"Bah! You despicable and shameless villains, your calculations will never be as good as you want!" Shangguan De roared angrily.

Duan Xuan just glanced at him contemptuously, not even bothering to answer his words.Turning to the master who slapped Shangguan De, he said, "Ke Yu, help him mount his horse and go to Yunzhong City."

The master named Ke Yu gave a sinister smile, and pulled Shangguan De up from the ground.Shangguan De was seriously injured, and his ribs and arm bones were broken. Ke Yu's actions were so rough that Shangguan De immediately cried out in pain.

Duan Xuan smiled and said, "Ke Yu, be a little more gentle! This old guy is still useful to us, so he can't just toss to death like this."

"Lord Duan, isn't this Shangguande one of the best in Tiandu Kingdom? Why is he so useless?" Ke Yu said with a sneer on his face.

"Ha! Ke Yu, don't underestimate this famous Uncle Three Emperors. If it wasn't for Mr. Wei who seriously injured him, you might not be his opponent. But now, he is already a toothless tiger. The bald phoenix, of course, won't be able to look good. Hahaha..."

Duan Xuan and Ke Yu sang together, smoked Shangguan's moral Qi orifices, wishing he could pounce on them and bite off a piece of flesh from the two of them to relieve their hatred.

"Okay, Ke Yu, don't say any more, I'm afraid that if we continue, this old bastard will be pissed to death by us! Help him get on the horse, let's go!" Duan Xuan pulled the horse rein, turned and went to talk to Wei Chunqiu .

"Old man, your fortune is really not small. Today, you, Lord Ke, will serve you! Get on the horse!" Ke Yu gave Shangguan De a wicked smile, and with a sudden force, directly pressed Shangguan De on the horse's back .

Duan Xuan asked Ke Yu to be gentle, but how could someone like Ke Yu know how to be gentle?Waves of severe pain came one after another, and Shangguan De's forehead was covered with cold sweat in an instant, and his face became as white as paper.Only this time, Shangguan De clenched his teeth and didn't even hum.

"Hey... old man, did I hurt you? Should I apologize to you?" Ke Yu pulled Shangguan De's lapel and said with a smile while slapping his face.

"You dog, go to hell!" Shangguan De snarled, gritted his teeth, and slammed his head straight at Ke Yu.

Ke Yu subconsciously blocked it with his hand, but he didn't expect that Shangguan De seemed to be fully charged, and the force of this collision was extraordinary.Ke Yu was caught off guard, and in the future he had time to use his zhenqi, and his body was knocked back a few steps.

When Ke Yu came to his senses, Shangguan De reined in the horse suddenly, clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and the steed immediately spread its four hooves, and rushed out like a sharp arrow off the string.

"What's going on?" Wei Chunqiu was talking to Duan Xuan, when he turned his head, he saw Shangguan De patted his horse and fled, anger flashed across his face, he patted his horse and wanted to chase after him.

Duan Xuan was not in a hurry, pulled Wei Chunqiu back, and said with a smile, "Mr. Wei, be safe and don't be impatient! How far can the old thing escape with injuries like that? It still needs it." You go out yourself?"

Wei Chunqiu thought about it, he also has status, so he shouldn't lower the price too much.Nodding his head, he said in a deep voice, "I lost Shangguan's virtue, I only ask you!"

Duan Xuan chuckled, turned to look at Ke Yu, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ke Yu got on his horse and sneered, "I didn't expect this old boy to be like this, and he still has a lot of strength. I was careless. But this is just right, I like hunting the most! Hehe..."

Ke Yu pursed his lips, his face full of viciousness.

"Hunting? You kid actually took the famous Uncle Three Emperors as a prey? Hahaha... If this gets out, the Shangguan family will commit suicide collectively in embarrassment. Good! Aren't you going to hunt, then go, We are waiting for you in Yunzhong City! However, you must be careful, don't kill the prey for me, I will live!"

"Hey... just look at it!" Ke Yuxie laughed, pulled the rein, and left immediately.

Duan Xuan seemed very relieved towards Ke Yu, and as soon as he turned around, he and Duan Xuan headed towards Cloud City.

Shangguan De ran away recklessly, not because he was afraid of death, but because he didn't want to fall into Duan Xuan's hands and become Duan Xuan's pawn to blackmail Wan Youqi.If that's the case, then for him, life is really worse than death!

As a galloping horse gallops, it is inevitable that there will be bumps.Normally, this would not be a problem for Shangguan De, but now, every bump is a challenge for him.The severe pain, like a tide, kept rushing in, until his consciousness became more and more blurred.Shangguan De had no choice but to bite the tip of his tongue to maintain a trace of sobriety.

Ke Yu really regarded chasing Shangguan De as hunting, his face was full of ferocity and excitement.Constantly twitching the horse's buttocks, the horse speeded up again and again, constantly shortening the distance between it and Shangguan De.

"Hahaha... Uncle Sanhuang, you should be faster. If you are so slow, you will be caught up by me." Ke Yu shouted from time to time as he chased after him.

Shangguande's injury was indeed painful, but it can be more painful.It can't compare to the pain in his heart.How brilliant he was all his life, who would have expected that in his old age, he would be so humiliated.Just thinking about it, Shangguan De is in pain!

The sound of horseshoes behind him became more and more urgent and louder. Shangguan De didn't need to turn his head to know that Ke Yu had already caught up.Could it be that he really couldn't escape?A trace of despair surged in Shangguan De's heart, he thought of death.But with Duan Xuan's despicability and shamelessness, even if he got his body, he could still make a big article.

Shangguan De wished so much that there would be a thousand-foot-deep cliff in front of him, so that he could jump off, and Duan Xuan would never want to get his body again.Even if there is no cliff, even if it is a sea of ​​flames, he will rush in without hesitation and turn into ashes!

But this is outside Yunzhong City, where there is no cliff, let alone a sea of ​​flames.However, in front of Shangguan De, a huge military camp appeared!

At first Shangguan De thought it was his own eyesight, but when he took a closer look, what was it if it wasn't a barracks?A flagpole more than ten feet high stands proudly in the middle, and a fiery red flag is flying on the flagpole. In the center of the flag, there is a golden word "Xu", which is extremely eye-catching, even if it is separated by several miles Can see clearly.

Shangguan De never imagined that he fled to Dingshanwei's residence after all this random escape. Finally, he deserved his life!

When Luo Xiao, Zong Yang, Hu Yue, and Wang Yangde were leading troops to practice, the sentry suddenly reported that there were two cavalry, one in front and one behind, charging towards the camp.Luo Xiao narrowed his eyes, and immediately, together with Zong Yang, Hu Yue, and Wang Yangde, he scrambled up to the high observation tower.

"The one in front seems to be an old man, and he was also injured!" Wang Yangde, who had the highest cultivation level among them and the sharpest gaze, said after staring for a moment.

"Who is it? They don't come to rob the camp, do they?" Hu Yue said eagerly, his eyes lit up.

Zong Yang couldn't help but glared at him, and said, "Brother Hu, you want to fight like crazy, how can someone like this come to rob the camp?"

Hu Yue touched his nose in embarrassment, this guy is a militant at all!It hadn't been discovered before that since the last battle with the Black Armored Guard, it was a complete exposure of this guy's belligerent nature.Now even dreaming, he is fighting on the battlefield!

"It's a chase!" When Zong Yang and Hu Yue were talking, Wang Yangde saw the way and said.

"Hustle? My good guy, they've all been hunted down to us. What a vengeance! Brother Luo, what should we do?" Zong Yang turned to look at Luo Xiao. He is the commander in chief of the army, so naturally he should be the one to do it. decide.

When Luo Xiao was frowning and pondering, Ke Yu, who was closely following Shangguan De, suddenly flicked his finger, and a wave of finger wind roared out immediately, like an invisible sharp arrow, shot out on Shangguan De's leg with a puff. There was a blood hole.

Seeing Dingshanwei's residence, Ke Yu didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he could only choose to end the hunting that made him extremely happy.

Sudden severe injury to his leg, Shangguan De immediately became unstable and fell off the horse.

"How unreasonable! That bastard doesn't even understand the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, what a bastard!" Seeing Shangguan De's miserable state, Hu Yue immediately became angry and opened his mouth to curse.

At this moment, Luo Xiao also made up his mind, and said in a deep voice, "No matter what, save the person first!"

Before Luo Xiao's words fell, Hu Yue had already stood up and dashed down from the watchtower like an eagle fighting a rabbit.

Knocking Shangguan De off his horse, Ke Yu was about to catch up, picked him up on his horse, turned around and left.But when he stretched out his hand just now, he suddenly felt a sharp murderous aura pouring from the top of his head that made his heart tremble.

Ke Yu looked up in surprise, and there was a blinding snow-white, which made Ke Yu's hair stand on end in shock.

There is such a fierce and domineering swordsmanship in the world!He exclaimed in his heart, how could Ke Yu care about Shangguan De?It was as if a pulley was installed under his feet, and he quickly retreated backwards.

Ke Yu was pushed back with a sword, Hu Yue snorted coldly, and looked down at Shang Guande.At this time, Shangguan De had passed out from exhaustion, but the blood stains on his body were enough to show the pain he was enduring right now.

What is the difference between such a murderous hand against an old man and a beast?Regardless of who is right and who is wrong in this matter, Hu Yue directly labeled Ke Yu as a bad guy.

Ke Yu didn't know that Hu Yue had identified him as a villain at this time, and he was startled by the blizzard-like sharp sword energy just now.After discovering that Hu Yue was so young, his heart was filled with shock.

The Iron War Dynasty has always looked down on the Qingyun Empire, and Ke Yu is the same.How could he not be surprised when he suddenly met a young man in the Qingyun Empire who was proficient in swordsmanship?

"Who are you?" Ke Yu looked Hu Yue up and down, with an expression that did not dare to neglect him.To be able to master such a fierce and domineering swordsmanship, Ke Yu took it for granted because Huyue's master's background must be very important.

"Listen up, you bastard, the young master is Huyue, the deputy commander of Dingshanwei!" Huyue pointed at Ke Yu's throat with the point of his sword, and said coldly.

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