"Impossible? Yaoting must have saved the emperor's life, would the emperor really be so heartless?" Hu Jingqi was skeptical.

Xu Wenchuan snorted coldly, and said, "Isn't the emperor like that? Even a little bit of reward he gave to his ministers is a great kindness, and even if a minister dies generously for him, it is only a matter of course." , The duty of a courtier! If an emperor can learn to be grateful, I am afraid that a sow can climb a tree."

For Xu Wenchuan to use such a crude metaphor, it is not difficult to see that he is dissatisfied with Bai Zhenshan in his heart.

"Besides, Wu Daozi is not only stubborn, but also very self-respecting. After suffering such a big insult in the court, even if the emperor is willing to change his words, I'm afraid he won't want to stay anymore. Hey! It's just lost in vain. What a pity for a minister of the humerus!"

Hu Jingqi always thought about how to persuade the emperor to keep Wu Daozi, but he didn't think about it from Wu Daozi's perspective.Not to mention Wu Daozi, even he would go away without hesitation.After all, these days, shameless people like He Zhen are in the minority.Having figured out this link, Hu Jingqi couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, shook his head, looked infinitely lonely, and stopped talking.

"Grandpa, I want to visit my master, and by the way...see him off."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Hu Jingqi said helplessly.

"Why?" Wan Dong was surprised.

Hu Jingqi's expression was miserable, not without grief and indignation. He said in a deep voice, "The emperor ordered He Zhen to personally escort Wu Daozi out of Yunzhong City. No one is allowed to send Wu Daozi out of the city!"

"What!? It's really unreasonable!" Wan Dong didn't expect that Bai Zhenshan would do things so utterly, and couldn't help being furious.

Xu Wenchuan said in a sullen voice, "The emperor just wants Wu Daozi to leave Yunzhong City in a miserable state, so that everyone can see what will happen if he goes against his will!"

"Hmph! This world belongs to the people of the world, it may not be his emperor's alone!" After leaving these words, Wan Dong turned around with a livid face and walked out.

Hu Jingqi hurriedly greeted, "Yao Ting, what are you doing? This disobedience to the imperial decree is a capital offense!"

"Capital crime? Hahaha...then let him kill me!" Wan Dong laughed wildly, his pride soaring into the sky.

When Xu Wenchuan saw him, his face that was originally full of anger burst into a smile, and he praised loudly, "Good! You have backbone! This is the descendant of my Xu family! Yao Ting, since you want to send your master, you should do it in a beautiful manner." Send it, send it with gongs and drums!"

"My lord, is this... okay?" Hu Jingqi seemed a little hesitant.Such a move is tantamount to directly confronting the emperor.

Xu Wenchuan sneered, and curled his lips and said, "What's so good? It's only natural for an apprentice to send the master off! I, Xu Wenchuan, didn't send it off in person. I already gave the emperor enough face. Do as he pleases!"

"Yao Ting, since you are going to send your master off, then take this with you." Sun Daobai escaped from his arms with a small brocade box.

Wan Dong took it, opened it, and saw that there was a golden pill the size of a quail egg in the brocade box.The refreshing medicinal fragrance disperses with the wind, even if you just take a sip, you will feel clear and clear, and it is a very good thing at first glance.

"Grandpa Sun, this is..."

"Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill! I promised Wu Daozi that I would refine one for him."

"But didn't you say that it would take at least a year to refine the Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill? How long has it been since you finished it?"

Sun Daobai laughed and said, "Isn't this thanks to you, thanks to Gui Yiqi?"

Wan Dong understood immediately, and took Jiuji Huichun Pill close to him with a smile, and said, "Then I will thank Grandpa Sun on behalf of my master."

Sun Daobai waved his hands again and again, and said: "No need to thank you! After meeting your master, you should comfort him with words. Your master, for the sake of the Qingyun Empire, can be said to have done his best and spent most of his life. In the end, he ended up in a miserable state What happened to him must be very uncomfortable in his heart."

Wan Dong nodded with a heavy expression, sighed, and then flew away.


"Hey...Master Wu, all this is the emperor's intention, don't blame He." He Zhen personally led the brigade and escorted Wu Daozi to Wu's mansion.What he said was nice, but his face was full of a sneer like a villain's ambition, which made people lose their appetite just by looking at it.

Wu Daozi's expression was full of grief and indignation, and he snorted heavily, not wanting to talk to He Zhen at all.

He Zhen didn't take it seriously either, and gave an evil laugh, waved his hands and shouted, "Come on, come and search the house!"

The men and horses brought behind He Zhen were about to move when they heard the news, Wu Daozi hurriedly yelled, "Wait a minute!"

He Zhen chuckled lightly, and said, "Why, Master Wu, what else do you want to say?"

"Before you ransack the house, let me clean it up first." Wu Daozi said coldly.

"Pack what? Pack soft gold and silver? Hehe... Wu Daozi, the emperor made it clear that you are not allowed to take a tael of gold out of the city. What else can you pack?"

"It's always okay to pack some clothes, right?"

He Zhen smiled and said, "Okay! For the sake of you and my colleagues, I will make an exception and accommodate you once. I will give you a little time! After the time is over, immediately ransack the house!"

Wu Daozi snorted, turned around and was about to enter the mansion when a gray-haired housekeeper hurriedly came out of the mansion.Although Wu Daozi's official position is not low and his salary is high, he is very frugal on weekdays, and only he and the old housekeeper live in the mansion.His name is master and servant, but he is actually a brother with deep feelings.

When the butler saw He Zhen and the officers and soldiers of the brigade, he immediately understood what was going on.His expression was calm and calm, without the slightest hint of panic.Obviously, following Wu Daozi, he was used to the big wind and waves, and the sky has long since fallen.

"Ah Fu, the emperor issued an order to deprive me of all my official titles, confiscate all my property, and expel me from Yunzhong City. These people are all here to search the house." Wu Daozi said to the housekeeper lightly, with an expression as if his house was ransacked It's someone else, not him.

The housekeeper nodded slightly, but did not answer.

One master and one servant, calm down to this point, it is really a state.

"Go! Follow me to pack some clothes!"

The master and the servant turned around and entered the mansion together, it didn't take long, it took only half a stick of incense, and they turned back.In everyone's hands, there is an extra burden that is not too big.

"Master He, I've packed it up, you can order the house to be ransacked."

"Hahaha... The house and family property don't have long legs, so I can't run away. I'll copy it later, and I'll have time! However, I want to see what's in your bag first! Come here, open Master Wu's bag!"

"Who dares!?" Seeing a few officers and soldiers with thick arms and round waists, they rushed towards Wu Daozi, and the butler A Fu rushed out immediately, blocking Wu Daozi.

"Wu Daozi! What's the matter with you servant, don't you want to live?" He Zhen pointed at Ah Fu and asked coldly.

"He Zhen, why do you bully others so much?" Wu Daozi couldn't help but get a little more angry.This is so true, even he refuses to let go of his personal baggage, it is really abominable.

"How can this be too much deception? This official is only following orders! You have a lot of burdens, if what you hide is not clothes, but gold tickets and silver, then this official has failed the emperor's great trust?"

"You..." Wu Daozi became angry for a while.

He Zhen's expression froze, and he shouted angrily, "Wu Daozi! I thought we were accommodating before because of our colleagues. You'd better not make things difficult for me!"

"Okay! Let's search!" Wu Daozi angrily threw the heavy burden on the ground, and at the same time dragged Ah Fu behind him.

As soon as He Zhen waved his hand, several officers and soldiers rushed forward and tore the burden away, revealing some clothes and a stack of thick blueprints. There was not even a tael of gold or a gold ticket.

"Are you satisfied?" Looking at He Zhen who was frowning, Wu Daozi asked sarcastically.

He Zhen used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman. He never thought that Wu Daozi would be so stupid that he really didn't even have a tael of gold in his baggage.Now that he was outside Yunzhong City, Wu Daozi really planned to drink the northwest wind to live his life?

"Hmph! Body search!" He Zhen narrowed his eyes and shouted.

search! ?After hearing He Zhen's words, Wu Daozi's face was immediately covered with heavy anger.This is simply a humiliation to **luo!Wu Daozi has lived such a long time, and he has never experienced such a thing.I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

"My master has worked hard for the empire and made great contributions. How can you treat him like this? If you want to search my master's body, just step on the body of the old slave!" Although A Fu is old, he is loyal and unwavering , moving.

"Wu Daozi, body searches are also routine. If you have no ghosts in your heart, why are you angry?"

"My surname is He, I, Wu Daozi, have no shame in heaven and earth. I have a heart of ice, and the sun can be used as a lesson! If you want to use this to humiliate me, you have miscalculated! Today, I will ram my head to death here to prove that clean!"

"Wait, wait!" Seeing that Wu Daozi was really looking for death, He Zhen was also a little nervous.

The emperor made it clear that if Wu Daozi were to be impoverished for the rest of his life and suffer all the hardships and sufferings in the world, if he were to kill him, wouldn't it ruin the emperor's good deed?

"Hehe...Master Wu, Mr. Wu, why is this so? Alright! The body search will be exempted!" He Zhen quickly put on a smiling face and said.

"Hmph!" Wu Daozi turned his head aside, and let out a cold snort in his throat.

"This is the burden of the old slave, you search it!" A Fu threw his burden to several officers and soldiers, and then carefully packed Wu Daozi's burden.

He Zhen sneered, and said, "Who are you? It's none of your business here. What are you doing searching for your baggage?"

What He Zhen said surprised Wu Daozi, when did He Zhen become so accommodating and sensible?

"Master He, you should search it. If there is gold and silver hidden in Ah Fu's baggage, how will you explain to the emperor?"

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