"I just want to teach you a lesson, so I have to take off one arm and one leg. Master Pi, in your eyes, the people of our Qingyun Empire are so worthless, so easy to bully?" Wan Dong looked sideways. Glancing at Master Pi, he said coldly.

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Duan Lengyan's face became more angry.It's not aimed at Wan Dong, but at Master Pi.

The layout of the Tie Zhan dynasty at this stage is very clear, to stabilize the Qingyun Empire and eat up the Tiandu Kingdom.At this time, the Tie Zhan Dynasty absolutely does not want to have a conflict with the Qingyun Empire.Although the Qingyun Empire is now internally disintegrated, it is still a giant, and it is by no means something that the Tie Zhan Dynasty can swallow.As a high-level executive of Tianbao Pavilion, it is impossible for Master Pi to be unaware of this point. Since he is clear about it, but he does not restrain himself, how can Duan Lengyan not be angry?

Seeing that Duan Lengyan's pretty face turned cold, and her sharp eyes were faintly moving around him, Master Pi's heart beat wildly, and he hurriedly said, "Master Xu, don't get me wrong, in the final analysis, it's all caused by these two bastards." .”

Master Pi could have the courage not to explain to Wan Dong, but he never dared to dissatisfy Duan Lengyan, so he hurriedly pushed the two watchdogs out. Who would they blame for such a scapegoat?

"Master Xu, the third girl, from the beginning to the end, they are these two undead things, arrogant and conceited, causing so many misunderstandings..."

Those two watchdogs were not stupid. Hearing Master Pi's words, he immediately got the hang of it. He wanted to use them as scapegoats.Although the status of the two is low, they only have one life, so they decided not to do it. One of them yelled: "Master Pi, you can't do this. In the past, the traitors from the Qingyun Empire came to my Tianbao Pavilion to make trouble, that's how they dealt with it." , we are doing exactly what you say."

"You bastard! You're so daring, you planted it on me, Pi Xiong? You want to die!" I didn't expect these two little fellows to be so bold that they dared to expose Duan Lengyan's faults in front of Duan Lengyan. If the words took root in Duan Lengyan's heart, his future would be completely ruined.

Pi Xiong was originally a fierce and decisive person, at this time, under the rage, needless to say, he raised his right palm, and two surges of palm force rushed out at the same time, the poor two watchdogs didn't realize what was going on When things happened, they were hit one after another, their chests sunken all over, and blood gushed out like a fountain, seeing that they couldn't survive.

"Third Miss, these two bastards are talking nonsense, you must not listen to it!" Pi Xiong hastily turned his head and clarified to Duan Lengyan.

Duan Lengyan glared at him fiercely, although she was dissatisfied, but in this situation, Pi Xiong's handling methods were reasonable, she snorted coldly, and said to Wan Dong, "Master Xu, are you satisfied now? "

"Satisfied? Just these two dogs, I don't know how many people in my Qingyun Empire have harmed them. Letting them die like this is taking advantage of them. If it falls into my hands, I will definitely kill all their arms and legs." Cut them off and take them to the dogs!"

Wan Dong's gnashing of teeth is already fierce enough, what he said made people tremble even more, not to mention Duan Lengyan, even Pi Xiong, who had seen the world, frowned again and again, looking at Wan Dong's There was a hint of horror in his eyes.

As for Wang Tianbiao who was kneeling on the ground, let alone, his whole body was like an overcooked noodle, his whole body was limp, he couldn't even stand up, his face was full of unspeakable fear.

"Supervisor Wang, what are you kneeling on the ground for, why don't you get up quickly?" Duan Lengyan turned her head to see Wang Tianbiao, with crescent eyebrows, and said loudly.

Over the years, Tianbao Pavilion has spent a lot of money on Wang Tianbiao, and finally cultivated such a very obedient servant, Duan Lengyan didn't want to just give up.In addition, Duan Lengyan really can't stand it. Every time she collides with Wan Dong, she is at a disadvantage. She also intends to let Wan Dong know through the protection of Wang Tianbiao that although he is noble, he may not be able to do whatever he wants. His power is far beyond his imagination, and it can be regarded as a kind of demonstration.

"This... this..." Wang Tianbiao had never seen Duan Lengyan before, and his expression was a little bewildered.

Pi Xiong said from the side: "This is the third young lady of our Tianbao Pavilion. The third young lady tells you to get up, so you get up!"

"Oh oh..." Hearing what Pi Xiong said, Wang Tianbiao immediately realized that Duan Lengyan's identity must be extraordinarily noble, he hastily responded a few times, and tremblingly prepared to stand up.

But before Wang Tianbiao straightened his back, Wan Dong suddenly shouted, "How dare you!"

Just these two words fell into Wang Tianbiao's ears, but they were as heavy as a thousand pounds. With a plop, he knelt down heavily again, his face full of fear.

"You..." Duan Lengyan glared at Wan Dong, full of anger, it was obvious that Wan Dong was challenging her, and it was the kind of undisguised, tearing face.

"What are you? This is the territory of my Qingyun Empire, and it's not your turn to issue orders from the Tie Zhan Dynasty!"

"What about you, Young Master Xu, can you give orders at will? As far as I know, you don't have any position, and you are just like the people who come and go on the street. You are just an ordinary civilian. But Superintendent Wang is Holding an official position and ranking in the third rank, you can also be regarded as a court official. Excuse me, as a commoner, what qualifications do you have to issue orders to a court official? Could it be that you can be so arrogant just because you are the grandson of Dingshan King? If it spreads out, it might affect King Dingshan's reputation, right?"

Duan Lengyan was clever, and Wan Dong was a little hard to argue with such an argument.

However, Wan Dong didn't intend to argue. He sneered and said, "You're right. This young master is not qualified to give orders here. Wang Tianbiao, you are a member of the imperial court. I, a commoner with ordinary hair, can't be provoked. Just listen to me." For the third girl, stand up."


Wang Tianbiao raised his head and glanced at Wan Dong, only to see Wan Dong's expression was cold, his eyes seemed to be able to shoot knives, his body trembled a few times like an electric shock, how dare he really stand up, kneeling more honestly than before rule.

Seeing this scene, Duan Lengyan raised her crescent eyebrows and said, "Supervisor Wang, you are a member of the imperial court, you have to take care of your face, how decent is it in such a large audience? Why don't you stand up quickly?"

Just as Wang Tianbiao was moved, he heard Wan Dong sneer, and said quietly, "Yes, Superintendent Wang, your body is precious. If you kneel down, it will be bad. You'd better stand up."

"No... no need, I... I'd better kneel, it's comfortable to kneel, it's comfortable to kneel, hehe..." Wang Tianbiao kept wiping the cold sweat off his face while smiling, and said to Wan Dong with a flattering face .It looked rather pathetic.

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