Xu Wenchuan sneered, curled his lips and said, "When they get here, I'm afraid you'll be chopped into meat paste!"

"Really? We can give it a try!" Qiu Wanli sneered and said sinisterly.

Qiu Wanli's indifferent expression really made Xu Wenchuan frown.Qiu Wanli has reached the state of consummation, among the people present, no one can surpass him.If there is a war, young generals such as Xu Wenchuan and Wang Yangde may be able to trap Qiu Wanli, but they dare not say victory lightly, and they will definitely have to pay a heavy price.If Qiu Wanli chose to withdraw instead of fighting, it would be even more difficult.No one could keep him, not even Fengxiangwei and Dingshanwei were added.A martial artist in the realm of consummation is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying existence in the small world of mortals.

"Qiu Wanli, it's already at this time, do you still want to persist in your obsession? If you don't think about yourself, don't you think about your son?" Xu Wenchuan said.

"Father! A child's life is worthless! Don't let them threaten you with a child!"

This Qiu Yunchong, at the critical moment, was quite stubborn, with an appearance of forgetting about life and death, which made Xu Wenchuan and others frown even tighter.

"Good son! Dad did not train you in vain! Don't worry, even if they are a hundred courageous, they will not dare to do anything to you."

"Qiu Wanli, you're talking too much! I'm going to chop off Qiu Yunchong's head, what can you do to me?" Wang Yangde snorted coldly.

Qiu Wanli's face was full of disdain and he said, "Just try it if you have the guts! If my son dies, I will let all the people in the entire Yunzhong City bury him with him!"

"Qiu Wanli, are you crazy?!"

As soon as such bloody words came out, they immediately aroused Xu Wenchuan's righteous indignation.To sacrifice the lives of all the people in the city for his son, is this Qiu Wanli still a human being?

"Hahaha... It's you guys who are crazy, not me! It's my destiny to hate Wanli, and this throne belongs to me!"

"Okay, Qiu Wanli, back then, I did not misjudge you!" When Qiu Wanli was in a frenzy, a voice that was slightly hoarse but full of calm and coercion suddenly rang out.As if there was some kind of magical power in this voice, the entire Yizheng Hall immediately fell into a deathly silence.

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi looked at each other, and they could tell that each other's heart seemed to jump out of their throats.They were very familiar with this voice, but they hadn't heard it for a while.

"Father... Royal father!?" At this moment, Princess Baidie felt as if she had been electrocuted, her delicate body was trembling, and her eyes were full of urgency, looking towards the direction of the voice.

The reality did not disappoint Baidie, as expected, she saw the person she wanted to see.

Although Bai Zhenshan, the emperor of the Qingyun Empire, has been bedridden for many years, his figure is still tall and tall!Dressed in a rolling dragon golden robe, with a nine-bead flying dragon crown on his head, he came slowly with a majestic look and steady steps.Among other things, just such an all-powerful, imperial spirit with one's feet on the ground is enough to shock everyone present!

"My lord, am I... Am I dazzled? Or, am I... Am I in a dream?" Looking at the hale and hearty Baizhen Mountain approaching slowly, Hu Jingqi burst into tears with excitement. His voice was even trembling beyond recognition.

"It's not dizziness, nor is it a dream! Our Emperor, really...really stood up again!" Looking at Bai Zhenshan, Xu Wenchuan seemed to have returned to the years of conquests, bloody battles, and burning passion.A pair of fists can't help but clenched tighter and tighter. Even if the nails are pierced into the flesh, they can't feel the pain. All they can feel is the hearty pleasure!

Everyone's eyes are focused on Bai Zhensha. It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Zhenshan at this time is the center of the whole world!The entire Yizheng Hall was crowded with people at this time, but there was no noise at all, and the needle could be heard, as if it had frozen, making it suffocating.

"Father!" Princess Baidie couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart anymore, she cried out in pain, and flew into Bai Zhenshan's arms.

Bai Zhenshan hugged Baidie with a hug, his expression was full of sighs.While stroking Bai Die's beautiful hair, she said softly, "My Die'er, you have really suffered a lot these past few years."

Bai Die was already very excited, but after listening to Bai Zhenshan's words, all the grievances accumulated in her heart over the past few years poured out all at once, and she burst into tears on the spot. Got wet.

This father and daughter reunited after the catastrophe, and Wan Dong didn't want to disturb them.With a slight smile, he and Sun Daobai came to Xu Wenchuan's side.

"Stinky boy, are you finally willing to show yourself?" Seeing Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but scolded with a smile.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said: "His Majesty's condition has changed again, which is beyond my expectation, so it took me a little longer. It is indeed Yao Ting's fault for frightening Grandpa, Master, and Uncle Hu."

Where is the sin?It is clearly a great contribution!Xu Wenchuan laughed and cursed, but it was just hypocritical.Even if Wan Dong was really guilty, I'm afraid he would not be willing to punish him.

He waved his hand and asked, "Has His Majesty's illness fully recovered?"

When Xu Wenchuan asked, Wan Dong frowned involuntarily.Just as he was about to speak, Sun Daobai at the side hurriedly said, "Naturally, he has fully recovered! Yao Ting's child's ability to reach the heavens is really amazing, and it opened my eyes, Sun Daobai! In the future, in front of Yao Ting, don't want to give up!" Mention the word 'medical sage' again, otherwise this old man's face will turn red with embarrassment."

With Sun Daobai's interruption, Wan Dong swallowed the words again, and let out a soft sigh.It's just that Xu Wenchuan and others were in great excitement at this time, and no one noticed it.

"Wow! Yao Ting, you cured the emperor's illness. This is a great merit! The entire Qingyun Empire, with hundreds of millions of people, owe you a great favor!" Hu Jingqi held Wan Dong's hand hand, said happily.

"It's just a matter of raising one's hand, Uncle Hu is serious. Besides, the emperor is the king of a country and the lord of all people. As a member of the Qingyun Empire, it is my duty to treat the emperor's illness."

"Well said! Don't take credit for being arrogant, this is my Xu Wenchuan's grandson!" Xu Wenchuan praised, seeing Wan Dong more pleasing to the eye and more comfortable.

"You can't be the emperor! You must be a fake!" Just when the atmosphere was peaceful, Qiu Wanli suddenly roared angrily, which really spoiled the scenery!

"Father..." Baidie turned her head to look at Bai Zhenshan worriedly.Although it is great news that Bai Zhenshan has recovered from his illness, the current situation is really not optimistic.Under internal and external difficulties, I am afraid that Bai Zhenshan will not be able to recover.

Bai Zhenshan shook his head at Baidie, signaling her not to worry.Then he turned his gaze to Qiu Wanli, who had a livid face, and said slowly, "Brother Qiu, I have been sick for three to five years, and I think it has been a long time since I had a good chat with you."

Bai Zhenshan doesn't call Qiu Wanli his official position, but directly calls him a brother, which is quite a shocking power!After all, it was Bai Zhenshan, even though he was just recovering from a serious illness, he had already shown astonishing composure and strategy.Qiu Wanli knew that Bai Zhenshan's call of "brother" was not sincere, but it still made him feel ashamed.

"That's enough! Don't act here! The emperor is terminally ill and is on his deathbed. This is a well-known fact. Who told you to impersonate His Majesty the Emperor? Why don't you show your real body?" Qiu Wan Li gritted his teeth and refused to admit it. Standing in front of him was Bai Zhenshan, the emperor of the Qingyun Empire.

Of course he couldn't admit it, and he didn't dare to admit it!Once he admits it, not only those civil and military officials who have been bullied or deceived by him will immediately turn their heads against him, even the top ten generals will immediately turn against him. At that time, he and his precious son will see that there is no more ground land!

"It's been more than 30 years since you and I fought the world together, right? Brothers for more than 30 years, friendship for more than 30 years, can I be true or false, you can't tell?"


"Qiu Wanli, I have always been kind to you. I named you a national teacher, under one person, above ten thousand! But why are you still not satisfied, and do such a thing that both humans and gods hate?"

"You... you dare to teach me a lesson, you daring dog who pretends to be the emperor?"

"Qiu Wanli, shut up! You offend Tianwei so much, aren't you afraid of thunder?" Stopping Qiu Wanli, Sun Daobai rushed to the civil and military officials again, saying, "My lords, although His Majesty is suffering from serious illness, he is not It’s not enough to be fatal! To drag the emperor’s blessing, I found a good prescription a few days ago, and finally healed the emperor. This is God’s blessing to Qingyun Empire!”

It's not that Sun Daobai is dishonest and wants to take credit for Wan Dong's work.It is true that Wan Dong's name is not as famous as a medical saint, and all civil and military officials may not believe him.

When Sun Daobai said this, there was a lot of discussion among civil and military officials.If it was before today, the civil and military officials might be overjoyed, but today, they are really not happy.Because right now, they have become real traitors and thieves!If Bai Zhenshan wants to investigate, I'm afraid the whole family's head will be lost.

With a glance, Xu Wenchuan saw through everyone's thoughts, and immediately opened his mouth and said: "The emperor knows in his heart that all the adults have been deceived by traitors, so they did wrong things. The emperor is kind and will never embarrass everyone. !"

The civil and military officials who were recruited by Qiu Wanli accounted for two-thirds of the court officials, and the number was very large. If they were to be investigated one by one, it would be a mess.

D!Bai Zhenshan naturally understands this truth. As soon as Xu Wenchuan's words fell, he immediately expressed his opinion, "My dear friends, you are also thinking about the country and society of my Qingyun Empire. Not only are there no faults, but there are merits! I will reward you one by one!"

Xu Wenchuan and Bai Zhenshan have been monarchs and ministers for decades, so they naturally have a good understanding.Without giving the officials and ministers any time to think, they gave Wu Daozi, Hu Jingqi and other ministers who supported the imperial faction a wink, bowed down in unison, and praised him endlessly!

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