Wan Dong didn't think much about it, and changed hands to hide the golden glow.Xu Wenchuan stopped it just in time, and Qiu Wanli's life was saved, but he was seriously injured.The whole person looked like a blood man, with disheveled hair and shaky hair, and he was no longer the same as before!

After Wan Dong stopped, he turned his head to look at Xu Wenchuan, waiting for him to further criticize Qiu Wanli, but his gaze inadvertently found that Bai Zhenshan frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure passed clearly in his eyes.

This made Wan Dong's heart tighten suddenly. It seemed that Bai Zhenshan didn't want Qiu Wanli to live.Strictly speaking, this is understandable.How can a king tolerate the existence of a subject who is always thinking about the throne under his ass?But then again, Bai Zhenshan might not be considered a benevolent monarch!

"Your Majesty! Although Qiu Wanli has committed a heinous crime, he has indeed made great contributions to the empire and the country. Now that he is completely crippled in cultivation, he is like a cripple, and he has suffered due retribution. Please Your Majesty, think about the past love, show mercy, spare him from death, and depose his father and son to the frontier, let this be the end of his life."

As soon as Xu Wenchuan finished speaking, Hu Jingqi stood up and said, "Your Majesty, back then you personally conquered the eight tribes of Xijue, but you didn't realize it for a while, and fell into the opponent's plan to lure the enemy into deep, and were besieged by the Xijue army in Huanglong Mountain. It was critical. At that time, it was Qiu Wanli who led an army of [-] and risked his life to kill him. Only then did he cut a bloody path among thousands of troops and protect the emperor and you returned to Yunzhong City safely. Please, please remember the past and forgive me Chou Wanli's life!"

After Hu Jingqi finished speaking, several ministers came up to persuade him.

Wan Dong didn't speak, his eyes kept wandering around Bai Zhenshan's face.Following repeated advice from the ministers, Bai Zhenshan's complexion was obviously much darker than before.

"Hmph! Shut up, all of you! I am Qiu Wanli, do you need you to sympathize with me?" Qiu Wanli was covered in blood, but his momentum did not change. He waved his hands violently and roared hysterically.

"Qiu Wanli, at this point, don't you admit your guilt?" Xu Wenchuan shook his head again and again.

"Apologize? Hahaha... Don't be ridiculous! There are millions of troops inside and outside Yunzhong City, all controlled by me alone. I need to confess and repent to others?" Qiu Wanli shouted loudly, pointed at Bai Zhenshan suddenly, and said, "Bai Zhenshan, If you don’t want to be trampled into mincemeat by thousands of troops, immediately issue a letter of invitation, and Zen will be in my hands!”

"Qiu Wanli, are you still obsessed with your obsession? It is true that Yunzhong City has assembled millions of troops, but they are no longer under your control. The three armies of Yunzhong City have now joined forces in one place. The two generals Guo Yi are in command together. As for the top ten generals you summoned and their troops, they were all blocked outside the city. I believe that as long as His Majesty the Emperor shows his face and exposes your lies, they will immediately stop adhering to you , defected and surrendered! In other words, it’s all over.”

What Wan Dong said unhurriedly, but what he said was that Qiu Wanli was frightened and frightened.But the faces of Bai Zhenshan, Xu Wenchuan, Baidie and others showed ecstasy one after another.

"Boy, what you said is true? Don't lie to us?" Xu Wenchuan was very excited and blurted out involuntarily.

If everything is as Wan Dong said, it would be a great merit!What kind of ability is it that a huge conflict can be resolved without bloodshed?It wasn't that Xu Wenchuan underestimated himself and thought about the matter from beginning to end. He immediately discovered that if he was in charge of all this, it would definitely not be so perfect.

Wan Dong smiled wryly and said, "How dare grandson talk nonsense on such an important matter?"

"Okay! Well done!" Bai Zhenshan kept praising him, his mind set.

"No! No way! Even if Guo Yi will betray me, Xuanyou will definitely not!" Qiu Wanli was on the verge of despair, but he still refused to give up and shouted struggling.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "You're right. Xuan You is indeed loyal to you. But I killed him last night. General Guo took his Tiger Talisman and successfully accepted his army. "

"Ah!? You..." As soon as Wan Dong said this, Qiu Wanli felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his complexion turned gray in an instant.

"Also! Your plan to order the black armored guards to assassinate General Wu has been known to General Wu in advance."

This wave after wave of blows came one after another, even if Qiu Wanli was in his prime, he might not be able to accept it, not to mention that at this time his entire body has been destroyed by Wan Dong, his internal injuries are heavy, and his body is trembling. Trembling three times, a bloody arrow finally spewed out, and the whole person seemed to lose all strength, and sat down heavily on the ground.

"Report to the emperor! General Guo leads the envoys of the ten generals to ask for an audience!" A Feng Xiangwei hurried in at this time.

"The envoy of the ten generals?" Bai Zhenshan frowned slightly.

Wan Dong laughed and said, "General Guo and General Wu must have told the top ten generals that His Majesty the Emperor's illness has passed away, but he recovered quickly, so they specially sent envoys to seek confirmation."

Bai Zhenshan laughed out loud when he heard it, waved his hand, and said, "Let them in!"

In a short while, Guo Yi personally led ten deputy generals dressed in armor and imposing, into the palace of discussing politics.

Guo Yi took the lead and walked in the front. As soon as he stepped into the Palace of Political Affairs, he couldn't wait to look up.When he saw Bai Zhenshan sitting on the dragon chair with a smile on his face, stable and healthy, he was stunned on the spot, unable to wake up for a long time, as if his acupuncture points had been tapped.

"Hahaha... Guo Aiqing, don't you know me?"

With Bai Zhenshan's smile, Guo Yi felt as if he was getting an electric shock, and his whole body trembled.Immediately afterwards, the tears in the eyes fell down like a broken string of beads.Shortened in stature, he knelt down on the ground with a thump of his knees, and sobbed, "The last general Guo Yi, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!" Speaking of the latter, Guo Yi couldn't help crying softly.

A general who had been through battles and experienced life and death would cry at this moment.It can be seen how excited he is at this time, and it can be seen that he is sincere to Bai Zhenshan!

Bai Zhenshan couldn't remain calm, he hurriedly left the dragon seat, stepped forward, helped Guo Yi up from the ground, and sighed, "General Guo's sincerity, I will always remember it in my heart!"

Guo Yi immediately responded loudly, "Minister Guo Yi, I would like to die for Your Majesty, and die!"

"Good! Good!" Bai Zhenshan praised twice.

Guo Yi turned around, pointed to the ten generals behind him, and said, "Your Majesty, these ten are the envoys of the Ten Generals. As long as they confirm that you have indeed recovered, Your Majesty, they will immediately report back to the Ten Generals. The general will personally go to the emperor to accept the crime!"

Bai Zhenshan shook his head, and said, "The top ten generals were also deceived by traitors, what's the crime?"

When Bai Zhenshan said this, the ten envoys looked at each other, and immediately knelt down in unison, shouting long live!

Bai Zhenshan worked tirelessly to help them up one by one, and then told them not to delay, to rush back to their respective camps immediately, and report everything that happened in the Yizheng Palace to their generals in detail.And ask their generals to go to the palace to receive the reward immediately after they settle down their troops!

Bai Zhenshan's handling was very proper, he couldn't find any faults at all, and he seemed extremely generous, which made Wan Dong feel even more admirable.No wonder Bai Zhenshan was able to expand the Qingyun Empire to such a great extent, he really has a way of doing it!

Guo Yi did not return with the ten envoys, but stayed behind.Instead of standing with civil and military officials, Guo Yi took the initiative to stand beside Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled, and said in a low voice, "General Guo is standing with me, a commoner, don't you think it's a shame?"

Guo Yi snorted softly, and said, "What kind of grassroots are you, kid? Turn your hands into clouds and rain, and the entire Qingyun Empire is wandering around in your palm. Is there a grassroots like you in the world?"

"Hey...General Guo, you didn't fight against the ten major generals together with Uncle Wu, but you personally brought the envoys into the palace, don't you believe me? Want to witness it with your own eyes and see if the emperor is really healed? "

Embarrassment flashed across Guo Yi's face, he coughed, and said, "Okay, okay, it's me who treats a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, and I apologize to you!"

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "There is no need to apologize! You are human, and I would do the same."

When Wan Dong said this, Guo Yi felt much better.However, I admire Wan Dong even more in my heart.Guo Yi probably never imagined that one day, he would be overwhelmed by a 20-year-old kid.

"He Zhen! What are you doing?"

Wan Dong and Guo Yi were whispering, when suddenly, Xu Wenchuan let out a thunderous roar.Both of them were startled, and looked back together, only to see that He Zhen pulled out a sharp knife out of nowhere, and stabbed fiercely into Qiu Wanli's body from behind. Blood protruded from Qiu Wanli's chest, and the blood was soaring, the situation was really not ordinary bloody.

Wan Dong's eyes narrowed immediately, but he never thought that a little He Zhen would have such courage.

"A dog thief who seeks to usurp the throne, everyone will kill him! The emperor and all the adults can't bear to kill you, but I will never allow people like you to live in the world!"

"You... you... shameless thief!" Qiu Wanli turned around with difficulty, staring at He Zhen with a pair of eyes, wishing he could shoot a beam of flames and burn He Zhen to ashes alive.

"He Zhen! You goddamn bastard, bastard! I ate you alive, ate you!!" Seeing this situation, Qiu Yunchong seemed to be crazy, struggling and screaming desperately, Wang Yangde couldn't help it Without waving his palm, he was knocked unconscious.

"Shameless thief? Hmph... These words should be given to you! Qiu Wanli, killing you with one knife like this is considered cheap for you. If it is according to my opinion, you must be cut into pieces." He There was a hideous smile on his face, and he looked very scary.

"If... if there is an afterlife, I will... definitely not let you go!" Qiu Wanli said with great hatred.

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