blood feud

226 , Execute the Traitor

Zhao Sanbao hid at the end of the yamen alley strictly according to the predetermined plan, lying under the wall on the street and staring at the little devil's camp.Seeing that more than 40 little devils ran away, and then ran from South Street to South Gate.Only then did he stare at his watch, and after finally waiting for 10 minutes, he knew that the little devil should have crossed the street and left the city.

At this distance, it is impossible to hear the sound of pistol shooting, and only then did he figure out what Bai Shujie's 10 minutes stipulated meant.With this time interval, the little devil who had already left the city was running forward desperately, and since he couldn't hear the gunshots coming from behind, it was naturally impossible to return immediately.

Now that the time has come, Zhao Sanbao got up and drove the cart in the first place, and two mules dragged the cart to the gate of the little devil's garrison.The two little devils standing guard at the door stepped into the street with one step, and then blocked Zhao Sanbao's way with both guns raised.

While responding to the little devil's question in his mouth, Zhao Sanbao pretended to come to the front of the mule, and with his back to the little devil, straightened the mule's bridle, as if he was about to turn the cart around.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Sanbao suddenly bowed his body, retreated sharply, and bumped into the arms of the two little devils.Then with a wave of his arms, he raised the little devil's rifle to the sky.Immediately, two elbow hammers hit the chests of the two little devils, and then they cursed: "Fuck you little devils!"

Taking advantage of this time, the sixteen team members behind drew their pistols and charged into the little devil's camp.

All this happened too quickly. The 15 little devils gathered in the side room of the lobby rushed in from the outside before hearing any movement.Now more than [-] people are crowded in the room, and the little devil's [-] big cover is of no use at all.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion shot one by one, and the little devils in a squad have been dealt with.Then a group of three began to search the three-bay, two-entry garrison.

When Bai Shujie arrived, Zhao Sanbao and another soldier were coming out with two guys tied up.

"Report to the captain, 17 little devils were killed, **** people were captured, and other supplies are still being searched and counted!" Zhao Sanbao threw the two zongzi-like guys to the ground, and then continued: "This The two guys are here, and they even have a separate office. It seems that they have a lot of background. When we rushed in, we still wanted to resist, and we were really impatient!"

Bai Shujie saw that one of them was somewhat similar to Qin Zhongnan who had been executed just now, and he suddenly understood that this guy was probably the traitor Qin Boqiu.Only then did he chuckle: "Good guy, you've done a great job!"

After kicking the guy who looked like Qin Boqiu, Bai Shujie said with a sinister smile: "The Qin Zhongnan on the opposite side has already been screwed off by Lao Tzu. You are another bastard Qin Boqiu, right? Tsk tsk, it's really 'brothers who betray the country, go to hell together 'Ah, even courting death is not separated! Very good, very good, save me a lot of hands and feet!"

Bai Shujie turned his head to another guy and said, "If I'm right, you bastard should be Yu Chaoyu, the first batch of bastards who surrendered to the little devil. I didn't wrong you, right? The blood and sweat of 3000 million fathers and villagers in the Northeast Qian, I raised you bastards who have forgotten all the classics! Very good, very good! I will let you see today, what is justice and justice!"

"You lost a big scar on your head, I also want to see how many days you can go crazy!" Yu Chao, who was lying on the ground, knew that he was unlucky, and put on a posture of resigning himself to death.

"Hahahaha!" Bai Shujie looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Even if I don't live tonight, I'm still a Chinese ghost after death! You don't even want your ancestors, you're just a bastard. You're a bastard when you live, but you're still a bastard when you die." Bastards. The descendants of the future will only be the offspring of hybrids!"

"It's so fucking ridiculous to put on such a dog-like face in front of me! If you said this to the little devil at the beginning, whenever I saw your grave, I would kowtow Ring your head! But today, a mongrel dog dares to bark! I now officially announce: For these two bastards, immediately unscrew the dog's head and feed it to the wild dogs!"

"Everyone, don't grab it, I'll come!"

Just at this time, Gao Erwa broke in from the outside.As if afraid that others would compete with him, he pulled out the bayonet very nimbly.Then he stabbed and twisted, and then twisted his head with both hands, there was a crisp rattling sound, and a dog's head fell to the ground!

Zhao Sanbao looked at the 17-year-old boy in front of him, obviously a shy guy.It is because I witnessed the massacre of my relatives and the tragic ending of more than 3000 people, that I have become almost crazy now!

Who is responsible for these?It's the little devil!Dog traitor!

Bai Shujie didn't think so, the murderer will always be killed!A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, just as it is!Of course, the little devil should exterminate the clan, but the traitors are all inherited from the ancestors, so the clan should be exterminated even more!

"The two big traitors of the Qin family have all been executed. Zhao Sanbao immediately led a squad to raid the Qin family's lair! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

Bai Shujie knew that Qin Zhongnan had five sons and one daughter.That woman turned out to be a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the end, and transformed into a high-ranking "official" who continued to fish and meat the people in her hometown!

As for the remaining five scoundrels, they have already made a lot of money in the country, and then completely treasoned and turned to the enemy, and went to Canada!This kind of family with foreign background, traitorous country is a family inheritance, it is really not enough to kill the people!

Not to mention that we have a lot of Chinese people, among the more than one billion people, I can't find a few who can be officials.Therefore, we must find the descendants of those bastards to be officials!The older generation acted as traitors and harmed the common people, while the younger generation continued to sit in high-ranking officials, took money blindly, and all relatives and children fled the country, leaving them bastard "naked officials" to continue to squeeze the people's fat and anointment in the country!

Why would someone set up a monument for the little devil?Why would someone devalue those anti-Japanese fighters?Anyone with a little brain knows what kind of offal they are!

The gossip is over, the book returns to the main story.

The progress of the matter was much smoother than Bai Shujie expected, so he decided to eradicate the remnants of the traitors.It also made the later traitors a little vigilant, not to go too far and do evil.

At 10:30, a row of nine carts had all gathered on South Street.It's too late to investigate carefully now, after all, the flames flickering from time to time on the Phoenix Mountain show that the battle is still going on with difficulty.

Bai Shujie looked at the twenty people around him, and then said in a low voice, "Zhao Sanbao, take all the three crooked guns you seized earlier. You lead 11 people to go first, and fight for the little devils who came to reinforce them." Detachment, get up from your ass to relieve the pressure on Wei Chong and the others! I will lead the team and arrive soon!"

It is said that according to the original plan, Wei Chong left three groups to attack the little devil's machine gun position, and he led two groups to raid the artillery position on the main peak.

This distribution of troops was because Wei Chong practiced martial arts with three old men in the secret camp of the ancient tomb since he was a child, and his hands and feet were relatively agile.Although they still can't catch up with Bai Shujie and Gan Tong, they are already considered masters among ordinary people.

Now to attack the main peak, it is a cliff more than 20 meters high.If you don't have a lot of strength in your hands and arms, and you don't have enough courage, you won't be able to climb up at all.

Moving 20 people covertly into the grass under the beacon tower, Wei Chong began to wait for the last moment.

At eight o'clock, as more than 30 grenades flew into the little devil's machine gun position, Wei Chong had already fled to the bottom of the cliff with a rope on his back.Then use your hands and feet for free solo climbing!

Of course, the special gloves "Flying Tiger Catch" that Bai Shujie equips the scouts are also working now.Because the four steel claws on the glove can firmly grasp the rock, which also saves Wei Chong's physical strength.

When the explosion sounded halfway up the mountain, the little devils on the main peak were naturally startled.But the enemy and us are entangled together, and the mountain artillery and infantry artillery on the top of the mountain can only stare blankly.

The artillery captain stood on the edge of the cliff, circling in a hurry.Because he doesn't know how many troops the enemy has come, and he doesn't know what the enemy's purpose is to attack him.But one thing is very clear, if the machine gun position is lost, the artillery position will definitely not be able to stop the infantry attack!

Cannons deal with infantry attacking themselves, then it really responds to an old saying: anti-aircraft guns hit mosquitoes-wasted effort!

Of course, the artillery team still has three light machine guns, but judging from the posture below, the enemy has at least dozens of light machine guns.According to the equipment standard of the Northeast Army of China, the enemy has at least one battalion!

With the three light machine guns of the empire, it is too impractical to kill a battalion of enemies!The key is that the speed of reloading can't keep up. It takes more than ten seconds to reload the hopper at the fastest. The Chinese people must use this gap to rush up!

The captain of the artillery squad was so engrossed in the battle below that he didn't pay attention to his feet!Now there is a hand with a steel structure, slowly moving over!

It turned out that Wei Chong's sound from the violent firefight below was enough to cover up the sound of his rock climbing.In addition, everyone's attention was attracted by the battle at the machine gun position below, and the little devil on the top of the mountain didn't pay attention to his feet at all.Therefore, as soon as Wei Chong gritted his teeth, he went up without any scruples.

As mentioned earlier, this is a beacon tower ruins.Although it is very steep all around, there is a prominent rock on the southeast side.As long as you reach this rock, you can turn over the broken earth wall and directly enter the little devil's position.

After three trials, Wei Chong finally came to the protruding rock.Find a crooked neck tree and tie the rope, and then wait for the follow-up team members to come up.However, the rock is so small that only four people can stand on it at most.

After 5 minutes, two fighters have come to the rock.Wei Chong gestured to the two for a long time, and the three finally reached a consensus.

Wei Chong left the protruding rock and continued climbing, and slowly moved towards the captain of the little devil.This time it was moving laterally, and his purpose was to throw the little devil's captain off, causing the little devil to panic, and creating opportunities for the other team members to climb over the earth wall!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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