"He hides gold and silver in his baggage. What does it have to do with you, Mr. Wu? No way, I have to search everyone on the street, right?" He Zhen said quietly.

"Master, since he doesn't search, let's go on the road now?" Ah Fu put Wu Daozi's burden on his shoulders, and said.

Wu Daozi frowned, he didn't believe it, why didn't search Ah Fu's package because of kindness.He Zhen is the most vicious person, if he doesn't search Ah Fu's package, it is very likely that he has worse thoughts.

Sure enough, Ah Fu pulled Wu Daozi and was about to leave, when He Zhen suddenly waved his hand, several strong officers and soldiers rushed forward immediately, and forcibly pulled Wu Daozi and Ah Fu away.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Ah Fu yelled loudly while resisting fiercely.

Although Ah Fu was old, he was quite strong. After a fierce struggle, those officers and soldiers couldn't hold him down.Seeing this, He Zhen frowned slightly, and immediately more than a dozen people rushed up, and one of the officers and soldiers waved the scabbard in his hand, and smashed it on Ah Fu's head.Poor Ah Fu's hair was covered with frost, and in the blink of an eye, half of it was stained red with blood.

"He Zhen! Ah Fu, what did he do wrong, that you hurt him?" Seeing Ah Fu being injured, Wu Daozi immediately became furious and roared.

He Zhen sneered, and said: "Wu Daozi, the emperor's will is very clear. You are only allowed to leave Beijing alone, and no one is allowed to see you off!"

"Ah Fu didn't want to send me off, he wanted to walk with me and take care of me."

"That's even worse! If Mr. Wu has someone to take care of him all the time, is that still a punishment?"

"You...you..." Wu Daozi was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Master, this slave has been by your side for decades, and has never left your side. If you can no longer follow and serve Master, then... that slave will die!" Ah Fu cried bitterly.

"Death? Yes, this is your freedom, you can die at any time!" He Zhen said with a smile.

"He Zhen! As a member of the imperial court, how can you say such unconscionable words?" Wu Daozi scolded angrily.

"He's going to die himself, so could it be possible to blame others? Well, it's for the sake of you and my colleagues. It just so happens that I also lack an old slave in my family. After you leave Beijing, let him come to my house." Well, I will take good care of him, hehe..."

"Bah! What are you, you deserve to serve me?!"

"Toast, don't eat the fine wine, beat me! Beat me hard!"

He Zhen let out a snarl, and immediately raindrops of fists landed on Ah Fu's body.Not to mention that Ah Fu was already in his sixtieth year, even a strong young man couldn't stand such a beating. In the blink of an eye, he curled up into a ball, venting more and breathing less.

"Stop it!" Seeing Ah Fu being severely beaten, how could Wu Daozi not be angry?With a burst of shouting, the true energy in his body surged, and a palm wind swept out. A dozen officers and soldiers surrounding Ah Fu were immediately thrown to the ground, crying endlessly.

Although Wu Daozi put most of his energy into the formation, his cultivation was not something these ordinary officers and soldiers could resist.

Wu Daozi's display of power immediately surprised He Zhen, with a faint look of fear on his face.He Zhen is an out-and-out civil servant and has never practiced martial arts. If Wu Daozi really wants to do something to him, he can only suffer.

"Wu...Wu Daozi, you...what are you going to do, rebel?" He Zhen kept hiding behind the officers and soldiers, and said in a trembling voice.

"He Zhen, I didn't want to do anything to you at first, but you deceived others too much! Today, I, Wu Daozi, will risk my life to save Qingyun Empire from the evil of you!" Wu Daozi was really murderous, the expression on his face , cold and abnormal, very frightening.

"What are you all standing there for? Why don't you hurry up and catch the traitor?" He Zhen yelled at the officers and soldiers.

A group of officers and soldiers rushed forward immediately, like a tidal wave, trying to submerge Wu Daozi.

Facing this situation, Wu Daozi was not only not afraid, but turned his head up to the sky and let out a maniacal laugh. Then he turned into a dragon, danced with both palms, and swept up the sky. In just a few minutes, dozens of officers and soldiers fell down screaming in pain.

Clearing out a vacuum, Wu Daozi kept his figure, and flew towards He Zhen directly in the air. His hands turned into eagle claws, shining with a cold metal light, pointing directly at He Zhen's throat.

"Help... help, help!" He Zhen was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he kept staggering backwards, looking quite embarrassed.

Seeing that He Zhen had no way to retreat, and was about to die under Wu Daozi's claws, a clear shout suddenly came from the slanting stab, "Master Wu, be merciful!"

Accompanied by this clear drink, Tang Xinyi's figure came quickly like a meteor, and when Wu Daozi was about to grab He Zhen's throat, he blocked his claws.

"Tang Xinyi?" Wu Daozi blurted out an exclamation when he saw clearly the figure blocking him.

Tang Xinyi's expression was full of shame, she lowered her head and said, "Master Wu, don't be impulsive, just stop."

"Commander Tang, you are here at the right time! Kill Wu Daozi quickly, this old thing is reversed!" Seeing Tang Xinyi appearing in time, He Zhenxin was so relieved that he rushed forward in a hurry, pointed at Wu Daozi, and kept talking. yelling.

Wu Daozi was already furious in his heart, seeing this scene, he became even more furious.With a loud shout, the zhenqi condensed in the claws suddenly increased to [-]%. Tang Xinyi immediately staggered back a few steps after hearing the bang.

Although Tang Xinyi's cultivation has greatly improved after practicing Gui Yi Qi, she is still slightly inferior to Wu Daozi.

Shocking Tang Xinyi back, Wu Daozi immediately rushed forward and went straight to He Zhen.

He Zhen was most afraid of death, and Wu Daozi's eyes full of hatred and murderous intent made him tremble even more, and he slumped down on the ground.Although it was a little embarrassing, it might be God's will. He jumped down suddenly, but avoided Wu Daozi's claws, allowing Wu Daozi to catch nothing.

When Wu Daozi changed his move, Tang Xinyi had already reacted, rushed forward again, and held him back.

"Tang Xinyi, this old man is going to kill the thief He Zhen today, you get out of the way!" Wu Daozi sternly shouted.

"Senior Wu, He Zhen is a minister of the first rank, he cannot be killed."

"If this dog thief doesn't kill him, both men and gods will be outraged! Tang Xinyi, you can't stop this old man."

"Commander!" As soon as Wu Daozi finished speaking, he heard shouts from behind him.

Wu Daozi's heart sank, and he looked back, only to see dozens of masters dressed in Fengxiangwei's uniform rushing towards him.These dozens of Fengxiang Guard fighters are all the best among Fengxiang Guards, and many of them are above the fifth level of True Qi.If they join forces with Tang Xinyi, with Wu Daozi's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to win.

It seems that the thief He Zhen escaped again, Wu Daozi's heart is full of hatred and helplessness.

"Hahaha...you surnamed Wu, aren't you very powerful, are you going to kill me? You should come, kill one and show me! You are a smelly and hard old stubborn stone in the latrine. It's your time to die!"

With Tang Xinyi and dozens of Fengxiangwei masters around, He Zhenzhen was very confident, pointing at Wu Daozi's nose and yelling non-stop.

"Did the emperor ask you to come?" Wu Daozi ignored He Zhen's yelling, just looked at Tang Xinyi, and asked coldly.

Tang Xinyi's expression was ashamed and even more embarrassing.Wu Daozi has done so much for the royal family, but now he has ended up like this, this matter, no matter what he did, it is a bit unkind.

"The emperor asked me to escort you out of Beijing!" Tang Xinyi was silent for a while before she said with a dry voice.

"Hehe... Didn't the emperor say that no one is allowed to come see me off? Is he worried about me?" Wu Daozi said with a sneer and sarcasm all over his face.

"Senior Wu, don't blame the emperor. He did this because of his own reasons." Tang Xinyi wanted to defend Bai Zhenshan, but she searched her head and couldn't think of a suitable explanation. What she said was so pale and weak.

For such an excuse, Wu Daozi didn't bother to pay attention to it at all, and the sneer and resentment on his face were even worse.

"Commander Tang, you have seen what the surname Wu did just now. If a rebel like this is released from Yunzhongcheng, it will cause serious trouble. It is better to kill him on the spot!" He Zhen stared at him with hatred. Wu Daozi said to Tang Xinyi.

"That's enough, Mr. He! You don't want to add insult to injury!" Tang Xinyi already felt ashamed of Wu Daozi, and when she heard He Zhen's words, she became even more furious, and directly reprimanded him mercilessly.

"Why is this official making trouble, what this official said is the truth..."

Before He Zhen finished speaking, Tang Xinyi waved her hand abruptly, and said unceremoniously, "The command I received is to send Mr. Wu out of Beijing safely, not to kill him!"

When Tang Xinyi said this, even though He Zhen felt dissatisfied in every way, he had nothing to say.

Sighing softly, Tang Xinyi said to Wu Daozi, "Senior Wu, please go on your way now."

"But I'm an old slave..." Wu Daozi turned his head and glanced at Ah Fu, with some hesitation in his eyes.

Tang Xinyi said, "This person is loyal to senior. Since he insists on following senior, then you can take him with you."

"No! This is not in line with the emperor's will!" As soon as Tang Xinyi finished speaking, He Zhen couldn't wait to jump out and object.

Tang Xinyi glanced at him coldly, and said in a cold voice, "Master He doesn't need to worry about this! This Commander will go and explain to the Emperor himself!"


He Zhen still refused, Tang Xinyi didn't wait for him to finish, and said coldly, "If Mr. He has any objections, then I will take Feng Xiangwei away, and Mr. He will take full responsibility for everything!


"Ah? Then... how can I do that? This Wu surnamed has such a high level of cultivation, if you leave, won't this officer be dead?"

Looking at the flustered He Zhen, Tang Xinyi shook her head with contempt on her face.In my heart, I felt that the emperor was confused. Using such a person to check and balance the Xu family, in the end, I'm afraid he would only shoot himself in the foot!

"If that's the case! Then please stand aside, Mr. He, and don't interfere with this commander!" Tang Xinyi scolded.

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