blood feud

246 , Burning the Stubborn Enemy

Following the series of explosions of the shells, not only shrapnel flew out, but also the blasted rubble scattered in all directions.The small stone was the size of a fist, and the big stone was the size of a washbasin, which immediately smashed the enemies in the ravine and fled in all directions.After this bombing, all the protruding rocks on the mountain wall were blown away, creating great difficulties for the enemies climbing the mountain beam.

Whether it's Beiyuan young turtle or Geng Haolong, they think things are too wishful thinking.The width of the entire ravine is no more than 300 meters at the widest point, and the distance gets closer as you go upstream.When they climbed the hillside, it was tantamount to handing over their backs to the opposite mountain ridge.

Bai Shujie has already explained that this method may be used against the enemy: once the enemy attacks the mountain ridge, the machine guns on the opposite side will suppress it.Now that the enemy chose to attack Hao Jicai's position, Xu Sanjiang naturally immediately ordered all the nearby machine guns to shoot at the opposite mountain wall.

The enemy was originally struggling to climb the bare mountain wall, but now the dense rain of bullets came from behind, and the more than 50 death squads suddenly rolled down like dumplings, and no one crossed the mountainside in the end. .

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the enemy's breakout operations suffered fatal blows one after another, and the sky had completely darkened.Both the enemy and the enemy can no longer see each other, so they lose the target of attack.

There were neither incendiaries nor flares.If you shoot indiscriminately, it is a waste of ammunition, and it is impossible to kill the enemy.As a result, Bai Shujie turned around in a hurry.

"Arrange battlefield vigilance and take turns to eat dry food!"

After Bai Shujie gave the order, he wandered back and forth on the hillside.As a result, I accidentally tripped over a pile of dry grass and made a big somersault.Fortunately, he has practiced martial arts for many years and is agile, otherwise he might have a black nose and a swollen face.

When he got up, he grabbed a handful of thatch to vent his anger.Just this one action immediately made him stay in place!

Chapter 103 of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is about Zhuge Liang fighting Sima Yi.That was exactly the way Zhuge Liang used to deal with Sima Yi in late autumn and August, which was to "burn the upper valley with fire"!Although God helped Sima Yi in the end and let him escape by chance, there is nothing wrong with the strategy itself.

Thinking of this, Bai Shujie immediately made up his mind: It's the beginning of winter, and the mountains and plains are full of thatch grass, and it's extremely dry, and it will burn when it encounters a fire!Zhuge Kongming set fire to Shangfang Valley, and Lao Tzu set fire to Sidaogou today!

"Sanjiang, order the soldiers to collect the thatch quickly! Cuihua, go back to the opposite side quickly and notify Hao Jicai to organize people to collect the thatch. Everyone is required to collect five bundles of thatch, and it will be done within half an hour!"

Half an hour later, Bai Shujie gave an order, and Xu Sanjiang's squad took the lead. More than 100 bundles of thatch were lit and thrown into the ravine.Hao Jicai on the opposite side, Zou Baoyin on the upstream, and Wei Chong on the downstream all followed the rules.There are more than 100 bundles in one shift, and nearly [-] bundles of thatch are thrown into the ravine and burned, and the flames burst into the sky immediately!

Bai Shujie saw that it was as bright as day in the ravine, and immediately shouted: "The machine gun starts firing short bursts, attacking the fleeing enemies!"

The fighting lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, when the gunfire finally subsided slowly, and all the pine nuts (torches tied with pine nuts and pine branches) tied by each squad according to the requirements were all lit to ensure that the surrounding valley could be seen clearly.

"The machine gunners perform battlefield security, while the others clean up the battlefield and search for remnants of the enemy. Move quickly and withdraw from the position in an hour!"

Following Bai Shujie's order, all four directions poured into the valley.Everyone still doesn't know what the valley looks like after a big fire.

Wang Xinlan and Liu Wanruo packed up the radio station, and Liu Wanruo said: "Captain, I didn't expect you to remember "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" very well, but here you think of using fire to attack. It's a bit like Zhuge Liang back then!"

Bai Shujie smiled and said, "Why, Wan Ruo girl has also watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Where is it, there used to be a storyteller in our inn. I have heard many times that Sima Yi's soldiers were trapped in the upper valley. The gentleman who heard the book said that Zhuge Liang's most powerful strategy was to use fire! His first battle out of the mountain It is to burn Xinye, and the last battle in life is to burn the upper valley! He dies before he leaves the army, which will make the hero burst into tears! Bah, bah, bah, my words don't count!"

Bai Shujie showed his face and laughed: "Hahaha! I didn't expect Wanruo to be so knowledgeable and superstitious! Zhuge Liang is also a human being, not a god. He has made many mistakes. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is even more inconsistent and cannot justify itself. This book says that Zhuge Liang knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. He can calculate everything at any time, so why didn’t he calculate that there will be a heavy rain on the upper valley? Obviously this is a nonsense fabrication. So, believe in the book It is better to have no books, the ancients were sincere and did not deceive me!"

Liu Cuihua interjected: "Whatever it is, anyway, Captain, you solved the battle with a big fire. This is what I saw with my own eyes! I don't know about Zhuge Liang, and I have never seen it. But I heard from you that he didn't burn the enemy to death, so he failed. In this regard, the captain is better than Zhuge Liang!"

"Yes, sister Cuihua is on point, I agree!" Wei Chong climbed up from the ravine and said, "Preliminary statistics show that more than 200 or 300 enemies were killed or burned in this battle, but the specific statistics are not clear. Strangely, how did the other 600 people slip out?"

"That's not bad!" Bai Shujie shook his head and said, "A big ditch that is five or six miles long can't be seen by only five or sixty of us. Just now we talked about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". !According to the original plan, all the dry food will be concentrated in your hands. When everyone returns, put out the torches and you will set off. I wish you a smooth journey!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely make the enemy run around!" Wei Chong nodded and said, "This is a big victory, and there are only 11 minor injuries in total, but the ammunition is very consumed. I don't know if we can collect them later. Make up for the loss. However, the shells must not make ends meet."

"It's nothing. Ammunition is for fighting, and keeping it is the biggest failure." Bai Shujie stared at Wei Chong and said, "Is anyone in the first squad injured? If you are injured, you must stay. This action is not a joke. , It is absolutely not allowed to start with injuries!"

"It's okay! Two boys have sprained their ankles, and they'll be fine after a short walk." Wei Chong shook his head and said, "I'm worried about you. You're right under the nose of the enemy. If you're not careful, you'll have big problems!"

"Don't worry, I've already made arrangements!" Bai Shujie and Wei Chong hugged each other, and then went about their business.The remaining tactical actions are top secret, so there is no need to say more.

At two o'clock in the morning, all the people went west along the ravine where the battle had been fought. In the darkness, no one knew when there would be fewer people.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when Bai Shujie led the large troops to Hanjia Village.He suddenly turned to the southeast and arrived at the main peak of Changling at dawn, so he arranged for everyone to rest.

The guard post is divided into three layers, the farthest layer is close to two kilometers, and the nearest one is 500 meters away.And it is strictly stipulated that if it is confirmed that it is a nearby villager or hunter, ask them about the road to Liaoyang.

If you find people who are probing and thinking, you will immediately control them, and then send people twenty miles to the west.Anyone who resists by force will be executed in secret and then buried deep!

Bai Shujie is not a pedantic person, a small mistake may cause an unmanageable situation.Now is the time when human life is at stake, and the safety of the troops is as big as the sky.Working in the heart of the enemy, there is no tolerance for kindness, let alone a slight mistake.

In this way, Bai Shujie led everyone to walk for three days and three nights, going in a circle of more than 400 miles, and finally returned to the Yaoziling secret camp in the early morning of the fourth day.

Although all the participating players tried their best to keep their voices down, they couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts.Especially the soldiers of the fourth class who did not participate in the battle, they pulled the returning warriors and asked them non-stop.He asked for every detail several times, and he almost asked how many hairs the little devil had!

Bai Shujie did not interfere with the bragging between the soldiers. After the last huge sacrifice, morale has been low.This battle finally made everyone elated, forgetting all the unhappiness, and regained the strong confidence of "I am the best in the world"!

It's true, a small team of less than 70 people just put down an enemy ten times their own size, and it's impossible not to be excited!It doesn't work if you don't brag about this cowhide, humility is false pride!

Besides, on the battlefield, there should be a kind of heroic spirit of "whom I can give up"-although Bai Shujie doesn't like others to regard himself as a hero, but the army is where heroes are needed!

Especially Liu Wanruo, Liu Cuihua, Wang Xinlan and others vividly described the wonderful story of how the captain "wrinkled his brows and then set fire to the devil soldiers", which immediately fascinated everyone.

Xiao Lamei also sent a long telegram of the two consecutive battles to Zhao Jinxi, Gan Tong and others in Rehe, focusing on the situation of the enemy's troop mobilization.

The issue of the heavy casualties suffered by the troops was not mentioned, because no one can replace Bai Shujie's position.If the people in the family are worried all day long, nothing can be done. "Report good news but not bad news" refers to this time.

Because there were more than a dozen lightly wounded, the original transfer plan could only be postponed for a few days.Squad [-] was gone, and Squad [-], which hadn't participated in the battle, was sent out to scout the enemy.

After two days of rest, all the participating team members have fully recovered their physical strength, which is counted from the capture situation of this battle.301 guns were retrieved, more than the corpses at the scene.

However, no one dared to use these guns, because they were all smoked by the fire, and more than half of some wooden butts were burned away.How about the performance, then no one can guarantee.After Bai Shujie's inspection, the two mortars can be used in an emergency and cannot be used as regular equipment.

Ammunition was the most seized. It seems that the enemy used light clothing for the convenience of escape, and all the complete ammunition boxes were left behind.However, Wei Chong's original estimate was correct. The bullets basically kept their capital, and the total number of shells carried by the enemy.They didn't shoot as many as Bai Shujie and the others, and the dozen or so shells left behind didn't matter at all.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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