Don't look at Tang Xinyi's official status is not high, it is thousands of miles worse than He Zhenyi, but Tang Xinyi is the commander of the imperial guards, the emperor's personal celebrity, and even the future prince's boudoir sister.He Zhen is a high-ranking person, and in front of others, he has to be a talent with his tail between his legs.

Even though he was extremely dissatisfied with Tang Xinyi's attitude, He Zhen could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Wu Daozi glanced at He Zhen, turned his head to look at Tang Xinyi, and said, "Commander Tang, please speak to the emperor for me."

Tang Xinyi still respected Wu Daozi very much, she nodded immediately without any hesitation, and said, "If Senior Wu has anything to say, feel free to say it, and this junior will convey it to the Emperor!"

Wu Daozi nodded, pointed at He Zhen suddenly, and said in a concentrated voice, "Please commander Tang go back and tell the emperor, if this thief is not eliminated soon, our Qingyun Empire will be buried in his hands sooner or later!"

"My surname is Wu, what do you mean?" Hearing that Wu Daozi asked Tang Xinyi to bring such a sentence, He Zhen was startled and angry at once, staring at Wu Daozi as if he was about to jump up.

Tang Xinyi giggled, and said crisply, "Senior Wu, don't worry, I will definitely bring this sentence to you!"

"Farewell Commander Tang, this old man surnamed Wu is obviously crazy, why are you crazy with him?" He Zhen was in a hurry, begging Tang Xinyi.

Tang Xinyi sneered, and said, "Senior Wu is crazy? Why didn't I see it? Mr. He, as a first-rank official, you should be magnanimous. Don't tell others that they are crazy when they say something about you. In this way, really not good!"

"Teaching can't go away!"

"Qingyun Martial Arts Academy needs Professor Wu!"

As soon as Tang Xinyi's words fell, a shout resounding throughout the world suddenly came over.Tang Xinyi was taken aback in her heart, followed the prestige, and saw hundreds of people rushing towards here quickly.

Tang Xinyi took a closer look and found that the crowd were all students of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy.

"What's going on? How could you let them know that Senior Wu is leaving Cloud City?" Tang Xinyi immediately cast her sharp eyes on He Zhen.

Wu Daozi is not an ordinary minister, he is also the chief instructor of Qingyun Martial Arts Institute.Wu Daozi is academically profound and likes to solve people's doubts, so he enjoys an extremely high reputation in the Formation Academy.As for the students of the Formation Academy, who were young and passionate, if they knew that Wu Daozi had been kicked out of Yunzhong City, wouldn't they still be in trouble?

You must know that every student of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy is a valuable asset to Qingyun Empire.In particular, the students of these formation colleges are more likely to become the generals and military gods who command thousands of troops for the empire and resist foreign aggression in the future. They absolutely cannot afford to lose.

He Zhen shook his head, and said with a sneer, "I don't know, but I can be sure that there must be someone playing tricks and trying to excuse Wu Daozi. Humph, it's not that easy! Come on, Block those students from me!"

The officers and soldiers under He Zhen couldn't deal with Wu Daozi, but they seemed to be very good at dealing with these students.As soon as He Zhen finished speaking, a team of officers and soldiers rushed forward immediately, building a human embankment, blocking the students of the Formation Academy more than ten feet away.

"He Zhen, what are you doing? You have to know that these students are the talents cultivated by the empire with great painstaking efforts, and there is absolutely no room for loss!" Tang Xinyi shouted with a more stern expression.

He Zhen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Commander Tang, I know it well. It's just to frighten them, and it won't hurt them. These students are stupid, and they don't know they are being used. How stupid are they?" gone."

"Stupid? This is respecting the teacher!" Tang Xinyi gave He Zhen a cold look, her expression was full of disdain.

"Let us go! We want to see Teacher Wu!" While Tang Xinyi and He Zhen were talking, the shouts from the students of the Array Academy became more urgent and louder.Under the leadership of several leaders, the crowd began to continuously attack the human wall formed by officers and soldiers, and the situation became more and more serious every moment.

"It's unreasonable! These poor students, don't they want to rebel?" He Zhen shouted angrily, and waved suddenly at the officers and soldiers under his command.

Those officers and soldiers, at the beginning, just formed a human wall, but did not fight with the students, but when He Zhen waved his hand, there was a sudden change.The officers and soldiers in the front row immediately swung the scabbard in their hands, and slammed it down on the students rushing in the front row.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of students were injured, their heads were bleeding, screams of pain and screams rang out, and the situation suddenly became chaotic.

"He Zhen, you bastard, they are just children, how did you do it?" Wu Daozi was so enraged that he wished he could rush forward and tear He Zhen alive.It's a pity that in front of him, in front of dozens of Fengxiangwei's masters, he couldn't rush through at all.

"He Zhen, tell your people to stop immediately!" Tang Xinyi also became furious and yelled at He Zhen.

He Zhen didn't take it seriously, smiled at Tang Xinyi, and said, "Commander Tang, don't be nervous. These boys, if you don't teach them a lesson and let them suffer a little, they won't be honest. This kind of I have seen a lot of things, and I have experience! Just rest assured!"

"Bastard! What if your man misses and beats him to death?" He Zhen's disapproving attitude really made Tang Xinyi very angry.

"If they are really beaten to death, they deserve it! We are carrying out the emperor's will, and if they come to make trouble, that is rebellion! Rebellion is a death penalty and should be killed!" He Zhen turned cold and said The words are even more chilly.

Tang Xinyi could see it clearly, this is so true, she is a bastard who treats human life like nothing!

"Everyone fights with these officers and soldiers, even if they die, we must rescue Wu Jiaoxi!" In the group of students, a thin but blood-soaked figure suddenly raised his arms and let out a roar.The students following him were immediately infected, and bravely attacked the human wall formed by officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers standing in the front immediately felt the pressure double.Although the scabbards in their hands were like sticks, they kept slamming at the crowd, but they still couldn't stop the crowd's impact. There were officers and soldiers who were thrown to the ground by the students. The officers and soldiers formed the first line of defense. Started to show a tendency to collapse.

Although the human wall formed by officers and soldiers began to crumble gradually, the price paid by the students was even heavier. Blood was splattered everywhere, and there was a horrifying color of blood at the sight.Tang Xinyi's crescent eyebrows were furrowed more and more tightly.

But He Zhen was not nervous at all, and said to Tang Xinyi with a smile, "Commander Tang, don't worry! These are students from the Formation Academy, most of them focus on formation and are not good at martial arts, so their attack power is not good Great. If you are a student of the martial arts academy, then I really have to weigh it up, but they, hehe... come and die as many as you want!"

"What did you say?" Such bloody words, uttered from He Zhen's mouth, immediately made Tang Xinyi angry.

He Zhen didn't notice the anger on Tang Xinyi's face at all, and with another wave of his hand, the reserve officers and soldiers immediately rushed forward, relying on the large number of people and weapons in their hands, they finally stopped the surging crowd of students.

"Hey... Commander Tang, did you see that? Blocking them is just a piece of cake! However, if you want these students to retreat automatically, you have to take action, Commander Tang."

Tang Xinyi gritted her teeth tightly, looking at He Zhen with contempt and hatred in her eyes.What Wu Daozi said is not wrong at all, if this thief is not eliminated, the Qingyun Empire must perish in his hands.

"Master He, they are just ordinary students, do you need to use such bloody means to deal with them?"

"Commander Tang, it's not that I want to deal with them, but they are looking for death. Can I blame this officer? Besides, I just don't want to hurt them anymore, so I ask Commander Tang to take action."

"What do you want me to do?" Although Tang Xinyi hated He Zhen to the extreme, if she could really reduce the casualties of the students, she had to cooperate with He Zhen.

He Zhen smiled, pointed to the student who had raised his arms and shouted, and was covered in blood, and said, "Commander Tang, I think these students came here to make trouble because they were instigated by that boy. As long as the boy If you die, these students will disperse immediately."

"No! Absolutely not! You can't kill him! He is the best student in my Formation Academy, his name is Lei Ming, and he is the future pillar of the empire. I will never allow you to kill him, absolutely!" Upon hearing He Zhen Wu Daozi immediately became agitated, and kept roaring.

"This child is lawless and took the lead in disobeying the imperial decree. How can he be expected to serve the empire in the future? The more students like this learn, the better, and the greater the harm they will cause to the empire in the future! Commander Tang, don't worry , Kill him on the spot, I guarantee that the remaining students will disperse immediately!"

Tang Xinyi snorted, turned her head to look at Wu Daozi, and said, "Senior Wu, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, I will only catch Lei Ming, and will never hurt his life."

"Commander Tang, these students are the wealth of our empire, not even one of them can be lost. Please...please Commander Tang, be sure to accept them with mercy. Even if Wu Daozi begs you!" Wu Daozi has never bent He Zhen waist, but to Tang Xinyi, he bowed to the end.

Tang Xinyi hurried forward to support him, and said repeatedly, "Senior Wu, don't worry! I, Tang Xinyi, will never go back on what I promised!"

Just when Tang Xinyi was about to rush forward to catch Lei Ming, a roar like a thunderbolt from the blue sky suddenly sounded from mid-air: "Students of the Formation Academy, retreat immediately!"

Tang Xinyi couldn't be more familiar with this roar, and when she heard it, her pretty face changed drastically, and she cried out inwardly, "Oops! Why is he here?"

The thunder that rushed to the front seemed to recognize the owner of the roar, and a smile appeared on his bloody face, and he shouted hastily, "Everyone, get back quickly! Quick!"

Under Lei Ming's command, the students of the Formation Academy quickly separated from the officers and soldiers, and retreated to the sides, slowly revealing a series of ashen Wan Dong, and a neat array, wrapped in pure black armor, with a murderous look The mighty army...

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