Wu Daozi's eyes were also slightly moist, he shook his head, and said, "It's nothing to be a teacher. As soon as you leave Yunzhong City, you can let the birds fly in the sky, and the sea is wide with fishes. There is less restraint, more freedom, and more freedom." It's a good thing. On the contrary, Yaoting, you are worried about you as a teacher. The emperor's intention to guard against your Xu family is becoming more and more obvious, and today you are willing to disobey the emperor's will for the sake of the master. Let the knot in the emperor's heart get deeper and deeper, and it will become more and more troublesome in the future."

"Isn't the reason why the emperor is so vigilant and restrained my Xu family? It's because he understands that today's Qingyun Empire is no longer his alone. Just don’t be afraid of anything. When the time comes, the soldiers will cover you with water and soil! Master, don’t worry about me.”

Wu Daozi nodded, and said, "What you said is reasonable, you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright."

"Master, Grandpa Sun asked me to give it to you." Wan Dong took out the brocade box that Sun Daobai gave him from his arms.

"This is..." As soon as Wu Daozi heard that Sun Daobai asked Wan Dong to hand it over, he immediately thought of what might be contained in the brocade box, and his expression immediately became agitated, and the hands that took the brocade box trembled slightly.

Opening the brocade box carefully, seeing the Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill lying quietly inside, Wu Daozi was so happy that he could cry.Wu Daozi, who was so humiliated by He Zhen and never shed a single tear, was crying like rain when facing the brocade box.It can be seen that the Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill is by no means of ordinary importance to Wu Daozi!

"Yao Ting, didn't Doctor Sun say that it would take at least a year to successfully refine it? Why did it happen so quickly..." Wu Daozi wiped away his tears, and asked in a trembling voice because of the sudden surprise.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Master is a very good man, this is probably the blessing that God gave you."

Wu Daozi couldn't help being amused by Wan Dong, and said, "You boy, your mouth is always so sweet. After you go back, you must thank Dr. Sun for your teacher."

"Master, you don't need to explain this. Doesn't your apprentice even understand this? But master, who are you trying to save with this Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill? Is it my wife?" Wan Dong was full of concern. asked with a smile.

Wu Daozi blushed, he was a little shy, he smiled wryly and nodded, "That's right."

"Is it? My God, Master, your love life seems to be quite tortuous."

"Get out! How dare you make fun of your master?" Wu Daozi glared at him, and carefully put the Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill close to his body.

Wan Dong didn't ask any more questions, and took out a thick stack of gold tickets from his arms. He was afraid that there would be millions of taels of gold. You are also not allowed to take the gold out of Yunzhong City. It is clear that you want to spend the rest of your old life in poverty. We can't take advantage of his thoughts. You take these golden tickets, master, and you will be safe and happy. Live happily and piss him off!"

Wu Daozi took the golden ticket, looked at it, was very surprised, looked Wan Dong up and down, and said faintly, "I didn't see it, you are still a local tyrant!"

Wan Dong patted his chest triumphantly, and said with a smile, "Master, your apprentice lacks everything, except money!"

Although Wan Dong was full of words, Wu Daozi still returned the golden ticket to him, saying, "Forget it, it's time for you to spend the money. You should keep these golden tickets for yourself, and the teacher will find a way."

"How do you think about it? Mr. Fu is old and injured again. He can't stand it like you. You have to accept the money no matter what. After all, it's my disciple's wish."

Wu Daozi pushed it several times, but he couldn't win Wan Dong, so he had to accept one of the gold tickets with the smallest denomination, worth 100 million taels of gold.Although there is only 100 million taels of gold, it is enough for Wu Daozi to spend the rest of his life in Dongxuan Continent without worrying about food and clothing.

After a tearful farewell, Wan Dong stayed on his horse and did not move until he watched Wu Daozi disappear into the sky under the protection of Wu Yang, Lei Ming and Ding Shanwei. Then he turned his horse back to Ding Shan Palace with a desolate expression.

Hu Jingqi and Sun Daobai did not leave, they were waiting for him.Wan Dong knew in his heart that although their people did not personally send Wu Daozi off, their hearts sent Wu Daozi thousands of miles away.

Wan Dong told them and Xu Wenchuan exactly what happened today.

After hearing Wan Dong's narration, Xu Wenchuan slapped the table, gave Wan Dong a thumbs up, and repeatedly praised, "Good! Well done!"

Hu Jingqi and Sun Daobai also nodded repeatedly.Hu Jingqi even said, "You really should have strangled He Zhen to death at that time. If the emperor wants to investigate, I am willing to die for you!"

Hearing what Hu Jingqi said, one can see how much he hates He Zhen.Wan Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Hu, a villain like He Zhen will never live long."

Hu Jingqi nodded with a smile and said, "That's right! If he lives too long, God will not agree. However, you have caused a lot of trouble today, and now it depends on how the emperor will deal with this matter." gone."

"No matter how he handles it, I don't believe it, the emperor can really do it!" Xu Wenchuan said with a cold snort.

As soon as Xu Wenchuan's words fell to the ground, there was a shout from outside the door, "The imperial decree has arrived! Young Marquis Xu Yaoting accepts the decree!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xu Wenchuan's mouth, and he said, "This edict came so quickly! Yaoting, you go."

Xu Yaoting responded, and stepped out of the study. In the courtyard, a eunuch in red was holding the imperial decree, waiting there with a very unfriendly expression.

These eunuchs are all people around the emperor, so their hearts are naturally towards the emperor.Wan Dong offended the emperor to the death, how could these eunuchs have a good face towards him?

"You are the young Marquis Xu Yaoting?" Xu Yaoting has entered the palace not once or twice, and he is currently the most popular figure. How could the eunuchs in the palace not know him?Asking this way, in itself, meant to give Wan Dong a bad start.

Wan Dong knew it well, so naturally he wouldn't have a good face. His sword eyebrows were raised suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "You bastard slave! You don't even know me, what kind of slave are you?"

"You...you dare to scold me?" When the eunuch heard this, his innocent face turned blue immediately.Although these eunuchs are not of high rank, but because they are close to the emperor, they can talk to the emperor, and wherever they go, they are all arrogant. Few people dare to be like Wan Dong, directly reprimanding him without hesitation. feelings.

"So what if you scold you? You have no official status, you are just a dog slave who pours a chamber pot and serves people. I am a handsome young man, can I not scold you?"

"The Sajia came here to deliver the decree by the emperor's order!" the eunuch shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Nonsense! If you didn't come to pass the decree, do you think that you, a dog slave, can enter my Xu family's door!?"

Wan Dong kept cursing, and the eunuch was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Hu Jingqi in the study, and Sun Daobai looked at each other in dismay, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

Hu Jing wondered, "Old Xu, is it necessary for Yao Ting to offend those eunuchs to death?"

"Yes!" As soon as Hu Jingqi finished speaking, Xu Wenchuan replied decisively, which made Hu Jingqi stunned for a moment.

Xu Wenchuan sneered, and said, "The reason why Yaoting scolded the eunuch who delivered the decree was to use the eunuch's mouth to tell the emperor that our Xu family is very annoyed by this matter. If the emperor does not let the emperor know our anger and dissatisfaction, he will You will think that our Xu family is easy to bully, won't it get worse in the future?"

Hu Jingqi didn't think about it at first, but now that he thought about it, it was indeed the truth.Bai Zhenshan expelled Wu Daozi out of Yunzhong City, ten of them had the intention of spying on Xu's attitude.If the Xu family remained silent, then Bai Zhenshan's confidence would be even stronger, and those ministers who were close to the Xu family would also feel chilled because of this, thus alienating the Xu family.

Thinking of how powerful this is, Hu Jingqi couldn't help shivering, and said to Xu Wenchuan, "At first, I thought that the reason why Yao Ting made such a big fuss was just impulsiveness, but now it seems that it's not like that at all. The thing is, this kid Yao Ting has already figured out all this, that's why he did this."

Xu Wenchuan laughed and said, "Don't look at Yao Ting's young age, but his mind is very transparent! Otherwise, I can let him 'play around'?"

After being repeatedly reprimanded by Wan Dong, the eunuch finally realized that he wanted to use his power to suppress Wan Dong, which was simply a dream.So he stopped doing useless work, so as not to continue to be scolded, coughed, and shouted, "Xu Yaoting accepts the order!"

Wan Dong raised his brows, and said impatiently: "Are you blind? Isn't Benhou here? What are you calling?"

The eunuch looked bitter, and thought to himself, Xu Yaoting is really so ignorant, right?Don't you even know the rules of kneeling to accept the imperial decree?

"Young man, this imperial decree must be received on your knees..."

The eunuch wanted to remind Wan Dong, but before Wan Dong finished speaking, he said loudly, "Master Ben has a disease in his knees, so he cannot kneel down! Just read what is written in the edict!"

"Bold!" Only a fool would believe that he has a disease in his knees.The eunuch didn't expect that Wan Dong would really dare to be so rude, and subconsciously blurted out.

"Presumptuous!" The eunuch wanted to reprimand Wan Dong, but unexpectedly, Wan Dong's voice was louder than his, and a bit of true energy was injected into it, like thunder rolling in the sky, and the eunuch was almost stunned. Shocked and paralyzed on the ground.

When Wan Dong's shout dissipated, the eunuch's beardless face had almost turned blue.It's considered a bit of guts, otherwise, maybe even the guts have been frightened.

"Since... since Lord Hou's knees are hurt, then...then there is no need to kneel down, this servant will read the imperial decree." After this, even if the eunuch had the courage to do so, he did not dare to bid Wan Dong again. He knelt down and said in a trembling voice.

Wan Dong snorted heavily, waved his hand, and said majesticly, "Read it!"

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