suddenly rushed towards Tang Xinyi as if going crazy.

"Qiu Wanli, what do you want to do!?" Xu Wenchuan's reaction was not slow, his figure exploded, and he took the first step to block Tang Xinyi, keeping Qiu Wanli at a distance of one foot.

Qiu Wanli ignored Xu Wenchuan, just stared at Tang Xinyi, gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible! With Feng Xiangwei alone, how could he be the opponent of the Black Armored Guards, not to mention that the Black Armored Guards have twice as many troops as you! This is absolutely impossible!" impossible!"

Although Qiu Wanli was hateful, the question he raised at this time really pierced Xu Wenchuan's heart.Like Qiu Wanli, he also eagerly wanted to know the answer to this question.

Tang Xinyi giggled a few times, and said, "Our Fengxiang Guards are indeed no match for the Black Armored Guards, but we have reinforcements."

"Reinforcements? The army in Yunzhong City is under my control! Even the disobedient Wu Jinhun should be decapitated by now. Where did you get the reinforcements?" Qiu Wanli didn't believe what Tang Xinyi said at all. , and roared while waving his hands.

", isn't it them?" Just when Qiu Wanli was in hysteria and everyone was puzzled, Tang Xinyi suddenly pointed to the outside of the Yizheng Hall and said with a joyful smile.

"who is it?"

Everyone immediately followed Tang Xinyi's point and turned their heads to look over.There was a row of seven young generals dressed in silver armor, full of vigor and vigor, coming side by side with their heads held high.

Although the seven young generals are not very old, and there are men and women, but the spirit of walking side by side is like a thousand horses and horses. The momentum is overwhelming and cannot be underestimated.

Seeing such outstanding seven young generals for the first time, even Qiu Wanli couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he praised him several times in his heart!

Although Qiu Wanli is cunning, cunning and cruel, he is also a man who seeks talents and thirsts for talents.Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much effort to attract Luo Xiao back then.

"It''s them!?" The eyes of Xu Wenchuan, Hu Jingqi, Wu Daozi, Princess Baidie and others all lit up.All of them opened their mouths wide, and their faces were full of unspeakable surprise and excitement.Among them, Hu Jingqi was the most. At this moment, tears flickered faintly in the tiger's eyes.

There is no father in the world who is not proud of his son?When Hu Jingqi saw the shining tiger leaping in silver armor, the indescribable pride and glory, as well as satisfaction, instantly filled his whole heart.

Hu Jingqi is not good at drinking, but at this moment, he really wished he could make it clear, not with others, but with his own son, get drunk, and then cry happily with his head in his arms!

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