blood feud

196. Self-government declaration

During the one and a half months when He Yingqin and Okamura Neiji were entangled in the signing of the agreement, the status of the puppet Manchukuo, the future of Jehol, the timetable for the withdrawal of the Chinese garrison, and the demarcation of the demilitarized zone, Bai Shujie, Gan Tong, Cao Fengxiang, Zhao Jinxi and others worked continuously and finally completed the main work of the Rehe Anti-Japanese National Government.

All the personnel and equipment for the expansion of the troops have been put in place, and the troops are deployed in batches according to the brand-new stationing locations.The garrison also began to defend Chengde, Chifeng, and Duolun.At this point, Rehe Province, as the frontier of the Anti-Japanese War, finally operated in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Sheng Zhiguo, Qin Yuefang, and Cao Sanjiang commanded the secret police force of the original security department to conduct a thorough investigation of all officials, Mongolian princes, comprador capitalists, and farmers in Rehe, and secretly arrested '1 person for interrogation.The illegal funds that have been seized so far have reached an astonishing figure: more than 5700 million oceans!

Cao Fengxiang became one of the happiest people, because when he, the governor, took over the administrative office, there was a three-year deficit in the accounts of the Finance Department!The vast majority of civil servants have not been paid for three years!With the huge sum of money handed over by the Public Security Bureau, Cao Fengxiang was finally able to show his fists!

Following the success of Sheng Zhiguo's Public Security Bureau, Cao Fengxiang's second strike was directed at the underground bank that cannibalize people without spit out their bones!These bastards illegally raise funds from the private sector and issue usury loans to others.Using the illegal method of rolling interest to squeeze the blood and sweat of the people.Arrested 1914 criminals, seized 70 yuan of funds, and a lot of various real estate and title deeds.

The third cut was at the Taxation Bureau. As a result, there was no one above the deputy section chief of the Taxation Bureau. Wu Dehua, the head of the Taxation Bureau of the People's Government, naturally took office as a matter of course!

Bai Shujie said that in this day and age, all officials have problems, don't worry about going too far!Arrest first, interrogate later, and kill again, basically you will not be wronged!Now that the national crisis is at the head of the crisis, we must be strict, severe and fast, cut through the mess quickly, and stop all kinds of unhealthy tendencies!

According to Bai Shujie's instructions, Cao Fengxiang's fourth cut hit the "red light district" of Chengde and Chifeng without hesitation!The prostitutes rescued by force, after a unified medical examination in the field hospital, all entered the base area "reform-through-labor farm" to complete self-reform!The bustards, big teapots and backstage gangsters with blood debts will all be publicly shot!

The next ones are: casinos, tobacco dens, and illegal intermediaries are all swept away!

During this period, the Public Security Department and the Guard Battalion of the Garrison Headquarters jointly attacked and wiped out more than 3 underground armed people.After a surprise interrogation, a bandit armed force in Luanping County was implicated.

After receiving the order of the division commander Han Qingfen, the head of the regiment, Zhan Jinguo, led the cavalry battalion of the No. 13 regiment to attack the bandits' lair, launched a surprise attack overnight, and wiped out more than 970 bandits.They got 3 Maxim heavy machine guns, 81 16mm mortars, and 9 imitation Czech machine guns!

After a month of "severe crackdown", the Finance Department of Rehe Province had 1.9 million yuan of its own funds on its books.Then it suddenly changed, and it turned out to be one of the few rich and surplus provinces in the country!

At the same time, the Anti-Japanese People's Government tried its best to kill as few people as possible in a humanitarian spirit.Therefore, more than 4800 free laborers were added to the Sanxiandong base area, and the "reform through labor farm" was overcrowded.In the end, we had to reclaim wasteland and set up a subfield.

Subsequently, a series of measures were introduced one after another to reward farming, develop animal husbandry, revitalize national industry, and improve national education.

What happened in Rehe, apart from the secret mobilization of troops, other administrative and public security measures were massive mass movements.Beiping, Tianjin, and Chahar, which are close at hand, naturally got the news. Just when everyone had some speculations, a power-up sounded like a spring thunder!

Self-government Declaration of the Rehe Anti-Japanese Democratic Government of China:

"The southern traitorous government ignored the national danger and surrendered to the invaders without a fight. He Yingqin and Xiong Bin even secretly met with the enemy chief Neiji Okamura in Tanggu for more than [-] days. Finally signed the "Tanggu" Agreement, the details are as follows:  …”

"The southern government is going against the grain, peddling the surrender theory of 'resistance to Japan in three days' and blatantly declaring that 'those who talk extravagantly against Japan will be killed without pardon'!" Flesh and blood compatriots are under the iron hooves of the invaders. The country is in danger like a pile of eggs, and the people are suffering upside down. The great China, the 5000-year-old civilization, the greatest traitor to the country, there is no other!"

"Today, the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment spared no expense of life and death, defended the country to the death, and made great contributions to the nation. However, the traitorous government in the south went so far as to harm the country. Rehe, turn against each other! Shamelessly intimidate the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, and only slaughter the flesh and blood compatriots! Our Rehe anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians could not bear the humiliation, so we fought back and wiped out more than 2 people from the 25nd Division of Huang Jie's troops in Duolun!"

"In order to resist the invaders, as of today, our soldiers and civilians in Rehe have announced that they will completely break away from the southern traitorous government and establish the people's own anti-Japanese democratic government! The jurisdiction of the sixteen counties and twenty banners is as follows:  … .”

"The basic purpose of the Rehe Anti-Japanese Democratic Government: Resist foreign humiliation and return our country! The basic policy of the Rehe Anti-Japanese Democratic Government: Unite all forces that can be united, overthrow Japanese imperialism, and expel all hostile forces within the territory! Revitalize the national economy, Improve the lives of the people; carry forward the spirit of democracy and overthrow all reactionaries!"

"Chairman of Rehe Anti-Japanese Democratic Government: Cao Fengxiang; Commander-in-Chief of Rehe Garrison Command: Gan Tong."

As soon as the power was turned on, the whole country boiled.or doubts, or slander; or praise, or abuse.All these kinds, and so on.

But in any case, the terms of the "Tanggu Agreement" listed in the declaration seem to be convincing, and they do not seem to be fabricated casually.Moreover, He Yingqin came to Beiping suddenly, took over the command of the North China Army, and then all ceased fighting.Then came the news that Ningji Okamura had secretly arrived in Tianjin. The Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces failed to go out to fight against Japan.

For this alone, the power-up is trustworthy, and things in Rehe have become extremely complicated.

The 19th Route Army, the Northeast Army, the North China Army, and the Northwest Army issued telegrams to oppose the various terms listed in the "Tanggu Agreement".Severely condemn He Yingqin and Xiong Bin's act of losing power and humiliating the country, and order the central government to immediately investigate the traitorous crimes committed by the two traitors!

Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai led the [-]th Route Army and proposed to the Kuomintang government that the whole army go north to fight against Japan, and organized the "Anti-Japanese Aid Advance Team" to start from Zhangzhou and other places, take the Yuehan Road to Hunan, and prepare to go north to fight against Japan.Someone in Jiang rejected the legitimate request of the [-]th Route Army, and strictly ordered the "advance team for anti-Japanese and heat aid" to return to Fujian quickly and continue to "suppress the Communist Party".The officers and soldiers of the Nineteenth Route Army were extremely indignant, laying the groundwork for the future launch of the "Fujian Incident".

Shortly thereafter, the Communist Party of China, in the name of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, issued the "Declaration to Oppose the KMT's Selling out Pingjin, North China", opposed the "Tanggu Agreement" signed between the KMT government and Japanese imperialism, and exposed the efforts of the KMT reactionary group Jiang to the people. Offensive, against the crime of Japanese imperialism's surrender and traitorous country, calls on the people of the whole country to unite and fight for the recovery of lost land, defense of China, and the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation.

The anti-Japanese patriotic generals headed by Feng, Ji Hongchang, Fang Zhenwu, etc. were even more dissatisfied with Jiang's policy of traitorous surrender.Therefore, he actively responded to the call of the Chinese Communist Party and expressed his willingness to cooperate in the resistance against Japan. On May 1933, 5, they announced the establishment of the Chasui Anti-Japanese Allied Army in Zhangjiakou, electrifying the whole country, advocating joint anti-Japanese and regaining lost ground.The team has rapidly grown from a few thousand to more than 26.

At the same time, Jiang not only did not allow the Anti-Japanese Allied Army to fight against Japan, but also mobilized more than ten divisions into Chahar with the crime of "undermining the entire national policy" (treason), encircled the Anti-Japanese Allied Army, and cooperated with the Japanese army. They besieged Zhangjiakou, the base camp of the Allied forces.

Where the Southern Central Army is headed, Bai Shujie's Jehol Front Army has just completed its expansion, and it has already been seriously threatened.

However, after Bai Shujie issued orders to the troops to closely monitor the movements of the enemies on all sides, he did not take any further action.Because from the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to participate in various domestic melees.

Bai Shujie knew very well that now that Duo Lun was in his hands, the little devil's Sixth Division was returning to Sui.Feng's "Anti-Japanese Allied Army" was just a banner. He neither dared to attack Sakamoto Masaemon's Sixth Division, nor had the opportunity to "play a double reed" with the traitor Li Shouxin in Duolun. What kind of "borrowing the city" Occupy" trick.

Although he admired Ji Hongchang and Fang Zhenwu very much, Bai Shujie never had a cold for the famous "rebel general" Feng.Avoiding it is like a snake and a scorpion, how could it be possible to get in it!

Bai Shujie has always believed: "If a person has no loyalty and generosity, he must be a treacherous minister in troubled times!" In order to achieve his own goals, Feng has "turned around" without any bottom line, and has lost the character that a soldier should have.

If we talk about betrayal once, it can also be said to be "meeting someone who is not good, and mistakenly boarding a thief ship."However, turning back nine times in a row and stabbing eight "brothers" in the back, isn't that too much?

For this kind of person, Bai Shujie absolutely rejects him!He didn't dare to stay with such a person. If someone Feng was cornered by his brother Jiang and suddenly fell in love with his Rehe, and then stabbed him in the back, it would be too late for regret !

There are eight lessons learned from the past. Regarding Jiang's large-scale siege of Shijiazhuang, Bai Shujie had no choice but to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.Take advantage of this rare period of calm to stabilize the turbulent situation in Jehol and complete the running-in of the expanded troops.

Now that the order has been issued, the little devil must have dreamed of killing the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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