"Third brother!"

Just as Shangguan Qing yelled, before he had time to speak, a huge force suddenly came from Shangguan De's hand. Immediately, Shangguan Qing flew tens of meters away like a kite being let loose.

"Second brother! You and my brother, we can only see you in the next life!" Shangguan De's roar came from the wind, and it fell into Shangguan Qing's ears, like an invisible dagger piercing his heart. The pain is painful.

"There's no reason for that, where are we going!?" It was hard for the Shangguan brothers to come to this point. If Shangguan Qing was allowed to escape like this, wouldn't Wei Chunqiu regret it to death?Suddenly stopping the retreating figure, Wei Chunqiu used the 'Shenxian Transformation' to the extreme, and there were many figures, faster than the lightning, and went straight to Shangguan Qing.

"My surname is Wei, your opponent is me, come back!" At this moment, Shangguande also gave up, gritted his steel teeth angrily, completely disregarding his current injury, his whole body was like the fired shell, Flying into the sky, Ling Kong rammed towards Wei Chunqiu.

Even Wei Chunqiu couldn't help feeling numb with the power and attack power of the angry and desperate Shangguan De.

"Shangguande, are you crazy?"

"Hey..." Shangguande grinned with a tragic smile, "Wei, today, your third master will die with you!"

"To die together?" Wei Chunqiu shuddered suddenly, his heart felt a chill.Only then did he realize that Shangguan De's eyes were already crimson red at this moment, and the determination in them was undisguised and extremely frightening.

"Bastard!" Wei Chunqiu cursed in a low voice, had to give up chasing Shangguan Qing, turned around to meet Shangguan De.

"Forget it! I'll kill you first, and then I'll kill Shangguan Qing, and keep you brothers together in hell!"

Wei Chunqiu resolutely abandons Shangguan Qing and tries his best to deal with Shangguan De, who immediately falls into a desperate situation.Ben Leiye's swift and fierce figure, under Wei Chunqiu's turbulent palm, immediately stopped, not to mention, and even swayed from side to side, like a dead leaf in a storm.

"Hahaha...Shangguande, doesn't it taste good?" After running away from Shangguanqing, Wei Chunqiu poured all his anger on Shangguande. Wei Chunqiu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

This crazy laughter reached Shangguan Qing's ears far away, and that taste made him more painful than Shangguan De at this time.

"Third brother! Second brother swears to the sky that I will avenge you!" Shangguan Qing let out a mournful roar, his figure stopped staying, he gritted his teeth, turned around, and flew straight towards Yunzhong City like a sharp arrow and go.

Wei Chunqiu's palm gestures, wave after wave, were as dense as a torrent of rivers and rivers, so that Shangguande had no chance to breathe.The pain, like a tide, swept from all directions. If it was someone else, it would have collapsed long ago.But Shangguan De gritted his teeth and stood up, staring fixedly at the direction where Shangguan Qingyuan was walking. When Shangguan Qing's figure completely disappeared from his sight, Shangguan De's face revealed a smug expression. smile.

It's hard to imagine that under such a blow from Wei Chunqiu, Shangguande can still laugh, which makes people wonder, could it be that he is made of iron?

In Wei Chunqiu's eyes, the smile revealed by Shangguan De immediately became a great irony.Wei Chunqiu, who was already furious, jumped into a rage, and his murderous aura shot up to the sky.

"Old man, go to hell!" With Wei Chunqiu gnashing his teeth and roaring, the true energy in his body was surging even more.In the blink of an eye, thousands of palm shadows poured towards Shangguande like a storm.

Wei Chunqiu wants to take Shangguande's life at this time, it is very simple, he can do it with a wave of his hand, but Wei Chunqiu is lucky, he almost used his whole body's true energy, causing such a big momentum, I am afraid that even a whole corpse He didn't intend to keep it with Shangguan De.

Seeing that Shangguan De was about to die tragically at the hands of Wei Chunqiu, at this moment, an urgent cry came over, "Mr. Wei, be merciful!"

The call came in time, Wei Chunqiu subconsciously raised his palm, and the shadows of his palm that covered the sky and sun all fell on Shangguan De's side.It was like hundreds of thousands of grenades being detonated at the same time, with rumbling explosions one after another, in the blink of an eye, there were countless pits of different sizes and depths on the open space beside Shangguande.At first glance, it looks like you have come to the moon.

Wei Chunqiu frowned, looked back, and saw a large group of people flying towards them like a mountain of fire.The leader was a middle-aged man, with a white face and beardless, he looked somewhat refined, but when Wei Chunqiu saw this man, his brows frowned even tighter, and there was a hint of disdain in his expression.

"Duan Xuan, you shameless thief, I swallowed you alive!" Shangguande, who was already seriously injured, saw the middle-aged man, and when his eyes were neutral, a volcanic eruption of anger erupted, and he jumped up and rushed towards him. past.

Duan Xuan became a traitor, Jinge City fell overnight, Wan Haoxiong had to lead his troops to retreat to Qingfeng City, Wan Youqi and the others knew about it when they were on the road.Now meeting Duan Xuan here, how could Shangguan De not be angry?

"Bold!" Unexpectedly, just as Shangguan De jumped up, he was still far away from Duan Xuan. Behind Duan Xuan, two people rushed out, and each waved a palm. The ferocious and domineering palm strength made Shangguan De one Suffocated, as if hitting a wall, his figure jumped back a few feet.

Duan Xuan, who was sitting high on the steed, saw this situation, with a cold and proud smile on his face, and said faintly, "Isn't this Uncle Three Emperors, why are you in such a mess?"

"Duan Xuan, you are a beast that is not as good as pigs and dogs, traitor, you will die!" Shangguan De kept roaring, and his eyes seemed to stare out of their sockets, which shows his hatred for Duan Xuan !

"You are still obsessed with obsession when you are about to die, you Shangguan family members are indeed virtuous!"

Duan Xuan turned cold, and winked at the master beside him.The master immediately understood, his figure floated out, and he waved his palm and slapped Shangguan De's face.Shangguan De subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but because of his severe injuries, both his reaction and speed were much worse than when he was in his prime, and he blocked it.

He only heard a slap, and the slap was firmly imprinted on his face.Blood and water mixed with the broken teeth immediately spurted out, splashing all over the sky.

In his life, Shangguan De had never been humiliated like this before, he ignored the burning pain on his cheek, turned around and rushed towards the master.Unexpectedly, with a slight sway of the master's figure, he let Shangguan De go, at the same time he raised his leg, and with a bang, he kicked Shangguan De three feet away.

I don't know how many ribs were broken. Shangguande lay on the ground and couldn't get up again for a long time.

"Old man, when will you learn to be smarter? You are no longer the emperor's uncle. If you want to survive, you'd better be honest!" Duan Xuan rode to Shangguande's side and took the reins , The horse's hoof was raised high immediately, and it stepped hard on Shangguan De's right arm.

Hearing a crackling sound, Shangguan De's right arm was immediately twisted into a twisted shape.The severe pain, even someone as strong as Shangguan De, couldn't bear it, and opened his mouth to let out a series of tragic cries of pain.

Wei Chunqiu sneered, and said, "Duan Xuan, no matter what, Shangguande is also the uncle of the Three Emperors that you Tiandu people respect and respect, why do you torture him like this?"

"Hey... Mr. Wei, you are wrong. I am now a member of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and I have nothing to do with Tiandu Kingdom."

"Hmph! Whether you are from the Tie Zhan Dynasty or the Tiandu Kingdom is determined by your bloodline! This identity can be changed, but can this bloodline also be changed? Some people are born noble, while others are born humble Simple. Even if one day, he becomes rich and prosperous, he will still be humble!"

"Mr. Wei!" Wei Chunqiu's words obviously angered Duan Xuan, and his face contorted for a while.

"What?" Wei Chunqiu squinted his eyes, looking at Duan Xuan with a face full of sarcasm and provocation.

After all, Duan Xuan let out a long breath of foul air, his distorted face quickly stretched out, and even smiled, and said slowly, "Mr. Wei, let's talk business. The emperor ordered me to talk to you Let's go after Wan Youqi and Shangguan Yunzhu together, you already know that, right?"

"Hmph! I know, I know, but I don't understand why the emperor would go to such lengths! Ququ and Wan Youqi, I alone is enough!"

"Really? If that's the case, how could Wan Youqi and the others successfully enter Yunzhong City?"

"Bastard! You mean that I, Wei Chunqiu, bragged?"

Duan Xuan shook his head and said, "No, no, Mr. Wei must not misunderstand. When I was the lord of Jin Ge City, I had already heard of Mr. Wei's name, and Mr. Wei's ability is recognized by the world. But , the emperor asked me to come, there must be his reason. Why don't the two of us cooperate sincerely and build this merit together?"

Wei Chunqiu snorted, and said, "You are sent by the emperor, can I still drive you away? But the first thing to say, you must not hold me back, otherwise no one will be able to do it!"

"Duan Xuan, the emperor has always been kind to you and entrusted you with a heavy responsibility. Instead of thinking about repaying you, you're eating inside and out. Are you still a human?" Hearing that Duan Xuan came here specifically to hunt down Wan Youqi, Shangguan De He was so angry that he spit out a blood arrow.

"He who understands current affairs is a brilliant man! I think you, you foolish old man, will never understand this in your life." With a sneer, Duan Xuan looked up at Wei Chunqiu and said, "Wan Youqi fled into Yunzhong City, just It's like a fish swimming into the sea. If you want to catch her out, you must have good bait. This old guy's life will be saved for the time being."

Although Wei Chunqiu didn't want to see Duan Xuan, he felt that what he said made sense.After pondering for a moment, he said, "That's fine! When I catch Shangguan Qing and kill the two of them together, it will be fun!"

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