"Chop Suey?" Hu Yue's first words made Ke Yu faint with anger.

He, Ke Yu, is not a nameless dog or a cat. He also has a considerable status and status in the Tie Zhan dynasty.How could he accept being dismissed as bastard by a brat like Hu Yue?

"Boy, you are courting death!" Ke Yu's complexion immediately darkened, and his murderous aura spread in all directions.

"Look who is dead!" Hu Yue's hand was itching, and Ke Yu happened to be so 'powerful', so what else is there to say?With a yell, and a flick of his wrist, pieces of sword light immediately galloped and whizzed up. At first glance, it looked like a heavy snowfall, sweeping towards Ke Yu in a mighty way.

'Holy sword way' is a unique skill from the great world of Taoism, so it is naturally extremely domineering!As soon as the sword glowed, Ke Yu couldn't help feeling an inexplicable chill in his heart. As a master at the peak of the eighth level of true qi, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of Hu Leap, who was only at the sixth level of true qi. Hastily waved his palms, like hot wheels, he slashed out hundreds of palms frantically.

Hundreds of majestic and majestic palm energies gathered in one place and turned into a 'bronze wall and iron wall', blocking the sword light.

A series of crisp sounds, like the intersection of swords and swords, followed one after another, and dazzling starlight flashed in the air, like sparks. Looking from a distance, it can be called gorgeous.But amidst the splendor, there are infinite murderous intentions.


Ke Yu couldn't hold on for a while, and involuntarily took a big step back, leaving two deep footprints on the ground, nearly three feet apart.As for Hu Yue, he flipped several somersaults in the air, and then landed on the ground with a slight look of surprise on his face.

"Young master really underestimated you, so you have some tricks!" Hu Yue looked Ke Yu up and down, and said quietly.

Ke Yu felt as if someone had punched him hard in the temple, his eyes went dark, and he almost fell to the ground.A kid with six levels of true qi and not yet fully grown hair said such words to a master at the peak of the eighth level, this is simply a **** slap in the face!

But Ke Yu was annoyed, but his heart was not at all calm.After the round just now, Ke Yu realized that Hu Yue was indeed no match for him in terms of strength of true energy alone.But Hu Yue's superb and domineering swordsmanship was enough to make up for his lack of cultivation.Ke Yu didn't doubt at all that this unremarkable young man in front of him could threaten him with death!

Before entering Yunzhong City, he met such a powerful young man, which immediately alerted Ke Yu.

Slowly, Ke Yu drew out the long sword at his waist.

"Ha! It turns out that you also use a sword." Seeing Ke Yu pull out the sword, Huyue's face was filled with joy. Not only was he not afraid, but he also showed a look of eagerness to try.

Is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers?I'm afraid it's not that simple!

"No matter who you are, if you dare to prevent me from taking someone, you will die!"

After saying something coldly, Ke Yu's wrist suddenly vibrated, and the edge of the sword hummed immediately, and then trembled at an astonishing speed. Looking at it suddenly, the edge of the sword, like the letter of a poisonous snake, made people feel inexplicably frightened .

"Okay! I'll let you have a taste of my master's 'Holy Sword Art'!"

After learning the 'Holy Sword Art', Hu Leap and Luo Xiao often sparred with each other, but they are brothers after all, so they will inevitably have scruples, and they can't let go of their hands and feet every time.Hu Yue was really excited to have an opponent like Ke Yu, who had a good cultivation base and profound knowledge in swordsmanship, come to practice.

Before Ke Yu could make a move, Hu Yue's figure suddenly rushed out, the sword edge in his hand was raised, and a beam of light with a faint purple light immediately shot up into the sky, connecting to the sky, it was really domineering.

Feeling an invisible threat that could crush a person's bones coming from all directions, Ke Yu didn't dare to neglect, he turned around suddenly, and the sword edge in his hand danced away immediately.

Following Ke Yu's dancing, sword shadows like spirit snakes spread rapidly, and the temperature within half a mile was affected by it, and it dropped by more than ten degrees in the blink of an eye, making the People feel cold.

Ke Yu didn't know what kind of swordsmanship it was, but seeing his sword edge trembling, and the shadow of the spirit snake sword spreading in all directions, his power was terrifying, and it must be an extraordinary and superior swordsmanship.

Pieces of spirit snake sword shadows, densely packed, with neighing, went straight to Huyue, and at the moment when Huyue was about to be submerged, the purple beam of light that connected the sky and the earth suddenly burst open, turning into a purple light rain , pouring down.

All of a sudden, there was a deafening clang and clang that was as dense as rain.If they closed their eyes, no one would believe that there were only two people fighting at this moment, and they would definitely regard this place as a fierce battlefield where tens of thousands of people fought each other.

The snake-like sword shadow Ke Yu sacrificed was like a wave of wind and waves, constantly rolling towards the tiger, and the purple light rain falling from the sky also kept falling for a moment, attacking the tiger one after another. The spirit snake sword shadow of the jumping gun smashed to pieces.The two seemed to be at a stalemate, attacking fiercely and defending tightly!

"I don't know who the opponent is, but his swordsmanship is good." Luo Xiao stood on the watchtower, staring at the situation of the battle.

"His swordsmanship is good, but it's obviously inferior to our 'Holy Sword Art' by a few grades. It's a pity that Xiaohu's cultivation base is a bit lacking, otherwise he would have taken him down long ago." Wang Yangde's eyes were like a torch, watching everything clearly.

Luo Xiao smiled, and said, "We're not a change like the boss, we still need to improve our true energy cultivation base a little bit. But in my opinion, although Xiaohu's cultivation base is lacking, he may not lose. "

Wang Yangde nodded and said, "It's impossible to lose, but it's unlikely to defeat the opponent."

Whether it is Ke Yu's Spirit Snake Sword or Hu Leap's Holy Sword, they are all extremely fast swordsmanship.While Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde were talking for a while, they fought thousands of swords again.The situation that no one can do anything to anyone is still the same as Wang Yangde said.

The more Ke Yu fought, the more surprised he became. He never imagined that a young man could fight him to such an extent.The habitual contempt for the people of Qingyun Empire in his heart immediately subsided a bit.If a young man is like this, how strong should a master of the Qingyun Empire be?

"You bastard is really hard to deal with!" Ke Yu was startled, but Hu Yue was a little impatient.

Cursing secretly, he mobilized the Dao Qi in his body, about as thick as a little finger.This small amount of Dao Qi is all the achievements of Hu Yue's painstaking practice of the Holy Sword Dao these days.Just now I was reluctant to use it, but now I can't help it anymore.

At the same time that Huyue was mobilizing his Dao Qi, Ke Yu's mind was also spinning rapidly, thinking of what method to use to end this fierce fight.Hu Yue is only a deputy commander, and he is already so difficult to deal with. If he continues to fight and recruits the orthodox commander, wouldn't he be even more troublesome?

But just when Ke Yu was thinking so hard and couldn't think of a suitable solution, an unusually large and powerful aura and coercion suddenly fell on him.It felt like the whole Mount Tai was pressing on his shoulders. In just a split second, Ke Yu's face became whiter than that snow.

Looking up with infinite horror in his eyes, he saw that the divine weapon in Hu Yue's hand was suddenly enveloped by streaks of incomparably gorgeous golden light, and it was from this golden light that the aura that almost knocked him out of his wits spread out. of.

"Then... what kind of sword is that?!"

How could Ke Yu have thought that Hu Yue had already cultivated Dao Qi, so he only thought that the sword in Hu Yue's hand was weird.

"Hey... Zijin Shenbing! You probably haven't dreamed of such a high-end product, have you? Today, my lord, I will let you open your eyes!" Hu Yue grinned, revealing two rows of big white eyes, falling In Ke Yu's eyes, it's so dazzling!

Purple and gold magic soldier! ?Ke Yu was stunned on the spot.It's not that Ke Yu is a local leopard, he really hasn't seen Zijin Shenbing. As a superpower, the Iron War Dynasty is still very rich.The reason why Ke Yu was stunned was that he couldn't accept no matter what, that such a precious artifact as the Zijin Divine Soldier would appear in the hands of some kind of deputy commander.Isn't this too extravagant?

Ke Yu couldn't allow Ke Yu to think too much, the tiger-leaping Zijin Divine Soldier suddenly fell down, a terrifying sword light containing Dao Qi was more than ten feet long and several feet wide, sweeping across the air, that kind of power was enough to make Many self-proclaimed bold people peed their pants in fright.

What kind of purple-gold magic weapon is waving here, it is simply the scythe of death!

This time, Ke Yu not only felt the threat of death, but also had the absurd thought of 'I'm already dead' in my heart.

Frightened, and dripping with cold sweat, without even thinking about it, Ke Yu gathered every trace of true energy in his body, poured all of it into the blade, and went up to meet him.


There was a crisp sound that spread for more than ten miles.The long sword in Ke Yu's hand, after the sword light swept past, was lightly broken into two pieces.One part flew far away, and the remaining part was attached to the hilt, and fell to the ground with a snap.

Ke Yu's arms were numb as if they were no longer his. How could he hold the sword?

"Damn!" Hu Yue couldn't help cursing in a low voice, with a very unhappy expression on his face.

He originally thought that this sword, which contained Dao Qi, would be able to cut Ke Yu into two pieces, but in the end it only cut off his sword.This huge gap in cultivation is not so easy to make up for after all.

But if Ke Yu knew why Hu Yue was depressed at this time, he would vomit blood angrily.He is a majestic eighth-layer peak master, and being cut off by a sixth-layer kid abruptly cut off the sword in his hand, which made him more depressed than cutting his people into two pieces.

"Hey... how about it, how does my sword taste like?" Hu Yue leaned on the ground with his sword, slightly out of breath.

This kind of qi is not easy to cultivate, nor is it easy to recover.Just now, the sword that Huyue used to mobilize all his Dao Qi was basically his last blow.Without a period of three to five days, it is impossible for Dao Qi to be restored to its original state.

But seeing Ke Yu's ashen-like face, Hu Yue still felt that it was worth it.

"It's really powerful! But can you still send out the second sword?" Ke Yu narrowed his eyes, and murderous aura swept out of his eyes immediately.

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