blood feud

247、Focus on the Big Picture

After careful inspection, among the 301 guns seized, there was nothing wrong with 6 light machine guns.The bolt action, the recoil spring are fine, the barrel is fine.There were also 87 rifles that were largely intact, some with the straps burned off.

Looking at these things, an idea came to Bai Shujie's mind, so he asked Liu Cuihua to find Tan Zhongping and Huang Suzhen.

Bai Shujie said tentatively: "We can't stay here for too long, you young couple should be prepared, right? You will be preparing to go home next, and you need to pay more attention to safety issues in the future."

"Oh, what else can I do." Tan Zhongping said with Yaoyao's head, "If it wasn't for my old lady who was paralyzed on the bed and couldn't move, I would definitely have gone with you. I got married with Suzhen because I actually wanted to find someone to take care of my old lady. I didn't expect that the little devil is simply not a human being, and the maintenance club will talk about 'goodwill and mutual prosperity', and put his mother's stinky fart!"

Bai Shujie nodded and said: "The two of you are most familiar with the situation here, and there are still many people who have been ruined by little devils and traitors. In my personal opinion, being a obedient citizen may not guarantee safety. Just like the cases of Fan Jiabao and Li Jiabao. Those fellow villagers, the little devils can drive them out. Compensation of only fifty cents or one yuan per farm, is this something that people can do?"

Huang Suzhen said: "Captain, you are very capable and knowledgeable, give us an idea!"

Bai Shujie nodded: "If you want me to tell you, everyone has to unite and twist into a rope to keep safe. You have also seen that if you want to expect the little devil to be kind, it is a dream!"

Tan Zhongping shook his head and said annoyedly: "We also want to, but now the maintenance committee has stipulated that each shotgun can only store five bullets at home, which makes it impossible to hunt normally. Everyone is also powerless. Now They all stare."

"I said, Tan Zhongping, you are also a five-foot-tall man. Since you married Suzhen's sister into your house, you have to find a way to ensure her safety?" Bai Shujie began to introduce the topic: "Can't you marry the girl from the village? The lads are organized and set up a village protection team or something? There are big mountains here, and when the little devils come, they organize the villagers to go up the mountain and drill into the forest. Usually, you can dig more caves in the mountains and hide some food in them."

"This is a good way!" Tan Zhongping's eyes lit up: "If you can hide things underground, it's impossible for the little devil to find them so easily!"

Bai Shujie smiled and said: "That's the reason! For this kind of thing, secrecy is the key. If you can organize trustworthy boys in private, I can help you! I can prepare guns and ammunition for you. Some."

"That's great!" Tan Zhongping stood up immediately: "Captain, if you can really give us some quick guns, I still have a dozen or so good friends."

"Okay, it's settled!" Bai Shujie patted Tan Zhongping on the shoulder: "See, this cave will be handed over to you from now on. I will leave enough guns and ammunition for you, I hope you will not let me down, Don't let Miss Suzhen down! Now go over and let Squad Leader Zou tell you to order these guys around!"

Bai Shujie didn't have much expectations for what Tan Zhongping and the others could develop into in the future.But he knows one thing, as long as the people have enough guns and ammunition, the society will definitely not be stable!Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone people!

Ten people, ten guns, and one hundred bullets, as long as one person can kill a little devil, Bai Shujie's goal will be achieved!

All the people are soldiers, the whole people are fighting against the Japanese, and the masses are fighting. This is the only way to deal with the little devils at present.If there are all obedient civilians behind the enemy, then the general situation is over!

In Bai Shujie's memory, the most successful battle in the Anti-Japanese War was when General Yang Jingyu led the main force of the First Division of the First Army and wiped out a small group of devils at once.At that time, it shocked the whole country and shocked the little devil!

In addition to other kinds of battles, sometimes for an hour or two, not even a hair of the enemy was injured.Even so, after 14 years of fighting, more than 8 little devils were killed!

What is this concept?This is equivalent to the way that the Anti-League adopted the method of exchanging lives for lives and wiped out the four reorganized divisions of the little devils alive. This credit is greater than the sky!

After dealing with the problem of these tattered guns, Bai Shujie began to think about new things.After sitting alone for two days, I finally found Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan, and dictated an extended telegram:

"Top secret. Zhao, Gan, Cao, and Sheng: Since the expedition in September, the squad has created a great factor of instability in the enemy's rear. At present, the Japanese army is severely understrength, the rear is unstable, and there is no time to look around in the short term. It is the front army that has completed After reorganization, it is an excellent time to improve combat effectiveness through high-intensity training."

"Flowing water does not rot, and household hubs do not rot. Rehe cannot close its doors and defend itself. It should carry out extensive cooperation with the outside world under the premise of taking appropriate measures to ensure safety. Whether it is political alliances or economic trade, exchanges can be carried out with the outside world. For For these issues, the following suggestions are hereby made, and we hope to deal with them as appropriate."

"First, Luanping Town is located at the throat of north-south traffic, so it can be opened up as a special zone in Rehe. As long as they are not Japanese or traitors, other people can stay here as long as they abide by Rehe's security management regulations. Or settle down , or start a business, or open a factory, or run a school, it doesn’t matter.”

"Second, strengthen the defense of the front line of Duolun, as the military backing of the Luanping Special Zone, to prevent the Japanese army or traitors from causing trouble. On this basis, the railway control can be properly relaxed to communicate between the north and the south. For Mongolian and other ethnic minorities, they should be encouraged Use high-quality war horses to come to Rehe to trade, and the price is favorable. It not only ensures the vested interests of the ethnic minority brothers, but also enhances the development potential of Rehe."

"Third, with the loosening of policies, various forces will inevitably find ways to infiltrate Rehe. The Provincial Public Security Department and the Internal Security Bureau should formulate an 'entry and exit management system' as soon as possible, and set up offices in Luanping, Chifeng, and Jianping. Examine and issue (entry) permits to the outside world. At the same time, we must strengthen anti-espionage and anti-evil work, and we must not be negligent.”

"Fourth, set up a Labor Security Bureau to register the employment situation of all enterprises in Rehe, and make clear regulations: From now on, all employees of enterprises must register with the Labor Security Bureau, otherwise they will be regarded as enemy spies and punished. At the same time, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce immediately re-registered the business licenses of all merchants and enterprises, and re-issued the business licenses. However, the replacement of licenses is free of charge, and the Rehe Provincial Finance will allocate special funds.”

"We must warn all government employees: peace is temporary, and war is long-term. We must seize the rare opportunity in front of us. The future of Rehe lies in the degree to which we grasp the current development opportunity. We must warn commanders and fighters at all levels of the front army, The current balanced situation can last for at most three to six months. After the spring of next year, the situation may change suddenly. Be sure to take all precautions and prepare for war! Bai Shujie."

After sending out this extended telegram, Bai Shujie finally felt much more relaxed.The four generals Cao Fengxiang, Zhao Jinxi, Gan Tong, and Sheng Zhiguo each have their own strengths, and they are all extremely intelligent.Although the telegram is to the point, Bai Shujie believes that they will be able to perform beyond the standard and implement all tasks.

After stabilizing his rear, he had to consider creating greater instability for the little devils.This is Bai Shujie's consistent principle, and it is also the goal he has painstakingly pursued.

Bai Shujie's position for himself is very clear: Relying solely on the power of Rehe, it is impossible to defeat the little devil.However, it is an effective method to constantly create trouble for the little devil, make the little devil's backyard fire frequently, and make this kind of backyard fire become the norm as much as possible.It's a good idea to keep the little devil's main combat force always fighting the fire in the rear!

Since the fire was going to be set, there must be a group of capable arsonists, so Bai Shujie brought Liu Cuihua to visit the wounded.No, it wasn't Bai Shujie who wanted to take Liu Cuihua with him, but Liu Cuihua himself followed.Now everyone is in a cave, and there is no need for any guards at all.

Seriously injured Zhang Erleng has been able to sit up, which is a good sign.As long as the wound is completely healed, he can return to Tianhua Mountain.This place is really too dangerous, every day when Bai Shujie sleeps with one eye open, this is simply not a human life.The other light wounded were also fine, dangling around with their arms in bandages.Although you can't get out of the cave, the space inside is large enough.

After seven turns and eight turns, he was transferred to the baggage squad.Liu Jufu is over 40 years old, and no one forces him to train.Besides, his marksmanship has been fixed, and no one can change it.According to military regulations, one eye must be closed when aiming, this is to prevent ghosting.

But Liu Jufu is not like this.His eyes are always wide open, and no one can surpass him in shooting accuracy!As for whether Liu Jufu took aim, no one knows.

During the ambush a few days ago, Liu Jufu hid inside the fortifications without looking outside.Unexpectedly waving a gun to the outside, it is definitely a hole in the eyebrows, no exceptions!

Like a father, like a son, Liu Zhiwu has completely inherited his father's marksmanship.Regardless of whether it was a rifle or a machine gun, Liu Zhiwu always shot with his eyes wide open, and he was never seen emptying the gun.

Because of this, the two young men Tang Pingshan and Liang Jishan also have the same problem, and they simply sneered at the "turning a blind eye" repeatedly emphasized by squad leader Zou Baoyin!Why, because although Zou Baoyin's marksmanship is good, it can't catch up with Liu Jufu and Liu Zhiwu and his son!

What is the army?That's where the heroes come in!No matter how much you boast, it's useless!Whether it's a mule or a horse, pull them out for a walk!

Standing from a distance and watching for more than half an hour, Zou Baoyin was always left deflated.Therefore, Bai Shujie's brows began to frown together, and then relaxed, revealing a faint smile.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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