blood feud

197. Summer Resort

The current short period of peace is due to the fact that the little devil swallowed the entire three eastern provinces in one gulp, and now he has obtained most of Suiyuan.The little devil seems to have infinite scenery and majesty, but in fact he is worried day and night and has trouble sleeping and eating.Among the white mountains and black waters, there are so many anti-Japanese troops, and the little devils are exhausted.

Bai Shujie had just had a falling out with the boss in the south, and he was currently accumulating strength, so he had to be an ostrich to get through this most difficult time.The so-called sharpening the knife is not the same as chopping firewood, and you still have to chop off the head of the little devil. If the precious knife in your hand is not sharp enough, you will hurt yourself if you don't do it well.

"Kill the enemy without dying, but retaliate against yourself", this is the truth.

Although he can't go to war right now, Bai Shujie is not idle.His eagle eyes were constantly scanning the map.The second division of Duomen Erlang Laoguizi has been transferred back to make up for it, leaving behind a mixed 14th brigade affiliated to the seventh division and a mixed 33rd brigade affiliated to the tenth division.

Can you find a certain gap, let the short-haired boy feel bad for a while, and buy as much time as possible for his Rehe Province?Recently, the army has been busy restoring its combat effectiveness, and Bai Shujie is thinking about these issues.

The 14th Mixed Brigade of the 4th Division of Aizizi has 1 infantry regiments, 1 cavalry regiment, and [-] field artillery regiment.In fact, except for an engineering wing, medical care, communications and other auxiliary arms of the Seventh Division, all combat troops have already come.

The 33rd Infantry Brigade of the 10th Division (Major General Seya Kai), under the jurisdiction of the 63th Wing (Akashiba Yaezo) and the [-]rd Wing (Furong Shinpei), has now strengthened an artillery brigade.

However, the 14th Mixed Brigade was beaten badly by Brigadier Zhao Dengyu of the Northwest Army.Brigadier Zhao Dengyu led 500 Broadsword members in three consecutive night raids, killing the field artillery unit of the 14th mixed brigade, and two infantry brigades were disabled.Now that the "Tanggu Agreement" was signed, they finally returned to Liaoyang to make up for it.

At present, it is the 33rd Mixed Brigade of the Tenth Division that has not suffered a fatal blow at the stalemate with Lan Caiqin's Rehe Third Division on the line of Shanggu!On the front line is the 10th Regiment, and the two brigades of Akashiba Yaezang form a long snake formation.

The stalemate with Zhang Xiang's Rehe First Division on the front line of Lingyuan was still the Eighth Division, which retreated from the front of the Great Wall, under the jurisdiction of the 5th and 17th Wings.The 5th Regiment, which competed head-on with the Rehe 17st Division, had a long and stinky name as its captain. It was said that he was a major general named "High Rank Yu Rabbit Xiong Weizuo"!The captain of the [-]th Wing, Teng Shigemasa, was a major general and led his troops behind.

It is precisely because these two great enemies are stalking nearby that the expansion process of the Rehe First Division and the Third Division has been greatly affected.Fortunately, the supplementary soldiers have basically taken shape, and finally completed the task with rotation and expansion.

Now the first division and the third division take the initiative to launch small-scale battles every day, in order to complete the tactical adjustment of the expanded troops, and at the same time show the little devil a little bit of strength.And every time a battalion is dispatched, the company is divided into three groups to attack in turn.

The little devil didn't know what Bai Shujie wanted to do. If he was planning to launch a decisive battle and wanted to conduct some kind of firepower reconnaissance, there was no need to continue reconnaissance for half a month!

Every time, three squadrons went up together, but the firepower of the opponent's three companies was too fierce.Chi Chai Yae Zang and Yu Rabbit Xiong Weizuo wanted to use all their strength to fight the hateful Chinese, but the Kwantung Army Command disagreed.

Although the negotiation process of the "Tanggu Agreement" is over, because the hateful Jehol democratic government leaked the specific content of the agreement in advance, the government of southern China is still hesitating and has not finally signed it.However, the Imperial Army of Japan suffered great losses and has not yet been replenished.In addition, there are anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements everywhere in Changbai Mountain in Jilin, which is extremely bad.Therefore, there is no ability to launch a war for the time being.

The little devil was so terrified that he was finally forced to retreat [-] kilometers.This is what Bai Shujie explained to Zhang Xiang and Lan Caiqin about the "anti-customer-oriented" strategy of suspicious soldiers, combined with "the enemy stationed in us to harass", the little devil was really fooled.

In fact, Zhuge Liang once used this strategy.At that time, Liu Bei and Cao Cao were at a stalemate in Hanzhong, Zhuge Liang ordered Zhao Yun to use this strategy.Cao Cao was overwhelmed by the disturbance, and was finally forced to retreat [-] miles. As a result, Zhuge Liang lined up against the water and finally broke Cao Cao's army.

The little devil will not be smarter than Cao Cao, so he will naturally be fooled.As they retreated, Zhang Xiang and Lan Caiqin finally got a chance to breathe, and started the whole division's joint training to restore their original fighting strength, ready to welcome the coming of the big battle at any time.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of June 1933.The little devil is temporarily unable to launch a decisive battle, so he will naturally come up with many schemes to deal with the current situation.

Bai Shujie's army expansion and reorganization is over, and his own "Rehe Front Army Headquarters" also under Zhao Jinxi's arrangement, carried out a major transfer "from the cave" to the "imperial palace", and moved directly to the "Summer Resort" of the Qing emperor !The Bawangdong Command was handed over to the First Rehe Guard Division and became the headquarters of Wei Ziqiang, the head of the No.13 Regiment.

After Bai Shujie heard that Zhao Jinxi had discussed with Cao Fengxiang, Gan Tong and others, he quickly issued instructions: "Chengde Mountain Resort is a national cultural relic, and must be protected. People entering and leaving must be strictly educated, and no plants or trees are allowed to be damaged. , will never lend money!"

No other places in the Chengde Mountain Resort are allowed to move. Bai Shujie chose for Zhao Jinxi the "East Palace" on the east side of Songhe Zhai.

On the palace wall in front of the East Palace, there is a special Dehui Gate for entry and exit, which is convenient for the personnel of the headquarters to enter and exit.After entering Dehui Gate, the main buildings on the central axis include seven gate halls, eleven main halls, Qingyin Pavilion, Fushou Pavilion, Qinzheng Hall, and Juan'a Shengjing Hall.

The reason why this place was chosen was because Bai Shujie clearly remembered that after the short-haired son occupied Chengde, he burned down the East Palace to celebrate his victory!Even if it is bombed and scrapped by little devils in the future, it will not have any impact on the trajectory of history.

At the same time, considering the secrecy work regulations of the headquarters, the building layout of the East Palace area is very compact, which is also convenient for the arrangement of security work.

The seven gate halls are just for the guard company to station and guard, and the eleven halls in the main hall are the working areas of the telecommunications department and the staff department.

The deputy commander in chief, Zhao Jinxi, was in charge of the telecommunications department, so he naturally occupied one of them.Chief of staff Lu Ming is in charge of the staff department, and there is also one.The office and conference room of Bai Shujie, commander-in-chief of the headquarters, are in the Hall of Qinzheng, and the confidential radio station is also here.

For this reason, the guard battalion of the Guards Division had to be expanded into a guard regiment and an air defense battalion was formed.Using four air defense companies to surround the entire East Palace in the middle, 48 anti-aircraft double anti-aircraft guns and 48 anti-aircraft heavy machine guns formed a huge two-tier ring firepower.

Of course, the expansion of the guard battalion was not the opinion of Zhao Jinxi alone, but a collective unanimous decision of all division and regimental leaders.It also made Bai Shujie feel for the first time that to be a celebrity, to be a celebrity who wields great power, is really involuntary in many cases.The principle that the minority obeys the majority is established by him, and it is useless to oppose it.

The guard regiment adopts the May 4793th system and has jurisdiction over: Secret Service Battalion, Reconnaissance Battalion, Artillery Battalion, Air Defense Battalion, and Armored Heavy Machine Gun Battalion.Qiu Yanxiang, the head of the group, Zhang Bao and Zhou Ting, the deputy heads.The total number of people is [-], which is exactly equivalent to two combat regiments, and the firepower density is doubled.

Among them, there are 1 people in the secret service battalion, the battalion commander Xiao Lamei, and the deputy battalion commander Tan Mingliang; under the jurisdiction: communication company, security company, medical company, and machine gun company.It is mainly responsible for the daily vigilance, personal protection and implementation of combat tasks of the Front Army Command.

Xiao Lamei is another Huang Qiaoyun, with a petite figure and a fierce and tough style.Especially with Bai Shujie and Zhao Jinxi's soft and tough kung fu, compared with "senior sister" Huang Qiaoyun, it is simply better than blue!

Tan Mingliang and Xiao Lamei used to be Bai Shujie and Zhao Jinxi's bodyguards, and they trained in the frontline combat troops for more than half a year.After the expansion of the troops this time, after careful consideration by Sheng Zhiguo and Qin Yuefang, they decided to transfer them back to undertake the internal defense task of the front army headquarters.

Tan Mingliang was originally appointed as the battalion commander and Xiao Lamei as the deputy battalion commander.Unexpectedly, when Tan Mingliang saw Bai Shujie, he felt a little apprehensive, so he abdicated to make way for Xian.Xiao Lamei did not refuse, and immediately took office.

The two have a clear division of labor. Tan Mingliang is in charge of the peripheral defense of the headquarters, and the troops under him are the machine gun company.Xiao Lamei is responsible for the internal security work, specifically commanding the communication company, security company, and medical company.

The expansion of the secret service battalion was handled by Xiao Lamei alone.

For this reason, she first ran to Linxi Town, hundreds of kilometers north of Chifeng, to find the Second Rehe Division of the elder brother Hou Zizi, and took all the first row of the guard battalion of the elder brother.

For this girl, I am afraid that I will melt if I hold it in my mouth, and I am afraid that I will fall if I hold it in my hand.Don't say that as long as there is only one platoon, it is estimated that if you need a battalion, she will take it away!

After this is done, it's not over yet.Xiao Lamei took this platoon to the front line of Lingyuan, found Zhang Xiang's Rehe First Division, and unceremoniously took away the first platoon of the guard battalion.

Just like that, including Gan Tong's first guard division, the first platoon of the four reorganized division guard battalions of the Rehe Front Army were all taken away!The battalion commander of Gan Tong's security battalion was Huang Qiaoyun. When Xiao Lamei came to ask for someone, the two little sisters gesticulated for a long time.

After nine days, the guard company of the Secret Service Battalion of the Guard Regiment of the Front Army Headquarters was full!This guard company has two principles: first, from now on, only obey Xiao Lamei's orders!Second, after finding the enemy, form a human wall first, and then launch a counterattack!

The third and fourth platoons of the guard company are responsible for the internal security of the headquarters, the first platoon is responsible for defending the commander-in-chief Bai Shujie, and the second platoon is responsible for protecting the deputy commander-in-chief Zhao Jinxi and the chief of staff Lu Ming.

In the entire Rehe Front Army, the only unit that Bai Shujie could not mobilize or command was the guard company of the spy battalion in his guard regiment!Because Xiao Lamei is the company commander and platoon leader of this company!

In other words, Xiao Lamei's positions in this spy battalion are: battalion commander, company commander, and platoon leader!In the headquarters, Xiao Lamei was still the director of telecommunications.Except for a few people in the staff department, Xiao Lamei was the only person who was not restricted from entering and leaving the core area, including Bai Shujie's private life.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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