The new sword technique learned today?Although Wu Qiujun guessed that Wan Dong might say this on purpose to annoy him, he couldn't help but smoke from his orifices, clenched his fists so hard that his nails were about to pierce into his flesh.

"Yao Ting..." Xu Wenchuan was really worried.As far as he knew, Xu Yaoting had never practiced any sword skills at all, and now he wanted to use a sword to deal with Wu Qiujun. In Xu Wenchuan's view, it was a lot of nonsense.

But before Xu Wenchuan finished speaking, Wan Dong had already taken the sword from Tang Xinyi's hand, with the sword pointing across his chest, and the point of the sword pointed at Wu Qiujun's throat, his movements were calm and freehand, yet majestic.This ordinary move made even a master like Xu Wenchuan's eyes shine.

However, Tang Xinyi's heart was trembling at this time. Why did Wan Dong's gesture look so familiar to her?

Just when Tang Xinyi was wondering, Wan Dong suddenly turned his head and smiled at her, saying, "Girl Tang, it's really disappointing to see you practice your sword skills this morning. It's really hard to protect this young master with your sword skills." It’s not reassuring. Now I’ll show you a few sword moves, and I hope you can improve.”

"Ha! You... what did you say?" Tang Xinyi was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back her anger, she thought to herself, "No matter how bad I am Tang Xinyi, I am still at the peak of the third level of true qi. What are you, Xu Yaoting, capable of? How dare you come and teach me a lesson?”

Ignoring Tang Xinyi's almost distorted handsome face, Wan Dong chuckled and said to Wu Qiujun, "Hey old thief, are you ready? This young master is about to make a move!"

"Come if you are not afraid of death!" Naturally, Wu Qiujun would not put Wan Dong in his eyes, pinched his waist with his hands, and looked dangerous, and waited for Wan Dong to rush up, and he squeezed Wan Dong to death like an ant.

The matter has come to this point, Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi are powerless to stop them, they both moved forward a few steps together, their true energy was already full and swelled, as soon as they found that Wan Dong was in a bad situation, they would take action immediately, just trying to keep him alive Wan Dong's life.

Wan Dong didn't know how nervous Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi were at this moment. Their tiger eyes were fixed on Wu Qiujun, as if everything in the world had disappeared from his eyes except for Wu Qiujun.

At the same time, Wan Dong's expression became more solemn, and his aura continued to rise, as if he had changed into a different person.

"This... this guy seems to have some skills." Tang Xinyi's eyebrows were clustered, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan were the same, looking at each other, they were quite surprised by the kind of momentum Wan Dong showed at this time.

"Kill!" A sudden shout, like thunder on the ground, suddenly burst out of Wan Dong's hand, and the long sword in Wan Dong's hand seemed to come alive in this instant, the blade was extremely twisted It was nimble, passing through the air, bringing out one after another frightening buzzing sounds, like a stream of silver light, it arrived in front of Wu Qiujun in no time.

"What a fast sword move!" Wan Dong's move shocked everyone present at the same time.

Especially Xu Wenchuan shouted excitedly.This sword is not only extremely fast, but also deeply fits the way of the sword.Especially the indomitable aura exuded from the edge of the sword, if this is not a deep understanding of the way of the sword, it will definitely not be possible.

"Prince Xu, it seems that the many rumors about Yao Ting outside are not true at all. Which one did you two, grandpa and grandson, sing?" Wu Daozi turned to look at Xu Wenchuan in surprise and asked. .

Xu Wenchuan shook his head with a wry smile, feeling puzzled in his heart.Could it be that his grandson has been deliberately hiding it?

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi were shocked, and Tang Xinyi was even more dumbfounded.She was very familiar with Wan Dong's stabbing sword, it was the 'Piercing Cloud and Silver Glow' that she had used thousands of times.But even though she has used this move thousands of times, she can't do it like Wan Dong, all in one go, without any stagnation in the middle, and what's even more rare is that the soaring sword power really seems to be able to penetrate the clouds in the sky, even more so. She couldn't even flatter a horse.

Thinking of what Wan Dong said to her before, Tang Xinyi felt a little horrified.Could it be that Wan Dong learned this trick when he watched her practice sword in the morning?But it shouldn't be, the swordsmanship that I learned secretly in the morning can be fully utilized at night, this... this is too unbelievable.

Before Tang Xinyi had time to think about it, the sword edge in Wan Dong's hand was already close to Wu Qiujun's chest.

"Good boy, it seems that the old man has misjudged his eyes!" Wan Dong stabbed out with his sword, and Wu Qiujun was startled. There is a tendency to submerge Wandong in one fell swoop.

Although Wan Dong's sword was extremely fast and imposing, but Wan Dong's own cultivation was too weak. As soon as Wu Qiujun's palm strength gushed over, Wan Dong's sword light was smashed in pieces.

Before Xu Wenchuan was worried, Wan Dong's sword posture had already changed.I saw Wan Dong's wrist tremble, and the edge of the sword in his hand trembled strangely. The air was filled with the sound of the sword, far and near, which made people wonder.Corresponding to it, there are ups and downs, layers upon layers, at first glance, it looks like the sparkling waves on the vast lake and sea, with cold light everywhere and murderous intent everywhere.

"Prince Xu, when did you teach Yao Ting such an exquisite set of swordsmanship?" Wu Daozi not only has a deep knowledge of swordsmanship, but also has a lot of research on swordsmanship.Seeing that Wan Dong's swordsmanship was almost flawless, intertwined and seamless, he couldn't help shouting out loudly.

Xu Wenchuan never taught Xu Yaoting any sword skills, even if he wanted to teach, Xu Yaoting didn't want to learn either.It's just that the sword technique Wan Dong used at this time, Xu Wenchuan had seen her use it before when he captured Tang Xinyi, but it was a little different.He couldn't help casting his eyes on Tang Xinyi.

However, at this time, Tang Xinyi seemed to have been tapped on the acupuncture points, and her whole body froze there, unable to even move.

As soon as Wan Dong's sword posture changed, Tang Xinyi could almost conclude that what Wan Dong was using was exactly the sword technique she practiced normally.It's just that this same set of swordsmanship is ten times stronger in Wan Dong's hands than in hers, or even dozens of times.

"How did this happen?" Tang Xinyi's head was full of big question marks, which made her feel a little dazed.

Duan Lengyan at the side also turned pale at this time, her eyes and face were filled with unconcealable shock, never dreaming that Wan Dong's swordsmanship was so exquisite.If she were to face Wan Dong at this time, if she was caught off guard, even if she would not lose directly, she would be caught off guard and embarrassed by Wan Dong.

Duan Lengyan was shocked and angry at the same time.Secretly decided that after returning, those subordinates responsible for collecting information about Xu Yaoting must be severely punished.The Xu Yaoting at this time, and the Xu Yaoting described by the information in her hands, are simply two people.If such Xu Yaoting can be regarded as a waste, then the world will not become a world of waste?

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