Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 756 The Invincible Jin Ba Sword!

Perhaps there is also the reason that Wan Dong is not from the Iron War Dynasty and has a weak sense of belonging, but the feelings of Duan Wenyuan and Duan Yanlong's father and son are really admirable and surpass everything.

Wan Dong frowned slightly, he was so focused on helping Duan Lengyan ascend to the throne, and even forced Duan Yanlong to swear to the sky that he would give up the pursuit of the throne, but he never thought about whether Duan Lengyan was really suitable for the throne. An emperor, commanding hundreds of millions of people!

The fragments of his acquaintance with Duan Lengyan gradually emerged in his mind. There is no doubt that Duan Lengyan is a beautiful and lovely girl, a good woman who will make any man's heart beat when he sees her.But obviously, she is not a good emperor, especially compared to Duan Yanlong, she is far worse.

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and shook his head slightly. Just because of his wishful thinking and single-minded liking, he almost caused hundreds of millions of innocent people in the Tie Zhan dynasty to miss a wise king. This crime is a bit too big .

"Hahaha... Who said you want to drink just now? Don't be dazed, I haven't tasted wine for several years, this wine worm is almost growing in my throat. Yanlong, die quickly Get ready!" Duan Wenyuan's spirit was getting better and better every moment, and he was in a great mood, waved his hands, and let out bursts of hearty laughter.

"Drinking? This..." Duan Yanlong looked at Wan Dong worriedly.

Wan Dongchang took a breath, sorted out his messy thoughts, and said with a smile, "Drink less, it's okay!"

"That's good! I'm going to prepare now!" After today's turnaround, and more importantly, Duan Wenyuan suddenly recovered. The heavy permeation in front of Duan Yanlong's eyes seemed to suddenly become brighter in the blink of an eye. How could Duan Yanlong not be excited? ?Under this excitement, if there is no good wine to accompany it, it will be a disappointment.

Duan Yanlong's movements were even sluggish, and in a short time, a jar of fine wine and a few delicate dishes were ready.Originally, monarchs and ministers could not sit at the same table, but tonight made an exception.Duan Wenyuan, Duan Yanlong, Wan Dong, and Chang Wen sat around the table, and the aroma of wine soon filled the entire bedroom.

"Cool! Cool! Hahaha..." Duan Wenyuan gulped and drank a catty of fine wine in one breath, then put down the wine jar, looked up to the sky and laughed, very heroic!

Regarding Duan Wenyuan's story, Wan Dong heard a lot about Wan Haoxiong.Although they belong to the enemy country, whenever Wan Haoxiong mentions Duan Wenyuan, his expression is mostly admiration.This is the sympathy between men, beyond everything else, nothing else, the most pure!

Wan Dong never dreamed that he would be able to drink at the same table with Duan Wenyuan today. This feeling is both wonderful and complicated, and it made Wan Dong feel a lot.

"Father, over the years, the Jin family and the Yuntianmen have colluded with each other, and they are becoming more and more rampant day by day. Today you are recovering from a serious illness. We need to discuss how we should do it." After drinking three rounds, Duan Yanlong held down the wine glass, his face was full of worry.

Duan Wenyuan's illness is cured, but so what?With the current power of the Jin family, even Duan Wenyuan may not be able to turn the tide.However, Duan Wenyuan is not comparable to Duan Yanlong after all. His astonishing feats still have considerable influence in the iron war dynasty.

The corner of Duan Wenyuan's mouth suddenly swayed into a sneer, snorted, and said, "What is there to discuss? Now that I, Duan Wenyuan, have survived, it will not be so easy to fall down again! Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover! Face to face, vigorously After a fight, even if I die at the ninth stage, I, Duan Wenyuan, will never lower my eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye again!"

"Father!" As soon as Duan Wenyuan finished speaking, Duan Yanlong shouted excitedly.

Over the past few years, Duan Yanlong endured humiliation, and the grievances and anger accumulated in his heart had already climbed to the peak. At this time, when he heard Duan Wenyuan's bold words that he vowed not to bend his back, the blood in his heart was immediately ignited.A surge of pride surged in his chest, and he rushed straight to the spirit of the sky. He just wished he could rush out and fight the Jin family to the death.

"Yanlong, father knows the grievances you have suffered in the past few years. For me and your younger brothers and sisters, it is not easy for you to hold on. From today, our Duan family will stand up again!" He cast his eyes on Wan Dong, and said earnestly, "Mr. Wan, please help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west. A Jin family, our Duan family can handle it, but Yuntianmen..."

"Hahaha... Why does the emperor need to say more? I, Wan Dong, are at odds with Yuntianmen!"

"Okay! With the help of Master Wan, there is no reason why our Duan family can't stand up! Come, this cup, Yanlong and I, represent the descendants of the Duan family, and even the hundreds of millions of people of the Tie Zhan dynasty to respect you! "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wan Dong to answer, Duan Wenyuan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Duan Yanlong was naturally unambiguous, pouring out the wine!

Even though Wan Dong took the post of General of the Garrison, he was Duan Wenyuan's courtier logically, but at this time, how could Duan Wenyuan dare to really regard Wan Dong as a courtier?Every move puts Wan Dong on an equal footing with him.

The pride of Duan's father and son also made Wan Dong's heart agitated. Without any nonsense, he drank all the wine in the glass, and everything was in the wine!

"Who dares to stop me? Go away!"

The wine in the dormitory was drinking more and more smoothly, but suddenly there was a burst of drinking outside the dormitory, followed by a frowning noise.

Wan Dong lightly put the wine glass on the table, and said with a sneer, "The one that should come is sure to come!"

"Hearing this roar, it seems to be Jin Badao, the second son of the Jin family. Yanlong, are you afraid?" Duan Wenyuan's expression was as calm as a mountain, his eyes were firm as usual, without any fluctuation, and he turned to look at Duan Yanlong who was frowning slightly, and asked with a smile.

Duan Yanlong's body vibrated suddenly, and he said with a smile, "With Father and Young Master Wan around, what's so scary about the child?"

"Well said! Let's go, let's see what the second child of the Jin family wants to do!" Duan Wenyuan jumped up, Wan Dong smiled coldly, and Duan Yanlong and Chang Wen followed closely.

Walking out of the bedroom, the outside of the palace is a mess.Jin Badao seemed to be insane, fists and feet together, majestic and fierce qi, splashing in all directions, if it got a little bit, it would either die or be injured. In the blink of an eye, the courtyard outside the palace was full of people The imperial guards.

"Jin Badao, you are so courageous, do you want to rebel!?" Duan Wenyuan was about to stop Jin Badao, but someone was one step ahead of him.

There were many figures in the sky, and seven or eight masters rushed over together.The person was still more than ten feet away, and the sword energy of seven or eight palms was already crushing towards Jin Badao like seven roaring dragons.

Wan Dong knew more than half of these seven or eight people. Huang Shidao, Gong Wuhui, Le Hanxiong, Tan Hu, and Wu Qiujun were all among them, and the remaining three were not weaker than them, and they all reached the ninth level peak. realm.Such a combination, placed in other places, is definitely a luxury level, but it seems that it is not enough to face Jin Ba Dao at this time.

"You bastards are so courageous! Get the hell out of here!"

Jin Badao didn't know what medicine he had taken wrongly, and he seemed to be crazy.

The palm of Jin Ba's sword is so powerful that it is really not ordinary frightening.The huge palm shadow like a hill hangs high in the sky, and before it moves, the aura of destroying heaven and earth covers all directions.Huang Shidao, Wu Qiujun and others were all stunned by this momentum, and the offensive immediately lost its smoothness at the beginning, and its power was greatly reduced.

"Damn it!" Wu Qiujun couldn't help cursing angrily in his heart, itching with hatred.

Although the peak of the Nine Layers sounds very majestic, but compared with the perfection, it is undoubtedly insignificant.In fact, warriors who have advanced to the realm of perfection are considered out of the category of warriors, not to mention that Jin Ba Dao has already reached the realm of middle-level perfection at this time.

Without any suspense, as soon as Jin Badao's giant palm came out, the energy released by Wu Qiujun and others immediately collapsed.Seven or eight figures scattered and flew out backwards. Except for Huang Shidao and Wu Qiujun who had a slightly higher cultivation base, but their blood was surging from the shock, the other six people were all injured to varying degrees.

The complexions of Wu Qiujun and others immediately darkened.Although they find Jin Badao distasteful no matter what they look at, they cannot turn a blind eye to his ability.You must know that Jin Ba Dao has not drawn the golden sword on his back until now!

Duan Wenyuan's brows couldn't help but also slightly frowned. Earlier he said that he was heroic, but it was not so easy for the Duan family to stand up again.Turning his head and glanced at Wan Dong standing beside him with a calm face, Duan Wenyuan regained his composure after being a little restless.

"Hmph! The mantis arm is like a car, and you can't control your own strength!" With one palm, the eight masters were forced back, and Jin Ba's saber was even more powerful. Unable to grasp it, it fell to the ground.

"Jin Badao, you are too arrogant! Do you think that no one in this world can take care of you?" Duan Lengyan walked out with a cold face accompanied by a scolding.Beside her was a young man who was slightly older than her. His eyebrows were somewhat similar to Duan Yanlong's, and he also had a royal face. Needless to say, he must be the second prince Duan Yanfei.

It was the first time Wan Dong saw this section of Yanfei, so he couldn't help but take a closer look, and found that although this section of Yanfei was similar to Duan Yanlong in length, his eyes did not have Duan Yanlong's wisdom and maturity. It looked more like a The boy next door, if his aura of prince is removed, he is almost no different from ordinary people.

Moreover, in Duan Yanfei's body, Wan Dong could not feel the existence of ambition.Presumably, in these years, the second prince was just regarded as a banner by the Gong family and the Le family.People like this are probably the most pitiful.

"Who am I? So it's you girl! It's getting more and more impolite. When you see me, don't you even call me second uncle?" Jin Badao glanced coldly, his face full of arrogance.It seems that he has achieved a perfect intermediate level, and even the world can't hold him.In fact, Jin Badao really didn't pay attention to the small world of mundane people. His goal is to achieve a great achievement in the big world of Taoism...

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