"Boy, no matter how high your swordsmanship is, it's useless if you don't have enough qi to support it! Lie down for me!" There were few flaws to be found in Wan Dong's swordsmanship. Clumsy and clever, relying on his true qi, which is eightfold higher than Wan Dong's, to break through Wan Dong's sword moves.

"Hmph...Wu Qiujun, you are so promising, you will lose the face of my teacher." Wan Dong and Wu Qiujun made a bet, and due to the rules, Xu Wenchuan could not intervene. , can only add a little gamble to Wu Qiujun.

Wu Qiujun knew that it was unreasonable, so he didn't bother to argue with Xu Wenchuan. He just held back his thoughts and wanted to kill Wan Dong. Then Xu Wenchuan would be in pain, and he will repay all the anger he suffered at this time.

With such an idea in mind, Wu Qiujun's actions can be described as sharp.With both palms waving, the strength is vertical and horizontal, and even a vast sea can be stirred at will.Facing such a sharp offensive by Wu Qiujun, Wan Dong was like a flat boat drifting in the rough seas, ups and downs, full of dangers.

Xu Wenchuan frowned worriedly at this moment, and even his body began to tremble.As long as there is even a slight mistake in Wan Dong, his life will be buried in the hands of Wu Qiujun, how can he not worry?

The more Tang Xinyi watched from the side, the more frightened she became, not only because of the exquisite sword moves Wan Dong used, which made her feel familiar at times and strange at times, but also because of Wan Dong's fear when facing Wu Qiujun's terrifying offensive. The kind of calm and calm that exudes.Thinking about it differently, if she and Wan Dong were to switch positions at this time, she might have already collapsed under the attack of Wu Qiujun by now, right?

Wan Dongfei didn't collapse, not even a little bit of chaos.As if all of this was in his calculations, the moment Wu Qiujun changed his moves, Wan Dong's sword moves also changed accordingly.

It's still the sword move that Tang Xinyi is familiar with, but there are several small but subtle changes in it. It is these changes that are almost invisible if you don't look carefully, but the sword move that Tang Xinyi is familiar with suddenly becomes strange. .

The sword's edge is like a long snake spitting out letters, and the fierce sword energy, vertically and horizontally, unexpectedly formed a graceful and strange vortex in the air.These vortexes seem to be independent of each other, but in fact they are connected with each other, forming a maze of nine palaces. Once you enter it, you will feel dizzy, lost and unable to find your way.

"There seems to be traces of some kind of formation in this sword technique!" Wu Daozi stared at Wan Dong's sword for a long time, and suddenly his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

Xu Wenchuan couldn't help being surprised, and asked in surprise, "How can there be traces of formation in this sword technique?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, but Yao Ting really did it! Lord Xu, look, the sword aura emitted by Yao Ting is like each of his soldiers, each following a different course of action. Together, they form a formation that is integrated into the sword move! It's incredible, it's really incredible..." After speaking, Wu Daozi's face was blood red with excitement, and he kept rubbing his hands on his chest, feeling a little uncomfortable. Know what to mean.

After Wu Daozi's dialing, Xu Wenchuan took a closer look, and it seemed that it was really as Wu Daozi said, and he was also very surprised.This kind of swordsmanship, even though he has seen a lot, is unheard of.

"Prince Xu, look at Wu Qiujun's palm strength. Once he falls into the formation of Yaoting's sword energy, he will immediately feel as if he has fallen into a quagmire. He cannot extricate himself until he dies completely. Although the whole is at a disadvantage, he can continue Isn't this the ultimate mystery that formations pursue? Sure enough, I read correctly, Yao Ting, he... he is absolutely rare in the world Genius! Hahaha...God, you live up to me!" The more he talked, the more excited Wu Daozi became, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Following Wu Daozi's guidance, Xu Wenchuan's eyes lit up little by little.Looking in front of him, under the stormy offensive of Wu Qiu's army, Xu Yaoting, who was fighting vigorously and fiercely, looked a little dazed.

Wan Dong didn't hear the conversation between Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan at all. In fact, he didn't even dare to distract himself.The pressure from Wu Qiujun was far beyond his imagination, and it was even more unbearable than Mount Tai collapsing face to face.

Wan Dong didn't have much to rely on, only his perfect swordsmanship with almost no flaws, and the trace of Dao Qi in his body that had not yet formed a climate.Wan Dong did rely on his superhuman comprehension to integrate formations into sword moves, weaken Wu Qiujun's palm strength to the greatest extent, and at the same time use Dao Qi to refine Wu Qiujun's palm strength as much as possible, so as to increase the amount of Dao Qi , while further weakening Wu Qiujun's palm strength.

But even so, it is absolutely impossible to completely counteract Wu Qiujun's palm strength. At this time, Wan Dong has no choice but to find the weakest link in Wu Qiujun's moves as before, and then fight it.

"Uh!" There was a muffled groan, and Wan Dong, as if out of control, stepped back seven or eight steps in a row, his face turning pale.

"Xiaodong, how is it?" Seeing this, Xu Wenchuan hurriedly asked loudly.

Wan Dong cast a sidelong glance at Wu Qiujun, and then grinned.

Tang Xinyi was taken aback when she saw this, she felt that Wan Dong was a monster.I can still laugh at this time, is this still human?

Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan also looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces filled with shock.

Of course Wan Dong laughed, things were just as he expected, although Wu Qiujun's palm was more ferocious than the previous one, it caused little damage to Wan Dong.This made Wan Dong's confidence soar in an instant, and he was even more sure of winning this game.

"I didn't expect that you are so young, and you have a lot of ghosts on your body. It is really not easy to defuse my palm with five successes!" Wu Qiujun frowned at this time, his face was gloomy, obviously he did not expect it, How could Wan Dong be so difficult?

"Hey... old thief, I have already accepted your trick. It seems that your cultivation level is indeed far worse than my grandfather's!"

"Stinky boy!" Wu Qiujun's face was already ugly, but it was even more ugly when Wan Dong said that.

"It's true that I was careless just now, but you thought that you could catch all three of my moves, and you were dreaming!" As soon as the words fell, Wu Qiujun raised his palms suddenly, and an unusually fierce force, like a storm, came from his body. The body overflowed, causing the temperature within a radius of hundreds of meters to drop a lot in an instant.

This second move, Wu Qiujun hadn't made it yet, just with such power, it made Wan Dong feel like a mountain was being pressed on his shoulders, making every bone and every inch of skin in his body constantly moving. Issue a painful shenyin.

The gap between Wan Dong and Wu Qiujun is too great. Once Wu Qiujun gets serious, anyone who is not blind can see that Wan Dong has no chance of winning!

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