"Hey... boy, you can see clearly, you are fighting people from our iron war dynasty! I charged you 500 taels, which is considered cheap for you. If there are no distinguished guests to accompany you, I will at least unload one more from each of you." Legs!" Master Pi pinched his waist with both hands, his chubby belly stood tall, and when he spoke, his eyes were almost squinted together, with a sinister expression.

"Why, your iron war dynasty is more expensive than others?" Wan Dong snorted coldly, his heart was full of anger.

"You're really right! The members of our Tie Zhan Dynasty are gold! How about it? If you have money, you can quickly take it out. If you don't have money, you can cut off an arm and a leg yourself, so as to save us trouble!"

Wan Dongchang took a deep breath, his face was as deep as ice, "I don't have any money, but I have complete arms and legs. If you want it, just come and get it!"

"Stinky boy, I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" Master Pi grinned grimly, and waved his hand, the dozen or so 'Tibetan mastiffs' rushed up immediately, and surrounded Wan Dong, Wu Yang and Leng Yuecui. Surrounded.

Master Pi was about to give the order to act, when in a blink of an eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of people walking towards here at a fast pace.With a smile, he called back the dozen 'Tibetan mastiffs'.

"Hey, Master Pi, what are you doing?" The group of people came to the front, and one of them, a man dressed as a leader, walked towards Master Pi with a smile on his face, bowing and complimenting, Looks like a slave.

"Boss, it's a member of the city management department!" Wu Yang whispered in Wan Dong's ear.

Without Wu Yang's reminder, Wan Dong also recognized it.In today's words, the city governor is the city management!It is not an army system, and it is not responsible for defending the capital. Its only task is to maintain order in Yunzhong City, and it can be regarded as a small right.

Judging by the attire of this leading man, the official position in the city administration department is not too small, at least he is also a supervisor.The official system of the city administration department is relatively simple. There is a director department, more than ten supervisors, and each has a team of people to patrol different jurisdictions.

Although the city governor is not in charge of defending the capital, he deals with the people all day long. He is a real 'off-the-shelf manager', and his position and role are very important.Seeing that the Supervisor actually catered to Master Pi with a slave's face, Wan Dong was very annoyed.No need to ask, he can also guess that the people of Yunzhong City in this area will never have a good life when they meet such a supervisor.

Looking around, on the street where Tianbao Pavilion is located, there is not a single store opened by the people of the Qingyun Empire. All the shops are hung with the signs of the Iron War Dynasty. In the territory of the world, can there be such a coincidence?

"So it's Superintendent Wang. I haven't seen you for a few days. Is Supervising Wang all right?" Master Pi raised his eyelids a little, still in a condescending posture.It seemed that he wanted to provoke Wan Dong intentionally, his tall belly trembled a few times.

"Hey... Thanks to Master Topi, everything is fine."

Master Pi sneered, and said, "Supervisor Wang is fine, but Pi's life is getting more and more uneasy."

Wang Jiansi's complexion suddenly changed, as if his own parents were being bullied, the smile on his face suddenly changed into a full of anger, and he roared, "Which bastard who doesn't open his eyes, you dare Baotian, dare to make trouble for Master Pi?"

Master Pi smiled in satisfaction, pointed at Wan Dong and the three of them and said, "No, it's these three boys who beat up the people from my Tie Zhan Dynasty without saying a word. Supervisor Wang, you came at the right time. I will hand these three people over to you, and I hope Supervisor Wang will not let me down."

"Just these three blind boys?" Supervisor Wang just glanced at the faces of Wan Dong, Wu Yang and Leng Yuecui before moving away. If he could take a closer look, he would definitely He will not make the next move that will make him regret it.

"Yeah, I'm asking Superintendent Wang to make the decision for me."

"Master Pi, just tell me, do you want them to be mutilated or dead?" Supervisor Wang was really bold, patted his chest, and handed over the lives of Wan Dong and the others to Master Pi.It is outrageous to treat human life like this.

"Supervisor Wang, we came to your country to do business, not to kill people. I don't need to die in my opinion, and you can do the rest as you see fit!" Master Pi said to Supervisor Wang, but his eyes changed He glanced at Wan Dong, and the complacency in his eyes fueled another fire in Wan Dong's heart.

This supervisor surnamed Wang, with the salary of the Qingyun Empire, has become a slave to the Tie Zhan Dynasty. If he doesn't kill him, it's outrageous!

"Okay, I understand! Then follow the old rules, one leg and one arm, plus 500 taels of gold!"

Hearing Supervisor Wang's words, Wan Dong's face was full of sneers, good guy, this supervisor surnamed Wang is more ruthless than Lord Pi.What are the old rules? It seems that there are not a few people whose arms and legs have been cut off by Supervisor Wang.

"This is the law of your Qingyun Empire. As a member of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, it is inconvenient for me to comment on it. Everything will be decided by Wang Jiansi." Master Pi said so, but the smile on his face is not difficult to see, He was very satisfied with Supervisor Wang's handling.

Master Pi was satisfied, Supervisor Wang was naturally happy, he acted decisively, waved his hand, and shouted, "Come on, tie the three of them up to me!" As he spoke, his eyes fell on Leng Yuecui, and he couldn't help but smile slightly. Startled, he hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Master Pi was staring at the good show, but he didn't like it, a little displeased.

Superintendent Wang leaned forward with a flattering face, and said, "Master Pi, this little girl is quite pretty, so it's a pity to just give it to that one?"

"Oh?" Master Pi had just focused his attention on Wan Dong, and didn't pay too much attention to Leng Yuecui. At this time, he was reminded by Supervisor Wang and took a closer look. A pair of narrow and small eyes suddenly appeared It lights up and smells great.

"Hey... Master Pi, how about I leave this girl to you and take the other two away?" This Wang Supervisor is very good at observing words and expressions, and he can clearly understand Master Pi's mind.

"Is this appropriate?" Master Pi asked pretendingly.

Superintendent Wang's mouth was so happy that it hit the back of his head, he said repeatedly, "What's wrong with this? This girl is causing trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, and you should deal with it by Master Pi!"

This Supervisor Wang not only works as a minion for the tiger, but also works as a pimp for Supervisor Wang part-time, which is really embarrassing for him.It can be said that this flattery was done with all one's heart and soul, and it would not even make people dissatisfied.With someone like Supervisor Wang around, can Master Pi not be arrogant in the Qingyun Empire?

"Come here, bring that girl here!" Wang Jiansi gave an order, and the two soldiers of the city governor immediately walked towards Leng Yuecui.

Leng Yuecui is not a dead person, of course she is not willing to be caught without a fight, she gave a cold reprimand, and immediately raised the long sword in her hand.Leng Yuecui's temper is also not good, from just now until now, she has been holding back her anger, and now she finally can't help it, and she is already ready to kill.

"Ha! What are you doing with your sword, you girl? Could it be that you want to fight against the court? You can think clearly, in this way, not only you will die, but your family will also be implicated by you!" Superintendent Wang obviously said Treating Leng Yuecui as an impulsive young girl with nothing to do, she speaks with full authority, wishing she could crush people to death!

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