Seeing Wan Dong's aura, Wang Ba was even more terrified.From the very beginning, this guy's idea was to make advances instead of retreats, and at this moment, he couldn't wait even more. Before the palm strength reached Wan Dong, his figure was already like a spring, and he began to retreat backwards.

"Hmph! I won't let you go, can you go now?" Wan Dong snorted coldly, and the golden light on his body burst out suddenly.

Ye Qingxue and Zhu Cai only felt a stinging pain in their eyes, and then realized that the palm force released by Wang Ba with all his true energy was like a fart blown by a strong wind. Even a strand of Wan Dong's hair failed to move.

At the same time, a thin golden glow, as fast as lightning, caught up with Wang Ba's running figure in the blink of an eye.

Wang Ba's heart sank suddenly, he felt something bad just now, and there was a burst of overwhelming pain in his thigh.Wang Ba looked down, his eyes went dark, and he fell from the air to the ground with a thud.

That golden light that was as fast as lightning actually cut off one of his thighs. When Wang Ba looked down, he saw blood gushing out of his body like a fountain.

"Good... so amazing!" Seeing all this, Ye Qingxue's small mouth couldn't get any bigger.

Wang Ba is no ordinary person!Masters of the ninth level of true qi are well-known in the city of God Thunder.Such a master is so useless in Wan Dong's hands, he hardly even has a chance to resist, so how high is Wan Dong's cultivation?

Ye Qingxue is not a person without imagination, but she really can't imagine how high Wan Dong's cultivation level is.When I think about it, I feel dizzy, and I can't even breathe so smoothly.

"" Wang Ba, who was slumped on the ground, was clutching his broken leg, while staring at Wan Dong in fear, opening and closing his mouth, trying to speak several times, but what was it? Can't tell either.

"Just now, you kicked my elder brother with this leg. I cut it off. You don't have any objections, do you?" Wan Dong strolled up to Wang Ba, his eyes flickering coldly.

"Just... just because I kicked him, cut... off my leg?" Hearing Wan Dong's words, Wang Ba really wanted to cry, but the price of this kick , it is too big.

After hearing this, Ye Qingxue and Zhu Cai were also in a daze.Lei Ting's actions are already domineering enough, but now it seems that Wan Dong's actions are only more domineering than Lei Ting's actions.One kick for another leg, and it was Wang Ba's leg. Zhu Cai's kick was really worth it.So much so that Ye Qingxue couldn't help thinking, if all the heads of the Thunder Club were called, and no one kicked Zhu Cai in the queue, wouldn't the whole Thunder Club be gone?

If Zhu Cai doesn't want to suffer, it's okay to let her come.I just don't know if getting kicked by myself is as "valuable" as getting kicked by Zhu Cai.Looking at the situation where she was hanging from the beam like a rice dumpling, Ye Qingxue's expression darkened. She was afraid that she would be kicked to death by the head of the Thunder Society, and she might not be able to get back a leg.

"Unexpectedly, my life is not as valuable as that of a fat man." Ye Qingxue couldn't help but let out a bitter sigh in her heart.

"Hmph... Do you think it's over if you cut off your leg? What I want is your life!"

" dare to kill me?" Wang Ba's eyes widened with horror on his face, he couldn't believe his ears.

Who is he, Wang Ba?In Shenlei City, he always walks sideways. Even the commander-in-chief Xue Dongfeng wants to give him some face. Who dares to say that he wants to kill him?

"It's just ants! Is there anything you dare not kill?" Wan Dong shouted loudly, stretched out his hand and made a move, and Wang Ba's tall and thick figure immediately floated into the air.

What Wan Dong said was right, in front of him, Wang Ba was just an ant, he could be killed if he wanted to, all he had to do was move his mind.

Wan Dong's cold expression and galloping murderous intent finally made Wang Ba face the reality.The one standing in front of him was definitely not the commoners of God Thunder City who let him take life and death, but an out-and-out evil star.No matter how rampant it is, I'm afraid it will die soon.

"This... this brother, wait a moment! I... I admit that I was wrong, I apologize, I admit my mistake, you... you are so noble, just spare my life."

"Spare your life? Thank you for your words! Today I only spent half a day in God Thunder City, and I heard all the notoriety of your so-called Thunder Society. You rely on force, are arrogant and domineering, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and harm one party. Doing evil deeds is beyond words. If I spare your life, who will spare the lives of the people in this city! Die for me!" Wan Dong snarled, and suddenly raised his palm, and in midair, a huge phantom palm appeared like a ghost. Like a landslide, it came down towards Wang Ba.

Poor Wang Ba, as a master of the ninth level of true qi, faced with Wan Dong's move, he was completely powerless to resist.Before the shadow of the palm fell, Wang Ba was already pressured by it, blood spewed out from his mouth, and his internal organs shifted. The fog did not leave even the slightest bit of meat residue, it was simply the reality version of human evaporation.

What method of killing is more clean and neat than this?

Wan Dong's killing of Wang Ba was not just for Zhu Cai's sake.He walked around in God Thunder City, and indeed heard a lot of evil deeds of the Thunder Society.What kind of prostitution, raping people and daughters, these are all light.God Thunder City does not know how many loyal and righteous people, because they opposed the Thunder Society, they were born and destroyed by the Thunder Society.In Shenlei City, the Thunder Club has become synonymous with Lord Hades, even if it kills like hemp, it is not enough to describe it.

Such scum, of course, kill one less one!

"My lord, what you said is absolutely right! People and gods are all outraged by Lei Ting's evil deeds!" Ye Qingxue yelled in a tender voice that she couldn't help.

It can be seen that this is definitely not Ye Qingxue's compliment to Wan Dong, but out of feeling.Especially that sonorous voice, it came from sincerity, without affectation.

Wan Dong glanced at her, but didn't answer her words. This girl has a delicate and savage nature, and if she doesn't take care of her bad nature, she will cause trouble sooner or later.

Looking at Zhu Cai, who was in a daze and looked like he couldn't find Bei, Wan Dong's expression eased, he smiled, and said, "Brother Zhu, didn't you scare you?"

When Wan Dong asked, Zhu Cai came back to his senses, his eyes fell on Wan Dong, and suddenly he became a little more respectful, and asked cautiously, "Brother, you... who are you?"

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Who is that? Am I not your brother Wan Dong? I was so angry just now, I couldn't hold it back, and I dirty Brother Zhu's place!"

After all, Wan Dong flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind swept away immediately, sweeping all the corpses of Wang Ba's subordinates outside the inn.Zhu Cai's inn was clean, but this rain of corpses made the street outside the inn very noisy.

Seeing this, Zhu Cai was shocked again, and hurriedly said, "Brother, if you threw all the corpses out, wouldn't everyone know that you killed Wang Ba and his men? In this way, you and Lei Ting will have a good time." I've become a sworn enemy, I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future."

"Trouble? Hahaha... Will Lei Ting come to cause trouble for me? I want to find trouble for them! God Thunder City, what a wonderful place, but it is just being made into a mess by Lei Ting, damn it!"

"That's right! Thunder Society is a cancer that must be eradicated!" Wan Dong's words made Ye Qingxue very happy, and she echoed with a charming smile.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, glared at Ye Qingxue coldly, and said in a deep voice, "We brothers are talking, how can you interrupt?"

"Hee hee...don't be like this, son, you are a big shot, and I'm just a little girl who doesn't understand anything, so don't be as knowledgeable as me, okay?" Dong didn't use it, and immediately used the soft one.She's being coquettish and flattering, and the words she speaks are as sweet as honey.

It's a pity that Wan Dong didn't like this, snorted, and turned his head aside, causing Ye Qingxue to hit a big nail firmly.

Seeing that Wan Dong couldn't do it, Ye Qingxue immediately cast her eyes on Zhu Cai again, and said with a smile like a flower: "Brother Fat, it was all my fault just now, you are fat and generous, and you have a lot of adults, so please forgive me once, okay? Hurry up and plead with your good brother, let me down, ah, fat brother?"

Zhu Cai is obviously not like Wan Dong, after a lot of tempering, Ye Qingxue's bones are going to be shattered after this request.Not to mention that he refused, without even making a decision, he immediately looked at Wan Dong obediently.

"Brother Wan, for my sake, forget it! She is a girl after all, we old men, we can't be too narrow-minded, can we?"

"Brother Fat, you are such a good person!" Ye Qingxue blinked her big eyes, her eyes were full of gratitude, which was even more pitiful.

Wan Dong couldn't help shaking his head, Ye Qingxue, this girl actually knows how to save the country with curves, her brain is not ordinary clever.

"Brother, do you really decide to forgive her like this?"

Under Ye Qingxue's eyes that seemed to be able to electrocute people to death, how could Zhu Cai have no room for forgiveness?Immediately nodded, said, "Anyway, I'm fine now, there's nothing wrong, just forgive her."

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile, Zhu Cai is fine, it's good luck, you met me, if you were someone else, you wouldn't have suffered this crime for three or two months, I'm afraid it will never end.

The wry smile is the wry smile, Zhu Cai's face, Wan Dong still has to give it.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the rope on Ye Qingxue's body broke immediately. Fortunately, Ye Qingxue was prepared and mobilized her true energy to stabilize her body, otherwise, this fall would have been enough for her.

"Thank you fat brother!" Ye Qingxue immediately gave Zhu Cai a blessing as soon as she landed, she was so happy that Zhu Cai couldn't even find him, she couldn't stop laughing.

Thanking Zhu Cai, Ye Qingxue looked at Wan Dong with a bit of fear, and she didn't know what to do, her originally very sharp mouth suddenly became less sharp, and she lowered her head as if she was shy , said in a voice like a gnat, "I... I know I was wrong, I was wrong, yes... I'm sorry."

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