blood feud

241. Simultaneous Moves

For Bai Shujie, Shao Benliang had only heard of it, and he simply sneered at the cautious behavior of the Japanese and "Teacher Cai".

He believes: "The battlefield is messy, indicating that the enemy is running out of time, and it is a hasty retreat. If you can start operations as soon as possible, you can catch the enemy's tail. If you drag on like this, all the clues will be cut off in the end, and it will be difficult to find them. .”

I don't know why, but the Japanese consultant was noncommittal about Shao Benliang's suggestion. The reason was that the first mission given to him by the Kwantung Army was to ensure the safety of Lianshan Pass, otherwise he would be a sinner of the empire.Therefore, the consultant feels that safety is the first priority now, and tracking the enemy is still secondary, and it is not appropriate to take major actions for the time being.

When the master says a word, that is the imperial decree.To be a dog is to have the awareness of being a dog. When the advisor speaks, Shao Benliang and "Teacher Cai" dare not even fart except "Hayi".

According to the advisor's instructions, Shao Benliang sent two companies to the countryside, the main purpose of which was to arrest civilians and go back to build barracks and revive the garrison brigade headquarters.

At noon on the ninth day after entering Yaoziling, Bai Shujie finally got the news he wanted!Therefore, Bai Shujie called Wei Chong, Zhao Sanbao, Xiao Lamei, and Wang Xinlan to hold a military meeting that afternoon for a comprehensive deployment.

"Today Wang Sanju came back to report that Shao Benliang's two companies came out and were operating in Sandaohe and Yangjiabao. The threat to us is too great! Let’s talk about what we should do.”

Xiao Lamei said in an interface: "Don't you want to eat them? Isn't that exposing us in advance?"

"Yeah, as long as we fight here, the area will definitely be raided, and the cave will definitely not be able to hide. Zhang Erlen can't move long distances now. Once the wound bursts, it will be dangerous." Wei Chong also shook his head. Shaking his head: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, I don't agree to do it. Bear with it, maybe they will retreat."

Zhao Sanbao nodded and said: "The captain's idea is very good, we should fight! However, don't break them up. After hitting them hard, take them away, and go as far as possible! This way, the enemy will spawn illusion, and at the same time achieve the purpose of protecting our secret camp.”

"I think another possibility should be considered." Wang Xinlan shook her head and said with a smile: "Although I have never commanded a battle, if I were Shao Benliang, since I couldn't find the enemy, I would find a way to make the enemy come to us Therefore, the two released companies are a bait if they are not done properly! In this sense, Shao Benliang probably suspects that we are nearby."

Bai Shujie listened to the speeches of the four people, and nodded slightly: "Lamei and Wei Chong didn't understand what I meant, and Sanbao and Xinlan only spoke half of what they said. Sanbao's strategy can be used as the first step, and at the same time, it also cracked the heart. Ran's worries. But it's not enough! Come and see—"

With a sound of swiping, Bai Shujie opened the big map: "Motianling is [-] kilometers northwest of us, and more than ten kilometers away from Lianshan Pass. Yangjiabao is about five kilometers north of us, and more than ten kilometers southeast of Motianling. So Xinlan is worried. That's right, Shao Benliang's two companies seem to be hanging out alone, but Lianshanguan and Motianling can be reinforced at any time. From this, we can judge that the possibility of these two companies being used as bait is extremely high!"

"However, anyone who has ever fished knows that many times the bait is lost, but the fish is not caught. Since Shao Benliang wants to fish, then we will follow the plan and take a bite of his bait! Then follow what Sanbao said Yes, to lure them away, but not as far away as possible, but should be as beneficial to us as possible!"

"Look, isn't Weizigou, which is more than 20 kilometers west of us, a good place to cross the river? So, I decided to send a squad out to beat the enemy hard. Then I retreated southwest along the ravine and passed through the high river. Jiabao and Lanhualing are facing west, giving the enemy the illusion that we are going to cross the river west along the Weizigou line!"

"At the same time, our other two squads set off ahead of schedule, rushed to Weizigou to build a position, and set him up for an ambush! Let Shao Benliang have a long memory, don't be too crazy! The key to this ambush is to master the fire." .It is able to call out the enemy, but not let the enemy stick to it. Which of you two dares to go?"

Wei Chong smiled and said, "Of course I went! I will lead a squad to lure the enemy. Once the enemy starts to reinforce me, I will fight while retreating."

Zhao Sanbao has no way to compete with Wei Chong. In Chengde, Wei Chong is the battalion commander and he is the company commander; here Wei Chong is the platoon leader and he is the deputy platoon leader.Therefore, he said indifferently: "I don't care, whether it is to lure the enemy or ambush, I guarantee to complete the task!"

"In that line, Wei Chong leads a squad to be responsible for luring the enemy, and is equipped with three mortars, with strong firepower. If you can't take it away after the fight, just throw it away. Xiao Lamei brings a radio with her to keep in touch at any time. Sanbao and I led the second and third squads to the predetermined location to set up an ambush, while Qiu Wanyou's fourth squad stayed in the secret camp. However, Wei Chong will set off in the middle of the night today, passing through Beibao, and the target cannot be exposed along the way. At noon tomorrow Attack."

Bai Shujie finally said: "After the ambush, Wei Chong led a team across the river and crossed westward, and found a few traitors from the maintenance committee to deal with them, so as to make the momentum bigger. Then they went in secret and went straight back to the Tianhua Mountain secret camp. Fight Pay attention to the performance of the new fighters. You should understand what I mean. After this battle, we will return to the secret camp of Tianhua Mountain. Unreliable people must not take half a step! Everyone prepare now, don’t Tell the soldiers what to do and keep it secret."

At nine o'clock that night, Wei Chong led a group to set off first.Because there were three mortars and a base shell, three pack horses were taken.In order to ensure firepower, Wei Chong asked Bai Shujie for permission to replace the four rifles with four machine guns.In this way, the entire squad of 18 people has eight machine guns and three mortars.

At the same time, Bai Shujie specially found Qiu Wanyou and asked their fourth squad to strictly guard the secret camp.In case of an irreversible change, just let the people go, blow up the weapons and ammunition, and carry Zhang Erlen away.Human life is as big as the sky, and everything else is secondary.

Like Wei Chong, the second and third squads led by Zhao Sanbao also put down their rifles and replaced them with crooked machine guns.In addition, I brought six mortars and six grenade launchers, and naturally needed six draft horses to accompany me.

Originally, Bai Shujie asked the logistics team to stay in the secret camp to strengthen the defense, but everyone wanted to participate in the battle.Considering that the scale of future battles may expand infinitely, Bai Shujie finally agreed to the application of the logistics squad.In this way, the total number of the team participating in the ambush reached 48 people, with crooked machine guns.

This does not include Bai Shujie, Wang Xinlan, Liu Cuihua, and Liu Wanruo.Bringing Liu Wanruo is necessary to use her to send the report, Wang Xinlan is not ready to be exposed yet.

In order to conceal his whereabouts, Bai Shujie ordered everyone to walk along the ridge.Although the road is difficult, there are no ordinary people.If you find someone poking your head on the way, it must be the enemy's spy, kill without mercy!It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go. This is the time.The benevolence of a woman will be spoiled at this time!

Walking on the ridge, especially in the middle of the night, if you don't have the skills, don't talk big.Let alone whether you can climb it, if you can guarantee not to fall into the cliffs on both sides, you will win.Fortunately, the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion practiced this, and they were the ones who opened the way ahead.

As a result, it was not until three o'clock in the morning that we crossed the big valley in the southwest, and then continued to climb the ridge to the west, all the way over the mountains and ridges.After marching all the way, Lu Wanqing and his former brothers finally understood a truth: the reason why the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment has such a great reputation is not for nothing!

It is said that in order to keep secret, Wei Chong adopted the method of the ancients, adding a bridle to the three pack horses to prevent the horses from barking.He also cut off the little devil's military coat and bound up the horse's hooves.Then he ordered everyone to bite a short wooden stick, and those who didn't want to bite the stick could bite the bayonet, anyway, to prevent coughing.

But this time is different from the raid on Motianling Guandi Temple, and there is no need to rush.The most important thing is to keep it secret. You must not let others notice the existence of the secret camp, and then suddenly appear at the foot of the southeast mountain of Motianling.That place was also the place where the raid was launched before, but this time the target of the attack was Yangjiabao in the east ravine.

The difficulty of this raid was not to harm the people in the village.Therefore, the battle needs to master the rhythm, not to be reckless.Fortunately, Squad One was in charge of reconnaissance missions, so Wang Sanju knew the situation inside the Yang Family Fort like the back of his hand.Shao Benliang's two companies were stationed in the village office and the ancestral hall respectively, some distance away from the common people.

At around 20:[-] the next morning, Wei Chong's troops arrived at the scheduled location.There are dense trees here, and it is impossible to find [-] people hiding here.Moreover, it is only three kilometers away from Yangjiabao in the ravine to the east, and they can rush down to attack at any time.

"Lamei quickly set up the radio station and is ready to send a report at any time! The others rest for three hours!"

After Wei Chong arranged his troops, he found a mountain top, and then used a telescope to observe Yangjiabao at the foot of the opposite mountain.Now is the time for every family to get up and make breakfast, but there is not much smoke in Yangjiabao Village.

But in an open area in the north of the village, more than 100 people could already be seen running around. From the color of those clothes, Wei Chong knew that they were puppet soldiers.I don't know what I'm busy with. Working out is not like working out, and working is not like working.

"Don't the villagers dare to get up and cook because they are afraid of the puppet soldiers? This seems unreasonable. After all, these puppet soldiers are here every day, and the common people can't stop eating forever." There is a puff of smoke, it should be that the puppet army is cooking breakfast."

Although there is a feeling of unreliability in my heart, it is now on the line.Wei Chong saw the situation on the other side clearly, so he leaned against a tree and closed his eyes to rest.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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