blood feud

227 , Destroying the Gendarmerie

The captain of the Little Devil's artillery team was in a hurry, because one of the three machine gun positions on the mountainside had already fallen.The hateful Chinese are using the heavy machine guns of the empire to massacre the warriors of the empire, causing the other two machine gun positions to be in jeopardy!If the machine gun position is lost, the hateful Chinese will come and kill me!

How to do?

The little devil captain rubbed his hands vigorously, as if he was making an extremely difficult decision.Just when he finally seemed to have made up his mind and slowly raised his right hand, he suddenly felt that his left ankle seemed to be bound by an iron hoop!Then I felt like I was stepping on the ground, and then I started to ride the clouds!

Ah - plop!

The body of the captain of the little devil suddenly flew out of the cliff, and then there was a half-scream, which was especially terrifying in the middle of the night.Then, there is no more.

The little devil on the artillery position thought that the team leader might be too involved in watching the battle, but accidentally stumbled and fell to the bottom of the cliff.It never occurred to him that in such a place surrounded by cliffs, with the fierce battle going on below, someone would sneak into his own people!

The moment Wei Chong fell off the little devil's captain, the four team members had already climbed over the wall and entered.Now that they can't see their fingers, they have directly mixed into the group of devils.As the captain fell off the cliff, a few more little devils came to check the situation.Unexpectedly, without seeing the situation, the two little devils fell off the cliff again!

When such a fall off a cliff occurs once, it is called an accident.This happened one after another, and only then did the remaining little devils know that they were plotted against by the enemy, so they immediately turned around and ran back!

You can't run, you don't have a gun in your hand.The rifles were still on the emplacements, the machine guns were out of reach now, because the enemy was hiding somewhere and couldn't see it!

When the little devil discovered Wei Chong's hiding place and came to look for the three machine guns, he didn't expect that there were no machine guns in the machine gun position, only the corpses of six imperial warriors!

"Enemy attack—"

Several little devils who discovered the truth screamed wildly, and more than 40 little devils suddenly became a mess!I didn't expect to be busy for a long time, but I didn't see anything!

The enemy's attack is certain, even if the warriors of the empire can commit suicide, the machine gun will definitely not be able to grow wings and fly!

It turned out that after the four soldiers quietly killed the six little devils in the machine gun position, they sent the machine guns to the soldiers who had just come up outside the earth wall, and they were still hidden in the dark.Now the number of people is too disadvantaged, reckless is not the answer.Besides, Battalion Commander Wei never showed up, and it was not easy to shoot.

Now there are three machine guns guarding the outside, and the other soldiers are quietly climbing over the wall.Because of the support of the soldiers in front, eight soldiers soon entered the enclosure, and three machine guns were hoisted up from the cliff.

Now six machine guns were spread out on the dirt wall, and the soldiers finally heard Wei Chong's shout: "Dodge the shells and kill the little devil!"

The reason why Wei Chong didn't show up was because the little devil kept staring straight ahead.Now when the machine gun fires, the little devil knows that the enemy is behind him!

When the little devils turned around one after another, Wei Chong finally seized the opportunity to turn up and enter the dirt enclosure, and soon joined the eight hidden soldiers.Then I touched a flank and a machine gun to form a crossfire, and the eight shell guns fired a series of short bursts, and all the little devils who were shooting fell to the ground.

As a result, although the little devil has a large number of people, but now he can't see his fingers, and has no idea how many enemies are in his position.If you shoot casually, you will basically hurt your own people.More importantly, although the [-]-type rifle has excellent shooting accuracy, it only has five bullets.

Now Wei Chong's eight shell guns are equivalent to eight submachine guns.On the other side, there were six light machine guns for pincer attack, firing wildly and recklessly at the little devils on the gun emplacement in the center of the enclosure.

Just at this time, there was a burst of cheers from the middle of the mountain, and Wei Chong and others were even more energetic: The little devil's machine gun position is over!

The so-called happiness comes with worry.

Within 2 minutes of Wei Chong and the others being happy, a high-pitched voice came from the foot of the mountain: "Killer——"

Everything!Boom boom boom!

Three mortar shells have exploded at the machine gun position, and the little devil's reinforcements are here!

"Brothers, the final decisive battle is here!" Wei Chong didn't expect the little devil to come so fast, and now he can't care about anything: "Eliminate the remaining little devils as soon as possible, the pressure on the machine gun positions below is too great!"

Although the little devil is attacking from the back, the threat of the mortar is too great.If the little devil's mortars cannot be destroyed as soon as possible, the machine gun position will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

time is life!

The soldiers outside the earthen wall no longer cared about concealing their bodies, and turned directly into the enclosure, shooting at the little devil at close range.

Wei Chong quietly came to the edge of the cliff and looked down with binoculars. The little devil's mortar position was at the foot of the mountain directly in front of him.The heavy machine guns on the machine gun positions were simply out of reach because of the shooting range.

It's really a turn of events, and now it's Wei Chong's turn to be anxious.

Fortunately, all the soldiers below the cliff have come up, and 11 machine guns have been put into battle.The remaining little devils have all been suppressed to the northeast corner, and there is no suspense to wipe them all out.

"Grenade, quickly use the grenade!" Wei Chong shouted angrily: "The little devil has shrunk into a ball, hurry up and use the grenade to end the battle as soon as possible!"

The squad leader shouted anxiously: "Battalion commander, the distance is too close now, the grenade is very dangerous!"

"It's too late, the mountain can't hold it anymore! Everyone get down and use grenades!"

Wei Chong saw the little devil at the bottom of the mountain rushing up desperately, and he was already less than 30 meters away from the machine gun position.If the little devil on the main peak can't be dealt with as soon as possible, tonight's battle is likely to be in vain, and none of my people can survive, and the loss will be even greater!


Twenty grenades exploded in the group of little devils almost at the same time, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose!The distance between the enemy and us is less than ten meters.Using a grenade at such a close distance is purely a way of killing each other!

After the big bang, the little devil has lost the ability to fight back.The little devil who was not killed was also stunned!However, the three soldiers closest to the little devil were unfortunately hit by shrapnel on the top door, injured by their own grenade, and sacrificed heroically!

Naturally, Wei Chong also saw his brother, who died because he carried out his orders, but now he can't care about anything else, his eyes are blood red, and he roared: "Drag the infantry gun over to Lao Tzu, and hit the little boy hard. The devil's mortar! Come and six people to help me fire the cannon, and the others will fill up the little devil's gun!"

What is a bloody battle of life and death?Even if you are killed by your own grenade, you have to fight for the last chance, this is it!The battle of life and death is a desperate battle!You are lucky to be alive after the battle.Glorious sacrifice, that is bad luck.For the victory of the overall situation, partial sacrifice is the price that must be paid!

There is no reason to speak at this time, this is war!The soldiers all understand this truth, whoever puts it on will make necessary sacrifices for the overall situation.Therefore, the soldiers did not have any resistance to Wei Chong's series of seemingly barbaric orders, and all the hatred was left to the little devils!

The 6 infantry guns suppressed the range of fire to the lowest -10 degrees, and fired directly at the Devils artillery position at the foot of the mountain.Six shells whizzed straight to the foot of the mountain, and with a huge explosion that shook the ground, two mortars flew into the sky.

The sound of shell explosion that Bai Shujie and the others heard in the city happened at this time.

Seeing the little devil's mortar being blown away, Wei Chong's eyes finally shed tears.The situation on the battlefield is often just a second or two away!The sacrifice of the three brothers was to gain just one or two seconds!But now is not the time to be sad, the little devils below did not give up charging.

Because of the sudden explosion from above the main peak, all the little devils have gone crazy!No need to ask, the artillery position has been lost, and Fengcheng is already under the coverage of the enemy's artillery!In other words, Fengcheng has been lost!

If the main position cannot be regained, all these little devils will be punished by military law!To enter is to die, to retreat is to die, it is better to die on the road of charge, and you can get a little pension for the family!Therefore, facing this situation, the little devil didn't need any mobilization or orders at all, and everyone started to risk their lives.

Wei Chong naturally knew the little devil's psychology, so he kept shouting: "Good fight! Don't stop, shoot two quick shots! Next, directly bombard the little devil's charge formation!"

After all, there are huge restrictions on using infantry artillery to attack the foot of the mountain, that is, the restrictions on the angle of elevation and depression.When the little devil rushed to about 20 meters from the machine gun position, the [-] infantry artillery was finally useless, and everything else was handed over to the machine gun position halfway up the mountain.

Although there were dozens of light machine guns on the machine gun position, all the shooting was blind because of the darkness around them.Whether the enemy was killed or not, no one knows.Both the enemy and the enemy fired based on feeling, and finally the little devil approached the life-and-death line near ten meters!

At the very moment when the hand-to-hand combat was about to start in full swing, an inspiring roar came from the foot of the mountain: "Brothers, go!"

At the most dangerous moment of the battle, Zhao Sanbao finally led 11 soldiers to the battlefield, and without stopping, he directly stabbed the kid in the ass!


The 11 people roared together, which was quite powerful.The soldiers all came out of bloody battles, so they naturally knew that the shouts at this time were more powerful than the bullets in their hands.Therefore, Zhao Sanbao and the others kept shouting loudly while struggling to charge upwards.

No matter what the power of Zhao Sanbao's attack is, the sudden appearance of an ambush in this situation can imagine the shock to both the enemy and us!

The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion were naturally in high spirits. With their own people holding back the little devil, the little devil would never dare to charge with his life!Moreover, the sudden appearance of Zhao Sanbao and the others meant that Bai Shujie, the god of war in his mind, had arrived!

In the hearts of the soldiers, no matter how difficult the situation is, as long as Bai Shujie appears, everything will be fine!His detachment leader is full of resourcefulness, and there is always a way to turn the crisis into safety!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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