"So many things happened in a court meeting, I'm a little tired. That's it for today, leave the court!" After finishing speaking, the eldest prince waved his hand, personally picked up Duan Wenyuan who hadn't woken up, and rushed to Wan Dong again. Nodding his head, he left the ministers behind and walked out quickly.

"Mr. Wan, what's going on?" Chang Wen couldn't wait to walk up to Wan Dong as soon as Duan Yanlong left, and asked in a low voice.

Wan Dong shook his head, and shouted at those ministers of civil and military affairs who couldn't come to their senses, "His Royal Highness has already said that the dynasty is over, did you not hear it? What are you still doing here? Could it be that you are waiting for His Highness to invite you to dinner? Already!"

What happened today, on the surface, the eldest prince is the protagonist, but in fact, Wan Dong is the real promoter.And all the ministers also saw Wan Dong's power with their own eyes, even a powerful person like Yao Zun was defeated, let alone them.

As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, it was really easy, the civil and military ministers immediately withdrew from the hall, and no one dared to stay any longer.

"Hehe...Young Master Wan, it doesn't take long for you to become the upstart of the Iron War Dynasty, and you will be able to call the wind and rain in this battle imperial city." Normal temperature is naturally an exception, and at this time, he gave Wan Dong a thumbs up with a smile on his face. Said.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Do you think I am willing? If I don't do this, the Iron War Dynasty will fall into the hands of the Jin family and Yuntianmen sooner or later! Oh, by the way, Chang Wen, we have wrongly blamed the eldest prince, damn* **It's not the eldest prince, but Yao Zun. Now that Yao Zun is dead, it can be regarded as avenging grandma!"

When Wan Dong said this, Chang Wen's face immediately revealed a lot of doubts, and he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Wan, what is going on, can you tell me?"

Wan Dong nodded, and told Chang Wen gently about the tragedy that Duan Yanlong, who appeared to be majestic on the surface, was actually a puppet of the Jin family.He finally said, "Speaking of which, the First Prince endured the humiliation, it was not easy."

Hearing this, Chang Wen clicked his tongue and slapped his forehead hard, his expression full of annoyance, "I used to always feel that something was wrong, but I never thought about it deeply. After Mr. Wan said so, those who are wrong The place is clearly a suspicious point! If I was able to catch it at the beginning, I might have exposed this layer of secrets long ago. But the First Prince is also true, Huo Tong and I are his right-hand men, but he has kept it from us until now. "

Wan Dong sighed softly, and said: "Is it for your benefit that the First Prince hides from you? If you had known about it long ago, based on your loyalty to the First Prince, the Jin family and Yuntianmen would have taken action to get rid of him early in the morning." you."

"What Mr. Wan said is true! This Jin family and Yuntianmen are really abominable! Fortunately, God sent Mr. Wan here, otherwise, I would have died in Gao Zifu's hands in a daze today. Mr. Wan, what are you doing?" Saved my life, let's go, I'll buy you a drink!"

Wan Dong smiled, held down the temperature and said, "Drinking, you can go anywhere, why go outside the palace? Besides, it's not good for us to leave the eldest prince alone, right?"

Chang Wen laughed and said, "I didn't think carefully! The death of Yaozun and Gao Zifu must make the Jin family and Yuntianmen furious, and it is really possible to do something crazy. At this time, Mr. Wan really can't leave the palace. Then Alright, let's go find the First Prince and have a drink by the way."

"Why, you want to stay? If the Jin family and Yuntianmen go crazy, it will be very dangerous."

"So what? I'm not intimidated at Changwen! Besides, with Mr. Wan around, what do I have to worry about?" At this critical moment, Changwen was quite proud, which was probably why Wan Dong A reason to befriend him.

"Okay! Let's go!"

After a turnaround today, it is naturally impossible for Duan Yanlong to let Duan Wenyuan live in the place where his servants live, so he directly brought Duan Wenyuan back to his bedroom.

Looking at Duan Wenyuan, who was snoring constantly and soundly sleeping, Duan Yanlong felt as if he was in a dream.Last night, their father and son were still lingering on the dead end. Today, the wind is booming and the glory is reappearing. Such a big contrast, if it happens to anyone, I am afraid that there is no way to take it lightly.

Holding Duan Wenyuan's hand, Duan Yanlong's tears flowed down.A taste called bitterness and sweetness fermented rapidly in his heart, and it was out of control.

"Your Highness! Chen and General Wan are here to beg for a drink! Hahaha..." Normal laughter resounded outside the bedroom.

Duan Yanlong hurriedly tucked the quilt for Duan Wenyuan, wiped away the tears from his eyes, and walked out quickly.

As soon as he opened the door, Duan Yanlong saw Chang Wen and Wan Dong standing side by side, their demeanors were very familiar, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked, "You..."

At this time, there was no need to keep it a secret anymore, Chang Wen smiled proudly, "Your Highness, maybe you don't know yet? Mr. Wan and I have known each other for a long time. Besides, Mr. Wan is my savior!" hehe……"

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Duan Yanlong really heard it for the first time, and his voice was full of surprise.

Wan Dong nodded, "Is the emperor awake?"

Duan Yanlong shook his head and was about to speak when Duan Wenyuan's voice suddenly came from the bedroom, "Yanlong, where are you?"

Hearing Duan Wenyuan's voice, Duan Yanlong rushed back to the room as if he had been electrocuted, just in time to see Duan Wenyuan sitting up slowly.

"Father, you have just recovered from a serious illness, you should rest more and lie down quickly!" Duan Yanlong hastily rushed over and supported Duan Wenyuan.

Looking at Duan Yanlong, Duan Wenyuan showed a deep love in his eyes, smiled, and said, "Why, don't you think you haven't been lying on the bed long enough for your father? It's time for you to stand up for your father. All this suffering, I can't let you carry it alone anymore."

"Father...Father!" As soon as Duan Wenyuan said this, Duan Yanlong's eye sockets immediately became hot, and tears poured out uncontrollably.

Duan Wenyuan gently wiped away Duan Yanlong's tears, and said, "Don't cry, you did a good job, I am proud of you, father!"

"My minister, Chang Wen, sees my emperor, long live my emperor!" Chang Wen, who was standing by the side, was also very moved, knelt down with a plop, and chanted loudly.

Duan Wenyuan waved at Chang Wen, and said kindly, "Chang Aiqing, although my body can't move, my mind is clear. I know everything you have done for Yanlong these years. Ming is also very grateful. Get up quickly!"

"Your majesty, with your words, I will never hesitate to die!" After saying that, Chang Wen kowtowed to Duan Wenyuan again.

Duan Wenyuan hurriedly said, "Yanlong, hurry up, help Chang Aiqing up for my father."

"Yes, Father!" Duan Yanlong helped Chang Wen up, and when he was done, he did not forget to shake Chang Wen's hand, all the gratitude was in it, making Chang Wen's heart burn.

"This is the benefactor who healed me, right?" Duan Wenyuan's eyes fell on Wan Dong.

Wan Dong did not expect that Duan Wenyuan still maintained a consciousness when he was in a coma.This is not easy at all, it requires not only a strong vitality, but also a will stronger than steel, this alone is enough to show Duan Wenyuan's extraordinaryness, and it is enough to win Wan Dong's respect!

Wan Dong was about to go forward to greet him, when Duan Wenyuan stood up suddenly, probably because his feet hadn't landed on the ground for a long time, Duan Wenyuan was not used to it for a while, his body was swaying, slightly unstable.Duan Yanlong subconsciously reached out to help, but was blocked by Duan Wenyuan.

"No! I can stand still!"

no sooner said than done!Duan Wenyuan gritted his teeth suddenly, and his swaying figure immediately stopped, motionless, like a steel gun!

"Benefactor, please accept Wen Yuan's worship!" After standing still, Duan Wenyuan bent down towards Wan Dong.

Wan Dong could not care about Duan Wenyuan's status as the king of a country, but he couldn't care less about him being an elder.What's more, Duan Wenyuan's indestructible strong will made Wan Dong admire him even more.He hurried forward and helped him up.

"Your Majesty, how can Wan Dong bear this bow?"

Duan Wenyuan waved his hands, looked at Wan Dong with spirit in his eyes, and said, "My worship is definitely not because you saved my Duan Wenyuan, nor because you saved my Duan family, but because you saved my Tie Zhan Hundreds of millions of people in the dynasty! You have created such a great merit, not to mention a mere worship, even if it takes my life, Duan Wenyuan, I will not hesitate!"

At this time, Wen Yuan's eyes were unusually hot and bright.In it, Wan Dong actually saw the light he saw in the eyes of Shangguan Yunlong, the emperor of Tiandu Kingdom.That is a sincere love for the common people, and it is the most precious thing for a king!

Seeing such gazes, Wan Dong only had one thought in his mind - Duan Wenyuan, he did not save the wrong man!

"Young Master Wan, Father is right, you deserve this obeisance!" Duan Yanlong said, knelt down in front of Wan Dong, and kowtowed three times.The movements were respectful and straightforward, without giving Wan Dong a chance to stop him.

"Your Highness, you are..."

Wan Dong hurriedly wanted to help Duan Yanlong up, but was avoided by Duan Yanlong. Duan Yanlong said, "My father taught me since I was a child that the people are the most important, the society is second, and the king is the least! A king cannot seek the well-being of the people. What kind of face stands between the heaven and the earth. Even if the name is left in the annals of history, it is still notorious, infamy! On behalf of the people of the world, thank you, Mr. Wan, that is my Duan Yanlong's blessing!"

"Well said! Well said, Yanlong! My father is very pleased to have your words!" Hearing Duan Yanlong's words, Duan Wenyuan was very happy and praised him endlessly.

However, Wan Dong's face was burning hot.If compared with the awareness of the father and son, Wan Dong's awareness is really a bit low.

Wan Dong has done so much in order to rescue Xu Tianlong, in order to keep Tiandu Kingdom from being invaded, and in order to help Duan Lengyan ascend the throne. Wan Dong never seems to have thought that he should fight for the Tie Zhan dynasty. He did this for hundreds of millions of people, although he also has such sympathy for the people of the Iron War Dynasty...

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