As a result, those civil and military ministers who were still a bit hesitant at first fell down involuntarily to Bai Zhenshan. For a while, the voices of the Palace of Political Affairs shouted "Long live", one after another, and it was very lively.

"You bunch of useless scumbags who are greedy for life and afraid of death, my father really misjudged you!" Qiu Yunchong prostrated himself on the ground, unable to move. Seeing this scene, he cursed out of control.

Qiu Wanli was also extremely angry, how could he be willing to come to this point with such difficulty, and yet fall short like this?

Just when Qiu Wanli was furious, when he turned around, he found that even He Zhen, who was most loyal to him, knelt down at this moment, and the anger in his heart reached the point where it could not be added.

"He Zhen! Stand up for me!"

Qiu Wanli let out a loud roar, which made He Zhen tremble with fright, his head couldn't be lowered any more, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Enough! Qiu Wanli, I just want to ask you, don't you really want to be a courtier of the Qingyun Empire?" Xu Wenchuan pointed at Qiu Wanli and shouted sharply.

"Bah! I hate thousands of miles, and I am destined to become the lord of the world. How can I be willing to be a courtier? Well, you useless things, go ahead and worship this fake emperor. When my army comes to the palace, I will definitely kill you!" Don't kill them all!"

"What army?" Hearing Qiu Wanli's loud clamor, Bai Zhenshan opened his mouth and asked with a slight frown.

As soon as Bai Zhenshan recovered from his illness, Wan Dong hurriedly brought him to the Palace of Political Affairs, and did not have time to elaborate on the details to him.Hearing Bai Zhenshan's question, Baidie rushed forward and explained Qiu Wanli's plan to him in detail.

"What?" After Bai Die finished speaking, Bai Zhenshan's complexion suddenly changed, and his face was full of surprise.Obviously, he has realized that the entire royal power is still in extreme danger.

Qiu Wanli sneered, looked at Bai Zhenshan, and said quietly, "Even if you are the real emperor, so what? Why don't you just send this country to me obediently?"

"Qiu Wanli, you really have a vicious heart!" Bai Zhenshan showed his angry face for the first time after he recovered from his illness.

"I've been fighting with you for most of my life, and I've made countless contributions. All of this is what I deserve!"

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant! People like you will never be satisfied. Lord Xu, please come with me to meet the ten generals. I want to explain to them in person how powerful I am. I don't believe it. See you!" When it comes to me, they will continue to rebel!"

After listening to Bai Zhenshan's words, Wan Dong nodded slightly, this ginger is really old and spicy!The king of a country really has something extraordinary!

When Bai Zhenshan said this, Qiu Wanli's face really changed.Among the top ten generals, at least five of them were all deceived by him with the lie that the emperor is about to drive the dragon to the sky, and the country will not be left without a master for a day.If they were allowed to see Bai Zhenshan, wouldn't everything be revealed?

Five of the top ten generals were lost, which was already a huge loss for Qiu Wanli. If these five generals turned against each other and fought back, and Qin Wang escorted him, then he would be completely ruined.

"You traitor, how long do you still want to pretend to be the emperor? Take my life!"

Qiu Wanli simply didn't do anything else, shouted loudly, waved his palms and slashed at Bai Zhenshan, clearly intending to put Bai Zhenshan to death.

"Qiu Wanli, you dare to kill the king!?" Xu Wenchuan hastily roared.

"Hey...he's not the emperor at all, but a counterfeit pretended by a thief, how can he say that he kills the king?" Qiu Wanli sneered, and it was fake that he killed Bai Zhenshan.Wanting to kill someone without being infamous is really not ordinary cunning.

Qiu Wanli expected that Xu Wenchuan would definitely make a move to stop him. It can be said that this palm used all his life's skills, and he dared not hold back the slightest bit.

This is like a big gamble, if you win, you will rule the world and achieve supreme supremacy.If you lose, you will lose forever and fall into the abyss forever!

On the surface, Qiu Wanli focused all his attention on Bai Zhenshan, but in fact, more than two-thirds of Qiu Wanli's thoughts were on Xu Wenchuan.Yu Guang never left Xu Wenchuan. Once Xu Wenchuan made a move, Qiu Wanli would immediately change his tactics and use all his skills to kill Xu Wenchuan!As for Bai Zhenshan, once Xu Wenchuan died, Bai Zhenshan would become the fish on his sword, life or death was up to him.

Qiu Wanli had already made up his mind and made up his mind, but what he never expected was that other than that urgent roar, Xu Wenchuan was indifferent and had no intention of making a move at all.

"What's going on here?" Qiu Wanli shuddered in his heart, and couldn't figure it out even if he tried to think about it.Could it be that Xu Wenchuan, like him, was looking forward to Bai Zhenshan's death?This idea is both absurd and ridiculous, even Qiu Wanli himself cannot accept it.

"It doesn't matter what your plan is, since you don't make a move, it's just right, take Bai Zhenshan's life first!" Qiu Wanli gritted his teeth, and waved his palm like a rainbow piercing the sun. Arrived in front of Bai Zhenshan.

Just when Qiu Wanli was convinced that Bai Zhenshan would die, a golden light so dazzling that people couldn't open his eyes suddenly rose in front of him, and at the same time, a terrifying coercion like a god descending from the mortal world followed. Swept away.Chou Wanli caught off guard, his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets in shock.It was as if someone had drawn a sea of ​​flames in front of him in the blink of an eye, and he was the moth that jumped into the flame.

When Qiu Wanli came to his senses, the strength of his palm collided with the golden light that covered the sky and the sun.It was like throwing a fist on the Great Wall of Steel, a huge counter-shock force made half of Qiu Wanli's body go numb, and he uncontrollably took three steps backwards in a row.

Ignoring the surging blood in his chest, Qiu Wanli hastily raised his head and looked over.

"It''s you, Xu Yaoting!?" When Qiu Wanli saw clearly who was standing in front of him, he was so shocked that he almost swallowed his tongue.

"This is impossible!" Qiu Wanli couldn't help exclaiming again.He probably hasn't realized that these four words have almost become his mantra today, and he blurted them out several times.

Looking at Qiu Wanli, whose face was ashen and trembling, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic towards him.Qiu Wanli's plot was really flawless, but he never dreamed that Wan Dong would jump out halfway and disrupt all his plans abruptly.All the painstaking efforts have been wasted, isn't it worthy of sympathy?

"Qiu Wanli, you have completely failed. I advise you, save some effort and admit defeat!" Wan Dong said indifferently, looking at Qiu Wanli's ever-changing face.

"Boy, how did you block my slap?" Qiu Wanli ignored Wan Dong's persuasion at all, and asked back with his mouth open.

"Hmph! Qiu Wanli, do you think that you are the only one in this world?" Xu Wenchuan snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

"You... what do you mean?" Qiu Wanlihuo turned his head and looked at Xu Wenchuan.

The smile on Xu Wenchuan's face suddenly brightened, and he said with a smile, "Although this sounds a bit sensational, it is the truth. Yao Ting, he has also reached Consummation, and... is still Dzogchen!"

"Nonsense! Do you think that I, Qiu Wanli, is a fool and would believe your nonsense?" Just as Xu Wenchuan finished speaking, Qiu Wanli waved his hands fiercely and shouted.

Xu Wenchuan was not at all surprised by Qiu Wanli's reaction.In fact, if he wasn't a grandfather, his reaction would probably be several times more intense than Qiu Wanli's.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Wan Dong answered, and took a step towards Qiu Wanli.

At the same time as this step was taken, the power of Dzogchen also unfolded on Wan Dong's body.The pure and brilliant golden glow, the broad and profound aura, and the mighty power of heaven and earth, all proclaim to the world that Wan Dong is indeed Dzogchen!

In the blink of an eye, Qiu Wanli seemed to have lost his soul, his expression was full of bewilderment.

" did this happen?" Qiu Yunchong, the youngest military god of the Qingyun Empire, was battered and battered at this time, and all his self-confidence collapsed in an instant.Rippling on the face, only the deep despair and jealousy.

"No! I've been practicing all my life, but I haven't achieved Dzogchen yet. You're only in your early twenties. How can you achieve it? I don't believe it, I never believe it!"

Qiu Wanli's hysterical roar resonated with many people present.A Dzogchen in his early 20s, this God is too unfair.Don't feel jealous at all, unless you're a saint.

"Pretending to be a ghost! Fuck you!" Qiu Wanli yelled loudly, his body suddenly pulled up, and he kept waving his palms in the air. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of densely packed palm shadows, like a storm The head fell towards Wan Dong.

At this time, Qiu Wanli was clearly red-eyed and mad. Such a mighty and domineering attack can be described as the color of heaven and earth.

Wan Dong couldn't help sighing, feeling a little pity for Qiu Wanli.

It's a pity that it's a pity, but Wan Dong's hands were absolutely unambiguous, as soon as Xuantian Enlightenment Art was activated, thousands of golden lights rushed out from behind him.It's like a heavy machine gun firing with all its strength, its power is even more terrifying than Qiu Wanli's palm shadow all over the sky!

bang bang bang!Puff puff!

The golden light shot out and hit the shadows of palms coming.Just like a bullet blasting a balloon, Qiu Wanli's palm shadows all over the sky exploded and shattered one after another, then turned into dust and dissipated with the wind, completely unable to compete with the golden light, and only lasted for less than a few breaths, then completely resolved.

However, the laser light shot from Wan Dong's body remained unchanged, like sharp arrows that escaped danger, shooting at Qiu Wanli's body with sharp whistling waves.

In an instant, one after another blood arrows spewed out from Qiu Wanli's mouth like a fountain, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky and swayed in all directions.

"Yao Ting, save him!" Xu Wenchuan blurted out, seeing Qiu Wanli's life was in danger.

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