Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 481 Master-apprentice separation!

"Young man, is it possible that you want to take sides with this rebellious traitor?" In front of so many people, He Zhen had no choice but to take into account his prestige as a first-rank official, so he could only force himself to remain calm, so as not to appear too cowardly and lose his mind. identity.

"Rebel?" Wan Dong raised his sword eyebrows suddenly, and suddenly waved to He Zhen. The poor He Zhen, who had no strength to restrain a chicken, was immediately covered by an invisible force, soaring into the sky, and flew straight to Wan Dong. , was strangled by the throat by Wan Dong.

Face to face with Wan Dong, less than a foot away, He Zhen could clearly see the murderous aura rolling in the depths of Wan Dong's eyes, which was enough to freeze his heart into an ice lump in an instant.

"Xu Yaoting, you... what are you going to do? I am a first-rank minister of the imperial court. If you kill me, you will die yourself!" He Zhen said with a trembling voice for a moment of fear.

"Yao Ting, don't be impulsive, let Mr. He go quickly." Tang Xinyi saw that the situation was getting bigger and bigger, and she was also very nervous, so she rushed forward and tried to persuade her.

Wan Dong stared at He Zhen, and roared angrily, "You have the face to call others a traitor, I think you are the bane of the Qingyun Empire! Despicable and selfish, if you don't die, God doesn't agree!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Dong grabbed the five fingers of He Zhen's throat, and immediately began to tighten. When did poor He Zhen suffer such a crime?An old face, flushed in the blink of an eye, and the brows were full of pain.

Seeing that He Zhen was really about to be strangled to death by Wan Dong, Tang Xinyi was so anxious that she hurriedly said, "Yao Ting, if you really kill He Zhen, you will cause a disaster and you will be beheaded." !"

"Decapitation? Hahaha... Not to mention the entire Qingyun Empire, even the entire Dongxuan Continent, who killed my head, Xu Yaoting!?"

What Wan Dong said was confident enough, but also crazy enough!Many of the young students present were overwhelmed by it.Even Lei Ming was no exception, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of admiration.

Tang Xinyi's face was full of bitterness.With Wan Dong's Dzogchen realm, looking at the world, there are really very few people who can kill him.It is ridiculous to want to suppress him with death.

"Okay, Yao Ting, let He Zhen go. Killing such a person will only dirty your hands. One day, God will accept him!" Wu Daozi patted Wan Dong's shoulder lightly, and opened his mouth. Said.

"Don't be afraid, apprentice! As long as you kill this thief, it will make you feel better, Master!" Wan Dong seemed determined to kill He Zhen, making Tang Xinyi's heart feel as if she had fallen into an abyss. sank.

"Yaoting, if you really kill him, I'm afraid I won't feel better, on the contrary, it will be even more uncomfortable. The emperor has already hated me enough, and he can't do anything with you, so all the fire will still be spread to everyone. From me? As a teacher, I am getting old and can't stand the toss anymore. Now I just want to find a quiet place to live a stable life for a few days, and I don't want anything else."

"Master!" Hearing Wu Daozi's words, Wan Dong couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

It is said that the Xu family's power has reached its peak and it is scary, but in the end, Wan Dong still can't even keep his master, so he can only watch helplessly at Wu Daozi's age, but he has to leave his hometown and go far away. , Wan Dong's heart really hurt as if being cut by a knife.

"He Zhen! I'll put your dog's head on your neck first! You'd better show me something, otherwise, I'll cut it off at any time! Get lost!" Wan Dong gritted his teeth and said, his arm jerked Zhen, He Zhen's body of more than [-] catties seemed to have scratched his wings, and he flew out more than ten feet away with a whoosh, and fell all over the place.After landing, he didn't dare to say a word, he got up, enduring the pain, and fled away in disgrace.

"Yao Ting, you really offended He Zhen this time." Looking at He Zhen who was running away quickly, Wu Daozi shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"So what? If Master hadn't interceded for him today, I would have killed him. Then, let's see what the Emperor can do to me, Xu Yaoting!"

"Hey! No matter how you say it, he is the emperor after all. As ministers, no matter when we are wronged, we must not forget the righteousness of being ministers!"

Wan Dong knew that Wu Daozi's character was the most loyal, so he didn't try to argue with him, so as not to make him unhappy.Nodding his head, he said, "Master's teachings, the disciples will keep in mind."

"But Jiaoxi, don't tell me... are you really going to leave Cloud City?" Lei Ming said with a look of reluctance.

Wu Daozi gently wiped the blood off his face, and said lovingly on his face, "Didn't I say that I am also tired after all these years, so I just took this opportunity to find a place to live a peaceful life." Days, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. It’s you, Lei Ming, you have outstanding talent and are willing to work hard the day after tomorrow. It is difficult for noble people to help you. From my point of view, you might as well join Yaoting’s Dingshan Guard, and you will be able to achieve great things in the future!”

"The instructor asked me to join Ding Shanwei and hang out with him?" Lei Ming turned his head to look at Wan Dong, frowning slightly.

Wan Dong knew that Lei Ming never wanted to see Xu Yaoting, and it would be difficult for him to join the Dingshan Guard, so he felt a pity in his heart.

However, what Wan Dong didn't expect was that after pondering for a moment, Lei Ming suddenly frowned slightly, and said with a smile, "Even if I want to join the Dingshan Guard, they may not be willing to accept it."

"Take it! Take it! Why don't you take it!?" As soon as Lei Ming's voice fell, Wan Dong shouted on his face in a hurry.

In his eyes, Lei Ming is just a baby bump, and now he fell into his arms out of thin air, unless he is a fool, he will not accept it!

Wan Dong's reaction made Lei Ming very happy.As for talents, the biggest fear is that they will not be taken seriously, and the pearl will be secretly cast.However, Lei Ming still tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, and said solemnly to Wan Dong, "It is fine for me to join Dingshanwei, but I have something to say first. If you use Dingshanwei to do some bullying things, then I will not agree." , will exit at any time"

"Hahaha... Don't worry! As long as you join Dingshanwei, there is no reason to quit!" Thinking that Lei Ming was going to say something, it turned out to be this, Wan Dong was determined, and laughed loudly.

"Wow! You two, one civil and one military, I think this Dingshanwei is like a fierce tiger with a pair of wings. I'm afraid it won't take long to become famous all over the world! Hahaha..."

Wu Daozi smiled happily!As a teacher, the most proud thing is to watch the disciples he teaches become famous all over the world.And the combination of Lei Ming and Wan Dong, in his mind, is an invincible existence!Even if he leaves, he can feel at ease.

"Master, where are you going after you leave Yunzhong City?" Wan Dong asked with a frozen face.

Wu Daozi sighed softly and said, "I don't know either, anyway, let's talk about it after leaving Cloud City."

Wan Dong nodded, Huo Di turned his head to look at Wu Yang, and said, "Wu Yang, you lead the Dingshan guards and escort my master all the way. You must ensure the safety of his old man, and there must be no mistakes!"

"No! Yao Ting, the emperor's decree is clearly stated, no one is allowed to send Senior Wu off. Not only do you want to send him off, but you also send a large army to escort him all the way. Isn't this against the emperor? If the emperor finds out, he will definitely be angry Yes!" Tang Xinyi hurriedly dissuaded after hearing this.

"Hmph... so what if he gets angry? Let him send someone to arrest me. I, Xu Yaoting, will never run away! Let me tell you, you can go back and tell the emperor. Send light!"

"Yao Ting, you..."

"Wu Yang, did you hear my order?" Wan Dong shouted loudly, interrupting Tang Xinyi's words unceremoniously.

"Yes!" Wu Yang was even more unambiguous, and immediately responded, the sound shook the whole world!

"Boss, I want to escort and teach with Wu Yang, is that okay?" Now that he agreed to join the Dingshan Guard, Lei Ming has already opened his heart knot, and he called "Boss" very naturally.

"What's wrong with this? My master's safety is entrusted to you two!" Wan Dong agreed without even thinking about it, which greatly inspired Lei Ming and made him more determined to follow Wan Dong.

"Yao Ting, your heart is for the teacher, but the escort of this army is unnecessary." Wu Daozi still didn't want to cause trouble for Wan Dong, so he said proactively.

Wan Dong didn't listen, waved his hand, and said, "Master, you don't need to say any more, this is not only my meaning, but also my grandfather's meaning! You are my mentor, and if you want to leave, my disciple's even I don’t want to give it away, I’m afraid my grandpa won’t recognize me as a grandson.”

"Hey... Prince Xu, he has a heart..." Wu Daozi was greatly moved, and tears glistened in his eyes.

Wan Dong didn't say any more, ordered someone to bring a few fine horses, and personally helped Wu Daozi and A Fu onto the horses, and then got on the horses himself, waved his big hand, and shouted, "Let's go!"

Several fine horses and thousands of Dingshan guards immediately surrounded Wu Daozi and marched mightily towards the city gate.Seeing this situation, Tang Xinyi wanted to stop her, but she didn't dare to stop her anymore.If she stopped her again, Wan Dong might turn against her on the spot, which Tang Xinyi was unwilling to face no matter what.He could only watch Wan Dong and the others walk away.

The officers and soldiers stationed at the city gate, seeing such a scene, did not dare to say much, opened the city gate early, and then separated on both sides, and respectfully sent Wu Daozi out of the city. Those who don't know may think that What important task did the emperor entrust to Wu Daozi? How could he have imagined that Wu Daozi was expelled from Yunzhong City?

When he came outside the city, Wu Daozi stopped the horse and said to Wan Dong, "Yao Ting, we will see each other for thousands of miles, and we must say goodbye at last. You and I, master and apprentice, let's break up here."

When Wu Daozi said this, an inexplicable sadness surged in Wan Dong's heart, and he murmured, "Master, I don't know when we will meet again. You are old, but you must take care of yourself." Good body!"

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