After hearing Wang Tianbiao's words, Duan Lengyan's lungs were about to explode!Wang Tianbiao stood up, also a man of eight feet, he didn't expect to be so useless, he was like mud that couldn't support the wall, if he had known that he was such a virtue, why did he spend so much money to buy him?He will be more obedient if he directly threatens and intimidates.Could it be that they are going to lose again in this confrontation?Duan Lengyan was very unwilling.

"Supervisor Wang, stand up! Believe me, as long as I am in Tianbao Pavilion, in Qingyun Empire, no one will dare to do anything to you!" Duan Lengyan suppressed her anger and said to Wang Tianbiao in a deep voice.Speaking of this, the meaning is already very obvious.If Duan Lengyan didn't want to win Wan Dong very much, she would never say such a thing to a bastard like Wang Tianbiao.

Pi Xiong has also felt the smell at this time, Duan Lengyan is not concerned about Wang Tianbiao's life and death, but to beat Wan Dong.So he opened his mouth and said to Wang Tianbiao: "Supervisor Wang, don't worry, some people are indeed very powerful, but they may not be able to cover the sky with just one hand! You don't have to be afraid, there are no people we want to protect in the Iron War Dynasty." Can't keep it."

Wang Jiansi's heart couldn't help but move. As far as he knew, there were many people in Yunzhong City who had received benefits from the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and many of them were first-rank officials who held important positions in the court. Compared with others, Wang Tianbiao It's just a small shrimp.If the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty were really willing to protect him with all their strength, King Ding Shan might not be able to do anything to him.

Just when Wang Tianbiao's heart came alive, Wan Dong sneered, squinted at him, and said, "Wang Tianbiao, you're doing well, Tie Zhan Dynasty cares about you so much, it can be seen that you must help Tie Zhan Dynasty A lot of work, right? Tell me, how much important information did you send to the Tie Zhan Dynasty from the Qingyun Empire?"

"Ah?, I didn't!" Wang Tianbiao said in a hastily trembling voice when he heard that his soul was about to fly away.

"Hmph... Is there anyone? We'll have to wait for the investigation to find out! Wu Yang, it should be your father's responsibility to search and interrogate spies, right?" Wan Dong turned to look at Wu Yang and asked faintly.

Wu Yang nodded immediately, and said loudly, "Exactly!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Before you send a letter to your father, first arrest this spies who are cheating inside and out, and have a good interrogation!"

"Master Xu, Master Wu, don't do it! You two are so noble, just let the little one go!" Wang Tianbiao couldn't understand why he didn't know that once he fell into the hands of Wu Jinhun, he would fall into the Abi Hell. Torture is unavoidable.What's more, he, Wang Tianbiao, was not innocent at all, so what's the use of a proper interrogation?A random search can find out a bunch of crimes of losing their heads. How can Wang Tianbiao not be afraid?

Wan Dong glanced at the stunned Pi Xiong and Duan Lengyan, and said with a sneer: "You don't have to worry, you have such a good relationship with the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and the Tie Zhan Dynasty will definitely gather millions of cavalry, regardless of the cost, to rush into the clouds city, rescued you."

Wang Tianbiao almost didn't cry when he heard it. He is not the emperor Lao Tzu of the Iron War Dynasty. Unless all the monarchs and ministers of the Iron War Dynasty are flooded with water, otherwise, he doesn't even have to think about it.As for what Pi Xiong said about Li Bao, facing Wu Jinhun's 30 army, it's even more bullshit, only a fool would believe it.

Although Duan Lengyan was angry in her heart, she couldn't say a word at this time.Wan Dong's move was really amazing, and it directly put Wang Tianbiao to death.Let them want to keep it, but they can't keep it.Who doesn't know, Wu Jinhun is famous for being ruthless and selfless, if he wants to get through his back door, it's almost like a dream.

"Master Xu, there is an 80-year-old mother at home, and a child who is waiting to be fed, so you don't remember the villain, and treat the little one as a fart, so let it go!" Wang Tianbiao kowtowed and shouted at Wan Dong. Pleading, as for the protection of the Tie Zhan dynasty, he didn't even think about it, he never dared to look at Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong again.

"Third Miss, this..." Pi Xiong really wanted to help Duan Lengyan suppress Xu Yaoting at all costs at the beginning.But he never expected that his methods would be so terrific. At this moment, only helplessness was left.

Duan Lengyan's pretty face was unsightly like never before, anyone could tell that a raging fire was burning in her heart.In this confrontation, she was about to admit defeat again.

Snorting at Duan Lengyan, Wan Dong said coldly to Wang Tianbiao, "You go to your supervisor to take the blame, resign from the position of supervisor, go home to take care of your old mother, and go to see your children!"

"Ah? Young Master Xu..." The supervisor is a rare fat job. On weekdays, countless people fawn on Wang Tianbiao. He is really reluctant to let Wang Tianbiao resign.

"Bastard, at this time, if you still refuse to repent, I think you are hopeless!"

Seeing that Wan Dong was really angry, Wang Tianbiao trembled violently in his heart, and hurriedly said, "Master Xu calm down, just do what Young Master Xu said." This matter is life, or official position, Wang Tianbiao can still do it. It's clear.

Wang Tianbiao kowtowed three more times to Wan Dong, thanked Wan Dong for not killing him, then drooped his head, listlessly went to the director of the city management department.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it would be such a result, Pi Xiong sighed secretly, he did not expect that this young master of the Xu family was even more difficult to deal with than their third young lady.

"Boss, isn't it too cheap to deal with Wang Tianbiao like this? This kid does a lot of evil on weekdays." Wu Yang glanced at Wang Tianbiao's back, and said somewhat unwillingly.

Wan Dong sneered, didn't speak, looked up at Duan Lengyan, and said: "I said grandson, master has been standing here for a long time, why don't you invite me in?"

Duan Lengyan's complexion was already ugly, but when she heard Wan Dong's name, she became even more furious, and shouted sharply, "What did you call me?"

Wu Yang and Leng Yuecui also looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what Wan Dong was playing.

Facing Duan Lengyan's angry face, Wan Dong was relaxed and calm, he laughed and said, "Isn't that right? Your master is my apprentice, so of course you are my grandson? By the way, my old and stupid apprentice , where is it? Why didn’t he come out to greet Master when he arrived?”

"Xu Yaoting, what do you mean? Back then in Dingshan Prince's Mansion, you personally promised not to mention the matter of master and apprentice again. How could you go back on your word?"

Wan Dong chuckled, and said, "You missed something. I remember that at the beginning, you were willing to give 1 taels of gold, so I promised not to mention the matter of master and apprentice again, but I didn't see the 1 taels of gold." Two golds, why am I going back on my word?"


"What are you? If you don't hurry up and put 1 taels of gold in front of me, I will still shout!"

Duan Lengyan understood that as long as she faced Wan Dong, the anger in her heart would not be released.

"1 taels of gold and blood steel rough stones have been prepared a long time ago, please come inside!" Duan Lengyan took several long breaths before calming down a bit, and said coldly.

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