Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 498 The Fierce Battle Outside Cloud City!

However, Luo Ying's life was saved, and Wan Youqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Shangguanqing, it's you again!" Wei Chunqiu roared angrily, his gaze jumped over Wan Youqi, and fell straight behind her.

Wan Youqi also woke up suddenly at this time, and hurriedly looked back, only to see that the two old men did not protect Shangguan Yunzhu as she said, and went to Yunzhong City first.

"Two elders, you..."

Wan Youqi looked anxious and was about to speak, but one of the old men named Shangguanqing waved his hand, and said to Wan Youqi kindly: "Leave Wei Chunqiu to me to deal with, you take the princess into the city .”

"Hmph...Shangguanqing, are you tired of working? You alone can handle me?" Wei Chunqiu put his hands behind his back, sneered, and was extremely arrogant.

"Then how about adding my Shangguan virtue?" Another elderly man stood up right after him.No wonder these two old men look so alike, they were originally brothers with the same surname.

In Tiandu Kingdom, Shangguan is the surname of the emperor and the surname of the country. From this, it can be seen that the status of these two elders in Tiandu Kingdom is probably not low.The fact is exactly the same, Shangguan Qing and Shangguan De, and the current emperor of Tiandu Kingdom, Shangguan Feiyun, come from the same clan and branch. If they are based on seniority, they are both uncles of Shangguan Feiyun.In order to protect Shangguan Yunzhu, Shangguan Feiyun dispatched both of them. It is not difficult to see how much Shangguan Feiyun loves Shangguan Yunzhu.

It's also thanks to these two uncle-level elders, otherwise Wan Youqi and the others might not be able to get here.

"Hmph...Shangguande, the slap from me doesn't feel good, does it? You're clearly a strong outsider, but you're still acting like a wolf with a big tail in front of me. Do you think you can scare me?"

Wei Chunqiu's cold sentence immediately made Shangguan De's face turn red.A few days ago, he had a battle with Wei Chunqiu, but he accidentally took Wei Chunqiu's slap, and the injury was serious, and he hasn't recovered yet, it really looks like the end of his battle.

"Boost you? You're right, I really want to slap you to death!" Shangguande is getting older, and his temper is not small.Being aroused by Wei Chunqiu's words, he didn't care about that much, he roared, and immediately swung his palm towards Wei Chunqiu.

Both Shangguan De and Shangguan Qing are in the Ninth Level Elementary Realm. If they were placed in Tiandu Kingdom, they would definitely be top players, but against Wei Chunqiu, they are not enough.

Wei Chunqiu knew that Shangguan De was injured, so he didn't fight hard, his figure was as slippery as a swimming fish, and he easily dodged Shangguan De's attack.Occasionally, if he finds an opportunity, he will launch a counterattack. As long as he counterattacks, it must be a sinister and vicious move, making Shangguan Debi flustered.

After about [-] strokes, Wei Chunqiu was still relaxed, but Shangguande's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat, and his face also had an unusual redness.

"Youqi, Adehui can't hold it anymore, the princess will be handed over to you!" Shangguan Qing's expression darkened, and he said to Wan Youqi.

"Then what about you and Elder De?" Wan Youqi asked hastily.

Shangguan Qing said, "After you get out, we will find a way to get out. At that time, everyone will meet in Yunzhong City!"

As soon as Shangguan Qing finished speaking, Shangguan De over there suddenly groaned.Shangguan Qing was taken aback, and turned his head to look hastily, it turned out that Shangguan De attacked too quickly, fell into Wei Chunqiu's trap, forced to fight him hard.Shangguan De's cultivation base was a bit inferior to Wei Chunqiu's, and coupled with the injuries on his body, he immediately suffered a disadvantage.With a muffled grunt, a stream of blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey...Shangguande, today is your death day!" Wei Chunqiu was merciless as soon as he made a successful move, his figure suddenly accelerated, as fast as a shooting star flashing across the night sky, with a palm that contained [-]% real energy, Like a thunderbolt, he went straight to Shangguan De's heart, as if he would kill him with a single blow.

"Hurry up!" Seeing that Shangguan De's life was dying, Shangguan Qing yelled at Wan Youqi, and then he stood up abruptly, with true energy surging all over his body, his whole body was like a giant dragon with its teeth and claws, slashing at Wei Chunqiu past.

"Yunzhu, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go first!" At this point, Wan Youqi didn't care about that much anymore, she took a dozen guards, together with Shangguan Yunzhu, and went straight to Yunzhong City.

Shangguan Qing came condescendingly with the wrath of thunder, his aura was really like a collapsing Mount Tai, extremely mighty.Although Shangguan Qing's cultivation level is not as good as Wei Chunqiu's, he is a line higher than Shangguan De, and there is no injury on his body, so he is very powerful.

Shangguan Qing froze his palms, stared at Wei Chunqiu's back, he was trying to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

But Wei Chunqiu was lucky, he didn't seem to notice at all, Shangguan Qing had already been killed from behind, his body shape remained unchanged, his palm posture remained unchanged, like that, he seemed to be planning to forcefully take Shangguan Qing's palm, and also wanted to kill Shangguan De Lose.

Seeing Wei Chunqiu's behavior like swallowing a handful of Coptis chinensis, Shangguanqing felt great pain in his heart.Could it be that he just watched his own brother die in front of him?

Brotherly love is deep, and Shangguan Qing's mood can't help but a little bit of confusion.

In an expert duel, once the mood is not calm, the impact on the battle situation will be immeasurable.This is the lesson learned by so many heroes in the world with their blood and lives, and it will be fulfilled immediately in Shangguan Qing's body.

Just when Shangguan Qing was in a state of confusion, Wei Chunqiu in front of him disappeared strangely.But when Shangguan Qing regained control of his chaotic mood and realized it, it seemed that it was too late.

"Immortal Transformation!?" Shangguan Qing couldn't help blurting out an exclamation, his eyes widened instantly.

Immortal Transformation is Wei Chunqiu's famous stunt. It is an ever-changing, incomparably exquisite and magical step. Shangguan Qing remembered the safety of Shangguan's morality, but he forgot about it.How much does Wei Chunqiu cherish his life?How can you do a life-for-life deal?The no hesitation and determination he showed just now is simply a trick to confuse Shangguan Qing's mind.

This kind of trick is nothing, but if it is in a life-and-death confrontation, it will often achieve unimaginable miraculous effects.

Shangguanqing was in a trance for a tenth of a second, but the whole situation changed drastically.It was Shangguan De who was originally in danger, but at this time, the person in desperate situation became Shangguan Qing.

An unusually fierce and domineering palm force, like a visitor from outside the sky, came suddenly, and swept towards Shangguan Qing from the side like a thunderbolt.

Shangguan Qing didn't have time to get angry, he gritted his teeth, and hastily mobilized his true energy to resist.Shangguan Qing's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but in a hurry, he still only had time to gather [-]% of his true energy.One can imagine what it means to face Wei Chunqiu's long-planned offensive with [-]% of his true energy.

"Second brother!" Just when Shangguanqing was feeling bitter, Shangguande, who was suddenly thrown away by Wei Chunqiu, suddenly roared and rushed forward regardless of his own injuries.

"It is said that brothers who are of the same heart can cut money by profit. Today I want to see if this is the case."

Seeing Shangguan De also rushing up, Wei Chunqiu smiled slantingly, and shot continuously with both palms in the air. Immediately, there were three more palm strengths rushing forward, which merged with Shangguanqing's palm strength, and their power instantly increased More than fifty percent.


Two muffled sounds sounded almost at the same time. Shangguan Qing and Shangguan De, like a pair of troubled brothers, flew backwards at the same time, spurting blood from their mouths.Needless to say, Shangguan De, even Shangguan Qing was seriously injured this time.

" two old men, today is finally in my hands!" The trick succeeded, Wei Chunqiu's face was full of complacent and sinister smiles.

"Second brother, are you?" Shangguande asked, wiping the blood remaining from the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan Qing's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and he turned his head to look far away. Fortunately, Wan Youqi did not hesitate. At this time, with Shangguan Yunzhu and the others, they had already galloped for several miles. Wei Chunqiu must have been before they entered Yunzhong City. , I can't catch up, and I feel a little better.

At their age, life and death have long been considered.Although, dying at the hands of an enemy like Wei Chunqiu still makes people somewhat uncomfortable.But as long as his hometown doesn't sink and the people don't suffer, Shangguan Qing will already feel very relieved.

"Hmph...Wei Chunqiu, you've spoken too early. I'm afraid it's not certain who will be in whose hands today!" Shangguan Qing pursed his lips and said coldly.

"Isn't it? It's this time, and you still have to fight?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Ade, we will fight him!" Shangguan Qing roared fiercely, flying forward to bully him, waving his palms like rain, only attacking but not defending, clearly desperate.

Shangguan De was no problem, biting the tip of his tongue tightly, regardless of the seriousness of his injuries, he rushed up like a mad tiger, his fists, like a pair of meteor hammers, changing from east to west, unpredictable, people should not be underestimated.

The two brothers fought desperately, even Wei Chunqiu felt a lot of pressure, and his expression was obviously not as relaxed as before.

"Punch me!" Shangguan De and Shangguan Qing cooperated with each other, and it can be said that the more they fought, the more courageous they became.With a loud shout, the punch was like lightning, drawing a strange trajectory in the air, passing through Wei Chunqiu's opening in a daze, and handing it towards his chest.

"Damn it!" This sudden punch was like a stroke of magic, which immediately made Wei Chunqiu break out in a cold sweat. The "Immortal Transformation" suddenly started, and with a flick of his body, he backed away a few feet, avoiding Shangguan De's attack. Killing punch.

Seeing that Shangguan De's clever punch had missed, Shangguan Qing felt it was a pity, but at the same time gathered his strength and planned to take advantage of Wei Chunqiu's unstable foothold to launch a new round of fierce attack.

But just as Shangguan Qing was about to jump out, Shangguan De's hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder in the air and pulled him back.

"Ah De, you..." Shangguan Qing was taken aback, and was about to turn his head to yell at Shangguan De, but suddenly found that Shangguan De's eyes were filled with tears.

"Second brother, Yunzhu can't be protected without someone, so hurry up and leave now!"

After listening to Shangguan De's words, Shangguan Qing came back to his senses, and dared to say that Shangguan De's exquisite punch just now was not intended to kill Wei Chunqiu, but was just intended to force him back for Shangguan Qing's escape. Seek opportunities!

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