Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 82 The young master's counterattack!

"Wang Tianbiao! You are such a powerful official! Open your dog eyes and see clearly who this young master is!" Wu Yang couldn't bear it any longer at this moment, suddenly let out a loud shout, and stepped out of the shadows.

Although the City Management Division and the Gyeonggi Guards belong to different systems, they are both stationed near Yunzhong City. They usually look down and don't see each other when they look up. It is inevitable that their responsibilities overlap.Furthermore, can the local miscellaneous armed forces surpass the regular army?What's more, Wu Jinhun's official position is much higher than that of the director of the city administration department. Wang Tianbiao is not even a small shrimp in front of Wu Jinhun.

The area under Wang Tianbiao's jurisdiction is adjacent to Wu Jinhun's garrison base.There is such a big Buddha lying in front of the house, does Wang Tianbiao dare to curry favor?On weekdays, he often went to Wu Jinhun's house, but Wu Yang had seen him a few times.

Wu Yang's shout made Wang Tianbiao's heart sink suddenly, and he turned his head to see Wu Yang's face clearly, and his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"Wu...Master Wu? couldn't be you, could it?" Wang Tianbiao's voice was trembling, and what he said was even more comical and funny.

"From your point of view, it seems that you don't want to see this young master." Wu Yang sneered, his face was cloudy and uncertain. Prestige.

"Where... how can I? For a noble person like Young Master Wu, I really wish I could see you every day, so that I can be honored with you. Hehe..." The smile on Wang Tianbiao's face was really uglier than crying.

Master Pi on the side was waiting to watch a good show, he never expected such a sudden change, he couldn't help being a little surprised, "Supervisor Wang, this is..."

Wang Tianbiao didn't dare to say it, but in his heart he 'fleshed' all the female relatives of Grandpa Pi's eighteen generations.Damn, if you want to take off the arms and legs of Wu Jinhun's son, you might as well just take off his head.

"Master Pi, look at what happened today. It must have been a big misunderstanding. This is the son of General Wu Jinhun Wu, Young Master Wuyang Wu." It is not an exaggeration to say that if Wang Tianbiao's face is used at this time Tear it off and twist it, at least two catties of bile can be squeezed out.

"What?" Master Pi also couldn't help gasping, his heart was shocked.

Their iron war dynasty has strong soldiers and horses, and they do have the capital of madness, but they are not mad enough to be able to despise the general of the Qingyun Empire who holds 30 iron cavalry on the Qingyun Empire's territory.If there is a trouble, Wujin Soul will kill him directly, so what about the Iron War Dynasty?Could it be that for him, he would turn against the Qingyun Empire and fight?It may be possible in the future, but right now, the Tie Zhan Dynasty is not ready, at least until the Tiandu Kingdom is taken, the Tie Zhan Dynasty will never provoke the Qingyun Empire.

This time it was good, it didn't turn out to be a good show, instead he kicked on the iron board, Master Pi frowned accordingly.

" turned out to be Young Master Wu. Pi's poor eyesight didn't recognize him. I offended you so much. Please forgive me! How about this? Let's just pretend that nothing happened. In addition, Any treasures in this store, as long as Master Wu takes a fancy to them, they will get [-]% off."

This Master Pi was also decisive, without much hesitation, he immediately offered a generous offer.You must know that many treasures in Tianbao Pavilion are worth more than tens of thousands of taels of gold. A [-]% discount is equivalent to giving Wu Yang thousands or even tens of thousands of taels of gold for nothing.

However, Master Pi didn't just say the reason for the [-]% discount. A treasure of tens of thousands of taels of gold, even with a [-]% discount, is still extremely expensive. Wujin Soul is famous for its incorruptibility. Well, Master Pi didn't believe that Wu Yang could afford it at all.At that time, Wu Yang would pick up some treasures worth a thousand taels of gold, and with the financial resources of Tianbao Pavilion, he would not feel pain.Mr. Pi presided over this Tianbao Pavilion branch of Nuoda, and every year he sent countless wealth from the Qingyun Empire to the Tie Zhan Dynasty. Naturally, it was a means.

"Common people want to unload their arms and legs, and the young master will pay gifts and give gold. This is the style of your iron war dynasty. It is really eye-opening." Wan Dong let out a cold snort full of disdain.

It is related to the reputation of the Tie Zhan Dynasty. Master Pi raised his eyebrows carelessly and said, "Master Wu, I did make a mistake in Tianbao Pavilion today, but it doesn't mean that I Tie Zhan Dynasty can let others make irresponsible remarks. Please also Can you persuade your friend to think twice before speaking!"

Wu Yang sneered, curled his lips and said, "What my boss said is not wrong at all, the fact is so, how do you ask me to persuade you?"

"Boss?" Master Pi was taken aback for a moment, and Wang Jinbiao's heart jumped wildly. Could Wu Yang's boss be an ordinary person?

Sure enough, Wu Yang pointed at Wan Dong and said, "This one is Mr. Xu Yaoting, the only grandson of King Dingshan!"

"Where...Which Dingshan King?" Wang Jinbiao blurted out involuntarily, his head in a daze.

"You bastard!" Wu Yang was holding his breath in his heart. Hearing the words, he was not polite, so he raised his hand and slapped Wang Jinbiao hard on the face.This slap made Wang Jinbiao's eyes shine, and he staggered back five or six steps.

"Let me ask you, how many Dingshan Kings are there in Qingyun Empire?" Wu Yang showed a stern look on his face, bursting out with all his might, which is very extraordinary.

"This... this..." Wang Jinbiao was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, how could he speak?

"You are disrespectful to King Ding Shan. You can have your head for this alone!"

"Master Wu, spare my life, Master Wu, spare my life..." As soon as Wu Yang uttered such harsh words, Wang Jinbiao was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he knelt down in front of Wu Yang with a plop, kowtowing repeatedly.

Wu Yang kicked him on all fours, angrily said, "What's the use of apologizing to me, Mr. Xu is there!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Jinbiao hurriedly lay down in front of Wan Dong again, knocking his head hard.

Master Pi also didn't know what to do at this time, Wu Yang had already given him a headache, and now he added a grandson of King Ding Shan, no matter how much wind and rain experienced Master Pi, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered at this time.

"Say! How much money did you charge Tianbao Pavilion? How many unconscionable things have you done for Tianbao Pavilion?"

Just as Master Pi's head was spinning sharply, thinking of a solution, Wan Dong had already started to get mad at Wang Tianbiao.If a wicked official like him is not dealt with severely, there is no need for the Tie Zhan Dynasty to dispatch thousands of troops, and the Qingyun Empire itself may perish first.

Wan Dong also knew that there must be a lot of evil officials like Wang Jinbiao who received bribes from the Tie Zhan Dynasty and took bribes from the inside and outside. Killing him was only a temporary vent of anger, and it didn't have much significance for the overall situation, but Wan Dong It's such a temper, if you don't run into it, you will fall down, if you do, you have to deal with it to the end!

Wan Dong's question was full of murderous intent, he couldn't help pointing at Wang Jinbiao, and at the same time unabashedly installed Tianbao Pavilion in it, without giving any face, which made Master Pi complain again and again!

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