"Brother Wu, take a good look at these seven little guys, what do you see?" Xu Wenchuan nudged Wu Daozi beside him lightly with his elbow, looking excited.

Wu Daozi's eyes slid across the faces of Luo Xiao's seven people one by one. After pondering for a moment, he said in a very exciting and powerful voice, "I have seen the future of the Qingyun Empire!"

In just one sentence, it hit Xu Wenchuan's heart, and he nodded repeatedly.

"Luo Xiao leads the generals of the Dingshan Guard, see Your Highness the Princess!" Luo Xiao led Hu Yue and others to Princess Baidie, shouted loudly, and bowed down on one knee.

That resonant voice, heroic aura, and unstoppable sharpness directly surpassed many generals and famous generals present.

Things suddenly took such a dramatic turn, even though Princess Baidie was calm, she couldn't help being a little at a loss at this moment, she stared at Luo Xiao and the others, and was stunned.

It was still Tang Xinyi who touched her lightly, and reminded with a low smile, "Your Highness, don't be dazed, let them get up."

"Ah? Oh, that's right! Generals, get up quickly!" Princess Baidie hurriedly reached out her hand to help Luo Xiao up as she spoke.

Looking at Luo Xiao's slightly smiling face, Princess Baidie couldn't believe that all of this was true for a moment.Luo Xiao, who made her gnash her teeth with hatred before, turned out to be her savior at this time.It is said that good fortune tricks people, but you don't want to play like this, right?

Princess Baidie was very excited, and Tang Xinyi was even more smiling like a flower. Her pair of phoenix eyes kept turning around Luo Xiao's body, so crystal clear that it seemed that water was about to drip.I'm afraid she will never forget in her whole life, when she and Feng Xiangwei were surrounded by black armored guards, and their life was dying, how Luo Xiao led the Dingshan Guards to come here with blood, tearing open a hole invincibly, for She and her men opened up a way out.

Luo Xiao at that moment was the unrivaled hero in her heart!He is the man she is willing to follow and serve all her life!

"You are the so-called Dingshan Guards? Impossible. You have only been in the army for less than a month. How could you have such a powerful combat power that you can defeat my son's black armored guards?" Qiu Wan sternly roared. up.

When Dingshanwei was established, Xu Wenchuan personally went to him and asked him for money, food and supplies.At that time Qiu Wanli didn't take Dingshanwei seriously at all, how could he have thought that now Dingshanwei has become a rope around his neck.

"The truth is right in front of you. Could it be that Master Guo Shi is blind?" Luo Xiao was not polite, staring at Qiu Wanli with fiery eyes, and said every word.

Although Luo Xiao's parents were killed by Guichou, in the final analysis, Qiu Wanli was the mastermind behind the scenes and the culprit!Luo Xiao wished he could chop off Qiu Wanli's head with his own hands.

"Where's my son Yunchong?" Qiu Wanli suddenly remembered, and asked loudly with a voice full of eagerness.

Luo Xiao sneered, and said, "Seeing that the situation is over, Qiu Yunchong wanted to run away. Wang Yangde has already caught up with him. I believe he will be captured soon!"

"Okay! Ding Shanwei and the generals, for making such a contribution today, I will reward you heavily!"

The willows are dark and the flowers are bright, the mountains are poor and the water is bright, and the birth of Ding Shanwei can be said to have turned the world around and turned the tide. How can Princess Baidie be unhappy?

Not to mention Princess Baidie, even Luo Xiao, Hu Yue and the others were extremely excited at this time.In the first battle of Ding Shanwei, he achieved such brilliant military exploits, which cannot but be said to be a perfect start.

Originally everything was under control and the national teacher Qiu Wanli had a calm and relaxed face, but now he wanted to go crazy.Is it true that God is not as good as man?Such a seamless plan was turned into a mess by Ding Shanwei, it's no wonder Qiu Wanli was not angry!

"You damn little bastards, you're ruining my cause, all of you deserve to die!" Qiu Wanli jumped into a rage, his murderous aura surged even more, his eyes were almost blood red, and he swung his palm at Luo Xiao and the others, slashing at them.

"Boys, be careful!" Xu Wenchuan never expected that Qiu Wanli would be so frenzied that he even ignored his own status and launched a sneak attack on a group of children.Surprised and angry, he hurriedly yelled loudly.

However, before Xu Wenchuan's shout fell to the ground, the seven of Luo Xiao had withdrawn their swords from their waists at the same time. The seven pillars of sword light, which were different in color but equally brilliant and not to be underestimated, soared into the sky at the same time.Seven fierce and abnormal powers converged in one place in an instant, and they were not inferior to Qiu Wanli in the slightest.

"What a group of amazing young people!" This situation only attracted Xu Wenchuan's admiration and satisfaction.


Without Xu Wenchuan's move, Luo Xiao's seven people, seven sword qi, collided with Qiu Wanli's palm, and the seven young generals took a step back in unison.That's all, his expression is as usual, and there is no sign of injury at all.

"You..." Qiu Wanli thought that his palm was enough to kill seven of them together, but he never thought that the seven of Luo Xiao were so powerful that they worked together to neutralize his sure-kill blow, which made Qiu Wanli He was angry and startled, and his complexion became more and more ugly.

"Qiu Wanli, don't you care about your precious son's life?" A clear shout came from outside the Palace of Political Affairs, and before anyone could recover, Qiu Yunchong was thrown outside the palace like a broken sack Come in.

"Yunchong!?" Seeing Qiu Yunchong, Qiu Wanli couldn't help crying out.

At this moment, Qiu Yunchong was in a panic.There were at least a dozen sword wounds of different shades all over his body, and blood stains had already spread all over his body.Coupled with unkempt hair, pale complexion, and being tied up, Qiu Wanli's heart ached to shrink into a ball.

"Father, save me! Save me!" Qiu Yunchong lay on the ground, but he couldn't stand up no matter what, he could only stare at Qiu Wanli helplessly and kept calling for help.

"Hmph! Your father is in danger himself, how can he come to save you?" With a cold snort, Wang Yangde rushed in from outside the hall.

The young No. [-] scholar who was originally on the Qingyun list, now he has matured a lot, standing upright in the political hall with his head held high, quite a demeanor.

"Is the golden lin a thing in the pool, it can turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm! Hehe...Brother Xu, it seems that to Wang Yangde, your precious grandson is the "wind and cloud" who can turn into a dragon!" Wu Daozi twirled his beard again and again. Nodding, he said to Xu Wenchuan with a smile.

Wu Daozi's words immediately caused an indescribable pride in Xu Wenchuan's heart.More than just Wang Yangde?Luo Xiao, Wu Yang, Zong Yang, Hu Yue, Ba Ling'er, Zong Qinghe, Wu Yue, among these young people, who didn't reborn after meeting Wan Dong and turned into a dragon?

Looking at those young but vigorous faces, Xu Wenchuan suddenly discovered that the team of his precious grandson seemed to be thicker than that of his old man.It is conceivable that the future achievements of the young people here will not be inferior to him.What kind of force will this be in a few years' time?Xu Wenchuan just thought about it briefly, and couldn't help trembling with excitement.

"By the way? All the members of the team have shown up. Why hasn't this stinky leader?" Xu Wenchuan was moved in his heart, looked at Luo Xiao, and asked, "Luo Xiao, who told you to come here?"

To Xu Wenchuan, Luo Xiao was extremely respectful and did not dare to be rude, so he hastily bowed before replying, "It was Yao Ting who asked us to lie in ambush near the palace last night, just wait for the black armored guards to attack, and then fight with Xu Wenchuan." Fengxiang Guards should cooperate with the outside and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

When Luo Xiao said this, Xu Wenchuan's heart immediately settled down.It seems that his precious grandson did not disappoint him, he made arrangements in advance!

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that Xu Yaoting knew about this seat's plan long ago?" Qiu Wanli asked with a look of shock and anger, his eyebrows tightened.

"Hahaha... Qiu Wanli, you have lived most of your life, don't you understand that there is no impenetrable wall in this world!" Xu Wenchuan sneered.

"What!?" Qiu Wanli shuddered involuntarily, and an uncontrollable ominous feeling surged in his heart.

With Qiu Wanli's shrewdness, he can naturally think that if his overall plan has really been leaked, then all of this may just be the beginning.

Ignoring Qiu Wanli's pale face, Xu Wenchuan frowned and asked, "Then what about Yaoting, why aren't they here?"

Luo Xiao shook his head and said, "Yao Ting didn't act with us, he said he has more important things to do."

"This stinky boy is always so mysterious. I wish that everyone in the world would be drunk, but he alone would be sober! Is he very happy and proud of keeping us in the dark like this?" Xu Wenchuan yelled in frustration. up.

"Okay, okay! Let me tell you, Brother Xu, don't get cheap here and act like a good boy! There is such a talented grandson who can help you solve your problems, you should be happy." Wu Daozi patted Xu Wenchuan on the shoulder , said with a smile.

When Wu Daozi said this, Xu Wenchuan immediately laughed and nodded heavily, showing no modesty at all.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on Xu Wenchuan and Princess Baidie's side relaxed, but the civil and military ministers who supported the national teacher frowned one by one, their faces became more dignified every moment, and they talked privately from time to time. It's not like at the beginning, they all have a relaxed expression of victory.Even He Zhen closed his mouth at this time, his eyeballs rolled around, and intentionally or unintentionally distanced himself from Qiu Wanli.

"His Royal Highness!" Tang Xinyi called softly, and pouted at Qiu Wanli at the same time.

Princess Baidie's expression immediately turned serious, and she suddenly yelled, "Come here! Take Qiu Wanli and other rebels and ministers, all of them for me!"

As soon as Princess Baidie finished speaking, a large group of Fengxiang Guard soldiers rushed in immediately.After all, this is the imperial palace, and it is Fengxiangwei's territory, Luo Xiao and Dingshanwei are inconvenient to overstep, they just stand aside and rely on it for assistance.

In the Palace of Political Affairs, once again swords and swords were seen, but this time, the situation had completely reversed.

Qiu Wanli's face was ashen. He had calculated thousands of times, but he never calculated that things would turn out like this.

"Bai Die, Xu Wenchuan, do you think you have already won? Don't dream! Now the three armies in Yunzhong City that defend the capital are all in the hands of this seat. Outside, there are thousands of troops from the top ten generals approaching the city. , as long as I give an order, you can be wiped out in a breath, and you will not exist in the world!"

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