blood feud

240. Fengcheng Enemy Track

Due to the limitation of time and conditions, there was no special military appearance, because the main members were the original Fengcheng defenders and police, and they all knew something more or less.As for Liu Jufu, Liu Zhiwu, Liu Cuihua, Tang Pingshan, and Liang Jishan, the five were all from Orion backgrounds, and Liu Wan was a middle school student with basic common sense.

This training cannot be in-depth, the main purpose is to clarify the military discipline and military regulations of the troops.Everyone understands the Eight Army Regulations and the Seven Killing Order, then it is considered a pass, otherwise it is not officially joined the team.

Now that the situation was urgent, Bai Shujie finally met with the new fighters on the afternoon of the fourth day, and at the same time announced the reorganization plan:

Task force headquarters: Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan, correspondents: Liu Cuihua, Liu Wanruo

Baggage squad (19 people): Chen Dazhu served as squad leader, and Zou Baoyin served as deputy squad leader (former reconnaissance battalion soldier).

Temporarily arrange the first row: Wei Chong as the platoon leader, Zhao Sanbao as the deputy platoon leader

Temporary Squad One (18 people): Wang Sanju as squad leader, Lu Wanqing as deputy squad leader (mainly composed of former prisoners of war)

Temporary second squad (18 people): Yang Mantun as squad leader, Hao Jicai as deputy squad leader (mainly composed of former police officers)

Temporary three squads (18 people): Zhang Erleng as squad leader, Xu Sanjiang as deputy squad leader (former reconnaissance battalion fighter)

Temporary squad four (18 people): Qiu Wanyou as squad leader, Luo Qingsong as deputy squad leader (former reconnaissance battalion fighter)

After reorganization, the task force has a total of 96 people.However, only the first and second squads are currently able to undertake combat missions.Because these people are relatively complete, and there are no injuries on their bodies.

But they were all former prisoners of war and pseudo-policemen. Even the original company commander Lu Wanqing and platoon leader Hao Jicai couldn't guarantee what their combat effectiveness was. They could only shake their heads, including Bai Shujie.Now there is no way but to slowly run in.

Gao Erwa, Liu Jufu, Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan, and Liang Jishan were all in the delivery squad, and there were 9 lightly injured people who could not move vigorously.The supply squad is responsible for the entire core supply, so naturally people cannot be added casually.At present, Chen Dazhu has arrived at the secret camp of Tianhua Mountain.The current supply squad is actually Zou Baoyin leading Liu Jufu and the others.

After careful consideration, Bai Shujie decided to equip each squad with 4 crooked machine guns, 2 grenade launchers, 2 mortars, and 4 [-]-style rifles.Generally, battles are carried out, each squad carries light machine guns and grenades, and mortars are carried in tough battles.Then, according to the combat situation, decide whether to use heavy machine guns and infantry artillery.

As soon as the reorganization plan was announced, the squad leader and deputy squad leader began to get together to divide the personnel, and then organized the group. Wei Chong and Zhao Sanbao explained the origin and battle history of the task force.Lu Wanqing, Hao Jicai and other newcomers realized that they had joined a famous army, and they were immediately elated!

Everyone, especially young people, has a hero complex in their hearts.It is the dream of young people to be able to join a team of heroes who are said to be miraculous.After the key introductions by the squad leaders, they realized that the captain in front of them was the famous Bai Shujie!

"It's no wonder that dozens of you dare to single out a brigade of little devils, and even beat the little devils to flee, even the leader of the brigade, Banjin Naochun, was beaten to death!" Lu Wanqing said excitedly: "I didn't expect us It was a great luck to be recruited by Commander-in-Chief Bai, what a blessing in my previous life!"

Bai Shujie took the opportunity to speak: "Today, many new comrades-in-arms have been added to our team. This is something to be happy about. The Jehol Front Army is at the forefront of the Anti-Japanese War, and what is needed is bloody Chinese. Our battle cry is only sixteen One word: Don't give up an inch, fight to the end! Face to face, I am invincible!"

At noon on the fifth day, squad leader Wang Sanju hurried back to the cave to report: "A large number of enemies have suddenly increased in the direction of Lianshanguan. The preliminary estimate is that there are more than 2000 people. They are mainly traitors called the 'Independence Army'. Inside the train station, the next move is not clear. The little devil is going around to catch the civilians, and it is said that the barracks will be refurbished."

All of this was expected, Bai Shujie didn't look up, he was still staring at the map: "We will closely monitor the enemy's every move, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

In fact, Bai Shujie didn't look at the map anymore. The word Shao Benliang was like a heavy hammer hitting his chest hard!

Shao Benliang is a die-hard traitor, an old bearded man who has been a gangster for many years, and he has also served as the head of the Northeast Army and belongs to Wan Fulin's subordinates.When the little devil attacked Rehe, it was he who joined the enemy in Beipiao, causing the entire defense line to collapse.

After the Battle of the Great Wall was over, he transformed himself into the head of the puppet army again.The little devil soon discovered his "talent", so he became the major general of Dongbian Road and the commander of "suppressing bandits".

The little devils pay attention to everything in order, so for the gang of traitors who followed them to fight the anti-Japanese team, they were also ranked according to their merits.Shao Benliang, Wang Youcheng, and Li Dashan are collectively known as the "Three Great Powers in the Northeast", and Shao Benliang is also known as the "No. [-] Power in the Northeast".

Those who work for a tiger are fiercer than a tiger, and traitors are more hateful than devils!

Shao Benliang is better than the little devil in fighting the Anti-Japanese League.Although the little devils are good at marksmanship and have the spirit of samurai, they can't play with their skills once they enter the mountains. They are often led around the mountains like donkeys by the Anti-Japanese soldiers, and then beat them up again.

Shao Benliang doesn't suffer from this loss, he is a veteran of drilling mountains and forests.Most of the soldiers under him were bandits. When they fought, they not only carried guns, but also a knife. They started cutting road signs as soon as they entered the forest. In this way, they could not get lost no matter how they turned in the mountains. .

When it snows in winter, after fighting the little devils, the people of the Anti-Union sneak into the woods, and then sweep the snow marks on the ground, so that the little devils don't know where they are. Use it, no matter how clean you sweep the snow, he can still find your tracks.

It is also because of this that Shao Benliang is so arrogant that he has no limits. He often boasted in front of little devils: "With me, Shao Benliang, there would be no Yang Jingyu!"

Others don't know what Shao Benliang is like, and Bai Shujie, who is called "half a god" by the people around him, how could he not know what Shao Benliang is!

Bai Shujie finally understood that no matter what he did, the course of history still did not deviate from his general direction, and Shao Benliang still appeared in the inherent place!However, the target of the attack was not Yang Jingyu, but Bai Shujie!The only thing I don't know is where Yang Jingyu's first division is now.

With my own containment here, the anti-Japanese situation in Jilin should be less stressful.Bai Shujie can only comfort himself in this way, because he is not a savior and can only do what he should do.

Unexpectedly, for three days in a row, there was no movement from even Shanguan.This is a rare good opportunity, and the slightly injured have already started recovery training.The squad platoon leader stepped up the training of the new fighters, hoping that the new team that had just been reorganized would have a process of getting familiar with each other and get used to each other, so that they could form a certain combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan taught Liu Cuihua and Liu Wanruo one-on-one, teaching them how to send and receive newspapers.As a result, Liu Wanruo quickly became addicted to it. Liu Cuihua said that she had never read a book, and she resolutely quit after two days.

In the end, there was no other way, everyone was busy, and there was no one around Bai Shujie.Xiao Lamei explained all the responsibilities of the correspondent clearly, and then asked Liu Cuihua to follow Bai Shujie.The girl heard that her mother was killed by a little devil, she cried hard for a day, and then she was fine.Now that I heard that I was a correspondent, I was immediately elated.

Liu Cuihua was happy, but Bai Shujie was getting more and more headaches.The enemy is always hiding in the lair, which is not a good sign.

The more cautious the enemy is, the bigger the plot.If the enemy starts to act in a hurry as soon as they drive over, it will inevitably leave many loopholes.It has been more than a week now, and the enemy has been standing still, so Bai Shujie felt a little uneasy.

It turned out that the enemy who came this time was indeed Shao Benliang as the commander, with a total of more than 00 people in his department.However, due to the influence of many factors, they have always been unable to take action.

First of all, although the fourth battalion of Lianshanguan garrison did not lose many people, there were more than [-] casualties before and after, which was less than a small team.However, the battalion leader Itatsu Naosum and the squadron leader of the machine gun squadron were killed.The squadron leader of the machine gun squadron, the owner of the house where Bai Shujie rescued Liu Wanruo, was actually killed by the soldiers throwing grenades!

At the same time, the two squadrons were broken up during the battle, and there is still a training process after they are gathered.The other two squadrons have been disabled, and even if they are replenished, it will take a long time.

In particular, the Kwantung Army Command was still uncertain about the candidate for the captain, and the defense of Lianshan Pass became the top priority.Because of this, Shao Benliang has to take on the defensive task of Lianshan Pass for the time being.

The important point is that there are some deviations between the current situation and the history.The current Shao Benliang has not yet gained the complete trust of the little devil, and the troop changeover has not yet been completed.Nowadays, more than half of the people still use miscellaneous guns, and they don't even have the [-]-type rifles, let alone heavy weapons.

When coming from Xinjing (Changchun), the Kwantung Army Command said that Lianshan Pass had prepared heavy weapons.Unexpectedly, there is no barracks in Lianshanguan now, and all the heavy weapons have been taken away.When patrolling the battlefield, I found some scattered rifles and some scattered bullets, but this was just a drop in the bucket.

In the past three days, Shao Benliang and his Japanese adviser Hidetoshi Hideo had disagreements, and no one could convince the other.

Especially the "Teacher Cai" that Liu Wanruo mentioned, his opinion played a big role: "Judging from several battlefields, this team doesn't seem like Bai Shujie's army. The situation is different these few times. The [-]-type rifle is not needed at all, and all the rifles in Fengcheng have been smashed. Judging from all signs, the revenge team should be a team related to Bai Shujie team, but not necessarily Bai Shujie himself.”

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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